I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 136: Where Do You Play?


"Hahaha, as expected of Uncle Wu Huang, I was worried that Uncle Wu Huang would not be able to capture Gao Hong's Mansion within seven days, but I didn't expect Uncle Wu Huang to use this method to capture Gao Hong Mansion in less than two days."

"Looking at ancient and modern times, in terms of strategy, who can compare to Uncle Wu Huang."

"At the beginning, arrange everything, collect Angulanthus chrysanthemum and Manjin fritillary for processing, use a face towel to soak in medicinal baths, collect enemy clothing, and create,,,"

"Let the two generals Lu Yulong and Pan Wuzhuo move one step ahead of time, one to go to Xing'an Mansion and the other to Gaohong Mansion."

"The strategy is linked one after another, step by step carefully designed, and Uncle Wu Huang has already taught the gods clearly at the beginning of the game."

"Let General Lu Yulong massacre 150,000 rebels with paralyzing smoke and southeast wind, and let Ding Zhengze pretend to open the gate of Xing'an Prefecture.

"Using the flood to engulf 400,000 rebels, forcing the rebels to abandon Xinyang Mansion and retreat to Gaohong Mansion, the most unique piece is Pan Wuzhuo."

"Uncle Wu Huang is not only unpredictable in his schemes, but also excellent in using talents. The three generals all have their own positioning, which perfectly allows the three generals to play an unimaginable role.

"In less than 20 days, the Tenjin Sect was destroyed on 17th, and nearly 700,000 rebels were wiped out."

"What a terrible heaven-defying record, such a short period of time, such a large number of enemies, this is nothing short of a miracle.

"There is no one before, and there will be no one in the future. It is the Fifth Emperor Uncle."

"I used to think that people are not as good as heaven, but now, I have changed my mind."

"Fifth Emperor Uncle, if my Fifth Emperor Uncle is compared with Tian Yi, I will think that Tian is not as good as Fifth Emperor Uncle.

"Okay, that's great, I'm very fortunate that the Fifth Emperor Uncle was born in the imperial family, this is the imperial court's great fortune."

When Huang Minglong received the good news, his face was full of excited smiles. Uncle Wu Huang's record of heaven-defying time and time again should be transformed into the Great Xia Empire.

Not only to regain people's hearts, but also to deter restless forces.

"Your Majesty, the Eastern Martial King destroyed the Tenjin Sect in less than twenty days. I believe that the day when the Tianxiong Army and the Pingshi Army will be destroyed is not far away."

Chen Huaijiang felt like he was back again.

He also felt that the Eastern Martial King was arranged by the late emperor as a follower, otherwise, with the unfathomable schemes and calculations of the Eastern Martial King, how could the Eastern Martial King have been silent until now and suddenly erupted.

In the dark, everything is arranged, everything is planned. The time has come, the East Martial King is about to exert its strength.

"Of course, Uncle Wuhuang can take out the Tianshen Army with ease. Naturally, he can also take out the Tianxiong Army and the Ping Shi Army. Let's just wait for the good news."

Huang Minglong is now full of confidence and expectations for Uncle Wuhuang. What he expects is that he wants to see what kind of shocking strategy Uncle Wuhuang will use to defeat Tianxiong Army and Ping Shijun.

"Uncle Wu Huang is fighting on the front line. Our support force must be in place, the food and grass must be in place, and the military salary will be increased by three times to send it over."

"War is burning money. Pensions, military supplies, etc., all need money. We must do this properly."

"Don't stop promoting Uncle Wu Huang, the better the image of Uncle Wu Huang, the better it is for the court.

In this way, under the beautification of the imperial court, Huang Dongjie became a legend that everyone knows and everyone knows.

Prestige even higher than Grand Great Master!

"Don't father like to keep a low profile? Why did he suddenly become like this? What's the difference between this and doing things.

Under the government's intensified publicity, the eldest son Huang Tianzhen naturally heard about his father's legendary deeds.

When he first heard the news, he couldn't believe that the former number one counselor that everyone was talking about was actually his father.

