I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 189 : Demon Elimination Conference

Dage Huang Tianzhen was forced to accept his fate, Little Brother Huang Tianqi's troubles came.

At this moment, Huang Tianqi and Ren Yun'er were surrounded by the strong men from the Great Buddha Temple.

"How did you find us?"

Huang Tianqi looked at the monks surrounding them with a serious expression. There were more than a dozen monks, each of whom gave him the feeling that he couldn't beat them.

Not surprisingly, these dozen or so monks are all Great Master powerhouses, and the purpose may be to catch him and use him to endanger his father.

"The background of the Great Buddha Temple is beyond your imagination. It will not be difficult for us to find you."

The head monk said.

"What do you want to do, catch me and use me to force my father to show up, this is the kindness of your Buddhism."

Huang Tianqi felt bitter in his heart. He knew that the Great Buddha Temple had come, so he must have been well prepared. He and Ren Yun'er could hardly escape.

"You are wrong, our Buddhist sect will not do anything to an innocent person, the person we are looking for is not you, but the Rakshasa woman beside you.

"Ms. Rakshasa, you have killed countless people. I don't know how many resentful souls exist. If you continue to let you go, it will only harm the world."

"At the request of all the people in the world, our Buddhist sect will open the Demon Elimination Conference to sanction you. Come with us to Fumoyuan. You should pay for the sins you committed."

Great Buddha Temple - Fumoyuan, Master Pu Zhuo set his sights on Ren Yun'er.

"You... you Buddhists are really hypocrites. You think I can't see it. On the surface, you are here for Yun'er, but in reality you are here for my father and king."

"What demon slaying conference, you have captured Yun'er now, you must know that I will save Yun'er. Saving people in your Buddhist sect will take risks, and you are using my safety to force my father to show up.

"So that you can besiege and kill my father!"

Huang Tianqi is not a fool, he quickly guessed the real goal of Buddhism, this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy that anyone with a discerning eye can see.

"We don't know what you're talking about, please don't stop us from arresting people."

After Master Pu Zhuo finished speaking, he waved his hand to let other monks do it, Huang Tianqi wanted to stop him, but he was still too weak, and within a few moves, he was pinned down by a monk and couldn't move.

Ren Yuner also struggled for a while, but there were too many Great Masters from Buddhism, and soon she lost and was caught by the Buddhists.

"The demon slaying conference is just seven days away, and we will invite heroes from all over the world to witness how the Rakshasa girl has performed the law."

"Ms. Rakshasa is your friend, and you can come to see your friend for the last time then."

Master Puzhuo saw Ren Yuner captured by the strong Buddhists, and he did not forget to remind Huang Tianqi of the time for the Demon Slayer Conference to start.

"You are despicable, you are shameless,,,"

Huang Tianqi couldn't understand the meaning of this monk's words, didn't he just tell him: we will kill Rakshasa girl that day, and if we want to save her, we should quickly find your father.

"Tianqi, leave me alone, don't let your father come to save me, Buddhism is forcing your father to show up.

Ren Yun'er called out to Huang Tianqi weakly.

It's just that after she finished saying this, she was knocked out by the Buddhist strongman.

"Yun'er,,, Damn it, bald donkey, you are really hypocrites."

"In order to force my royal father to show up, and don't want to be ruined, instead of arresting me, arrest Yun'er to hold some demon-slaying conference, you..."

Huang Tianqi kept yelling and cursing.

Pu Zhuo gave the monk who controlled Huang Tianqi a look, the monk understood, and punched Huang Tianqi directly in the abdomen.

Huang Tianqi's eyes widened, his body bowed and fell to the ground, the pain made him speechless for a while.

Seeing that Huang Tianqi was quiet, Master Puzhuo didn't say anything, leaving a word of Anidafo, and he led the people away.

After a while, Huang Tianqi barely stood up and wanted to chase after him, but he couldn't see anyone anymore.

"What should I do, go find my father? No, the Buddhist sect must be well-prepared for this step, and maybe the Demon Sect and other transcendent forces are also involved."

"I can't let my father take risks, but how can I rescue Yun'er."

Huang Tianqi's head was in a mess, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a way to save Ren Yun'er.

But he didn't sit still, he quickly set off towards the Great Buddha Temple, trying to rescue Ren Yun'er by himself.

On the day Ren Yun'er was taken away, the Great Buddha Temple specially released the time for the demon slaying conference, and tirelessly invited heroes from all over the world to participate.

When they found out that the object of the Buddha's slaying demon this time was Rakshasa girl, people all over the world were excited. Because of the Canglong Sword incident, they knew that Rakshasa girl was the woman of the youngest son of the Lord of Dongwu.

This time, the Buddhist sect is finally going to take action against the Eastern Martial King.

All of a sudden, the world was in turmoil, and all the heroes set off for the Great Buddha Temple.

……… Ask for flowers……

They are all going to the theater, and they believe that this big play must be extremely exciting.


"Old Ancestor, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Buddhism is forcing my father to show up. They want to harm my father. We must stop them."

"I suggest that we send strong men to rescue Ren Yun'er before the Demon Slayer Conference starts, or we can directly send a large army to encircle and suppress her, forcing the Great Buddha Temple to hand over her. 17

Huang Tianzhen suggested to Huang Tianshi.

"You think the problem is too simple. It is impossible to rescue Ren Yun'er by sending a strong man. You think that the Great Buddha Temple will not guard against this move."

"And this time it's not just the Great Buddha Temple that is plotting against your father, the Demon Cult is also involved. As for whether there are other supernatural forces, I don't know."

"As for what you said, sending a large army to encircle and force the Great Buddha Temple to hand over people, you are openly starting a war with the Great Buddha Temple.

"This won't work, not to mention the existence of the Devil's Cult and other restless forces. We still need time to recover our strength, and we can't head-on now."

"The most important thing is, if we send a large army to rescue a Rakshasa woman who has killed countless people, how do you think the world will think of us?"

"Your father finally changed the attitude of the people of the world towards us, and you did this to make our reputation and reputation plummet.

Huang Tianshi shook his head and said.

"It's my fault, but if we don't stop it. Based on what I know about my family, my Little Brother will definitely take the risk to save people, and my father will definitely join in the fun."

Huang Tianzhen said worriedly.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, I will handle this matter myself, I can't watch the conspiracy of Buddhism and Demon Sect succeed.

Huang Tianshi's eyes showed a bright light [Huang Zhen was driven out with a wave of his hand.

After driving Huang Tianzhen out, Huang Tianshi summoned Zhang Yiran, the deputy leader of the Dark Dragon Guard.

"You should know how important the Eastern Martial King is to the Great Xia Empire. It can be said that even if I die, nothing will happen to him.

"There are a lot of forces involved this time. Just in case, we can't let the East Martial King appear in the Great Buddha Temple. You can do this. It's time for your father to help us."

The reason why Huang Tianshi is so calm is because Zhang Yiran's biological father is Zhang Nine Heavens, Zhang Nine Heavens is the number one in the heaven list. .

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