I am Vardy

Chapter 556 Night Raid on Women's Prison?

In fact, Bashen had a more unfortunate childhood than Vardy.

Vardy’s biological father left and his mother stayed with him all the time, but Bashen was abandoned by his biological parents when he was two years old. If it wasn’t for an Italian couple who adopted him, then the name Bashen might not be would not exist.

Many people in the previous life felt that Balotelli's personality was so surly, probably because of this factor.

So Vardy sometimes feels that he should take care of Balotelli. After all, he has snatched Balotelli's funny title, although it seems that he is not a few years older than him.

No, Bashen got into trouble again.

It's nothing to take my brother to drive to Brescia and even borrow the car from Vardy.

But the problem is that when passing a women's prison, Balotelli suddenly wanted to go in and take a look, as if something in the depths of his soul was attracted, his curiosity prompted him to step on the gas pedal crazily, and rushed to the prison door.

Balotelli is still alive and should be grateful for the mercy of the guards, because the guards with live ammunition had already aimed at him at that time, but they didn't shoot at all.

Needless to say, Balotelli was detained there for half an hour, and then was taken into the police station to squat for a long time before he was finally picked up by Inter Milan.

This guy is indeed a child who will not grow up, or in other words, he only has one brain cell.

Some things, as long as he thinks it is fun and interesting, then he will not think about the consequences, and he will do it first.

If you were a normal person, who would use this method to forcefully break into a women's prison, it would be good if you didn't sue you for attempting to rob prison.

Because of this incident, Mancini was furious. Originally, Vardy in the team was enough for his brain to hurt, but now there is another Balotelli who is not worried, which makes him hair every minute. Lost rhythm?

Why do football geniuses have quirks?

But this time Balotelli couldn't be spared lightly, so Mancini put Balotelli into the reserve team, and when he had a better reflection, he would come back.

At the end of the training, Balotelli came to Vardy looking for comfort with a bitter face.

"Obviously the prison gate is open, I just want to go in out of curiosity, how can I do it? Is it necessary to make such a big move?"

Balotelli's aggrieved appearance is really interesting, after all, he is only a 17-year-old child.

Vardy, of course, is a 20-year-old kid.

Vardy rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Even if you want to go into the women's prison, you can't just rush in like this. They didn't really kill you, so you should thank them for being merciful. What are you complaining about?" !"

"Driving a car on a rampage, even the prison guards wouldn't do it, even if you sneaked up from the back wall!"

"Then why don't you take me to sneak over the wall to have a look? I'm really curious!"

Balotelli looked at Vardy expectantly and begged.

Vardy choked on a word and was completely defeated by Balotelli!

I took you over the wall to raid a women's prison at night?

How did you come up with it?

It's so awesome...Hey, it's a little exciting!

But just as this thought appeared, he immediately shook his head vigorously and dispelled it from his mind.

There is no such thing as death!

Funny is not without a bottom line, you can't make fun of your life.

If he was found out, it would be a trivial matter to lose face, but if he was shot to death by an unsuspecting prison guard, the chance of crossing was wasted!

"Can't your mind be normal?" Vardy raised his volume and yelled at Balotelli, "I'll take you over the wall to explore the Women's Prison. Do you think you're playing a game?"

"Not to mention, if I get caught, I can run fast, and I can barely escape, but what are you going to do, can you outrun me?"

Balotelli shook his head resentfully, if that was the case, then he must be the one who was caught.

It's like saying you met a tiger in the forest,

You don't need to be faster than a tiger, just faster than other people.

"Then what should I do? I just want to see it!"

Balotelli is devastated, like a kid whose lollipop has been robbed.

Sure enough, in Balotelli's world, there is no such thing as normal procedure.

"Couldn't you go the normal way and apply for condolence to the Women's Prison? Idiot!"

Vardy reprimanded angrily, chatting with Balotelli, he is really enough.

Then I watched Balotte look at Vardy with a longing look, completely taking Vardy as a reliance.

Even if Balotelli doesn't speak, Vardy knows what he means.

Obviously, he wanted Vardy to take him there, and it was better to have Vardy as a cover than to mess around by himself.

"Okay, when you perform a hat-trick, I'll take you there!"

Vardy pouted and made a promise, but he didn't take it to heart, because he didn't think Balotelli could easily perform a hat-trick. The ball has already done a great job.

But what Vardy didn't expect was that Balotelli was a little stunned by the stimulation of the women's prison. After returning to the first team, he talked about hat-tricks all day during training, and he was not idle for a moment.

