"Benefactor Bai, you also know that Rakshasa can't be taken away by him, otherwise we won't have the means to force the Eastern Martial King to show up.

Killing God Mo Wusheng is gone, Master Liaowu doesn't want White Cloud to leave at night.

If White Cloud left at night, East Martial King suddenly appeared, plus Zhang Nine Heavens, Buddhism wants to deal with two Grand Great Masters, the pressure will not be ordinary.

"Master Liaowu, you should know that our Yunhai Sect is a neutral force, and generally will not participate in the struggles of other forces."

"This time, I only deal with the Eastern Martial King, I don't want to provoke the Taoist sect."

"This is your Buddhist territory. You should be able to drive Nine Heavens away. I need to save my strength to deal with Eastern Martial King."

White Cloud has a lot of worries at night. If Dong Martial King can kill Wu Qitian, he may be able to kill him. He needs to save his strength to deal with Dong Martial King.

In addition, he didn't want to provoke Taoist sects. Buddhism and Taoist sects are both ancient forces, and their Yunhai Sect is just a new force, and they have no foundation to compare with the ancient forces.

It is better for him to wait and see the collision between the ancient forces. He is still happy to see the ancient forces being consumed.

"Benefactor Bai, you...

Master Liaowu saw that White Cloud had no intention of helping them at night, so he couldn't say what he wanted to say, although people have selfish motives.

"Vald donkey, quickly hand over the man, if I make a scene, it will not end well."

When Zhang Nine Heavens saw that White Cloud had no intention of making a move at night, his pressure immediately decreased a lot. He knew that it was impossible for Zhang Nine Heavens to rescue someone from the Buddhist sect full of masters by himself.

His purpose is just to attract attention, to hold back the high-end powerhouse, and let the imperial court cultivate Ren Yuner secretly in Buddhism.

"Benefactor Zhang, the Rakshasa woman has killed countless people. She is the public enemy of the world. If you save her in full view, you will not be afraid of causing the world to hate your sect."

Master Liao Wu took up reasoning to deal with Zhang Nine Heavens.

"Baldy donkey, if the old man is afraid, the old man won't come."

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the person, or your Buddhist temple will be demolished."

Zhang Nine Heavens coldly said.

"Then there's nothing to talk about!"

Master Liaowu knew that he couldn't deal with Zhang Nine Heavens by himself, so he had no choice but to send someone to the rear to call him out.

"Master Puxin, Puming,,, the four great monks of Buddhism have come out." "

"I heard that the combined force of the four great monks is equivalent to the combat power of a Grand Great Master. I don't know if it is true or not."

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, as long as there's a big show to watch."

The appearance of the four great monks has aroused discussions among countless people in the world.

At the same time, they retreated quickly, keeping away from the few people in the center of the field. They were here to watch the excitement, and they didn't want to be affected by the battle.

"Benefactor Bai, if you really don't help us, if you make a move, I believe we will be able to force him back soon with our joint efforts.

Master Liao Wu was still a little unwilling to ask.

"You asked me to besiege the East Martial King, but you didn't tell me that you have to deal with other Grand Great Masters. And it's the number one Nine Heavens in the sky list. Sorry, I can't help you with this.

White Cloud Ye felt that Buddhism was absolutely capable of forcing Zhang Nine Heavens to retreat, and it would not affect the use of Rakshasa to force East Martial King to show up, so he shook his head and refused.

"Hey, the old man doesn't have time to play with you bald donkeys. If you don't make friends, then don't blame the old man for making a fuss."

What Zhang Nine Heavens has to do is to attract everyone's attention, and only fighting will prevent the higher-ups of the Buddhist sect from noticing the rear.

So he took the initiative to attack Master Wu and the four great monks.

For a moment, the earth was violent, like the sound of shells bombarding, and the void qi raged and flew, scraping off a lot of gold powder from the magnificent Buddhist land.

Everyone was attracted by the battle between the peak powerhouses, and watched this rare battle without turning their eyes.

Behind the Buddhist gate

Demon Sealing Tower Cage

A middle-aged monk directly trapped a disciple who was guarding the magic tower, lost the body, and walked towards the seriously injured disciple who was lying on the ground.

