I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 137: I Am A Member Of The Royal Family

"My lord, many believers of the Tenjin Sect are indiscriminate. They only accept death and think that the Tenjin Sect is everything to them. Yulong is forced to do so.

Pan Wuzhuo, who was next to him, understood what had happened and began to intercede for Lu Yulong.

"You don't need to intercede for me. If you are guilty, you must be punished. Please punish me, my lord."

Lu Yulong stopped Ding Zhengze and the others from continuing to plead for him, asking the prince to punish him.

"If you are guilty, you will be punished, that's right, but what crime are you guilty of?"

Huang Dongjie asked with a chuckle.

"My lord, what I killed were old people and women, this not only affected your reputation, lord, but also caused fluctuations in Gao Hong's mansion, this is a crime.

Lu Yulong replied.

"What's wrong with the old man and the woman, they sneak attack our soldiers, that is the enemy, and being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself.

"Besides, my reputation is nothing compared to the lives of soldiers."

"You are not guilty, on the contrary, you did the right thing."

"As for the situation of Gao Hong Mansion, there is no need to worry too much, no one will care about the end of the Heavenly God Sect.

Huang Dongjie slid his fingers across, and the rope on Lu Yulong's body broke off and fell to the ground.

Lu Yulong and the others were very moved. It would be great if the Eastern Martial King had always been their commander-in-chief.

"How's the recruiting going?"

"My lord, we have recruited another 20,000 new recruits during this period, and now our Zhenwu Army has a total of 280,000 people, and I believe it will soon exceed 300,000.

Ding Zhengze and others excitedly reported to Huang Dongjie.

"That's right. As soon as the Zhenwu army reached 300,000, it immediately stopped recruiting new recruits."

"Soldiers are good but not many. An army of 300,000 is already the limit of Zhenwu Army."

Huang Dongjie nodded and said.

"Report, report to the lord, the black-armored army sent by the imperial court has arrived.

An emergency soldier came to report respectfully.

"Come to Qingzhou in less than twelve days, it seems that they cut the rest time in half. Let them arrange for the soldiers to rest and bring them to see me.

Huang Dongjie knew that the Black Armor Army must not only speed up the march, but also cut the soldiers' rest time in half.

Only in this way can the journey of sixteen or seventeen days be shortened to twelve days.

The emergency soldiers led the order to withdraw, and it didn't take long for them to bring in a Chinese person.

"See you, my lord~"!"

Cheng Lao-Cheng Gu and the others saw the prince, their faces were full of excitement, and they all knelt down on one knee.

One of the middle-aged men saw Cheng Gu and the others kneeling on one knee, hesitantly, but thinking of the secret decree given to him by His Majesty, he finally knelt down reluctantly.

Huang Dongjie was not surprised to see the middle-aged man who took the lead hesitated for a moment before kneeling down on one knee.

He understood the current situation of the Black Armored Army, and the moment he gave up the military power of the Black Armored Army, the imperial court sent someone to take over the Black Armored Army.

The middle-aged man who took the lead was Yu Zhihua, who was sent by the court to replace Cheng Lao. Cheng Lao was unwilling to leave the Black Armor Army, so he retired to the second line to assist the new commander-in-chief.

The remaining two middle-aged men, one named Dong Chaoqi and the other named Zhu Chengwen, were both Huang Dongjie's once loyal dog legs.

Seeing Huang Dongjie as their master now, they all naturally wagged their tails happily.

"Get up and report to me about the situation of the Black Armored Legion."

Huang Dongjie asked them to get up, wanting to know the current situation of the Black Armored Army.

"My lord, the Black Armored Legion has not changed except for some changes in high-level officers. The Black Armored Army is still the Black Armored Army you knew before, my lord."

Yu Zhihua didn't dare to offend Huang Dongjie, so he could only tell the truth.

It was just his answer that made Cheng Lao and the other three frowned slightly, but they didn't say anything and asked Yu Zhihua to continue reporting.

"What is the secret decree His Majesty gave you, and to what extent can I control the Black Armored Army?"

Huang Dongjie asked Yu Zhihua straight to the point.

