I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 190: The Slaying Of The Court And The Devil's Cult

"How afraid they are that I will continue to grow, and they will unite together in order to deal with me.

Gou is in an unknown place, Huang Dongjie is calm when he gets the news, his greatest skill is not the natal Talent, but the eternal reincarnation of Samsara.

For him who is not afraid of death, or who doesn't care about life and death, the outcome of each life is not important, as long as he has fun.

"There is no danger warning, which means that this conspiracy against me is not dangerous to me."

"That's interesting. The combination of several supernatural forces is not dangerous to me. It seems that the imperial court has played a very important role here."

Huang Dongjie didn't have a danger warning, so he didn't bother divination, and got up and set off for the Great Buddha Temple.

There were three days before the Demon Slayer Conference, Huang Dongjie was stopped by Zhang Yiran on the way.

He was not surprised that people from the imperial court could find him, just look at Zhang Yiran leading a big dog.

There are only a few roads to go to the Great Buddha Temple. On each road, people from the imperial court are walking around with big dogs and small dogs.

These trained dogs should have gone to the East Martial King's mansion to smell the smell on his clothes before finding him here.

"My lord, it's not convenient to talk here, please follow me."

Zhang Yiran saw people passing by on the road, and there were quite a few people who noticed him. In order not to let others know the content of the conversation, he politely and respectfully invited Dong Martial King to a remote place.

"Just talk, they can't hear us."

When they arrived in a remote place, seeing Zhang Yiran's hesitant expression, Huang Dongjie wrapped him and Zhang Yiran in a circle with real yuan, so as to prevent outsiders from overhearing their conversation.

The scruples on Zhang Yiran's face relaxed when he saw Dong Martial King separating the outside world.

"My lord, with your resourcefulness, you should know that the Demon Slayer Conference is a conspiracy against you."

"The Demon Sect, Buddhism, and the Yunhai Sect have united, and they even spent a lot of money to invite Mo Wusheng, the Shashen from Tingyu Pavilion.

"You are going to face four Grand Great Masters alone."

"Furthermore, the background of the Buddhist sect is very terrifying. Just talking about the four great monks of the Buddhist sect, they are as powerful as a Grand Great Master together.

"It's all like this on the surface, so who knows how many tricks the Buddhist sect has behind the scenes, my lord, you must never go on this trip."

Zhang Yiran persuaded.

"That's my daughter-in-law, I can't just sit and watch those bald donkeys kill my daughter-in-law at the demon slaying convention.

Huang Dongjie said calmly.

"My lord, let the court and my father handle this matter."

"Your father?"

Huang Dongjie asked with puzzled eyes.

"My father is Zhang Nine Heavens, Zhang Nine Heavens of Tianshidao."

"Let me just say, to become the deputy leader of the Dark Dragon Guard in his early thirties, merit alone is not enough for qualifications, and an extraordinary background is also required."

"Who would have thought that your background is so extraordinary, let me tell you about the story of your father and the court.

Huang Dongjie was not surprised, but was very interested in the story of Zhang Nine Heavens and the court.

Zhang Yiran didn't beat around the bush, and directly explained the relationship between Zhang Nine Heavens and the imperial court, and why he was a member of the imperial court.

"Unexpectedly, this little-known secret is wonderful enough, before your father became a Grand Great Master.

"I felt that my time was approaching, so I ran out to play around the world, and prepared to finish my life hastily."

"Who would have thought that he would meet the princess who also sneaked out from the imperial court on the way, and the two of them fell in love with each other for a long time, and then because of some things, your mother and son separated from your father.

"Your father came back to the Tao of Heavenly Master because of these experiences and directly realized it. He became a high-ranking Grand Great Master, and in a short period of time, he went straight to the top and surpassed other Grand Great Masters."

"Why does this routine feel a little familiar, no, the point is not this, the point is that your father is old and eating young grass."

Huang Dongjie made a lot of long talks, and finally came to such a conclusion.

The corners of Zhang Yiran's mouth twitched slightly, is the brain circuit of all Grand Great Masters like this?

