I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 154: The Most Unconscionable Person

"The relationship between the Devil's religion and Taoism is just like that, and it can't be that bad.

"The Devil's Cult suddenly faced the three transcendent forces of the imperial court, the Holy Court, and Taoism. You have to be honest if you are tough, and the Devil's Cult has a bad reputation, and it is restricted everywhere."

"Their life is not easy. If you are wronged, you will be wronged. It is a waste of effort to explain or reason with the Demon Cult. It is most useful to tell them who has the biggest fist.

Zhang Nine Heavens knew the Demon Cult too well, and knew that explaining it would not work, but it didn't work, so he didn't bother to explain anything to the Demon Cult.

Now that his fists are big, he is really not afraid of what the Demon Cult will do to him.

It's not that Taoism and Demonism have never fought before, and the relationship between each other is well known, so why bother so much.

"Saint Lord, you are very interesting. You are the first person to cheat me after I became the Grand Great Master."

"Don't let me find a chance, or I will return it unceremoniously."

Zhang Nine Heavens watched the Jiuzhou Waterfall for a while, then turned around and returned to Tianshidao~.

Demon Cult

When Wu Qitian received the news from his subordinates, his expression changed immediately. Song Tengfei was dead and was killed by Nine Heavens.

He couldn't sit still anymore. Song Tengfei was the root stone of the Devil's Cult and the main pillar of the next generation of the Devil's Cult. He was equivalent to the inheritor of the Devil's Cult. When he heard the news of the death of the inheritor, no one would be angry.

And he was the leader's nephew, Zhang Nine Heavens killed the leader's nephew, which was obviously challenging the leader's bottom line.

Regarding Zhang Nine Heavens, the number one person in the world, Wu Qitian knew that he was not capable of handling the matter, so he came to the stone gate of the leader Closed Door Training and urgently contacted the leader inside the stone gate.

"What is it?"

Two cold words came from inside the stone gate.

"Master, Song Tengfei, he was killed by Zhang Nine Heavens."

Wu Qitian frightened and replied, just by the voice of the leader, he knew that the leader had become stronger again.

"What, what's going on, Tengfei hasn't been practicing in teaching, how could he be killed by Zhang Nine Heavens."

Zheng Tianjue's angry voice came from inside the stone gate. There is only one person in a million who awakened the Martial Dao Artistic Conception, and that one is not a dragon and a phoenix among people.

Song Tengfei is not only his nephew, the Demon Cult has invested a lot of resources in him, eager for Rong Tengfei to become the new Grand Great Master.

Once he died, the loss to the Demon Sect was not that simple.

Zheng Tianjue now wants to know what happened to the Demon Cult recently, and how Zhang Nine Heavens discovered the existence of his nephew.

Wu Qitian knew that it was his own fault, and it was he who sent Song Tengfei out that caused this result.

He understood the personality of the leader, and without any concealment, he carefully told the important things that happened after the leader's Closed Door Training.

"Qingzhou, East Martial King, Canglong Fragment, Holy Court, the new Grand Great Master,,,"

Zheng Tianjue was slightly taken aback when he heard the news, he didn't expect so many things to happen during his Closed Door Training.

The layout of Qingzhou was broken by the Eastern Martial King, and the court became more stable!

The new transcendent forces have emerged, and the overall strength of the Holy Court is no less than their Demon Cult.

The most troublesome thing is that the Holy Court will be hostile to the Devil's Cult and oppose the Devil's Cult everywhere.

It took Zheng Tianjue a long time to digest the news.

"For more than a month, he used shocking strategies to capture Qingzhou. This Eastern Martial King is indeed worthy of the title of the first holy seeker in the ages."

"It was also because of his influence that the court regained a lot of popular support and made the court more stable. He is really a dangerous person."

"The Holy Court defeated the No. 2 person in Tingyu Pavilion with just one envoy. The strength of the Holy Court is really not simple. It does have the ability to threaten us."

