I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 193: Destiny Awakens

"I'll hold him for a while, and you run away quickly.

Daobao saw Guangwen chasing after him, and knew that this would continue. It will be a matter of time before he is caught up. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to hold Guangwen for a while.

As he said that, he turned around and attacked Guangwen. Even though he knew that Own was a little weaker than Guangwen, he was not so easy to lose. He could still fight while retreating.

Ren Yun'er's strength didn't recover much, staying would only be of no help, she continued to flee without stopping.

It's just that the destiny is hard to break, and she stopped soon.

She ran in the wrong direction, and what stood in front of her was a huge gorge, which is the most famous Yangtze River in the world.

Yongan Yangtze River is surging and billowing, deep in the water there are undercurrents, and on the surface of the rushing water, several whirlpools can be vaguely seen swirling rapidly.

Except for the Grand Great Master, no one dared to challenge the Eternal Darkness Yangtze River. Once sucked into the vortex of the Eternal Darkness Yangtze River, there is almost no possibility of surviving in the face of countless undercurrents.

Ren Yun'er stood on the protruding gorge, looking at the eternal dark Yangtze River below, with boundless bitterness on her face, did she kill too many people, and God would not let her go.

"How to stop,

Dao Bao, who was fighting and retreating from the rear, also rushed over, when he saw that the one who blocked Ren Yuner's 290 way was the Ever Dark Yangtze River [a regretful expression appeared on his face.

"Damn it, I was in a hurry and forgot that there was a Yangtze River in the southeast of the Great Buddha Temple, Miss Ren, I'm sorry, it was my mistake that hurt you.

Dao Bao said regretfully.

"I'm the one who dragged you down. His goal is me. You should be able to escape. Now you change direction and run away quickly."

Ren Yun'er knew that no one could escape if this went on, so she didn't want to drag others down, and wanted to face it alone.

"If you want to escape, you have to ask Sa Jiatong if he agrees.

Monk Guangwen came galloping over, exuding a breath that enveloped Dao Bao and Ren Yun'er, as if no one could leave.

"Miss Ren, but with his level, it is impossible for us to escape."

Dao Bao never thought of abandoning Ren Yun'er and running away alone, this is a mission, if he dares to escape, he will be finished.

"The Sajia is different from other monks. The Sajia treats traitors by killing lives to the Buddha. Only when they send him to see the Buddha will they make him repent."

"Dabao, you will die here, as for the Rakshasa woman, she will be disabled if she does not die."

Guangwen's eyes were neither sad nor happy, and he didn't feel that there was any problem with his killing.

"Miss Ren, now we only have to fight (bhdj) for our lives. Your strength has not recovered yet, I will attack and you will assist me."

Daobao also knew that he had no choice, so he took the initiative to attack Guangwen, and Ren Yuner mobilized his recovered forces to attack Guangwen.

"act recklessly"

Guangwen's eyes turned cold, and his whole body was like Vajra and Daobao.


After more than a dozen moves, Dao Bao was hit and flew out, Ren Yun'er was also shocked by Guangwen's inner breath, and her face turned pale.

"You are a bait, and you are still useful. The Sa family will let you go temporarily, but you'd better not ask for trouble."

Guangwen thought that Ren Yun'er was still useful, so he acted more lightly. After taking a look at Ren Yun'er, he walked straight to Dao Bao, and he wanted to deal with the traitor first.

"I thought my strength was just a little bit worse than yours, but I didn't expect the difference to be so much, but you want my life, and you have to pay the price.


Daobao drank a lot, his breath exploded, and he roared towards Guangwen like a madman.


Guangwen didn't seem to see Daobao's sudden explosion of breath, his whole body exuded the indestructible brilliance of Vajra, and he slapped lightly.

That palm was easily imprinted on Dao Bao's body like in slow motion, and directly blasted Dao Bao towards the Yongan Yangtze River.

Dao Bao, who spat out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, saw the Eternal Darkness Yangtze River below, and closed his eyes, as if accepting the arrival of Death.

With a hee, he was sucked in by the vortex on the surface of the Ever-Dark Yangtze River.

"Catch it!"

Guangwen saw the abbot and others coming here from afar, and said unhurriedly.

Ren Yun'er also saw the Buddhist strongman rushing to this side, she rolled her eyes, "She also saw Huang Kaikai wearing a bamboo hat.

Although Huang Tianqi was wearing a bamboo hat, she still recognized Huang Tianqi with her sixth sense.

Not knowing what she was thinking, she suddenly smiled sweetly in Huang Tianqi's direction.

When Huang Tianqi saw Ren Yun'er smiling at him, he suddenly felt uneasy.

"If you want me to be caught without a fight, you deserve it too."

Ren Yuner's True Qi came out of her body, forming a bright light outside her body, staring at her feet, she went towards Guangwen with strength.

"It seems that you won't stop tossing until you are beaten to death."

Seeing that Ren Yuner loves to toss, Guangwen directly slapped Ren Yuner with a golden palm.

Seeing the golden palm coming, Ren Yun'er's breath suddenly dissipated, she gave up resistance and slammed into Guangwen's palm with her own body.

"not good"

Guangwen knew what Ren Yuner wanted to do, but he couldn't hold back any more, so he slapped Zhu Yuner directly on Zhu Yuner who gave up resistance.

The abbot and others who came here also saw this scene, they didn't know that Ren Yuner was ending her own life.


When Huang Tianqi saw this scene, his eyes enlarged directly, and he let out a roar of incomparable grief and indignation.

Huang Tianqi's angry roar also attracted the attention of others, directly revealing his identity.

During the inverted flight, Ren Yun'er spurted blood. She heard Huang Tianqi's roar, but she couldn't do anything anymore.

In a moment, she fell into the Yangtze River of Eternal Darkness and was swallowed by the vortex of the Yangtze River of Eternal Darkness.

The scene of Ren Yun'er giving up resistance and being shot down by Guangwen on the Yangtze River was also seen by the people from the rivers and lakes who rushed over.

They all secretly regretted that the dignified Rakshasa girl died like this.

They haven't seen East Martial King play yet.

The top officials of Buddhism also felt sorry that their bait was gone.


A sudden change occurred, and as Huang Tianqi let out a mournful roar towards the sky, he awakened.

The Martial Dao Artistic Conception expanded from him, and grief and indignation enveloped the hearts of everyone around him. Many people were affected and shed tears unknowingly.

Accompanied by more will to destroy, this is malice towards Buddhism. Many people saw Huang Tianqi kneeling in grief and grief, just like seeing the birth of a new devil king.

"It's Blacken, tsk tsk...but I like it."

Huang Dongjie, who was in the crowd, looked at this scene, grinning slightly upwards.

Martial Dao Artistic Conception, he awakened Martial Dao meaning. "

"The son of the Eastern Martial King, he is the son of the Eastern Martial King, my God, the imperial court is really about to rise again.

"What a terrifying Artistic Conception, when he becomes a Grand Great Master, he will probably be number one among the Grand Great Masters.

"If he leaves here alive, Buddhism, no, it should be said that the world may be in chaos."

Everyone knows what it means to awaken the Martial Dao Artistic Conception, as long as they don't fall, another Grand Great Master will be born.

It would be terrible to have an Eastern Martial King, and now that the Eastern Martial King's son has also awakened, could Destiny be on the side of the imperial court again? .

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