I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 160: Disaster Arrives

"You fell in love with me unknowingly!"

For a long time, Huang Tianzhen joked.


Chen Yuling leaned on Huang Tianzhen's back, and responded softly.

"Do you still hate your father?"

"He is my father, I just ran away from home because I couldn't think about it for a while, so I don't have any hatred.

"When will you come back with me?"

"Let's take a while!"

The two chatted for a long time as if they had nothing to say.

"Your father is very resourceful, did you already know that my father is plotting against him?

"More than that, I'm afraid my father and king also predicted your escape from marriage in advance."

Chatting and chatting, the two talked about Huang Dongjie's legendary deeds in Qingzhou.

Thinking of Dong Martial King's resourcefulness and clever calculations in Qingzhou, Chen Yuling had to suspect that his father was at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

Huang Tianzhen knew that his father was not only scheming, but also very bad. Letting Chen Yuling escape from marriage, "Four Five Seven" led him out to practice experience, nine out of ten it was the father's intention.

"Ah, knowing that I escaped marriage, why didn't your father stop it?"

Chen Yuling raised her little head leaning against Huang Tianzhen's back, and asked in surprise.

The woman's escape from marriage did not embarrass the man's family. Why did Martial King acquiesce.

"In addition to leading me out to practice, the other thing is that my father is a weirdo, he doesn't care about fame and fortune."

"The Qingzhou move is probably because my father was forced to stand up and take on the heavy responsibility."

"Otherwise, with my royal father's character, he would stay far away from trouble, fearing that trouble would disturb his leisure life.

Huang Tianzhen said calmly.

"Your father is really a strange person..."

Huang Tianzhen didn't say anything when he heard the words. Under the vigorous publicity of the imperial court, almost everyone knew about his daddy's legendary deeds.

In Snail Village, he can often hear the villagers discussing his daddy's clever tricks and how he defeated the rebels in their free time.

In the past, he hated his father for doing nothing, but now his father has suddenly become so awesome, he feels very stressed.

The father has such a reputation and status, he is a son who is extremely mediocre, does he feel a little disgraced by the father?

"It's better for us not to get involved in my father's affairs. Not surprisingly, my father is in a game with other transcendent forces.

"Little Brother and I are my father's soft helpers, and all major forces in the world are looking for our two brothers, so my identity cannot be revealed, and I can keep a low profile as much as possible."

Huang Tianzhen guessed that the news that his daddy had thrown the Canglong shards was probably a layout, and the target of the layout would only be qualified to be the opponent of the king's father.

He was not only afraid that he and Little Brother would ruin his father's layout, but also that his father would cheat the two of them and use them as bait to lure the enemy into the game.

With the bad heart of the father, it is not impossible for the father to do this.

For his own safety, he is now as far away from his father as possible.

As for his father's safety, he didn't know where his confidence was. He firmly believed that his father would not be in trouble if someone else had an accident.

"The number one seeker through the ages has indicated that your father's level is unmatched. As the son of the Eastern Martial King, you may not be able to be peaceful in the days to come."

"A tiger father has no dogs, because your father, you and your little brother's mysterious feelings are more fascinating than those supernatural sons and saints."

"Maybe one day, those holy sons and saintesses will appear and collide with you."

Chen Yuling said with a smile.

"Can't afford to offend, can't I still hide!"

"Snail Village is very remote, and there should be no people from the rivers and lakes coming to such a place. If it is not safe here, then we will return to the capital, and no force will dare to cause trouble in the capital.

Huang Tianzhen also knew that in order to become famous quickly, the other geniuses would definitely not let go of challenging him and his Little Brother. Only in this way can they become famous the fastest.

It is not impossible that even those holy sons and saints contact him and his Little Brother for other purposes.

"I'll listen to you!"

Chen Yuling sat up straight, and scanned the Huangtian town house, suddenly she saw antlers, wolfberry, beef kidney and so on piled up in the corner of the house.

Immediately, she blushed, and glared at Huang Tianzhen, without saying a word, ran out of the house and went back.

"I think I can still explain."

Huang Tianzhen naturally saw Chen Yuling's strangeness in his eyes. He wanted to explain, but Chen Yuling had already run back.

Looking at the extra kidney-reinforcing ingredients sent by the villagers in the corner of the house, he smiled wryly.

For a moment, there was a smile on his face that men could understand. Chen Yuling didn't say anything when he saw the supplements, but ran away blushing. Didn't he say,

Two or three days later, Huang Tianzhen felt that the injury on his back and left shoulder no longer affected his hunting.

He took his hunting tools and prepared to go deeper into the Woshan Mountain. Who made the nearby prey less and less, only the deeper prey would be more and easier to hunt.

As soon as Huang Tianzhen entered the depths of Woshan Mountain, there was movement from Bai Dousheng's side.

"A large number of robbers from Heifengzhai appeared near Snail Village. Not surprisingly, they are heading for Snail Village. Do we want to stop them?"

The old blind man asked Bai Dousheng.

"leave it!"

"I really don't care, if this is the case, the son will hate us......"

The sullen male swordsman said hesitantly.

"Without the baptism of blood, you think Miss Chen Yuling's mentality will change. If she doesn't change, how can she keep up with the eldest son?"

"It doesn't matter whether the eldest son hates us or not. Our task is to protect him. The life and death of other people has nothing to do with us."

The old blind man and the others did not refute Bai Dousheng's order, they were used to seeing life and death, the villagers of Snail Village may be innocent people, but it has nothing to do with them.

"Second brother, is there really a beautiful woman who is ashamed of the moon?"

The first master, Ma Dechu, asked the second master, Lu Fenghang, in doubt.

"Dage, whether it's true or not, a lot of people say that, let's try our luck."

"If there is, it will be just for Dage to be your wife in the village. If not, the cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks in the whole village are just enough for us to walk around once."

Second master Lu Fenghang said casually.

"Yes, we have investigated the cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks in this village, and we are sure that they are abundant."

"Boys, if you stay on the mountain for a few months, you must be too hungry and thirsty."

"This time, let us indulge once, kill all men and old women, we will not let go of cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks.

"The most important point is that there is probably a very beautiful beauty inside. She is mine. If any of you dare to hide it and enjoy it, you should know my methods.

"Why are you still hesitating, why don't you hurry up and go wild to your heart's content,...

Under Ma Dechu's order, more than two hundred robbers rushed towards Snail Village.

"Strong, robber, it's a robber from Heifengzhai, run quickly,

"The robber is coming, run,,,3.2,"

"Take the kids and hide in the cellar,,,"

When Luo Qiang saw a large number of robbers rushing towards Snail Village with weapons, his face was frightened for a moment, and he beat the gong and shouted into the village.

As soon as the village head shouted, the whole snail village was thrown into chaos.

Seeing the panicked villagers in Snail Village, the faces of the robbers became even more excited.

Just as they rushed into the entrance of the village, a flash of light flashed across, and the heads of the dozen or so robbers who rushed to the front flew instantly.

Seeing this scene, all the robbers stopped, looking at the swordsman who appeared at the entrance of the village at some time to stop them from advancing.

"I'm sorry, I can't watch you kill innocent people indiscriminately. You not only hinder my swordsmanship, but also bring back bad memories for me."

The mensao male swordsman exuded an aggressive murderous look and said.

Bai Dousheng was a little helpless, how could he have forgotten that the village of Mensao Swordsman was slaughtered by bandits, at this moment, it is no wonder that Mensao Swordsman could hold back his hand. .

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