I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 17: Do Things To The Extreme

"Chen Prime Minister, let's go, do you still want to wait for your daughter here?"

Sima Xiuhao never gave up any chance to piss off people, especially when facing his old enemies who were officials in the same dynasty, no, he squinted his smiling face and said in a Yin & Yang strange tone that ordinary people can hear.


This time it was Chen Huaijiang's turn to use "hmph", he flicked his sleeves and left, apparently to arrange for someone to find his daughter.

"Tch, why pretend, I don't know you yet, the less you talk, the less peaceful you are."

"Fight with me, hehe..."

Sima Xiuhao was very pleased when he saw that the two rivals had been brought to such an extent with the subtotal, so he left happily.

Deep in the East Martial King's Mansion

"My lord, Miss Chen lost control of her emotions and ran away from marriage because she saw the contents of a small note."

"That little note was secretly released by a servant of the Prime Minister's Mansion. We took that servant away for interrogation and found out that he was bought by people from the Taiwei's Mansion."

Li Gui sent someone to secretly protect Chen Yuling according to his master's request yesterday, so Chen Yuling's every move today is naturally in Li Gui's hands.

"Taiwei Mansion, Sima Xiuhao?"

"It's a small note again. It's a very familiar routine. The small note we received last time was also made by Sima Xiuhao."

"This old boy is really full and has nothing to do. Send someone to find out who he is from."

"People like him can't settle down. It seems that we have to find a time to mess with him."

"Where is my unmarried daughter-in-law now?"

Huang Dongjie asked in a flat tone.

"Already out of Kyoto."

"Very well, the capital is very big, but it is still too small for the world. That kid in Tianzhen needs to grow up, and the outside world is what he should go to."

"And my daughter-in-law is the catalyst for that kid. If you don't go through the wind and rain, it's so easy to embrace a beauty."

Huang Dongjie wants to live a low-key life, but life is very long, he has to find something to do for himself.

He has experience with this, and he usually does these few things to pass the time in every life.

One, if he is reincarnated with family members, he will be cultivated if he needs to be cultivated, and if he should be pitted, he will be pitted. Most of the time he digs a lot, usually to the extent that he digs a hole but does not bury it.

Second, travel, to travel the current world as a passer-by. Under normal circumstances, he walks on his feet to see the world.

Transportation such as riding a carriage is fast and consumes less time. Walking and stopping takes a lot of time, and life passes quickly.

Although there are many troubles encountered on foot, these are not problems, and it can be regarded as adding a little fun to his boring travel.

He is not afraid of troublesome things affecting his low profile, as long as he kills everyone, no one will know that he existed.

Three, if he encounters an interesting skill during the journey, he will stay and learn it. When encountering medical skills, divination, disguise, etc., as long as it is related to the skills he knows.

He can also absorb its essence to enhance his own ability.

Fourth, it depends on interest, there is no specific direction for this, it all depends on his mood, that is to say, everything is in his mind.

There are too many things to do in one thought, who knows.

Five, just find a place to sleep and sleep to death, time will pass soon.

Sixth, do things to the extreme, die if you want to change the world, drink medicine, hang yourself, etc.,,,


Take a look, this is the method summed up by experienced people.

At present, Huang Dongjie doesn't want to go out, and now he is still in the Grand Great Master early stage. Although he is no longer afraid of anyone, he still wants to go out after two or three months.

By then, he had also reached the peak of Grand Great Master.

If you have the conditions, why go out and upgrade slowly. Immediately invincible, isn't it good to go out?

Huang Dongjie couldn't understand those protagonists who had no skills but went around everywhere, pretending to be aggressive if they were beaten, but running with injuries all over their bodies if they couldn't.

When you meet a master, you will call a senior or a senior, and the unlucky protagonist and heroine will be killed by that.

If you don't have the ability to gossip about anything, Gou Yigou should keep a low profile.


"Old man Chen, he may come to explain something recently, just ignore him and turn him away as if I don't want to see him."

"Yes, my lord."

Seeing that the prince had no other orders, Li Gui retreated to deal with other matters.

Here, only the sound of Huang Dongjie flipping through folk miscellaneous medical books is left quiet.

In less than a day, the story of the bride's escape from marriage in the eastern Martial King's mansion spread widely.

Just as Huang Dongjie thought, the East Martial King's mansion has become a joke.

It is stupid to give up such a large military power. It is difficult for other people to say that the bride escaped the marriage on the day of her wedding, let alone the Martial King's mansion in the east of Nuo Da.

The East Martial King's Mansion has really become a joke, and it is still the biggest joke in the whole world.

Some people are excited.

That is the enemy of the Eastern Martial King's Mansion and the ulterior motives.

The Eastern Martial King's Mansion is so big, it would be a lie to say that it has no enemies.

"Great, our chance has come."

"The military power of the Eastern Martial King's Mansion is gone, and the strength of the Eastern Martial King's Mansion has already been greatly reduced. The stupid Eastern Martial King even let the strong people who had taken refuge in him leave."

"Now that this joke is being made again, how many powerful people are willing to stay in such a Martial King's mansion in the East?"

"Wait, wait until the strong men in the Eastern Martial King's Mansion are almost gone, it's time for us to take revenge."

"No rush, just a few days, let's prepare."

This is the idea of ​​the enemies of the East Martial King Mansion, and it is unknown how many enemies there are in the East Martial King Mansion.

Enemies are one thing, but what is really scary is the people with evil intentions.

Because these people are either supernatural forces or top-level forces.

"The capital city is the territory of the old immortal. Once there is a massacre in the East Martial King's mansion, the movement will never be concealed from the old immortal."

"So our purpose is not to kill people, but to steal the Resurrection Pill and confirm whether the Dragon Shard is in the hands of Eastern Martial King."

"We are not the only ones who have taken such actions. Other forces will also attack. If you encounter them, don't be soft. Kill them if you can, and stand still if you can't."

There are also frequent bloodshed among the major forces. Whenever they have the opportunity, they will bite each other, and it is just right that they can bite and maim each other.

Now they will take a bite when the strength of the Eastern Martial King's Mansion plummets.

Because the Eastern Martial King's Mansion has the Resurrection Pill, there may also be pieces of the Canglong that all major forces have fought for.


I saw a young man and woman walking out of the boundless dense forest.

Both of them were dressed in shabby clothes, obviously trapped in one place for a long time.

The man's hair is messy and he has a lot of stubble, but he looks like Huang Dongjie. Needless to say, he is Huang Dongjie's second son, Huang Tianqi.

The woman is quite clean, I saw that she covered her head with a black gauze, making it hard to see her appearance, she was invisible, but she smelled of blood, some of her own, some of others, she is not a simple ruthless character.

"Yun'er, look, we have come out."

Huang Tianqi had a look of surprise on his face, he finally came out of this ghostly place.

It's been three months!

After three full months, he finally walked out of this unknown ghost forest.

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