"The wisdom of the Eastern Martial King threatens us, and the force of the Holy Court threatens us, and now there is another Zhang Nine Heavens,..."

Zheng Tianjue was very depressed. Before he had Closed Door Training, everything was fine. Why did so many things happen during his Closed Door Training?

As soon as you understand the situation, you will directly face the three transcendent forces.

The imperial court, the Holy Court, Taoism, which one is easy to mess with.

"Because the imperial court perfectly recovered Qingzhou, it not only stabilized its position, but also regained a lot of people's hearts.

"Now is the time when the imperial court is in full swing, let's avoid its sharp edge first, let the people under us stop their actions against the imperial court, and wait for a while to talk about it.

"Eastern Martial King's strategy has seriously threatened us, and we are bound to get the two black dragon fragments on his body."

"While he is still outside, let our people speed up to find him, kill him before he returns to the palace, and take the pieces of the blue dragon.

"Many strong men we sent to Qingzhou were ambushed by the Holy Court, which means that some of our high-level people were bought by the Holy Court."

"Find out the bribed person, use him to pass false information to the Holy Court, set up a bureau, and it's best to draw Buddhism in.

"We have too many enemies and are under great pressure. It is best to let Buddhism help us bear it."

"As for Zhang Nine Heavens, let's put this matter aside for now. He is very strong, and neither of us may be able to defeat him together."

"It's not a last resort, you can't go head-to-head with him and kill him for consumption."

Zheng Tianjue has not left the customs yet. He has reached a critical moment and needs Closed Door Training for a period of time. This period of time will be arranged in this way first.

……… Ask for flowers……

Everything is waiting for him to go out and make plans.

"Yes, Master."

Wu Qitian saw that the leader had no intention of leaving the customs, and he didn't say anything, so he withdrew from the arrangement.

"I didn't expect to hear about her, what have I done these past few months!"

Huangtian Town, which has been wandering outside for a few months, has matured a lot, and the Cultivation Base was also upgraded to the Innate late stage a month ago.

After looking for Chen Yuling for several months, there was no news at all, which made him feel cold inside, and felt that he was really bad at finding someone.

Sitting down and thinking calmly, he decided not to search aimlessly by himself, and to leave professional matters to professional people.

He is worried about finding other intelligence organizations, because of his father, people from many forces in the world are looking for him.


He was afraid of going to other intelligence organizations and accidentally exposing himself.

He knew that these forces must want to catch him to the detriment of the father, or want to get the two blue dragon fragments from the father.

Other intelligence organizations cannot be found, only the government's foreign intelligence organizations and their own intelligence organizations can be found.

Maybe it's because I've seen more outside, and my vigilance has become heavier, and I don't trust the court as much as before.

This made him refuse to look for intelligence organizations outside the court officials, so he could only look for his own intelligence organization.

He found his own intelligence organization at a certain coffin shop in the city, and told the person in charge of his purpose of coming.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for him to get the whereabouts of Chen Yuling.

Looking at the information in his hand, Huang Tianzhen felt that he was so stupid, he had obtained the whereabouts of Chen Yuling so easily, what had he been doing these past few months.

"Her whereabouts, have you been in control for a long time?"

Huang Tianzhen asked the person in charge depressedly.

The person in charge replied honestly.

"Then why didn't someone send me a reminder?"

"My lord won't give it."

Hearing this, Huang Tianzhen understood, he sighed, what could he do with such an unscrupulous father.

With the terrifying strategy shown by his father in Qingzhou, it is likely that Chen Yuling escaped from marriage, and his father had already controlled the situation in advance, or expected it.

If you don't stop him, just let him go out to practice and practice,...

"Now that you are willing to tell me her whereabouts, you think I am qualified!"

"Damn it, the most unconscionable father in history is talking about him."

When the person in charge heard it, he lowered his head, as if he didn't hear anything. .

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