I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 152: The Top Of The World

Song Tengfei was also very surprised. He happened to pass by the Jiuzhou Waterfall. When he saw the magnificence of the Jiuzhou Waterfall, he stopped to watch it.

It's just that while he was watching, a passerby wearing a bamboo hat came.

No matter what kind of person he is, it is a cat or a dog that passers-by can approach him, so he slapped him.

He didn't even look at the palm of his hand, the end of this passer-by was already predicted.

Either he was smashed into a meat paste, or he was knocked down under the rushing waterfall, and was washed away by the fierce water.

It's just that an accident happened, and his palm prints dissipated as soon as he reached the passerby.

This made him very surprised, he understood his strength, even if it was his casual blow, it was not something that ordinary Great Masters could easily resolve.

It is so easy to defuse his random blow, this passerby is very likely to be a Half step Grand Great Master, and the current Half step Grand Great Master is so worthless.

As soon as he was away, he met one, and just as he guessed where the passerby was Sacred, the passerby spoke.

The first thing I said was: How did you know my whereabouts?

Hearing this sentence, Rong Tengfei realized that he hit the target person by mistake.

This really surprised him. The target person whom Shengjiao had been looking for for a long time, was met by him casually.

"Hahaha...... Dong Martial King, it seems that God wants you to die, so he sent you to me specially."

Song Tengfei was very surprised that Dong Martial King possessed the strength of Half step Grand Great Master, but it was only limited to surprise.

With the full resources of the imperial court, it is not unacceptable for Dong Martial King to become a Half step Grand Great Master before the age of sixty.

Half step Grand Great Master is just, in front of him there is no difference with an ordinary Great Master, but he has awakened Martial Dao Artistic Conception to suppress a Half step Grand Great Master is still very easy.

"Really, but how do I feel that you are giving me the head."

Huang Dongjie didn't sense that there were other members of the Demon Cult nearby, and with the change in Song Tengfei's expression, he already knew that it was a coincidence of fate that arranged Song Tengfei to come to him.

"Dong Martial King, do you think that you are a Half step Grand Great Master, and that you are invincible in the world without the appearance of the Grand Great Master||."

"If you have this kind of mentality, I doubt how you got the title of the first seeker through the ages."

Song Tengfei couldn't understand that Huang Dongjie had the title of the number one seeker in the ages, and he was also mocking Huang Dongjie as a frog in a well.

"When you satirize others for being a frog in a well, do you realize that the person who is really a frog in a well is actually yourself.

Huang Dongjie heard Song Tengfei's irony, and replied calmly.

"Me! A frog in a well! Dong Martial King, it seems that you haven't really realized what kind of strong man you have encountered.

The sarcasm in Song Tengfei's eyes became more obvious. Before he came out, Wu Qitian told him to be careful about Dong Martial King, which now seems to be obviously unnecessary.

"Hand over the pieces of the blue dragon, and I may be able to keep your whole body."

The Dong Martial King who had the title of the first holy seeker in the ages before him disappointed him a bit. He was no longer interested in talking to such a person.

He rushed towards Martial King with a murderous intent, his eyes were as cold as if Huang Dongjie was already dead.

"If you want the pieces of the blue dragon, you deserve it too."

Huang Dongjie replied with a chuckle.

"act recklessly"

The black and sticky True Qi nature flowed out from Song Tengfei's body, and as soon as the magic power came out, the flowers and plants within a range of more than ten meters around instantly withered.

Song Tengfei's condensed dark substance True Qi is full of destruction, devouring, darkness, silence...

As soon as Song Tengfei moved his body, his person had already appeared in front of Huang Dongjie. There was no movement process, as if he was stuck, so that Song Tengfei directly appeared in front of Huang Dongjie without any movement process.

Seeing Huang Dongjie's motionless body in no time to react, the sarcasm at the corner of Song Tengfei's mouth became more obvious.

This is a genius cultivated by the imperial court with all its strength, and it is really in vain.

He raised his hand and grabbed Huang Dongjie's head. He wanted to remove Huang Dongjie's head and take it back for collection, as if showing off to others.

Did you see that, this is the head of the eternal first seeker, that's all.

"Eh? It's empty!"

Song Tengfei grabbed it, and a sense of emptiness came instantly in his hand. He didn't catch the entity, but what he caught was an afterimage.

This made him startled quickly, his perception reached its maximum in an instant, and his eyes quickly turned to look for Huang Dongjie's figure.

Soon he saw Huang Dongjie's figure on a big rock not far from the left.


The sarcasm in Song Tengfei's eyes was completely gone, and what was transformed was unprecedented solemnity and caution.

He didn't realize how the East Martial King was transferred to the big rock. The speed alone let him know that he made a mistake that a Practitioner shouldn't make, that is, underestimating others.

"To be honest, if the Awakened Martial Dao Artistic Conception is at your level, then this year's Practitioner will not have much to look forward to."

Huang Dongjie said a little disappointed.

When he heard that Dong Martial King had judged that he had awakened the Martial Dao Artistic Conception, he became even more dignified. Knowing that he had awakened the Martial Dao Artistic Concept, Dong Martial King still had the same attitude.

This has explained many problems.

". "As expected of a genius carefully cultivated by the imperial court, you are qualified to let me use my best.

Song Tengfei was no longer hiding his clumsiness, the aura of his body changed immediately, and in an instant, the sky and the earth paled, the sound of the waterfall and the wind stopped, and the falling leaves stopped in the air...

This is a supernatural power that brings people into a state of overtime. He is not a Grand Great Master, but he can barely use his spiritual power with Martial Dao Artistic Conception.

One move is full strength, who let Dong Martial King's weirdness make him feel dangerous.

He appeared in front of Huang Dongjie in an instant, and punched Huang Dongjie's head like a Mount Tai. At this moment, he was not picking Huang Dongjie's head, but blowing Huang Dongjie's head.

"Why don't you learn to be good, you always have ideas in my head."

Huang Dongjie made a sound, and Song Tengfei's eyes froze when he made the sound, Huang Dongjie ignored it, and Guo Qing gave birth to a child.

Teng Fei's right arm instantly disappeared, and his whole body also flew upside down in an instant.

Song Tengfei, who flew upside down, hit the ground and bounced, and then hit and bounced again, just like using a small stone to float on the water, hitting it more than ten times in a row before getting stuck on the cliff of the waterfall.


Song Tengfei, who was stuck on the cliff, was seriously injured and lost the power to resist. He kept vomiting blood, but he didn't have time to pay attention to the injuries on his body, but looked at Huang Dongjieshi in horror.


He felt the real yuan Realm at the moment of Huang Dongjie's attack. Grand Great Master not only can use spiritual power, but also has the real yuan Realm.

Dong Martial King is the Grand Great Master!

At this moment, Song Tengfei's heart was ashamed, he couldn't think of a person who used his brain to win the title of the first holy man in the ages, and was also a Grand Great Master at the same time.

The Grand Great Master, who is less than sixty years old, has the title of the most holy seeker in the ages, and his military strength and wisdom have reached the top of the world. How could God allow such a monster to exist. .

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