I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 121 : I Will Bear It! I Can't Stand It

"Report, Ma Niansheng and others were found running towards our Xing'an Mansion ten miles away, and it was General Lu Yulong and the others who were chasing Ma Niansheng and others in the rear."

At this time, the urgent report soldiers came to report.

"Very well, move the corpses away, close the city gates and prepare to watch the show."

When Ding Zhengze heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up. Seeing that they were all wearing rebel uniforms, he asked the soldiers to pretend to be the Celestial Army and continue to guard the city gate.

Soon, Ma Niansheng and others ran to the foot of the city gate.

At this moment, they are even more embarrassed than before. Most of them are out of breath, and their number is decreasing.

This was the result of being chased by the Zhenwu army, and now there are only more than a thousand of them left.

"It's me, Ma Niansheng, open the city gate quickly."

As soon as Ma Niansheng arrived at the foot of the city gate, the pressure suddenly eased a lot.

But when he looked back and saw that the Zhenwu army chasing up from behind was less than three or four miles away from them, he panicked and hurriedly called the city guards to open the city gate and let them in.

After shouting, he waited anxiously, but after waiting for a few breaths, the city gate was not opened, and no one responded to him on the wall.

"Fan Fuying, what do you want to do, even if I am defeated, I am still the general of the Heavenly God Sect, and only the leader can punish me, not you.

"Open the city gate quickly, the enemy is about to charge up."

Ma Niansheng thought that Fan Fuying wanted to use the enemy's hand to get rid of him, so he deliberately didn't open the city gate, and he was so angry that he shouted at the high wall.

He was waiting, but no one responded to him on the 17th wall.

"General Ma, something is wrong, there is a strong smell of blood.

After he regained his breath, military strategist Hao Jiagong finally found out that something was wrong. There was a strong smell of blood lingering here, obviously because a big slaughter had just happened here.

"No, they are not from Fan Fuying."

After being reminded by the military adviser, Ma Niansheng also smelled a strong smell of blood, and he felt a sense of safety in an instant. Soon he found that there were many bloodstains on the city gate and on the ground that hadn't completely dried.

He took a few steps back and carefully observed the soldiers on the high wall. He was frightened when he saw that this was not Fan Fuying's man.

"I just found out now, it seems that you are only thinking about escaping and forgetting to think.

Ding Zhengze appeared directly on the high wall, looking at Ma Niansheng and others under the city gate with a sneer.

"Ding, Ding Zhengze, how could it be you? Could it be that Xing'an Mansion has..."

The moment they saw Ding Zhengze, Ma Niansheng and the others panicked completely. The Xing'an Mansion had changed owners, and their retreat became a dead end.

"Ding Zhengze, I thought you didn't capture Xing'an Mansion. It seems my worries are unnecessary."

At this time, Lu Yulong also led 20,000 elite soldiers to surround him and completely wrapped Ma Junsheng and others into dumplings.

"If you don't believe me, you have to trust that lord. With that lord's plan, you are still worried."

Ding Zhengze turned back to Lu Yulong unceremoniously.

"Where is that lord you speak of, Sacred? How did he count our every step so accurately?"

"It doesn't matter if we withdraw to Xing'an Mansion. What kind of strategy did he use to let you take over Xing'an Mansion in such a short period of time?"

"Xing'an Prefecture has 50,000 defenders, even if hundreds of thousands of enemies come to attack, they can hold out for a month or two without delay.

"Needless to say, you certainly won't be able to send more than a hundred thousand people to attack the city, so how did you take down Xing'an Mansion overnight?"

Looking at the wet blood on the city gate, Hao Jiagong, the military strategist, knew that the Zhenwu Army captured Xing'an Mansion last night, and took down Xing'an Mansion overnight. He wanted to know how the Zhenwu Army did it.

"You didn't see my soldier's attire. You came here one step ahead of time to pretend that you came here. With your tiger skins, you will naturally swindle the gate of Xing'an Mansion."

"Once the city gate is opened, things will be easy to handle."

"To be honest, this is the first time I have attacked a city so easily. The reason why I captured the city was because your people took the initiative to open the city gate.

Ding Zhengze calmly replied to Hao Jiagong's question.

"Hahaha...... I never thought that there would be such a strange person in the world, who would not tell us every step of our actions, but would plan ahead of our actions.

"The lord you speak of is really a gambler. This plan is one link after another. As long as one link goes wrong, the whole thing will go wrong."