Vardy was really afraid that his unintentional promise would drive Balotelli crazy, so he wondered if he would take him to see it another day?


In the 15th round of the league, Inter Milan ushered in the challenge of the capital team Torino at home.

The relationship between Torino and Inter Milan is good. After all, they both had a common enemy, Juventus. However, after the phone call, the entire Serie A power was reshuffled. It is difficult to say who has a good relationship with whom and who has hatred with whom.

But what Vardy didn't expect was that before the game, he actually received a system task, and it was a restrictive task that required him to fall less than 10 times during the game.

This is very strange, completely out of Vardy's expectations.

With the urine of the system, shouldn't you encourage yourself to fall and make a fool of yourself on the court?

How can you limit the number of times you fall?

Although the rewards are not very generous, it feels like this task is for giving points!

Falling in a football match is normal. Regardless of accidental slipping factors, it is commonplace to fall during a confrontation with an opponent. Let alone ten, if it is softer, it is not impossible to fall six or six in a game.

However, Vardy feels that if he is careful, moves more flexibly, and minimizes entanglement with his opponents, it seems that there is no problem in controlling the number of falls to less than ten times.

But it wasn't until the day of the game that Vardy understood the purpose of the system. Seeing the heavy snow falling from the sky, Vardy was in a bad mood.

He knew that the system would not be so kind, so he dug the hole here!

Although the field has been cleaned out urgently by the stadium staff, but after a while, the lawn is covered with a white layer.

Don't say that you don't want to fight with others physically, even if you slip up by yourself, you probably have to fall more than ten times!

Especially for a player with outstanding explosive power like Vardy, it is okay to step on the ground vigorously during the start-up process. If it is changed to normal, it will be fine now.

Alas, this broken system, forget it!

At the end of the warm-up, the players had snow on their heads. Although it was not as heavy as before, there were still snowflakes.

After discussing with the referee team and communicating with the two clubs, it was decided that the game should continue as usual. After all, the field of view was not affected too much, but the snow game was more difficult.

Back in the locker room, Vardy put on long johns without hesitation. If he wasn't allowed to wear a hat, he must be fully armed.

It's so cold!

Although the ultra-low temperature and bad weather can't stop the enthusiasm of the fans, looking at the way the fans are bouncing in the stands to keep warm, Vardy is really worried that they are jumping too much, so that it will cause resonance and make the stands mess up. collapse.

At this time, Vardy didn't think about the task anymore, because he knew that even if he didn't fight against others, he would probably fall more than ten times just because of the slippery ground.

Anyway, there is no penalty for mission failure, so just treat it as no mission!

Sure enough, his thinking was correct, because after the game started, he had dropped the ball three times before he touched the ball.

The body's memory is hard to change, and it started with a slam. This action alone caused Vardy to fall hard enough, so that slowly, Vardy began to start slowly.

Starting from fifth gear to first gear is really uncomfortable!

Playing football in the snow not only brings great inconvenience to running, but also has a greater impact on dribbling.

Just like when Vardy stopped the ball just now, he wanted to make an extraordinary action of stepping on the ball to the left but suddenly turning right to change direction quickly, but what he didn't expect was that when he stepped on the ball to the left, the ground was too slippery. Liu was pushed to the right, still a long way away from him, but at this moment, his center of gravity hadn't had time to change accordingly, and was tilting to the left.

As a result, it was obvious that Vardy lost the ball, and it was still a very ridiculous low-level mistake.

Even the opponent's defensive players didn't expect Vardy to make a mistake. It was like picking up a big gift bag that fell from the sky, and they couldn't close their mouths!

Then next, the fans enjoyed Vardy's rare compilation of mistakes——

Quick stop, bark...

Change direction, swipe...

pass the ball...

Shoot, huh...

Didn't do anything, lol...

Vardy is about to cry, he doesn't play like this.

It must be the system playing tricks. Although I am good at explosive power and my adaptability to snow is not very strong, but my balance is not so bad, right?

This is still playing football, it is clearly here to perform fancy falls!

Although he didn't have any hope of completing the task, he still had a certain fluke mentality, just in case it would be completed!

But fifteen minutes into the game, there is no need to be lucky, because he has fallen more than ten times!

Vardy stepped on the lawn a few times angrily, to vent his aggrieved emotions, this ball can't be kicked!

As a result, it sucks...

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