"My lord, the way of the heavenly masters is for our imperial court. There are many branches of the way of the heavenly masters in the world, and they are approved by the imperial court."

"Nominally controlling a continent is not the will of the Celestial Master Dao. In fact, the continent where the Celestial Master Dao is located is sandwiched between the demonic sect and the Buddhist forces."

"If Tianshidao doesn't put on a show, he and Buddhism will harm the people in the continent where Tianshidao is located.

"Tianshi Dao is helping us protect the people of that continent. If we want to return the control of that continent, Tianshi Dao will be willing to return the control of that continent to us."

Zhang Yiran put Huang Dongjie's jokes about his father behind him, and began to talk about the harmlessness of the heavenly master.

"The Taoism is so big, it's impossible for everyone to have no ideas. How can you be sure that other than your father, other people have no ideas."

Huang Dongjie asked.

"In the past, there may have been some people who were restless in the Taoist sect, but when my father became a Grand Great Master, he directly defeated them.

"Now the way of the heavenly master is determined by my father alone."

Zhang Yiran replied.

"Your father is really a genius, but no matter how your father helps me, facing several Grand Great Masters alone, even if he is the first in the list, he won't be able to hold it for long."

Huang Dongjie asked.

"No, my father will not face multiple Grand Great Masters alone. Those Grand Great Masters all have their own ideas, and it is impossible to completely unite together.

"We only need to pay attention to Zheng Tianjue's reconciliation with Master Wu."

Huang Dongjie heard this, thought for a while, and didn't say anything, turned around and prepared to leave.

"My lord, you can't appear at the scene. With the court and my father present, this matter can be easily resolved, but if you appear at the scene, the matter will become more troublesome."

Seeing Dong Martial King turn and leave, Zhang Yiran became anxious.

"Understood, there is no need, I don't know how to play around."

After speaking, Huang Dongjie shook his body and killed all the strong people nearby who were eavesdropping, before leaving to watch the excitement at the Great Buddha Temple.

"It's troublesome, I hope East Martial King doesn't show up at the Great Buddha Temple, otherwise things will get out of control.

There is still one day left before the demon slaying conference.

Zheng Tianjue and other strong men who came to the Great Buddha Temple were stopped by the people of the court.

"Huang Tianshi, what are you doing here if you don't guard your capital?"

Zheng Tianjue squinted his eyes and looked at Huang Tianshi and the others opposite.

"Aside from preventing you from going to the Great Buddha Temple, what else can you do."

Huang Tianshi also narrowed his eyes and said.

"You think you can save Dong Martial King by stopping me here."

"You must know that the Great Buddha Temple has gathered three Grand Great Masters at this moment. As long as the Eastern Martial King appears, he will definitely die. 11

Zheng Tianjue took a look at the strong men brought by Huang Tianshi, there were more of them than him, it might be difficult to break through Huang Tianshi's level.

"No, it's Wutulu, Mo Wusheng and White Cloud Ye. I have blocked you here, so I naturally have a way to deal with them."

Huang Tianshi said expressionlessly.

"Did you invite Saint Lord or Zhang Nine Heavens, or both of them. 5.9 Zheng Tianjue narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and had to ask suspiciously.

"I also want to ask the Saint Lord for help, but unfortunately the Holy Court will ignore us, otherwise, the day of the Demon Elimination Conference will be a disaster for Buddhism.

Zheng Tianjue heard that Huang Tianshi did not invite the Saint Lord to fight, and felt that there was still hope, and immediately his fighting spirit rose.


Whether it's for the sake of face or to break through Huang Tianshi's level, this battle must be fought.

It's best if you can break through, but if you can't break through, you have to drag Huang Tianshi and others here to prevent Huang Tianshi from destroying the demon removal conference.

The goal of Huang Tianshi's coming was to prevent Zheng Tianjue from going to the Great Buddha Temple. Seeing Zheng Tianjue leading people to rush up, he did not hesitate, and directly led people to collide with Zheng Tianjue.

Time passed bit by bit in their killing.

Soon the day of the Demon Slayer Conference came, and their battle was still not over.

It was obvious that they both wanted to hold each other back until the demon slaying convention was over. .

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