"Why, Daobao Elder, why did you betray Buddhism."

The disciples of the Tower of Keeping the Demon Tower did not expect that the Elder of Prajna Hall Daobao falsely passed on the abbot's order, and transferred the strong man who guarded the Tower of Demon Sealing to the front yard to help.

As soon as the strong men from the Demon Sealing Tower left, Dao Bao Elder sneaked up on the two strong men who stayed behind. The two strong men had no time to defend and were sent away by Dao Bao Elder.

Needless to say, the remaining Buddhist disciples were easily slaughtered by Daobao Elder, and now he is the only one left lying on the ground with serious injuries.

"You are not worthy to ask me such a question!"

Monk Daobao directly slapped the disciple to death.

After the monk Daobao finished killing people, he picked up the key and walked to the cell where Ren Yun'er was being held.

Seeing Monk Daobao's betrayal of Buddhism, the other demon heads imprisoned by Buddhism in Fengmo Pagoda were very excited, and they all begged Monk Daobao to let them out.

But Monk Daobao ignored him, went directly to Ren Yuner's cell, and opened the cell door.

Ren Yuner also saw Monk Daobao massacre Buddhist disciples. When Monk Daobao came to her cell with the key, she knew that the monk was coming for her.

She didn't do anything superfluous, she had already guessed in her heart that this monk might be the court's internal agent and someone who went out.

"Miss Ren, I am an internal response arranged by the court in Buddhism, and I am here to save you."

"Take this Medicine Pill, it can relieve the cartilage powder and Qi sealing powder on your body, take it and follow me immediately."

Monk Daobao took out a Medicine Pill and handed it to Ren Yuner and said.

Hiding in the dark, the imperial court who watched all this should be in a daze.

TM's "Someone Impersonating Me!

The imperial court should have thought about it, and chose to continue to hide. Although he didn't know where Dao Bao was from, Dao Bao had the same purpose as him, to save Ren Yun'er.

When Daobao rescued Ren Yuner safely from the Buddhist territory, he was going to grab Ren Yuner.

Ren Yuner knew that at this moment, except for the imperial court, no other force would take such a big risk to rescue her, so Ren Yuner took the Medicine Pill and left with Monk Daobao.

". "Not good, it's Guangwen from the Discipline Hall, let's run away quickly."

As soon as Dao Bao took Ren Yuner out of the Demon Sealing Tower, he saw a few monks rushing towards this side, seeing that the head monk was Guangwen, Dao Bao didn't even think about it, he took Ren Yuner and ran away

"What...damn it, traitor, Daobao betrayed Buddhism.

"One of you will tell the abbot, the others will check the situation of the Demon Sealing Pagoda, and the poor monk will go after the traitor Daobao."

Guangwen and the others saw Dao Bao running away with Ren Yun'er from a distance, they were taken aback for a moment, then they reacted furiously, and immediately Guangwen chased Dao Bao alone.

"Abbot, something is wrong, Daobao betrayed us, he killed the disciples of Fengmo Tower, and took away (Le Nuo Zhao) Ren Yuner, now Guangwen Elder is chasing him.


When the senior officials of the Buddhist sect heard this, they were all angry!

Among the people who came to see the excitement, there are many strange people and strange people. They have very good ears. When they heard the news, they talked a lot, and then everyone knew about it.

"It seems that I have succeeded as a slave."

Not to mention the hearing of the Grand Great Master, when he knew that Ren Yun'er had been rescued, Zhang Nine Heavens felt that it was not in vain to procrastinate until now.

"Which direction did they go?"

"Southeast direction"


The top officials of the Buddhist sect moved quickly, and more than a dozen strong men chased directly to the southeast.

The spectators didn't think there were too many things to do, and a small number of people rushed to the southeast.

Huang Tianqi was the fastest one among the small group of people. He tried his best to rush towards the southeast.

Zhang Nine Heavens didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and moved the battlefield to the southeast while fighting, and Master Wu and the others cooperated very well.

So, everyone rushed to the southeast. .

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