I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 29: Are You Busy?

"Yun'er, let's go, there is more than one resurrection pill, let's go outside and look for it slowly, I don't believe that God doesn't give us a chance."

Huang Tianqi really didn't want to be separated from the one he loved, so he made up his mind and went outside to look for it first, but he couldn't find it, or Yun'er couldn't hold on physically.

He ran back to make a deal with his father and was forced to separate at that time. He could also let Yun'er live for a few more years.


Qiao Yuner nodded in agreement, she knew that it was almost impossible to find the Resurrection Pill outside, but she didn't care too much.

She knows her physical condition, she can live for two or three years at most, what else can she pursue in two or three years, it is better to spend this short life with the person she likes.

"Go, did you ask me?"

As soon as Huang Dongjie finished speaking, a large number of strong men appeared nearby and surrounded Huang Tianqi and Qiao Yun'er, including several Great Master strong men.

"Father, what do you want to do?"

Huang Tianqi was a little confused, the father had to do this to prevent them from being together.

"She is a wanted criminal by the imperial court. What's wrong with me arresting her and handing her over to the imperial court?"

Huang Dongjie had a calm expression on his face, as if what he was doing was something ordinary people would do.

"Father, why do you insist on stopping us from being together. Just because she is a Rakshasa woman, she has killed countless people, and you won't let us be together."

Huang Tianqi was very puzzled, he didn't understand why his father was so heartless.

"I said, she is a wanted criminal, so she can't leave today, she must obey the law."

Huang Dongjie turned a blind eye to his son's angry eyes staring at him, acting his own way.

"Father, if you really want to do this, then you will be angry with your son for being rude."

Huang Tianqi drew his sword, and he immediately drew his sword to his father.

"For this woman, you actually drew your sword to your daddy, you are really rebellious."


Huang Dongjie seemed to be so angry that he picked up the teacup and dropped it.

Really cool, and successfully dropped a teacup.

Just when Huang Dongjie wanted to continue acting, someone interrupted him.

"Okay, Tianqi, don't be so rude to your father, he won't arrest me."

Qiao Yun'er on the side came out and held Huang Tianqi's hand. She had sensed that something was a little abnormal early in the morning, thinking about all kinds of possibilities, it really made her guess something.

Thinking of this possibility, she kept watching silently. When she saw Tian Qi drawing his sword to his father, she had no choice but to stand up.


Upon hearing this, Huang Tianqi looked at Qiao Yuner with puzzled eyes.

"If I'm not terminally ill, it's normal for your father to prevent us from being together."

"But I am terminally ill, and I only have two or three years to live. Don't you find it strange that your father is still so determined to stop us?"

"It's only two or three years, and it will pass in the blink of an eye. For a dying person, your father really can't do anything to force you to this point."

"Also, if your father really wants to stop us from being together, he won't let me live in the palace for half a month."

"You must know that this palace is your father's territory. He wants me to disappear, or he wants to take me away without anyone noticing. He has already acted in the past half a month."

"There's no need to wait until now to do it."

Qiao Yuner expressed her own thoughts.

"If the father is not to prevent us from being together, what is the purpose of all this?"

Huang Tianqi couldn't figure it out, the purpose of his father was not this at the beginning, so why did he do so many things.

"Probably to train you."

Qiao Yuner thought of this possibility, and only this possibility can explain everything.

"Father, is what Yun'er said true?"

Huang Tianqi looked at his father standing under the big banyan tree with unclear eyes.


Huang Dongjie casually threw a resurrection pill to Huang Tianqi and turned his back to him, as if he didn't want to see his son, and the strong men around him dispersed immediately.

"Father, thank you."

Huang Tianqi received the medicine, although there was joy on his face, but there was also a trace of complexity and indebtedness, the former was to Yun'er, and the latter was to his daddy.

Now he didn't know what to say to his father, except for a thank you, he couldn't say another word.

Thinking of the time before own, and looking at his father's back, he felt that he had done too many things to his father.

I wanted to say something, but something stuck in my throat and I couldn't get it out.


Huang Tianqi sighed, now his father didn't want to communicate with him, and he didn't know what to say, so he could only leave first.

"Yun'er, let's go back and take the medicine first."

Although Huang Tianqi's words had a yellowish taste, he couldn't control that much, let Yun'er take the Fusheng Pill to suppress terminal illness and talk.

Qiao Yuner bowed to Huang Dongjie's back and followed Huang Tianqi back.

"Really, what are you interrupting me for? I can't continue acting halfway through. It's so frustrating."

Huang Dongjie, who was depressed, decided to go to the dungeon to have fun.

After half a day, Huang Dongjie walked out of the dungeon in a happy mood.

dinner time

"Father, this is made by Yun'er, this is made by me, you have a taste?"

Huang Tianqi felt that he had done too much to offend his father before, so he decided to make up for it and spend more time with his father.

Accompaniment started from the little things around him, so he took Yun'er to the kitchen to cook for his father.

"This one is a bit salty, but this one is okay."

Huang Dongjie took a look at Huang Tianqi's and Qiao Yun'er's hands, both of which had new cuts, and he knew it was accidentally scratched by a kitchen knife.

The smell of oily smoke on the two of them was very strong, and they must have stayed in the kitchen for a long time. Regardless of the intentional dishes, Huang Dongjie tasted a little bit.

"It's salty, so I'll put less salt in the future. It's still Yun'er, who is much better at cooking than me."

"I made it because the kitchen guy taught me well. If no one taught me, I might not know what I would make."

Qiao Yuner was embarrassed and said modestly.

"Why are you still standing, let's all sit down and eat together. The palace doesn't have so many rules, just eat like an ordinary family."

Huang Dongjie greeted them to sit down and eat together, and then Huang Dongjie regretted it.

"Yun'er, this is delicious, eat more!"

Huang Tianqi put a piece of fish into Yuner's bowl, making Qiao Yuner blush and embarrassed.

"This one is also good, Yun'er, try it."

"Tianqi, don't pinch it, the bowl won't fit."


Huang Dongjie was full, and he couldn't stand the dog food anymore, so he ate a few mouthfuls and left.

"Father, why are you reading medical books? You were not interested in this before?"

Under the big banyan tree, with the wind blowing, Huang Tianqi looked curiously at his father who was sitting on the rocking chair reading medical books. He was very curious about how his father had changed so much.

"Are you free, take care of your daddy and my business."

Huang Dongjie replied with disgust.

"Father, although I don't know why you changed into this way, isn't your life too boring?"

Huang Tianqi really thinks that his daddy's life is too boring. He spends his whole day fishing and reading, or repairing flowers and plants. Isn't this an older life than an old man's life.

Although the father is almost sixty years old, he can be regarded as an old man, but the child is willing to see his father grow old.

"Is it boring? I don't think so."

Huang Dongjie replied casually.

"Father, I really didn't say that you are easy to get sick if you stay at home every day. You should move around more. It's better to go out for a walk."

"Go outside and have a look, there are many interesting things in the world."

Huang Tianqi didn't want his daddy to stay at home like an old man, he wanted his father to go out for a walk.

"Go outside, yes, soon."

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