"The Black Armored Army is entirely up to you, my lord."

When Yu Zhihua heard this, his heart trembled. He didn't expect Dong Martial King to ask directly without beating around the bush.

"It's up to me to decide, let the soldiers have a good rest, and we will have a hard battle in a short time."

Huang Dongjie looked like he was going to rest, and waved for everyone to leave. Ding Zhengze and the others left without hesitation.

Yu Zhihua glanced at Cheng Lao and the three of them, without saying anything, turned and left Huang Dongjie's headquarters directly.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Huang Dongjie looked at Cheng Lao and the three who hadn't left yet and asked.

"My lord, many of us were replaced by people sent by the court, but the Black Armored Army has always been firmly in our hands.

"This is Qingzhou, and the Black Armored Legion was sent by the imperial court to support you, my lord. As long as you nod, my lord, we will immediately eliminate the "outsiders" in the Black Armored Army

"In addition to the nearly 300,000 soldiers and horses of the Zhenwu Army, you alone control nearly 500,000 soldiers and horses. With your shocking strategy, we will definitely be able to take Qingzhou easily.

"With Qingzhou as the place of development, it is not impossible for us to pursue a great cause."

Dong Chaoqi's expression was very excited. He thought that all this was calculated by the prince.

This trick is too unique, retreating as an advance, first pretending to give up the military power of the Black Armored Army, and running to Qingzhou to seek control of the Zhenwu Army, and then using the conspiracy to get the imperial court to transfer the Black Armored Army to Qingzhou.

In this way, the prince can control the Zhenwu Army and the Black Armor Army in an open and aboveboard manner. There are 500,000 troops, as long as Qingzhou is taken.

At that time, whether the prince wants to designate land to be the emperor [or seek a great cause is all feasible.

The more he thinks about it, the more he worships the prince. He is so excited to have such a sophisticated master.

Zhang Yiran and the others who were hiding in the dark were nervous, if the Dong Martial King was talked about by his subordinates. Or if this was really calculated by the Eastern Martial King in disguise, then the Great Xia Empire would be in danger.

". "What do you two think?"

Huang Dongjie did not respond to Dong Chaoqi, but looked at Cheng Gu and Zhu Chengwen.

"My life is given by you, my lord, and I will do whatever you want me to do, my lord.

Zhu Chengwen replied cupped fist.

"If it was before, I would answer: Your thoughts, my lord, are my thoughts, but now, I don't know.

Cheng Gu's answer was different because he observed many problems.

"Oh, why do you say that?"

Huang Dongjie asked with interest.

"My lord, you have changed, you no longer have the pursuit of power in your eyes."

"Now, my lord, I can't guess what you are planning, but I can be sure of one thing, your lord, you have no idea about Qingzhou, nor about military power.

"I don't know what you want, my lord, so naturally I can't answer my current thoughts."

Cheng Gu has been the commander in chief for so many years, besides his ability, there is also the fact that he knows the Eastern Martial King better than anyone else, of course, referring to the former Eastern Martial King.

He can't see through Dong Martial King now, but he can still observe a thing or two based on experience (Nuo Zhaohao). Dong Martial King is no longer pursuing what he wanted before, and Dong Martial King has new ideas.

"It's really what you said. I have no idea about Qingzhou, nor about military power."


Dong Chaoqi couldn't figure it out, and the prince changed as he said. There must be a reason for such a sudden change.

"One, I'm a member of the royal family, and I can't forget my roots as a man. I can mess around in whatever way I want, but I can't cross the bottom line."

"So far, the imperial court has not done anything to apologize to me. If I rebel, it will be no different from scolding my mother while holding a bowl of rice for dinner.

"Second, I have better ideas, so I naturally abandon my previous ideas. This is how people are. On the road of growth, they keep changing their own ideas."

"Three, alas~, this is not important, anyway, just be honest, as long as I am still here, the imperial court will not embarrass you."

"Maybe in the future, you will climb higher because of me.

Author: Monthly ticket, flowers, don't forget to give!

Key points: Monthly ticket ~ flowers ~.

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