I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 159: The Troubled And Strange Five-Member Group

"It's not a big problem. It's just a common cold. I have medicinal materials in my medicine box. You can boil them for her.

The doctor checked the pulse clearly, then took out a pack of herbs from the medicine box and handed it over.

After Aunt Yang took it to thank her, she ran to make medicine.

"Young man, the rain has stopped, can you take me back.

The doctor saw that the rain had stopped outside, so he had the idea of ​​leaving.

"Doctor, there are still one or two hours before dawn. It is difficult to walk at night, and her condition may worsen. Can you wait until dawn?"

Huang Tianzhen was worried that Chen Yuling's body would be weak and the mutation would worsen if he contracted the wind and cold, so he wanted to keep the doctor here just in case, and send him back at dawn.


"Add money!"

When the doctor heard that Huang Tianzhen had added more money, he was at a loss for words. He stepped back, picked up the medical book from the medical box, and read it slowly.


Chen Yuling thanked Huang Tianzhen.

"You don't need to say such polite words to me, just lie down and wait for the aunt to boil the medicine and bring it over. After taking the medicine, you will get better soon."

After Huang Tianzhen finished speaking, the scene became silent. Chen Yuling didn't know what to say, and Huang Tianzhen didn't know what to say.

Seeing this scene, the doctor thought the couple were strange, but he didn't bother them, because an outsider talking about other people's family affairs would be annoying.

Not long after, Aunt Yang brought in the boiled bitter medicine.

"Come on, young man, quickly feed the medicine to your daughter-in-law."

Aunt Yang felt that Chen Yuling's attitude towards Huang Tianzhen had changed, so she stepped up and handed over the matter of feeding medicine to Huang Tianzhen.

Huang Tianzhen took the bitter medicine brought by Mrs. Yang and looked at Chen Yuling hesitantly. When he saw Chen Yuling, he felt himself getting up and leaning against the bed.

He was overjoyed in his heart, this was the tacit consent to let him feed the medicine, did this behavior already recognize his meaning.

"Why are you still standing there, don't hurry up."

Aunt Yang felt that Huang Tianzhen was so stupid, the girl's behavior had already explained everything, and he still stood stupidly and did not rush to feed the medicine.

"oh oh,,,"

Huang Tianzhen sat by the bed with the medicine in his hand, picked up a little bit of bitter medicine with a spoon, the medicine was very hot, he blew it slowly before feeding it.

During this process, Chen Yuling kept looking at Huang Tianzhen with her big beautiful eyes, without any dodging in her eyes, watching every move Huang Tianzhen made for her.

She was no longer embarrassed or thin-skinned as before.

"It may be a little bit bitter. In order to get better soon, I have to drink it no matter how bitter it is."

Huang Tianzhen didn't pay attention to Chen Yuling's gaze, and handed over the cooling potion with a spoon.



Chen Yuling took a sip, her expression became tense, the medicine was really bitter, but she didn't spit it out, she just swallowed it.

As long as Huang Tianzhen didn't see Chen Yuling vomit it out, he continued to feed the medicine.

Not long after, the medicine was finished, and Chen Yuling lay down to rest.

"Mother, squint your eyes, I'm here to guard."

Huang Tianzhen saw Chen Yuling squinting and lying down to rest, so he asked Aunt Yang to go to rest too, but Aunt Yang didn't refuse, and went to the other side of the bed to rest.

The doctor saw that the master's family didn't arrange a place for him to rest, so he didn't say anything. For the sake of money, he was tired from reading medical books, "it's okay to just lean on the table to cope with it all night.

"Tianzhen, go and rest, I really don't mind."

Chen Yuling, who squinted her eyes to rest for a while, suddenly opened her eyes. When she saw Huang Tianzhen was still sitting on the stool guarding her, she was very moved, and she persuaded Huang Tianzhen to go back to rest.

"I'm a martial arts practitioner. I'm fine if I don't sleep for a day or two. There's still an hour or two before dawn. Just let me watch for an hour or two, otherwise I won't worry."

Huang Tianzhen said with a smile.

Chen Yuling looked at Huang Tianzhen for a while, she didn't say anything, she closed her eyes and rested, she slept soundly that night.

At dawn, she was awakened by the crowing of cocks, and when she opened her eyes and saw that Huang Tianzhen was still there, she showed a sweet smile.

Huang Tianzhen has been quietly looking at Chen Yuling's beautiful cheeks after a deep sleep, a beauty is always something a man can't get tired of, Huang Tianzhen just looked at Chen Yuling for a long time.

Seeing Chen Yuling wake up that day and showing him a beautiful smile, he was also fascinated, and his heart beat a few times.

