I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 36: Father Is Lonely As Snow

"No, our person in charge said, let us figure it out."

"But in order to perform well, the other members pulled him back. It would be embarrassing if I didn't pull him back, so I can only wrong you."

The members of the Holy Court said with a very innocent look.

"You are so lawless, you are not afraid of being attacked by the forces of the world."

"If you want to attack us, wait until you find us."

The members of the Holy Court said unceasingly.

Just like that, members of the Holy Court took the two unlucky guys away.

This kind of thing happened not only in this place, but similar things happened all over the world, and cheating and abducting were all used, which also led to the disappearance of many Innate peak masters and Great Master powerhouses in various places.

This naturally attracted the attention of many people, but because the Holy Court acted secretly and decisively, there were not many clues left behind, so many forces could not find out where this group of mysterious people came from.

What they could find out was that this group of people was extremely mysterious and powerful, with their iconic uniforms and brown hats with wind chimes on their heads.

As long as they appear, it means that someone is going to disappear.

Based on this, many forces internally evaluate the Holy Court Church as follows:

The wind chime rang, and they came, which also represented the arrival of death.

All the major forces in the world pay attention to this mysterious force, but no matter how much they pay attention to and investigate the Holy Court, this will not affect Huang Dongjie's Xianyu Life.

For Huang Dongjie, the Holy Court is just a tool to deal with troubles. If necessary, he can also play the whole world behind the scenes, everything depends on his temporary interests.

If one day the thoughts come together, it might not be a surprise that he wants to destroy the world.

East Martial King

"Father, since you lost your ambitions, I feel that the palace has changed a lot. The servants and guards are constantly decreasing. It feels like the palace will be abandoned in a while."

"This change makes people a little uncomfortable. The previous palace was heavy and numb like the Devil's lair, but it suddenly changed into a cold and clear look."

"This makes people feel inexplicable and unaccustomed to it. Father, I used to hate your ambitious look."

"But now, I'm also worried about your state at this moment. If you don't fight or grab it, it becomes a bit deserted, just like a person who is beaten and willing to degenerate."

"Father, it's good that you can change, but that son always feels a little uncomfortable seeing his father become like this."

Huang Tianqi has been accompanying his daddy during this time to fulfill his filial piety. His father came to the lake to fish as usual, and he followed.

But after a long time, he discovered many things that he hadn't discovered before.

The father is very lonely. Although the father has been hiding it very well, the loneliness still makes him feel like a son.

Feeling the loneliness of his father, Huang Tianqi blamed himself a little. The mother left early, and they were very sad when they were sons, but they ignored that the father who loved their mother was more sad than them.

Rebellion avoided his father's sight and ignored his father's concern for them. Thinking of this, Huang Tianqi blamed himself even more.

Seeing the loneliness of my father and the snow, and the coldness of the palace. He also felt uncomfortable, and really wanted to do something for his father, but he didn't know what to do other than accompany him.

Maybe let the father cheer up, and the father will not have such a sense of loneliness.

"Oh, so what do you want me to be?"

Huang Dongjie lifted the fishing rod, did not turn his head, looked at the lake calmly and asked.

"The son wants his father to be a hero of the world, or to make great achievements, and to pass on the great deeds that affect the world."

"Father, you may not be able to do any unrivaled heroes or legendary great deeds."

"But with your status as father, you can still do something that is beneficial to the people of the world, and this can be regarded as a very promising thing."

Huang Tianqi wanted his father to move, so that his father would not feel lonely and waste his life.

"Are you crazy?"

Huang Dongjie turned his head to look at Huang Tianqi, his abyss-like pupils puzzled Huang Tianqi.

"Father, why do you say that?"

"Do you know that your words will introduce an unknown and terrifying existence into the world. You are not afraid that the world will become Heaven and The Underworld because of your words."

The corner of Huang Dongjie's mouth curled up into a smile, and he didn't know if he was joking or talking about a very serious matter.

"Unknown terror exists? Father, if you can change the world for you, what can I say as a son? Father has this ability, and of course my son supports it."

Huang Tianqi completely took his daddy's words as a joke, and he didn't know that his words really introduced an unknown and terrifying existence into the world.

Maybe in the future when he understands what he said today, he will definitely cry for today's innocence.

"I will satisfy you, but after I travel for a period of time, I will do something to change the world according to what you said."

Huang Dongjie felt that this son was so stupid that he even found something for him to do. It was not because he wanted him to keep a low profile and cause trouble again.

Although there is a bit of conflict between being low-key and making troubles, there is actually no conflict. It is not uncommon for him to be an honest person on the bright side and a behind-the-scenes man on the dark side.

"Father can do whatever he can, and leave the outcome to fate."

Huang Tianqi doesn't care what his daddy will do in the future, as long as his daddy is alive, not as dead and silent as he is now, everything will be the same.

As for changing the world, is it possible at the level of my father and king?

Seeing the coldness of the palace, I was afraid that my father would starve to death when he went out.

"Your woman is looking for you, get out, don't spread dog food around me."

When Huang Dongjie saw Qiao Yuner approaching from a distance, he drove Huang Tianqi away, and went fishing by the lake alone.

A few days later, it was time for Huang Dongjie to go out for fun.

It's not easy, after so many chapters, he, an honest man, is finally going to go out.

"Father, do you want to leave Kyoto together?"

"No, it's hard for me to be with you. You go first, and I will leave after I explain some things."

"Don't ask me where I'm going, the world is our home, we will meet if we are destined."

Huang Dongjie didn't want to be a light bulb, so he drove Huang Tianqi away first.

"Li Gui, has there been any movement in Kyoto during this time?"

"My lord, there is no major movement in the capital, but there are small movements. The Taiwei Sima Xiuhao discovered Miss Qiao Yuner's true identity the day before yesterday."

"He went to the palace to apply for the deployment of troops and wanted to enter our palace to arrest the wanted criminals, but His Majesty found any reason to reject his request."

As soon as Li Gui shared the information he had collected, Huang Dongjie's expression became slightly displeased.

"Why is he so stupid, the small actions before made people very unhappy."

"If it weren't for dealing with a high-ranking official like him, it would cause a big earthquake in Kyoto, which would affect my low-key life, and he would have been gone long ago."

"It's all right now, if you insist on taking the path of death, then I will fulfill him."

"Anyway, I'm leaving Kyoto, and it's none of my business how the capital is shaken."

"Doesn't he like to stuff small notes, you go and stuff him with small notes, and tell him that the strong Demon Cult will kill him tonight."

After Li Gui took the order, he went down to make arrangements.

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