I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 18: Father, You Bully

Recalling that he and Yun'er were chased and ran into the depths of this ghostly place, and they managed to get rid of their pursuers, but they lost their way.

As soon as you get lost, you will be trapped in the deep mountains and old forests, and you can't get out no matter how you turn.

It's been three months, do you know how these three months have passed?

Fighting tigers, sleeping with wolves, not eating well enough, and often being exposed to wind and rain, he is almost turning into a savage.

But there are also advantages, there are a lot of Hundred Year Thousand Year herbs in this deep mountain forest, which allowed him to break through from the Innate early stage to the middle stage, and Yun'er also broke through from the Innate peak to the Great Master.

Finally, these three months were not all in vain. Now that he has figured it out, what he thinks of is to find a restaurant to eat and drink well, and take a good bath.

"Cough, cough,,,"

The woman in the bamboo hat and black gauze next to her suddenly covered her mouth and coughed.

"Yun'er, what's wrong with you?"

Huang Tianqi immediately became nervous, he looked at his sweetheart with concern.

"No, it's okay, it's an old problem."

Qiao Yuner knew Huang Tianqi's affection for her, and she also had feelings for Huang Tianqi. It's just that she was terminally ill and had few years to live, so she didn't dare to face Huang Tianqi's affection.

"Yun'er, I won't let anything happen to you. The resurrection pill can suppress terminal illness for a long time, and my father has one in his hand."

"I'm going to ask my father for the Resurrection Pill. After you take it, we will have a longer time to look for Divine Doctor Lu. If you find Immortal Lu, you will be saved, Yun'er."

Huang Tianqi didn't think too much about it, as long as he could save his sweetheart, he would do anything.

"Apocalypse, the genius doctor Lu has only cultivated fifteen Pills of Resurrection in his lifetime. After so many years, the Pills of Resurrection have been consumed by people, how many of them are still alive today."

"Every one of the remaining ones is offered by each owner as an ancestor. If you want to ask your father for the resurrection pill for me, an outsider, how can your father give it to you?"

Qiao Yuner wanted to dispel Huang Tianqi's thoughts.

"If my father doesn't give it to me, I will steal it. No matter what method I use, I will get the resurrection pill from my father's hand."

Huang Tianqi's attitude was very firm, as if he wanted to get the resurrection pill from his father's hand.

"Tianqi, I'm not worth it for you to do this. I don't have a few years to live. Even if I take the Resurrection Pill, it's just a few more years."

"Do you think we can find Miracle Doctor Lu if I live a few more years? Even if we are lucky enough to find Miracle Doctor Lu, how can you guarantee that Miracle Doctor Lu can save me?"

Qiao Yuner asked back.

"I don't care, I want you to live well."

Huang Tianqi is a stubborn young man, he will do what he wants to do even though he knows that there will be no good results.

"Tianqi, you know my experience. I have killed too many people. I may survive today, but not tomorrow. We can't guarantee when the accident will come."

Huang Tianqi's eyes flickered, Qiao Yuner had told him about her experience.

Qiao Yuner, known as Rakshasa girl in the Jianghu, has this title because she kills too many people.

She is not a member of the Demon Cult, or she is not a member of Righteous & Evil, on the contrary, both Righteous & Evil want to kill her.

Who told her to kill too many people, of all identities, and that's what caused the public outrage.

She is not a devourer, she became like this because of an accident, she was robbed by robbers as soon as she debuted.

She killed the robbers and ran away a few times, and then she encountered the collusion between officials and bandits, and was forced to kill the officials and bandits as well.

Anyone who wants to be an official has several identities. The son is from that gang, and who is the mother's family. In the process of seeking revenge, people with backgrounds and identities are involved.

Then just like this, one group was killed, and another group was involved. The more people were killed, the more people were involved, and gradually half of the world's forces were involved.

This situation that shouldn't have happened, because of various accidents and bad luck gradually formed, I can't blame others for this, I can only blame own bad luck.

"Who cares so much, if someone wants to kill you, pass me first."

"You are not as strong as me, but you still want to protect me, you should practice."

Qiao Yuner smiled lightly.

"I'm as perverted as Yun'er, you're already a Great Master a few years older than me."

Huang Tianqi couldn't help but lament that other people are usually seventy or eighty years old when they break through to the Great Master, while Qiao Yuner is only twenty-six this year, and broke through the Great Master at the age of twenty-seven.

Isn't the Great Master in his twenties more monstrous than evil, but God is jealous of Yingcai and makes Qiao Yuner terminally ill. God really can't see others well.

"In terms of talent, I am indeed much better than many people, but in terms of luck, I am not so good."

Qiao Yun'er knows her own luck, it can be said that her luck is simply bad, otherwise, how could she get terminally ill, how could she offend half of the power in the world.

"Luck will not remain the same, I believe we will have a better life in the future, Yun'er, come back to Kyoto with me."

Huang Tianqi held Qiao Yuner's hand tightly and said.


In the end, Qiao Yuner was defeated by Huang Tianqi's tender eyes.

East Martial King

"Tianzhen, why are you looking for your father?"

Huang Dongjie was fishing by the lake and was about to hook a fish, but was startled away by Huang Tianzhen who came over.

"Father, I want to go out and look for her."

Huang Dongjie naturally understands that "she" refers to Chen Yuling.

"Where are you going to find it?"

Huang Dongjie didn't look back, but kept his eyes on the float.

"I don't know, but I will look slowly until I find her."

Huang Tianzhen shook his head and said.

"Why did you go to her?"

"She's been mine for a long time, even if she hasn't passed the door yet. Besides, I don't feel relieved that she's a weak woman outside."

Huang Tianzhen said seriously.

"You can go to her if you want, but if you break through to Innate first, I don't understand. You have cultivated to a pig, and you are still at the peak of the day after tomorrow."

Huang Dongjie turned his head and looked at Huang Tianzhen with disgust.

Huang Tianzhen also wanted to explain that many people at this age are not as good as me.

But considering that he is the eldest son of the Eastern Martial King Mansion, with so many resources, it really shouldn't be the peak of the day after tomorrow.

But it's not his fault, he was not very serious about martial arts before.

"Breakthrough Innate is easy, I just..."

"No drugs."

Huang Tianzhen was speechless immediately, he really wanted to take drugs, who would have thought that his father would immediately find out and stop him.

"Follow me to the training room, don't even think about leaving the training room until Innate."

Huang Tianzhen looked at his father's back, and reluctantly followed.

"Attack me."

When they arrived at the training room, Huang Dongjie directly ordered Huang Tianzhen to attack him.

"Father, then I will not be polite, drink~"


Huang Tianzhen had just finished preparing, and was about to pounce on his daddy, but the daddy in front of him disappeared at some point.

A force suddenly came from his butt, and he was kicked, causing him to roll on the ground several times.

"Father, if you bully others, you can't suppress Cultivation Base to fight me. What's the difference between you and bullying a child."

Huang Tianzhen got up aggrieved and accused his father of ill-treating him.

"Who said there is no difference? I may be soft when I bully children, but I won't be soft when I beat you."

"And when did I tell you I would suppress Cultivation Base."

Huang Tianzhen: ⊙﹏⊙

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