I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 35: We Didn't Say We Were Good People

This is the case for the madman Mo Guitu, and the other members of the Holy Court are not in good condition at the moment, and two members of the Holy Court fell down.

This result surprised the other Holy Court members. Although the two weakest among them fell, the two weakest also took the Explosive Seed Pill.

The combat power that had been directly increased by ten times was still defeated. I have to say that the combat power of the madman Mo Guitu is really awesome.

"As expected of someone valued by the organization, I am not wronged to lose."

Among the two fallen members, one of them had An Jian, there was no way, his housekeeping skill was transformation art, and he was not too sad when he was knocked down.

The only thing that annoys him is why the madman Mo Guitu didn't beat Shou Laoyue to the ground. Now Shou Laoyue is bothering him.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm a thief. The most powerful thing is my speed. He is very powerful. If he can't hack me, there is nothing he can do."

Shou Laoyue's non-stop smug own speed made An Jian beside him itch with anger.

"What organization are you and why do you have so many heaven-defying Medicine Pills?"

After the madman Mo Guitu calmed down, he became curious and amazed by this mysterious organization, not to mention the explosion of ten times the combat power after taking a Medicine Pill.

Not long after the seriously injured two took several different Medicine Pills, they stood up as if revived with full blood, which surprised him.

"We are from the Holy Court, we are here to recruit you, as long as you join us, you will have the Medicine Pill we eat."

An Jian recovered almost, so he got up and took out two different Medicine Pills and generously threw them to the fanatic Mo Guitu, and persuaded him to get up.

Madman Mo Guitu received the Medicine Pill and was not worried that the other party was giving him poison.

He picked up two Medicine Pills and put them in his mouth. As soon as he swallowed them, he felt the terrifying effect of the medicine. After a while, his body recovered to 40-50%.

"Judging from the Medicine Pill alone, your strength is no less than that of the transcendent forces. But if you want me to join your organization, the Medicine Pill is not enough. What I am after is not the Medicine Pill and resources."

The lunatic Mo Guitu got up and shook his head and said.

"Then what do you want?"

"Fighting, endless fighting, I want to know whether there are enough strong people in your organization, are they strong enough, and whether they can meet my challenge."

The madman Mo Guitu exuded his endless fighting spirit all over his body, and the crazy smile on his face made people feel that he was a bit perverted with excitement.

"All the members of the Holy Court are Great Masters, do you think that's enough!"

The smile on the madman Mo Guitu's face stopped, and all the Great Masters shocked him a bit.

"If you don't think that's enough, our Saint Lord is the hidden Grand Great Master other than those seven. Is Lord Saint Lord enough for you to challenge?"

If Anjian dared to release this news, he was already fully sure of pulling the fanatic Mo Guitu into the organization.

For a warlike and demonic person like Mo Guitu, it is almost impossible to refuse such a temptation.

"Grand Great Master! Haha... What you said is true, your leader is really a Grand Great Master!"

Madman Mo Guitu repeatedly confirmed with extreme excitement.

"We don't need to joke with you, there is no Grand Great Master, who do you think can suppress the Holy Court where all members are Great Masters?"

"Okay, I'll go with you."

In this way, the fanatic Mo Guilu joined the Holy Court.


the other side

"You want me to join you. Do you know that I am a traitor to the Devil's Cult and someone who must be killed by the Devil's Cult? Are you not afraid that I will cause trouble for your organization?"

Xiang Tianyi looked at the two strangely dressed people in front of him expressionlessly. Many forces avoided suspicion of his former identity and dared not accept him.

Now suddenly a mysterious force appeared to subdue him, which made him cautious, but at the same time curious about how this mysterious force had the right to dare to clamor against the Demon Cult.

"We know that you used to be one of the Elders of the Devil's Cult, and you betrayed the Devil's Cult because you couldn't get used to the Demon's Cult's killing methods."

"The Demon Cult wants to kill you, but because you, as the Elder of the Demon Cult, know many secrets of the Demon Cult, it's normal for the Demon Cult to kill you desperately."

"We dare to accept you, which means we are not afraid of the Devil's Cult. Maybe the Devil's Cult that is so terrifying in your eyes is just like that in our eyes."

Xiang Tianyi was a little dumbfounded, are all the mysterious forces so crazy now, they don't even put the Demon Sect To put in one's eyes anymore.

"You're cornered, why not join us for the Saint Lord."

"Oh~, do I have a choice?"

Xiang Tianyi didn't know what the reason for this mysterious organization to be so crazy, but he really had no choice. He hoped that this mysterious organization could really have some strength to resist the Demon Cult.

So he followed the two mysterious people away.

another side

The twin brothers Yu Tiangao and Yu Tiantang were also targeted.

"Think about whether you want to join us."

The Holy Court members persuaded very kindly.

"Let's go, our two brothers are used to being free, and we have no interest in joining any forces."

Brother Yu Tiangao calmly refused.

"I really don't think about it. Our organization not only has astonishingly rich resources, but also a lot of opportunities. Many Great Masters want to join us."

The Holy Court members said as if they were thinking about the two brothers.

"Hehe, any forces that come out of that wild ditch are worthy of us joining."

"Supernatural forces such as the imperial court and the Yunhai faction have all invited us, but we all declined."

"How do you think you are better than them, don't humiliate yourself here, get out before we get angry."

Little Brother Yu Tiantian lost his temper and bluntly told the members of the Holy Court to leave.

"Then there is no other way. I wanted to see that you two brothers are both Great Master late stage strengths. Be polite to you, but if this is the case, then don't blame us for being rude."

The members of the Holy Court waved, and several members of the Holy Court came out from the dark.

"If you want to use the strong one, it's up to you. Our two brothers are twins, and we have the same heart. When we work together, even the strongest in the heaven list dare to challenge."

"You guys want to die so much, then don't blame us."

In an instant, a fight broke out between the two.

After a long time, the fighting subsided.

The two brothers Yu Tiangao were tied into rice dumplings by the members of the Holy Court and thrown to a corner.

"You are despicable, you are shameless, how can you have such a foul Medicine Pill, and bully our few people, I don't accept it, I don't accept it..."

Yu Tiantang was tied up to death, and he was still yelling and cursing unconvinced.

"We didn't say that we are good people, what's wrong with the Medicine Pill, what's wrong with the few people who bully you. If you don't accept it, don't accept it."

Several Holy Court members surrounded the two brothers, just like a scene where some bad guys bully children.

"Twisted melons are not sweet. If you force our two brothers to join, we two brothers will not work hard for you."

Brother Yu Tiangao said calmly.

"Twisted melons are not sweet, but they quench your thirst. As long as you join the organization, we won't be afraid of you running away."

"Is this how your organization recruits people?"

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