I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 107: The Sky Has Changed

"It's nothing more than two situations. First, I gave them benefits they couldn't refuse. Second, they really wanted to live a good life and didn't want to die, so they naturally chose to be my people."

Yan Xiaodai waved his hand and smiled.

"Which supernatural force did you take refuge in, otherwise you would have the confidence to do this matter of seizing power."

Tian Xiangdi stared closely at Yan Xiaodai, seeing Yan Xiaodai's relaxed and natural look, he suspected that some transcendent force controlled the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce through Yan Xiaodai's hands.

"Yan Xiaodai, you are simply crazy. Transcendental forces can't just attack the top forces, otherwise it will cause many top forces to join forces to fight against the supernatural forces."

"No matter which transcendent force controls the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce through your hands, other top forces will not agree, Yan Xiaodai, do you know that you are playing with fire?"

Before Yan Xiaodai could answer, He Siliang, who was standing with Tian Xiangdi, lost his temper.

He didn't even bother to doubt, Yan Xiaodai dared to do this, besides being instigated by supernatural forces, there could be other reasons.

"You are mistaken, I have a master, and I dare not seek refuge with other supernatural forces.

Yan Xiaodai replied without pressure.

"You have a master?"

Tian Xiangdi and the two were taken aback, the 27th in the Tianbang claimed to have a master, what difference did it make to reduce the status of own to the stage of servant.

Where did Yan Xiao's arrogance as the overlord go!

Who actually made Yan Xiaodai, the 27th in the Tianbang, directly submit to him.

Yan Xiaodai nodded without speaking, and he admitted.

"Who is it? Who has such a great ability to make you bow down."

Tian Xiangdi asked in amazement.

I am his master!"

As soon as the sound appeared, many Great Masters at the scene directly stepped back to make way for a passage, and bowed their heads slightly to show respect.

"Dong, Dong Martial King, it's you..."

When Tian Xiangdi and the others saw Huang Dongjie coming out of the passageway separated by the strong men, Yan Xiaodai hurriedly stepped forward and bowed his head to show respect, they were shocked.

They knew about the Eastern Martial King. They were businessmen, so of course they had to know something about the high-level officials of the major forces. The Eastern Martial King of the imperial court was a celebrity, so how could they not know about it.

"Yan Xiaodai, you still said that you didn't take refuge in a transcendent force, isn't the imperial court a transcendent force?"

"If the world knows that the imperial court controls the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce through your hands, believe it or not, the world will immediately be in turmoil.

Seeing this scene, Tian Xiangdi thought that the imperial court was the master of Yan Xiaodai, and Dong Martial King was just the spokesperson.

"It is said that you are mistaken. It is true that the court is one of the transcendent forces, but I did not take refuge in the court. I only took refuge in the prince alone."

Yan Xiaodai calmly replied.

"What's the difference? East Martial King is a member of the court. What's the difference between taking refuge in him and taking refuge in the court?".

Tian Xiangdi and the others looked at Yan Xiaodai angrily, thinking that Yan Xiaodai was fooling them.

"The imperial court is not his master, but I am his master. He only works for me. It is not the imperial court that wants to control the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, but me."

Huang Dongjie said calmly.

"Yan Xiaodai, your brain is flooded, and you actually bowed your head to him."

"He is just a stupid prince. If he gives up such great military power, he will give it up. By the way, he is still a despicable and shameless person. He just attacked Zhong Xiongyuan secretly, and even poisoned his dagger."

"A despicable and shameless person like him turned out to be your master, Yan Xiaodai, and Yan Xiaodai lived on a pig.

When He Siliang heard that Huang Dongjie's words didn't look like fakes, he became more confused, but when it was time to scold someone, he was never polite.

"I wanted to give you a chance to surrender to me, but unfortunately, you made a mistake. 17

"You shouldn't mock my subordinates coldly, I'm a bit defensive, people on my side, I don't allow others to look down on them, especially not in front of me.

Huang Dongjie has already sentenced the two to death.

"Surrender to you, you dare to say, what kind of cattle and horses are you, let us..."

He Siliang wanted to say something else, but he was stunned. He saw that the time seemed to have been robbed, and Huang Dongjie had appeared in front of him at some point.

He couldn't make any sound, and everything around him seemed to be forbidden.

Huang Dongjie raised his right hand and moved it towards his head. He wanted to move, but his body just couldn't move.

It wasn't until Huang Dongjie took his head off his neck that he realized that it wasn't that he didn't want to move just now.

Time did not allow, Huang Dongjie's speed exceeded his reaction time, which made him have such an illusion.

