I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 49: Facing Your Heart

"It seems that I came back at the wrong time, you continue."

Huang Tianzhen came back, and seeing the two sisters fighting was also quite interesting. To be honest, he wanted to take another look, but he knew that if he saw the tigress again, he would have a fit.

"Get us something to eat as soon as you get back."

Being bumped into by Huang Tianzhen, the two sisters were a little shy, they stopped fighting immediately, pulled down the corners of their clothes, and tidied up their clothes, fearing that they would show something they shouldn't.

"Well, I can stand it."

The moment Shen Hanyue pulled down the corner of her skirt, Huang Tianzhen still saw those delicate white legs. Huang Tianzhen felt agitated in his heart, but he didn't dare to show anything wrong.

I was afraid that the tigress next to Shen Hanyue would detect it, but what Huang Tianzhen didn't know was that Shen Hanyue had already noticed his passing gaze, and her ears turned red immediately.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaoyue, why are your ears so red?"

Seeing that Little Sister's ears were red, Shen Hanyan poked Little Sister's forehead. It wasn't a cold, so she wondered why Little Sister's ears were red.

"It's nothing, maybe sister, you scratched me just now and made me suffocate, which caused my ears to turn red."

Shen Hanyue didn't tell the truth, she just found a reason to fool her sister.

But while she was fooling her sister, she inadvertently glanced at Huang Tianzhen.

Have you been found? It's so embarrassing~

Huang Tianzhen's hands trembled while he was making food, but he concealed it very well, and didn't show any flaws in his expression.

Continue to pretend to be an honest person and do what he should do.

It was just eating time, Little Sister Shen Hanyue took advantage of her sister's inattention, and secretly whispered in Huang Tianzhen's ear:

"Little brother, do my legs look good?"

Huang Tianzhen's body froze, what he could say now was: Good guy, my sister is a violent woman, a tigress...

Little Sister is a good girl on the surface, but when you let go of the familiar, you will find another side of her, eccentric, teasing, naughty...

By the time my sister turned around, Huang Tianzhen and Shen Hanyue had already returned to their normal state.

This delicate moment allowed the two to have a little secret, and also unknowingly brought their relationship closer.

It's a pity that Shen Hanyan, the older sister, didn't know that there was a little traitor beside her.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know if Huang Tianzhen and the others were unlucky, or someone was playing tricks in the dark, so they didn't even see a ghost in the past few days.

"This meat is not tasty, make another one."

"Why are you so slow, does it take so long to hunt a prey?"

"Whatever you look at, I will beat you if you look at it."


I don't know what happened these few days, but Shen Hanyan's temper has become a lot more violent, which made Huang Tianzhen a little puzzled.

"What's wrong with your sister these two days, why is she so angry at every turn?"

Huang Tianzhen was very curious, so he secretly came to ask Little Sister Shen Hanyue.

"Sister... sister, that one is here."

Shen Hanyue's face gradually turned red, and she said in embarrassment with evasive eyes.

"Which one is coming?"

Huang Tianzhen asked straight.

"It's the one where the women come once a month."

Shen Hanyue shyly dropped a word and ran away.


"So that's what's going on, should I have said it earlier, I can't figure out why she lost her temper these two days."

After Huang Tianzhen figured out the reason, he went to the fire to mess around for a while, and when he was done, he came to Shen Hanyan.

Handed Shen Hanyan a bamboo cup with both hands.


Shen Hanyan looked at Huang Tianzhen puzzled.

"Drink more water."

There was a moment of silence.

Little Sister Shen Hanyue heard Huang Tianzhen say not far away: drink more hot water, her eyes are already looking to see if there are rectangular stone tablets around.

Huang Tianzhen might be beaten to death by his sister later, depending on his efforts during this period, he will be engraved with a monument so that he can rest in peace.

"I'll let you drink more hot water, let you drink more hot water..."

Sure enough, as Little Sister expected, Shen Hanyan's expression sank, she immediately stood up and kicked Huang Tianzhen down, and when she went up, she punched and kicked, and paid more attention to Huang Tianzhen's face.

"What did you hit me for? It's not wrong to drink more hot water when that one comes."

"Why are you so unreasonable? It's not okay to show kindness and care about you."

Huang Tianzhen was really wronged, he didn't understand what he did wrong, how could he be beaten by this crazy woman with good intentions.

"Let you show kindness, let you care, ghosts need your fake pity. What's wrong with being unreasonable, it's the first day you know me."

Every sentence was punched down, no matter what Huang Tianzhen said, Shen Hanyan's fist was the answer.

I don't know how long it took, but Shen Hanyan finally calmed down and was tired. He got up and sat back to the original place, and drank the hot water handed over by Little Sister.

Huang Tianzhen, with a bruised nose and swollen face, felt even more aggrieved when he saw Shen Hanyan drinking the hot water handed over by her Little Sister.

Isn't this drinking? Why, drinking the hot water I handed over is poisonous.

Huang Tianzhen was so wronged, he could only run to a lonely corner and squat down to count the grass.

"You are so stupid, why are you making my sister mad at this time?"

Little Sister Shen Hanyue patted Huang Tianzhen on the shoulder, as if comforting the puppy.

"Why did I mess with your sister? It's obviously your sister who is unreasonable."

"Good people don't get rewarded, so I shouldn't show kindness and care about her."

Huang Tianzhen didn't want to say anything more, it was too difficult for him.

"You still don't understand women's hearts, it's okay, you will learn slowly in the future."

Shen Hanyue patted Huang Tianzhen on the shoulder a few more times before bouncing away.

In fact, she came here to see if Huang Tianzhen looked like an iron-eating beast with two dark circles under his eyes, and the comfort was just incidental.

"Sister, your hands are getting more and more sophisticated, you really beat him like an iron-eating beast."

Shen Hanyue was very naughty, and sold Huang Tianzhen in a blink of an eye.

"It deserves it, who made him want to be beaten like that."

"Sister, but he is concerned about you. Doesn't everything he does these days move your face?"

Shen Hanyan was unexpectedly silent when she heard the words.

Little Sister Shen Hanyue's face was surprised by her sister's silence: my sister was silent, shouldn't my sister immediately refute her at this time.

How could it be silence? Is this still her sister?

"Don't ask such boring questions. He has many advantages, but he is not my type, otherwise I wouldn't beat him so hard."

Shen Hanyan's eyes wandered, obviously hiding her inner thoughts.

"Sister, you beat him so hard because you were afraid that he would forget you!"

Shen Hanyue has already seen something, she stared at her sister with unbelievable eyes, it turns out that her sister can also move people's hearts.

"You, what nonsense are you talking about, he's just my outlet, I can beat him up as much as I want, it's as messy as you think."

Shen Hanyan was obviously guilty.

"Beating him so hard once, it seems that sister, you will let him go soon, but sister, are you willing?"

Shen Hanyue asked bluntly.

"What's the reluctance? He still wants to find his fiancée. We can't stop him."

"Wait until the nearest county seat, let him go after a few days of rest."

Seeing Little Sister's eyes like this, Shen Hanyan stopped pretending. It's not difficult to face own's heart, but she chose to hide it at the first time.

"On the first day, sister, when you saw him appear abnormal, I knew that he would win my sister's heart away sooner or later. I didn't expect this day to come so soon."

"Sister, why don't we knock him unconscious and bring him back to Insect Valley? Anyway, if he saw our body, he will be responsible."

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