I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 122: There's An Unreal Feeling

"Hmph, of course they are happy. We lost a whole house and lost half of our army. What news makes them happier than this.

"It's true that they are happy, but they won't take the opportunity to attack us or the Zhenwu Army during this time period."

"Because they are extremely clear that whether it is our people or the people of the Zhenwu Army, they are watching their every move all the time."

"What they want to see most is that we fight with the Zhenwu Army. No matter our side wins, the other side loses, or both lose, it's what they want to see the most."

"They won't do anything during this period that will affect our fight with the Zhenwu Army. They will even restrain their army until we finish fighting the Zhenwu Army.

"Of course, just in case, let our people keep an eye on them. If there is any change in their army, then I can only give up fighting the Zhenwu army."

Although Dai Gaohang was certain in his heart that the Tianxiong Army and the Peace World Army would sit and watch them fight with the Zhenwu Army, but the battle situation was unpredictable, so he still had to make preparations.

"Master, you don't need to talk about Tianxiong Army and Ping Shijun, but after this battle, even if we win, we will suffer heavy losses."

Luo Libo knew that once they fought against the Zhenwu Army, the Tianxiong Army and the Peace World Army would not only have no change, but would wait for them to finish the fight.

They know each other too well, and they both like to watch the enemy fight and consume, while they reap the benefits themselves.

If there is a change, the situation will be the same as that of the Zhenwu Army. A top strategist came from the enemy camp and changed the entire battle situation by surprise.

But there are several well-known top strategists, Tianxiong Army and Ping Shi Army can invite them, it has not waited until now.

The Tianxiong Army and the Ping Shi Army don't have to worry about it, but their internal consumption is a big problem. The Tianshen Army has more than 400,000 soldiers, and half of the soldiers are in the hands of the Zhenwu Army.

Even if the Celestial Army has the support of believers, there is a limit to this kind of support. The already shattered Celestial Army has once again overdrawn its potential to support this battle.

Not to mention the problem of food and grass, just running the army is burning money, and there is also the problem of morale.

The year of the horse was defeated, the whole army was wiped out, and Fan Fuying lost because the enemy tricked him into opening the city gate.

These news will affect the morale of the Celestial Army.

On the contrary, the Zhenwu army fought a big victory, and their morale was high. Comparing the two, even if they have a large number of troops, they will lose a lot of people in a head-to-head confrontation.

He really does not support this battle, even if they win, their strength will be greatly reduced, and they will be very passive in the face of the Tianxiong Army and Ping Shi Army who are staring at them.

"If there is no loss in the war, as long as we defeat the Zhenwu Army and take back Xing'an Mansion. Then break through the Zending Yunya Fortress, Xiangtian Mansion and Wenrong Mansion will be ours"||. "

"At that time, we will have the land of the five prefectures, and any loss will not be a loss, and our strength will also skyrocket due to the land of the five prefectures."

"I have made up my mind that this battle must be fought,"

Dai Gaohang was overwhelmed by anger, he couldn't listen to other people's persuasion, and insisted on going his own way to fight the Zhenwu army.

Seeing this, Luo Libo stopped trying to persuade him, just when Dai Gaohang gave other orders.

The intelligence personnel of the God Sect came, and he brought the specific defeat process of Ma Niansheng and Hao Jiagong and the identity of the master behind the Zhenwu Army.

When Dai Gaohang and Luo Libo learned the specific battle situation and the identity information of the master behind the Zhenwu Army from the intelligence personnel, they all looked in disbelief.

"Dong Martial King, how could it be him..."

Dai Gaohang and Luo Libo felt uneasy for a long time when they heard that the person who advised the Zhenwu Army was Dong Martial King.

Especially when they learned that the killer weapon was made by Eastern Martial King with mixed flowers and weeds, they couldn't calm down even more.

"Dong Martial King didn't give up his military power and went to play around the world. Why did he suddenly appear in Qingzhou, and it was a coincidence that he was in charge of the Zhenwu Army."

