I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 153: Stealing Other People's Jobs

"Forgive... spare my life,

Song Tengfei didn't want to die, so he begged Huang Dongjie for mercy.

"I was just passing by, and you took me as a passerby and shot at will. You must have killed many innocent people along the way."

"Did you hear their begging when you killed someone? You should have heard it, but you just chose to ignore it.

"A person like you who is indifferent to life, what qualifications do you have to beg for mercy from others?"

Huang Dongjie's eyes gradually became indifferent, and he raised his hand to make a move.

"No, you can't kill me, I am the nephew of the leader Zheng Tianjue, if you kill me, my uncle will never,

Before Song Tengfei could finish speaking, two forces pierced his heart and forehead, and he couldn't speak anymore.

Endless darkness was devouring his consciousness, he was struggling, but obviously everything was in vain.

At the moment when his consciousness died, he still had the same thought: How dare he, how dare he...

"What kind of cattle and horses is your uncle, isn't it just that he beat the young one and brought an old one."

"I'm familiar with this kind of drama. To me, what's the difference between your uncle and you, it's just giving me a head. y

"Hey, someone is coming, the speed is extremely fast, and the force is extremely strong."

"Interesting, this Taotao power, the person who came should be the one from Tianshidao. I didn't expect him to leave Tianshidao secretly."

"Alright, come here and be my scapegoat."

Huang Dongjie didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, knowing who was coming here, he left happily and secretly.

Not long after, a very ordinary old man appeared on the scene.

Zhang Nine Heavens sensed 687's abnormal spiritual fluctuations and a momentary burst of domineering power, and he knew that the Grand Great Master was here to do it.

Immediately, his heart was shocked, the aura of this Grand Great Master was very strange, it was not the Grand Great Master he knew, so there were only two possibilities left:

One, this is Saint Lord broke out, Saint Lord is fighting someone else.

Two, the new Grand Great Master has appeared!

No matter which one, he couldn't ignore it, and rushed directly to the place where the spiritual power came from.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, he saw Song Tengfei who died on the cliff. Apart from this corpse, Zhang Nine Heavens didn't perceive another person at the scene.

Obviously the unfamiliar Grand Great Master sensed his approach in advance and avoided him.

"This is magic power. He is a member of the Demon Cult, and he has residual spiritual powers on his body. This is from him, not from the Grand Great Master.

"He should have awakened the Martial Dao Artistic Conception. Unexpectedly, there is still a strong man with the qualifications of a Grand Great Master hidden in the Demon Cult."

"It's a pity that he died here. Otherwise, after more than ten years, the Devil's Cult will have another (bhfd) Grand Great Master who is the best in the world."

He observed the scene carefully and quickly guessed where Song Tengfei came from.

The mysterious strongman sent by the demon sect to deal with the Martial King of the East, no accident is him. "

"Killing the seeds of the Grand Great Master carefully cultivated by the Demon Cult is equivalent to completely offending the entire Demon Cult."

"The newly born Grand Great Master should not do this, and the only one who dares to offend the Demon Cult completely like this is the Saint Lord of the Holy Court.

"The ambush of the Demon Cult's strong man in Qingzhou shows that the Demon Cult has the secret work of the Holy Court. This person with the qualifications of Grand Great Master may have been caught by the Holy Court and was murdered by the Saint Lord.

"What's the matter with this Saint Lord? Why do you want to fight the Demon Cult so hard? Could it be that this Saint Lord and the Demon Cult have some deadly feud!"

Zhang Nine Heavens analyzed it, and felt that his guess might be the truth, and the Saint Lord was a single strong man who specifically picked on the Devil's Cult.

Weaken the strength of the Devil's Cult and attempt to destroy the entire Demon's Cult.

"That's fine, I've been annoyed by the Devil's Cult for a long time, relying on the fact that there are so many sects, they've committed a lot of crimes."

"It's a good thing that the Holy Court will stare at the Devil's Cult, so that the Devil's Cult can't concentrate on doing other bad things, and the Holy Court will only fall into the fight with the Devil's Cult, and has no intention of engaging in other plots."

The three religions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Demonism are all disliked by everyone. Zhang Nine Heavens, as the first person in Taoism, naturally dislikes Demonism and Buddhism.

