I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 37: The Disgusting Eastern Martial King

Taiwei Mansion

"Whose prank is this? The strong man of the Devil's Cult wants to kill me. What are you kidding about? I still have a lot of use for the Devil's Cult. How could the Devil's Cult clean me up?"

When Sima Xiuhao saw the content on the note, his first impression was that someone was playing a prank, but after thinking about it, he felt that someone was secretly messing with him.

"As for the note, I only think of the Prime Minister and the Eastern Martial King. It is very likely that my opponent this time is either the Prime Minister or the Eastern Martial King."

"They found out my relationship with the Demon Cult, and now they want to scam me, or there is some conspiracy waiting for me."

Sima Xiuhao is also a smart person, thinking that he used a small note to mess with the prime minister and the Eastern Martial King before, so he boldly guessed that this small note came from one of those two people.

"If you want to mess with me, hum, then I'll wait for your arrival."

Sima Xiuhao didn't care whether the person who dealt with him was the prime minister or the Eastern Martial King. If he wanted to target him, it would depend on whose method was better.

The small note said that tonight a strong demon cultist would take his life. The demon cult strongman might be fake, and the killer might be real.

So he summoned the masters in the mansion to secretly protect him, in case something happened tonight.

As night fell, the Taiwei Mansion was brighter than ever.

The number of patrolling guards and thugs has also increased a lot more than before. At this moment, the Taiwei Mansion is heavily guarded, and any disturbance may cause a shock.

Sima Xiuhao was writing and drawing in his own study at the moment. Time passed by and I don't know how long it took before Sima Xiuhao noticed something was wrong.

It's so quiet!

There are many people patrolling the entire Taiwei Mansion. Although there was little movement before, there was at least a little movement, but now there is no movement at all.

"Butler, butler..."

Sima Xiuhao yelled a few times but no one responded, he panicked for a moment.

"Come on, come on..."

The housekeeper didn't answer, so he started calling out to the strong man who was secretly protecting him, but no one responded to the call.

At this moment, Sima Xiuhao knew that something was going wrong.

"Master Taiwei, it's late at night, such ghost screams will disturb others' leisure."

Huang Dongjie held a handful of melon seeds in his hand, and walked into Sima Xiuhao's study without haste while nibbling.

"It's you, Dong Martial King!!!"

"You... how did you do it? There are more than a thousand people in the Taiwei Mansion, and there are several Great Masters who secretly protect me. How did you make them disappear without a sound?"

Sima Xiuhao stared at Huang Dongjie as if he had seen a ghost. No one responded to his calls, which meant that all the people in Taiwei's Mansion were gone.

To silently kill more than a thousand people, even the Grand Great Master couldn't do it, how did the Eastern Martial King do it.

"Why don't you suspect that you are dreaming, or that you have fallen into Illusion Art or something?"

Huang Dongjie grinned and didn't answer, he just liked to see other people's stupid and frustrated looks.

"Dong Martial King, are you insulting me or mocking me? I still can't tell if it's a dream or an Illusion Art."

Sima Xiuhao was so angry at Huang Dongjie's clinking appearance, he lost, but he refused to accept it.

"It's gone. I still want to see you begging for mercy, but you are very uninterested, and you don't give others the slightest expectation."

Huang Dongjie didn't see what he wanted, so he was a little disappointed.

"Hahaha, although I don't know how you did it, but you have such means, I am not wronged at all for losing."

"Last question, how do I compare to Prime Minister Chen Huaijiang?"

Sima Xiuhao also knew that he was bound to die, so he didn't bother to struggle anymore, he wondered how he would compare with his old enemy Chen Huaijiang.

"Two old foxes are half the same, what's there to compare with?"

Huang Dongjie replied casually.

"Well, then I don't count as a waste of time in this world."

Sima Xiuhao sat back on the seat, slowly closed his eyes, as if waiting to die.

"It's boring"

Huang Dongjie was quite bored when he saw this, and a melon seed peel sprayed out from the corner of his mouth, and Sima Xiuhao's forehead was directly exploded by the melon seed peel.

"It's happening in Kyoto, I hope there will be many beautiful scenery in the rivers and lakes for me to appreciate."

Huang Dongjie left the capital after finishing his work, but when Sima Xiuhao died, the entire Great Xia Empire was completely shaken.

At dawn, when someone discovered that Sima Xiuhao had died in his mansion, the gates of the entire capital were immediately closed.

The Yulin Army, Nanfu Division, Beifu Division, Dali Division and other institutions are all in operation, which makes ordinary people in the capital feel insecure.

the palace

"Old Chen, who do you think did it?"

Huang Minglong rubbed Own's temple with a headache and asked.

"East Martial King left the capital as soon as something happened in Taiwei's Mansion. East Martial King is very suspicious."

Chen Huaijiang thought for a while and said.

"You said Uncle Wuhuang did it. How is this possible? Uncle Wuhuang still has such a lot of energy."

"In one night, more than a thousand people in the Taiwei's mansion disappeared silently, no one was alive, no dead body was seen, and there was not even a trace of fighting in the Taiwei's mansion."

"You said Uncle Wuhuang did it, how did Uncle Wuhuang do it? Could it be that Uncle Wuhuang is really the second hand left by the late emperor, hiding the secret army left by the late emperor under his hands."

Huang Minglong was also confused by the answer given by Chen Huaijiang, he was really complicated and had a headache for Uncle Wuhuang.

Uncle Wuhuang is the old fox he can't see through and is the most difficult to deal with. He always feels that Uncle Wuhuang eats everything to death.

"This old minister is also unable to judge whether the Eastern Martial King is the successor left by the late emperor, but one thing is certain, the Eastern Martial King poses no threat to His Majesty."

"Otherwise, with the hidden strength of the Eastern Martial King, if he had two minds, the Great Xia Empire might have collapsed long ago."

Chen Huaijiang is also very contradictory to Dong Martial King, because he can't figure out what Dong Martial King wants to do.

"Uncle Wuhuang is also true. It's not good to kill anyone, but Sima Xiuhao. Don't you know that Sima Xiuhao is a pawn of the Demon Sect, and we still have to use Sima Xiuhao to deal with the Demon Sect."

"You're such a jerk, you run away after finishing your work, Uncle Wuhuang is really annoying,,,"

At this moment, Huang Minglong was really itchy by Huang Dongjie's actions.

"Your Majesty, how should we deal with this matter? After all, the Taiwei is our face. He was killed in his own territory. If he doesn't handle it well, he will be laughed at by the world."

"Still deal with the fart, do you want to tell the world that it was Uncle Wuhuang who killed Sima Xiuhao? Isn't that even more slap in the face?"

"There isn't an unspoken rule in Jianghu. No matter what bad things happen, as long as the source can't be found, then the bad things will be assumed to be done by people from the Devil's Cult."

"Anyway, the Devil's Cult has always been the target of the Jianghu people's blame. One more blame is nothing to the Devil's Cult."

"Pass down the order and say that the Demon Cult did this. We are just cleaning up a few unimportant strongholds of the Demon Cult. Just put on a show."

"As for Uncle Wuhuang, it's better for him to leave the capital, and it's annoying to see him, and it's best for him never to return to the capital."

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