I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 106 : Sorry! We Don't Want To Die

"My lord, how do we arrange for the five of us, the eldest son has already clarified our identities, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to continue the task you entrusted to us, lord.

Seeing that Huang Dongjie was about to leave with Song Helang and others, Bai Dousheng's wonderful group of five quickly appeared and knelt on one knee.

Their mission is to hide their identities and be the mastermind behind the scenes to train Da Shizi, and now Da Shizi has clarified their identities.

They could no longer continue to be behind-the-scenes black hands to train the eldest son, and wanted to ask Huang Dongjie about the next arrangement.

"You continue to follow him, you don't need to bother him, and you don't need to interfere with his behavior.

"As long as he doesn't have a life-and-death crisis, you don't need to show up, just watch him quietly.

Huang Dongjie thought about it and decided not to take care of his two sons anymore.

From the moment he came into this world, the two ordinary sons became a son of fortune, which is normal, and he has long been used to it.

During so many times of Samsara, he discovered a very strange phenomenon. Logically speaking, no matter which world he goes to, he is an outsider to that world.

Many worlds should not welcome him as an outsider, but the fact is very strange, many worlds not only do not welcome him, but also seem to become more active because of his arrival.

This made him look like a distinguished guest instead of an outsider.

Maybe it's because of the privilege of being a "guest", as long as anyone related to his identity, his luck will change, the closer the relationship is, the stronger his luck will be.

The two sons are already sons of fortune, he doesn't need to arrange anything, and destiny will keep the two sons in constant trouble until they grow up to a certain level.

Huang Dongjie doesn't want to take care of the two sons treated by the protagonist, but with Destiny taking care of him, what else does he worry about.

If he doesn't want to worry about other people's affairs, then he naturally cares about his own affairs. He is an outsider, and the heavens and the world still give him such privileged treatment, which makes him have to guess what kind of existence he is.

He has had many guesses, one of which he thinks is very likely, that is, he was once an unpredictable Power.

For some reason, he fell, and a trace of the remnant soul split into countless zero-beginning souls to reincarnate in the universe, and he is the main soul, which can merge and grow with the zero-beginning souls in the universe.

Every time Samsara doesn't seem to be taking the house, but it seems to be merging with Zero Chu's soul. I've tried Samsara a dozen times without a single failure or issue.

The original owners of each world, whether strong or weak, have never resisted him, and naturally contributed themselves to him, which already explains a lot of problems.

This guess is very likely, but unfortunately it is just a guess, there is no way to prove it, and there are still a few points that cannot be explained.

If this guess is correct, then how did his natal Talent come about, why the natal Talent awakened in each life cannot be carried over to the next life, and why there is a three-day period of weakness

Why can't he die, even if he has lost his soul in a certain world, but the next second, he revived in another world.

All of this is an unsolved mystery.

"If I want to find the answer, I'm afraid I have to go to Samsara many times. I don't know that the answer I want is found in that world."

Huang Dongjie knew that guessing was useless, the answer had to be found, and he believed that there must be the answer he wanted in the universe.

What kind of secrets exist at the ends of many great worlds!

He also wanted to know.

He will not die, he believes that sooner or later he will see the secrets at the end of countless endless worlds.

"Saint Lord, Ba Dao will be destroyed, the top power has an extra seat, why don't we control a first-class power to occupy this seat."

"In this way, we have two of the twelve top forces."

Qiong Wusheng thought that the purpose of Saint Lord controlling the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce was to make the Holy Court stronger. Then, if he controls one more top power, and two top powers secretly transport talents and materials, the Holy Court will become stronger.

"No, you made excuses before saying that the first-rate forces asked you to take action for the sake of superiority. Your excuse has already attracted the attention of all the forces in the world to this."

"They are all staring at who will replace Ba Dao as the new top power. If we join forces at this time, the Holy Court will be in danger of being exposed."

"Although the Holy Court is no longer afraid of any supernatural forces, but the tree attracts the wind, we'd better hold on a little bit."

After all, Yidou scholar Bai Dousheng is an expert in using his brain. He probably guessed Huang Dongjie's low-key wretchedness, or he was a shameless old bastard to play with others.

Either go to a certain level and suppress the people of the world with absolutely invincible power.

At present, the Holy Court is a little stronger, but it is not yet able to suppress the six supernatural forces together in one go.

The Holy Court still needs to develop in a low-key manner. Maybe other supernatural forces already know the existence of the Holy Court, but they don't know how many powerful people the Holy Court will have.

As long as they haven't figured out how many strong people there will be in the Holy Court and dare not act rashly, the Holy Court will continue to grow and develop.

Therefore, the seat vacated by the top forces must not be touched, otherwise there will be trouble.

"There is no need to waste time and effort to control a top power, the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce is enough."

"We don't lack talents and strong people. We lack money. With money, everything is easy to do. Making money is what the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce is best at."

After all, the destruction of the top power is a big event, Huang Dongjie knows that all the powers in the world are staring at which power will replace the Tyrant Sword Society.

They all want to use this force to investigate the forces behind Mo Guitu and others, and they have already noticed the emergence of an unknown powerful force.

As for the unfavorable factors, they will find a way to investigate clearly, because it is related to their interests, who knows if this mysterious and powerful force will threaten them.

Huang Dongjie knew this, and he didn't want to waste time and energy to control a top power, because it was really unnecessary.

The Holy Court is already strong enough, all members are Great Masters, and the number is astonishing, ask which transcendent force can withstand it, plus there is a Practitioner Chamber of Commerce that can make money.

Huang Dongjie wants people and people, money and money, and then he wants to control a top power, he can't do it.

"Let's go, I'm curious about what the treasure house of the 503 Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, which is incomparably rich, contains. If you dare to call it an incomparably rich country, the amount of gold, silver and jewelry must be shocking."

Except for Bai Dousheng's five-person wonderful team who stayed in place, everyone else went to the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce with Huang Dongjie.

Practitioner Chamber of Commerce

Chairman Tian Xiangdi and another vice-chairman looked at the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, which had already changed, and looked at the vice-chairman Yan Xiaodai who was surrounded by all the powerful with disbelieving eyes.

"How did that happen, how did you convert them into your people."

President Tian Xiangdi was very puzzled. The Practitioner Chamber of Commerce has many factions and complex personnel. It can be said that there are all powerful masters from all major forces. Who would have thought that Yan Xiaodai would subdue them all.

How did Yan Xiaodai manage to turn so many people from other forces into his own.

Looking at the many Great Masters who surrounded him, many of them were still his most steadfast followers before, who would have thought that they would also take refuge in Yan Xiao to explain why they were.

They answered:

"President, we don't want to die, we all want to live well, so I'm sorry."

Hearing this, Tian Xiangdi was dumbfounded, Yan Xiaodai was only No. 27 on the celestial list, he was 15th on the celestial list, and He Siliang next to him was 19th on the celestial list.

No matter how you look at it, Yan Xiaodai is far inferior to them, but his former followers gave such reasons for betrayal, how can he believe it.

When he asked again, these traitors stopped answering him.

Helpless, he could only stare at Yan Xiaodai and ask him how he did all this. .

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