Seeing that the Devil's Cult is in trouble now, he is of course happy to sit and watch the show, and if conditions permit, he will also do things that make people worse.

Whoever made the two religions of Buddhism and demons really are not the same thing, the demon religion has no bottom line in its actions, and kills people when they want to, never needing a reason.

If you have to have a reason, then whoever has the biggest fist is the reason.

Burning, killing, looting and looting are all kinds of evil, as if the devil's religion will not stop until all the evil things in the world are done.

Buddhism is even more ruthless. In a word, this thing is related to my Buddha, and then they took it openly.

It is never polite to collect gold, silver and treasures, and turn countless people into their believers, so that these believers will not support their families, regardless of their wives and children, and contribute to their Buddhism all the way.

This has made countless families starve to death with children and mothers. When believers saw people starving to death at home, no one showed grief and anger, and all of them showed envy.

Envious of their family members who were lucky enough to follow the Buddha to the west to live forever, this kind of thought made every monk rich.

Based on all kinds of knowledge, Zhang Nine Heavens is very repulsive to the Demon Cult and Buddhism, but he can't change anything with his own power, he can only turn a blind eye to the behavior of the Demon Cult and Buddhism.

Suddenly, Zhang Nine Heavens' expression changed. He saw a person appearing on the riverside downstream of the waterfall. With his experience, he realized that this person might be a member of the Demon Cult.

There was only him and a dead body left at the scene. If this member of the Demon Cult ran away, he would not be able to tell if he had thousands of mouths.

Immediately, he grabbed the person from the Demon Cult.

The Demon Sect member was terrified, knowing that he could not escape, he directly poured dozens of snakes of different species into the rushing river from the big basket behind his back, and he poured them out.

"not good!"

Zhang Nine Heavens realized that the matter was serious, and with his extensive knowledge, he immediately judged that the person from the Demon Cult was a snake breeder.

Snake breeders can exchange information by means of snakes. If these snakes run away, they will not be able to clean themselves up even if they jump into the Yellow River.

Without the slightest hesitation, he patted the dozens of snakes of different species in the air, but he was still a step too slow.

Dozens of snakes or seven or eight snakes fell into the rushing river and were instantly washed away by the flood.

Looking at the rushing river, the corners of Zhang Nine Heavens' mouth twitched non-stop. The snake was too small, and it disappeared completely as soon as it entered the river.

The river is so big, even if he can turn the river back for a second or two, it may not be possible for him to find out seven or eight snakes.

The snake breeder did not run away, he knew that he would not be able to escape even if he jumped into the rushing river. The snake is small and it is difficult to be locked once it enters the river.

Unlike him, who was directly locked by Zhang Nine Heavens' breath.

"I didn't kill him!"

Zhang Nine Heavens pointed to Song Tengfei's body in distress and explained.

"Zhang Nine Heavens, who are you fooling, who doesn't know the relationship between the transcendental forces, and who will watch helplessly that other transcendental forces have an extra Grand Great Master."

"If people from our holy religion find out that there is a person with the qualifications of a Grand Great Master in your Taoism, we will kill them as soon as we have a chance."

"Comparing your heart to your heart, if you find that our people have awakened Martial Dao Artistic Conception, you will just watch him leave."

"There is only you, a Grand Great Master, who has the ability to kill him, besides you, is there anyone else.

The snake breeder knew that he was about to die, so he spoke a lot harder.

"It seems to be too!"

Zhang Nine Heavens is completely speechless, indeed, if the Demon Sect and Buddhism really have people with the qualifications of Grand Great Master jumping in front of him.

Comparing his heart with his heart, he really doesn't allow new Grand Great Masters to emerge from the Demon Cult and Buddhism, and shooting him to death is 100% sure.

"The leader will not let you go, because the person you killed is the leader's nephew."

"Oh, got it!"

Seeing this, Zhang Nine Heavens knew that all explanations were useless, so he didn't bother to explain, and directly slapped the snake breeder to death.

As for Devil Monarch Zheng Tianjue, he is afraid of a fart, the number one person in the world has ever been afraid of anyone.

"Trouble, it was common for the Devil's Cult to be the scapegoat before, but now it's my turn, I always feel like I've robbed someone else's job."

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