For the first time, Huang Tianzhen shy away from Chen Yuling's sight in embarrassment. This move made Chen Yuling laugh even more.

"Doctor, take a look and see if she's all right.

Huang Tianzhen pulled the confused doctor over to have a look.

"I'll add money!"

When the doctor who was still in a daze heard about the money increase, his whole body was instantly refreshed, and he checked Chen Yuling's pulse with a respectable appearance.

"Well, her fever is gone, and she's all right."

The doctor said after checking.

"Yu Ling, you rest for a while, I'll send the doctor back to the town, and I'll be right back.

When Huang Tianzhen heard that Chen Yuling was fine, he smiled all over his face, told Chen Yuling to pay attention to his body, and sent the doctor back the same way.

"He can become your fiancé, which means that you and him have long been destined, and you two should get along well in the future.

"When you leave with him, just tell the aunt."

Seeing Chen Yuling watching Huang Tianzhen leave, Aunt Yang said with a smile on her face.

"He thinks well, so I won't leave him so easily."

Chen Yuling Tsundere said.

Aunt Yang shook her head when she saw this, and began to prepare breakfast to feed the chickens and ducks.

"Young man, you are very good at being a man. After charging you so much money, I have to give you a present."

"This is a secret medicine that I researched, and it is specially designed to solve men's sexual problems. Don't worry, many people have used it without any problems. You can use it with a big spleen.

The doctor received a lot of money, and with a smile all over his face, he took out a small medicine bottle from the medicine box and stuffed it in Huang Tianzhen's hand, and he went back to the clinic.

…… Ask for flowers………

Huang Tianzhen looked at the small medicine bottle stuffed by the doctor, he was very depressed, am I that kind of person, do I need this kind of medicine, who do I look down on!

He wanted to throw away the small medicine bottle in his hand, but after thinking about it, he took it back and put it in his arms. After all, it was the doctor's kindness, how could he throw away his medicine at the entrance of the clinic?

He was throwing it away when he went back, which was the minimum respect for the doctor. He felt that the medicine bottle in his arms would not fall, so he rode back.

After going back, the relationship between Huang Tianzhen and Chen Yuling became better, chatting and working together were no different from the couple.

Huang Tianzhen knew that Chen Yuling didn't want to leave so early, and he liked the ordinary life now, so he didn't bring up the topic of taking Chen Yuling away.

A few days later, Huang Tianzhen was injured!

He met Tiger King, although he killed Tiger King, but he also left several claw wounds of Tiger King on his back and left shoulder.

When Chen Yuling heard the news, she rushed into Huang Tianzhen's house anxiously, just in time to see the wound on Huang Tianzhen's back and left shoulder.

"Yu Ling, why are you here?"

Huang Tianzhen turned around, trying to hide the wound on his back.

"What else are you hiding, I have seen it all."

Chen Yuling said anxiously and worriedly.

"Um, it's a small wound. The Cultivation Technique I practice is peculiar, and the wound will heal within a few days."

Seeing that he was discovered, Huang Tianzhen said with an embarrassed smile.

"Turn around, I'll give you medicine."

During the past few days of getting along, Chen Yuling also learned that the Cultivation Technique practiced by Huang Tianzhen is very strange, but she didn't ask more about the Cultivation Technique.

Huang Tianzhen did not refuse, and handed Chen Yuling a few bottles of healing medicine. He turned around and sat by the bed, exposing the wound on his back, and let Chen Yuling handle it casually.

When Chen Yuling saw the claw wound on Huang Tianzhen's back and left shoulder, she frowned, feeling unspeakably distressed.

She didn't speak, and carefully helped Huang Tianzhen treat the wound and bandage it up.

"Rain Spirit, thank you,,,"

Seeing that Chen Yuling was bandaged up, Huang Tianzhen was about to thank Chen Yuling for his help, but Chen Yuling's sudden action made his voice stop.

Chen Yuling leaned over, hugged him from the back, and leaned her cheek on his uninjured right shoulder.

"Don't talk, let me do it!"

Hearing Chen Yuling's voice, Huang Tianzhen didn't speak, and let Chen Yuling lean against his back quietly.

The old blind man: "The heartbeats of the two of them are so beautiful at the moment, I am so envious of the old blind man."

Mensao swordsman man: "Don't you think this kid is too good, he always makes us see sad scenes."

Fatty: "I didn't feel anything at all, isn't it just a woman, it's good to have food."

Bai Douqiang: "Dage!"

Bai Dousheng: "It's okay, Dage will find a way to find a wife for you."

The wonderful group of five is in trouble.

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