I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 28: The Strongest Man


What's going on, I didn't show any flaws, how did he find out?

"Li Gui" also had a flash of thought, he didn't dare to think too much, this is the territory of the East Martial King, escape is his only choice.

With a sudden jump on his heels, and exerting all his strength, he was already out of the dungeon and was running towards the exit of the tunnel.

It's just that he stopped soon, and he encountered two stumbling blocks, one was Zhen Li Gui, and the other was Bai Lao.

Seeing that the tunnel was blocked, "Li Gui" didn't choose to break through, but turned around and ran back. He didn't know how many strong people were waiting for him at the exit of the tunnel besides these two people.

His only weight is the East Martial King, as long as he controls the East Martial King, he can use the East Martial King to escape from the East Martial King's mansion.

"Li Gui" returned to the dungeon, saw that the East Martial King was still in place, and heard the voice behind him getting closer and closer. He had no time to think about other things. He twisted his legs and kicked his arms towards the East Martial King. strangled.


"Li Gui" was hit by Huang Dongjie's knife directly on the shoulder near the neck, and "Li Gui" rolled his eyes and fell down.

That's it!

Seeing this scene, the Great Masters who were hung in rows in the dungeon immediately boasted. If there is any mistake, this is the end.

They also hope that the unknown Great Master will capture the East Martial King. In order to go out, the unknown Great Master will definitely let them go, and they need their assistance to increase the hope of escaping.

It's just that they hoped that this unknown Great Master would fall down as soon as he got up.

This made them calm down and then called out: Grass~

While cursing this unknown Great Master for being weak, they were also amazed at Dong Martial King's strength, that blow was the pure physical strength of Dong Martial King.

No True Qi emerged, which meant that Dong Martial King knocked a Great Master out with physical strength.

Is East Martial King a monster? The physical strength alone is so terrifying.

Huang Dongjie didn't care what the other mice thought, he picked up "Li Gui" and hung it in a corner beside him, seeing the disharmony all over "Li Gui".

Huang Dongjie couldn't get used to it, so he did it. He tore "Li Gui"'s face with his hand, and a human skin mask was torn off.

After tearing off a human skin mask, Huang Dongjie didn't stop, and tore off another human skin mask on the opposite face.

Huang Dongjie continued until he tore off the seventh human skin mask, and then Huang Dongjie stopped.

Next, Huang Dongjie tore off the clothes on his body again, tearing off a layer as thin as a gauze, and he didn't know what material it was made of. After tearing off several layers in a row, Huang Dongjie stopped.

The pretender's original appearance came out. He was a white-faced young man who looked as fair as a girl.

The pretender wakes up quickly, and he doesn't care if his own disguise is torn off, because the moment he was caught, he had already guessed the ending of own.

"How did you find out I was fake?"

The pretender is not afraid of death, he wants to know how he was discovered by the East Martial King before he dies.

"you guess"

After Huang Dongjie finished speaking, he sealed the mouth of the pretender, completely ignoring any emotions of the pretender.

Huang Dongjie sent Bailao and the others away, picked one unlucky guy to study on the stone table.

There are still many people with ulterior motives wandering outside the East Martial King's mansion, many of them are ready to act, and some of them wisely choose to give up.

Generally, those who choose to give up have intuitive luck that others do not have.

For example, there was a woman who was born to control birds. The bird's instinct sensed that the East Martial King's Mansion was full of dangers, so her owner gave up the idea of ​​​​the East Martial King's Mansion.


the dungeon

Shou Laoyue felt that he was about to collapse. He watched others being tortured every day, and always felt that he would be the next one. He was afraid every minute and every second was torture.

Mentally tortured for several days, he hoped that the next person to be tortured would be him. Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. I am dying after being tortured, and I still have time to recover from my injuries with peace of mind.


Huang Dongjie dragged another person in. The people in the prison were already used to it, but when they saw who the person was dragged, they were completely shocked.

The top of the list!

The ones who were dragged in were the strong ones on the list!

Seventy-eight Hong Qixing on the celestial list!

Seeing Dong Martial King dragging the Tianbang powerhouse in like a dead dog, everyone in the prison stopped breathing.

Being able to catch the strong men in the heavenly list shows that there are at least two or three strong men in the heavenly list hidden in the East Martial King's mansion.

Fuck, who said that the Eastern Martial King's mansion lost face and all the strong people disappeared, isn't this a scam?

Seeing that Huang Dongjie also regarded Hong Qixing, the strong man in the celestial list, like a dead pig, they suddenly felt that the treatment of own is not very bad, and they didn't see that the strong man in the celestial list is also listed here.

Hong Qixing, the strong man on the day's list, entered the East Martial King's mansion and never came out again, and the major forces in the world gradually calmed down.

They also know at this moment that the strength of the Eastern Martial King's government has declined in the open, but the strength of the Eastern Martial King's government is unfathomable in the dark.

Even Hong Qixing couldn't come out, which means that the East Martial King's mansion also hides the strong man in the celestial list, and the hidden strong man in the celestial list is probably ranked in the top 50 of the celestial list, and there are more than one hidden strong man in the celestial list.

Gradually, fewer people sneaked into the East Martial King's mansion.

If anyone dared to sneak in, it was either the Rogue Cultivators who had no sources of information, or they didn't know that the Tianbang powerhouse could not come out in the East Martial King's mansion.

"Today seems to be my silly son's graduation day, should I go and see."

Huang Dongjie thought for a while, but he gave up. What's so interesting about the battle of releasing water, he just waited under the big banyan tree.

In the afternoon, Huang Tianqi with a bruised nose and a swollen face led a beautiful girl to his daddy.

"I won the fight, what are the remaining conditions?"

Huang Tianqi's face was full of madness, as if he didn't realize that his own opponent let go of the water, thinking that he defeated the person arranged by his daddy with his own strength.

Qiao Yun'er next to her remained silent. She could tell that Huang Tianqi's opponent had let go, but she didn't tell Huang Tianqi that it was a matter between Huang Tianqi and his son, and it was not easy for an outsider to interfere.

"Give up, I don't think you can meet the rest of the conditions."

"If you don't tell me, how do you know I can't do it?"

Huang Tianqi felt that his daddy underestimated him too much, and didn't even mention the conditions, how could he know that he couldn't do it.

"Leave her, and you are not allowed to have any contact with her in the future. If you agree to this condition, I will give you the resurrection pill."

Huang Dongjie pointed to Qiao Yuner beside his son and said.

"Father, you,,,"

Huang Tianqi's face froze, he didn't expect his daddy to propose such a condition.

"Father, you didn't even want to give me the Resurrection Pill from the beginning, did you? You didn't even want to give it, why are you still playing with me?"

Huang Tianqi was very angry, he felt that his daddy was just deliberately teasing him and tricking him into playing.

"I didn't play tricks on you, as long as you agree to this condition, the resurrection pill will be handed over to you immediately."

Huang Tianqi concealed his face and struggled to make a choice, while Qiao Yuner looked disappointed. She still couldn't get the approval of Tianqi's family.

"Don't you want to save her? Don't you want her to live well?"

"The Fusheng Pill can buy you a few years of life. As long as you are not with her, she can live for several more years. This is not what you want."

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