He still has previous memories, which are just the Death echoes preserved by his brain's vision.

"It turned out that it was not Yan Xiaodai who lived on the pig, but myself!"

This was He Siliang's last thought before his consciousness disappeared.

"Grand, Grand Great Master,"

Tian Xiangdi didn't seem to see the blood splashing from the headless corpse next to him and splashed on his face. At this moment, he looked at Huang Dongjie stupidly with suspicious eyes.

"You go down with him too!"

Huang Dongjie raised his index finger and pointed at Tian Xiangdi's forehead, without any suspense, Xiangdi's head disappeared.


Seeing this scene, many strong people at the scene couldn't help but roll their Adam's apples. The fifteenth and nineteenth in the Tianbang died just like this. This is the mighty power of the Grand Great Master.

So perverted!

"Take care of it and take me to the treasure house."

When Yan Xiaodai heard this, he quickly withdrew his shocked expression, and asked his servants to dispose of Tian Xiangdi's and the others' bodies, and he respectfully took Huang Dongjie to the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce's treasury.

"This,,, is truly incomparably rich."

In the treasure house of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, Huang Dongjie was a little surprised when he saw the people who had seen the world, and saw that it was full of gold and silver.

There is an extremely huge underground palace under the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, and this huge underground palace is the treasure house of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce.

Most of the capacity of the entire underground palace is filled with gold and silver. You can imagine how much gold and silver there is here.

"Saint Lord, here is the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures that specially hold gold and silver, and other treasures are stored in the treasure house in the back mountain."

Yan Xiao reminded Huang Dongjie respectfully.

"The seizure of power in the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce will definitely cause other supernatural forces to investigate. During this period of time, I will stay in the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce pill refining, just in case."

Huang Dongjie knew that the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce was a big cake, and the transcendent forces had no idea, it was a fake. Just in case, Huang Dongjie planned to sit in the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce for a period of time.

During the time he was in charge, he also refined the Medicine Pill he needed, so he asked someone to secretly transport the medicinal materials collected by the Ba Dao Society and the Holy Court Society to the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce.

The Practitioner Chamber of Commerce has changed!

When the news that Yan Xiaodai successfully seized power and became the sole speaker of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce came out, all the forces in the world were shocked instantly.

Demon Cult

"How could this be? Yan Xiaodai is only No. 27 on the list. How could he beat Tian Xiangdi and He Siliang?"

"The people who are arranged in the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, why are there no movements at all? Could it be that other supernatural forces have succeeded? Yan Xiaodai is just their puppet in the face, whether it is the imperial court, or the Buddha...

"No, we have to find out, the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce is such a big cake, it cannot be taken away by other supernatural forces.

Guardian Zuo Wu Qitian heard the news that the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce has changed, and couldn't sit still. The Practitioner Chamber of Commerce is too rich.

If the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce is secretly controlled by other transcendent forces, it will only increase the strength of other transcendent forces, which he does not allow.

Immediately, he sent a number of strong men to investigate the situation of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce to see if there were any other supernatural forces in the seizure of power.

If there is, share the pie if you can, and if you can't, make the matter bigger and let other top forces join forces to deal with the transcendent forces that secretly control the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce.

If there is no shadow of other supernatural forces in the seizure of power, then this is a matter within the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, and they will not intervene.

But this possibility is very small. If Yan Xiaodai didn't get help, how could he kill Tian Xiangdi and He Siliang and succeed in seizing power.

Thinking about it this way, Wu Qitian hopes that this matter has the shadow of other supernatural forces, so that (Qian Li's) he can make use of it.


"Have the people we arranged in the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce returned to the Buddha's embrace? Why hasn't any news been passed on to us?"

"Don't think about it anymore, send strong men to sneak into the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce to investigate and see if Yan Xiaodai is a puppet of some transcendent force, or if he really succeeded in seizing power through unknown means.

"If it's the former, it's okay to say that if we can't get it, neither can others."

"But if it's the latter, then Yan Xiaodai is a hero!"


"The matter of Guiyun Mountain Villa and Ba Dao Guild has just ended, and now that the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce is making trouble again, these top forces cannot stop for a while.

"Check, I hope it's an internal matter of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce. If it is done by other supernatural forces, it will be troublesome."

Guiyun Villa

"Whether the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce is involved with transcendent forces, we don't care about this matter, there are other top forces watching.

"In the battle with the Tyrannical Sword Society, we were also injured, and we need to recuperate for a while."

"What happens in the outside world now is none of our business."

All of a sudden, an invisible undercurrent rushed to the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce. .

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