"If we don't withdraw to Xing'an Mansion, your plan will come to nothing."

"Unfortunately, we are the losers!"

"Sigh~, it's really not good to be crushed intellectually, it's such a disgusting feeling."

Hao Jiagong became dejected, and was severely pressed and rubbed on the ground in terms of strategy. This is such a shame for a military adviser.

"You have only two paths now, surrender or resist, choose!"

Lu Yulong somewhat hoped that Ma Niansheng and others would resist to the end, so that the 20,000 elites he led plus Ding Zhengze's 70,000 elites and 90,000 elites faced more than 1,000 people, and perhaps they could experience the thrill of bullying the few with more.

"You can surrender, but you have to meet one of my conditions. I want to meet the person who advised you."

Ma Niansheng is not afraid of death, but he doesn't want to die without knowing why, at least he needs to know whose hands he lost, so that he can die with peace of mind.

"Add me one, or I won't be reconciled to losing."

Hao Jiagong was not surprised to see Ma Niansheng surrender. More than a thousand people faced tens of thousands of elite soldiers with high morale. There was no suspenseful result, so there was no need to fight.

More than a thousand people heard that Ma Niansheng and the military division were relieved, and they also breathed a sigh of relief. They can survive until now under the pursuit of 20,000 elite soldiers. They are either masters or strong.

They have not been brainwashed by the gods, and they are also afraid of death. They still have a chance to live if they surrender, but they will definitely die if they resist.


Ding Zhengze and Lu Yulong looked at each other across the air, and nodded to Ma Niansheng and the others.

Seeing that Ding Zhengze and the others had agreed, Ma Niansheng and the others stopped resisting and let the soldiers of the Zhenwu Army tie them up.

Immediately afterwards, they were escorted back to the Zenith Yunya Fortress by the Zhenwu Army.

The 50,000 army is gone, the enemy has been buried, ah~”


Dai Gaohang, the leader of the Tenjin Sect, received Ma Niansheng's letter from Feige. When he saw the content, he suddenly jumped up and threw his cup and smashed the table.

"Damn it, Ma Niansheng is really damned, he actually sent 150,000 troops to the Zhenwu army for nothing, he pissed me off, pissed me off...

During Dai Gaohang's furious tantrum, he didn't calm down until he smashed everything in the house.

"Shame, this is a shame. Whoever gave away heads in this way throughout the ages, still gave away 150,000 heads at one time, shame, a huge shame, this matter can't just be left alone."

"Come on, assemble an army for me, I want..."

"Master, please calm down, the most fearful thing in fighting is to act emotionally, otherwise it will cause irreparable consequences.

Dai Gaohang was about to order the army to be assembled, but was blocked by the military adviser Luo Li who had been silent beside him.

"Calm down, how can I be calm, that's an army of 150,000, not a small number, the Zhenwu Army made me lose so much face, if I don't do anything, how will people in the world think of me?"

Dai Gaohang said angrily. 727 "Master, the Zhenwu Army has caused us such a huge loss, of course we have to pay it back, but the premise is that we first find out who is Sacred behind the Zhenwu Army."

"It is definitely not an ordinary person who can come up with such a trump card."

"Let's find out about him first, because no one knows if he has any other trump cards. If so, our hasty dispatch of troops will only cause greater losses.

Luo Libo said calmly.


Hearing this, Dai Gaohang took a deep breath and exhaled again. Obviously he listened to Luo Libo's words, and he was trying to adjust his own state.

"You're right, if he has other trump cards, it will be troublesome, Military Master Luo, I'll leave it to you to investigate his identity.

"Yes, Master, I will check his bottom clearly."

Luo Libo took the order and went down to make arrangements.

As a result, it didn't take long for Dai Gaohang's anger to erupt even more fiercely.

Because he received the news that Xing'an Mansion fell.


Dai Gaohang roared into the sky with boundless anger.

"Ma Niansheng's 150,000 troops plus Fan Fuying's 50,000 troops, a total of 200,000 troops were buried like this.

"The entire Celestial Army is only over 400,000, and half of it will be lost in a short time. I will bear it, I will bear it."

"Assemble the army for me, gather all the spare soldiers and believers, and I want the Zhenwu army to pay with their blood.

Dai Gaohang ignored the advice of others and issued an order to summon the entire army.

"Master, if we do this, the happiest thing will be the Tianxiong Army and the Peaceful World.

"Even they will fly,,,"

Luo Libo still wanted to try his best to persuade Dai Gaohang. .

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