Hearing the crowd talk about how his father used inscrutable schemes to massacre the Celestial Army again and again, his heart also fluctuated with the excitement of the crowd.

When he heard that his father slaughtered nearly 700,000 rebels in less than 20 days, he called his father a pervert in his heart.

"It's good that my father doesn't leave the capital, but when I leave the capital, it's like releasing my nature, and it becomes even more unpredictable and unpredictable."

"At the beginning, he played tricks for me, and then showed his great strength and astonishing medical skills in Guiyun Villa."

"It's even more terrifying now, directly using high IQ to abuse people in Qingzhou."

"One plan determines the world, one plan determines life and death, my good father, what skills do you have that I, a son, don't know."

Huang Tianzhen didn't know how to evaluate his own father, well, seeing his father Xianyu, he wanted to find something to do for his father, so as not to watch his father keep silent.

Who would have thought that before he did anything, his father would blow up the world first.

"Forget it, it's better to stay away from the father. The current father can't afford to provoke him. If he makes the old man unhappy and kills me directly, then I will cry without tears."

The current father Wang Niu is coaxing, of course he is extremely happy to be a son, but thinking of his father's dark belly, he is afraid.

There is a precedent for this matter. He was curious about what a tigress was before, but his father arranged for him.

If he is now worried about his father's safety and goes to Qingzhou to find his father, if his father suddenly gets playful and sends him to the battlefield as a bait, then he will be cold.

For your safety, stay away from your father!

I don't know what happened to this thought, it has been in his mind for a long time and refused to let go, maybe he was really scared by his daddy.

"Father, I won't go to Qingzhou to accompany you anymore, you work hard and try to recover Qingzhou."

"Father, if you accidentally have an accident in Qingzhou, please rest assured, I will take care of myself and Little Brother."

"When Little Brother and I have children in the future, we will take the children to your father's grave and tell the children what kind of legendary figure their grandpa is. y

After Huang Tianzhen finished speaking with a smile, he set off to continue looking for Chen Yuling.

"Do we need to record this kind of words and pass them on to the prince?"

The mensao male swordsman tilted his head and asked Bai Dousheng.

"He said this on purpose. He knows that we have been following him. He wants us to pass on his original words to the prince, so let's pass it on. Anyway, we are just tool people."

Bai Dousheng also admired the eldest son's courage, knowing that the prince has a dark belly, and dared to joke with the prince like this, he really hasn't been deceived enough.

Zhenwu Army Camp

"My lord, we had 4,000 casualties, 20,000 enemies, and 70,000 prisoners in this siege...

Pan Wuzhuo is reporting the casualties to Huang Dong.

"According to the previous conditions, meritorious persons, the award of the award, the promotion of the promotion.

"The pensions for the brothers who died in battle are in place, and the aftermath work must be done well."

As soon as Huang Dongjie finished speaking, Ding Zhengze brought in the bound Lu Yulong.

"You guys are playing that game again."

Seeing Ding Zhengze escorting Lu Yulong in, Huang Dongjie was curious as to why Ding Zhengze tied Lu Yulong.

"You tell yourself!"

Ding Zhengze asked Lu Yulong to explain himself.

"My lord, I'm guilty!"

Lu Yulong opened his mouth to admit his guilt.

"Guilty? What crime have you committed?"

Huang Dongjie asked curiously.

"I killed a group of people."

Lu Yulong said in a very flat tone.

"My lord, no, the group of people killed by Yulong are not considered common people, they are the remaining believers of the Heavenly God Sect.

"They are generally old people and women, and at first we were not threatened because they were old people and women.

"And I'm afraid that killing them will affect your reputation, my lord, so let's let them go."

"Who would have thought that they would look at this and think that we really didn't dare to kill them, so they took the opportunity to gather a crowd to make trouble and even sneak attack our soldiers."

"Time and time again, Yulong couldn't take it anymore and sent people to kill them."

"Because all the people who were killed were old people and women, this caused people in Gaohong Mansion to discuss a lot. Yulong realized that he had caused trouble, and asked me to tie him up."

Ding Zhengze hurriedly helped Lu Yulong speak. .

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