"Still, everything we see is an illusion, the imperial court has not given up on the Eastern Martial King, and the Eastern Martial King has always been the imperial court's secret weapon.

"Eastern Martial King appeared in Qingzhou this time, but he was actually sent by the imperial court."

When Dai Gaohang knew that the Eastern Martial King was the expert behind the Zhenwu Army, he had to suspect that all the jokes made by the Eastern Martial King's mansion were fake.

The right to withdraw from the army, and the daughter-in-law's escape from marriage were all directed and staged by the imperial court and the Eastern Martial King, all for the purpose of paralyzing the forces of the world.

"What a profound decision, what a scary person, how did East Martial King know that the processing of weeds and flowers would turn them into medicines like cartilage powder, and how did he judge that the southeast wind would blow that day."

"The most frightening thing is that the moment he dealt with General Ma Niansheng, he had already arranged to attack Xing'an Mansion."

"It is expected that General Ma Niansheng's next move will be to use General Ma Niansheng's tiger skin to swindle the gate of Xing'an Mansion. This, this strategy is simply,,,11

Luo Libo knew the whole layout of Dong Martial King, and he was speechless in astonishment. He knows medicine, understands the weather, and understands people's hearts. This Dong Martial King is too amazing.

"Is this the martial king's killer weed?"

Dai Gaohang looked at the angulan chrysanthemum and mankin fritillary that his subordinates brought up, and he couldn't understand why his army of 150,000 people could be ruined by such ordinary and harmless weeds.

"Master, we read a lot of books on medicinal herbs and flowers before we found out their scientific names, Angie Orchid and Mankin Fritillaria.

"But the books only record that they are harmless little flowers and grasses, and have no medicinal value. Who would have thought that Martial King would know their hidden properties, and after mixing and processing, they would become medicines like cartilage powder.

"Our doctors are already studying these two plants, and I believe we will be able to find out the antidote soon."

The intelligence personnel reported respectfully.

"What a Martial King, who hides deep enough, is not only extremely strong in strategy, but also in understanding the characteristics of all things, I am afraid that there are few people in the world who can match you.

"The 150,000 army lost to you in this way, although I don't want to admit it, but losing to your knowledge is not too unfair."

"East Martial King, your strategy is very strong, but in the face of absolute power, your strategy is amazing, and it is impossible to turn things around."

Dai Gaohang was also surprised by Huang Dongjie's profound strategy and rich knowledge, he decided not to play tricks with Huang Dongjie.

He wanted to push across with absolute force, he didn't believe in the huge gap in force, Huang Dongjie still had a way to turn things around.

"Master, it will take time for us to assemble an army, logistics, food, weapons,,,"

"Three days, I will give you three days to get all the supplies we need to assemble the army. Three days later, I will lead the army to go out."

Dai Gaohang interrupted Luo Libo's words, and directly gave a deadline for Luo Libo and the others to think of a (good) way to solve the difficulty.

In any case, three days later, he must lead the army out.

Tianxiong Army

"It's terrifying. With such a record, who would dare to rule in front of the Eastern Martial King."

"Zero Death massacred 150,000 celestial gods, and Ma Niansheng and others pretended to be retreating in the dark to open the city gate and easily captured Xing'an Mansion."

"Every step is impeccable, East Martial King is really scary."

Feng Lanlei was massacred by the 50,000 troops of the Zhenwu Army from the 150,000 Heavenly God Army, to Xing'an Mansion, which was captured by the Zhenwu Army by fraudulently opening the city gate.

He suspected that he was dreaming, and the news he heard were all false. He didn't have to admit that the news was true until he got the detailed battle information.

The Martial King of the East really cut off half of the strength of the Celestial Army with a little trick. This is simply genius.

Several of their forces have fought back and forth for decades to compete for Qingzhou, but they can't do anything to each other.

As a result, the Eastern Martial King had only come to Qingzhou for a few days, and he cut off half of the strength of the Celestial Army. This incident always makes people feel unreal. .

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