I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 50: It's Time To Be A Hero

"Nonsense, there is no rule in Insect Valley that a girl will either marry or be killed if she is seen."

"They were all lying to him. Only he was fooled by us."

"I'm talking about him not doing it on purpose, and it's not something he can stop him from being kicked over. You can't blame him for everything."

After Shen Hanyan faced Own's heart directly, she actually spoke up for Huang Tianzhen.

"It's up to you, anyway, the last person who is reluctant is you, not me."

Shen Hanyue was a little sullen and didn't want to talk to her sister anymore.

"Hey, no, why is this girl's reaction bigger than mine?"

Shen Hanyan was also taken aback for a moment, it should be said that she was the one who was reluctant, why Little Sister was more reluctant to leave Huang Tianzhen than she was.

The evening wind blows and it rains.

Huang Tianzhen set up a canopy made of branches and leaves to protect the two girls from the rain as usual, but when the rain stopped, half of Huang Tianzhen's body was also soaked.

"Drink it, it will warm you up."

Huang Tianzhen watched in amazement as Shen Hanyan handed warm hot water to his hand, looking at the warm water in the bamboo cup in his hand, he was thinking.

What's wrong with this bitch woman? Did she take the wrong medicine?

Huang Tianzhen couldn't figure it out, but he wouldn't waste this cup of hot water, drinking it to warm his body.

After drinking the hot water, he also noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere today. My sister became very strange, let alone Little Sister.

Little Sister Shen Hanyue is not very lively, she is very elf and ghost, why is she so quiet today.

Could it be that Little Sister is also here?

In the end, Huang Tianzhen came to such a conclusion. If Shen Hanyue found out about this, maybe the good girl would have to become a violent girl.

Day after day passed, Huang Tianzhen didn't know if he had an illusion, he found that his sister had become a lot gentler, which made him a little nervous if he was sick.

Little Sister has not changed much, but has become more mischievous and likes to tease him more.

"Why do I have a strange feeling that there is something wrong with me, or that the fickle speed of women makes me unable to keep up."

Although Huang Tianzhen was bewildered by the changes of the two girls, his life would continue. Now he is still the servant of the two girls, and he doesn't even have freedom, so why think so much.

Gufeng County

"It's here, it's finally here, before this girl becomes a wild woman."

As soon as Shen Hanyue arrived at Gufeng County, she was so happy, not to mention how brave she was, she bounced around like a child who couldn't grow up.

"Our supplies are gone, do you have any silver on you?"

"There is no silver, but there are a few bank notes, enough for us to spend a long time."

Hearing Shen Hanyan's question, Huang Tianzhen took out the bank note in his bosom, and signaled that he was rich.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go to the city and choose the best inn, I want to eat, I want to take a hot bath, quickly..."

Shen Hanyue couldn't wait any longer, she dragged her sister and Huang Tianzhen to the city.

Laiyou Inn

Huang Tianzhen had finished washing up, and after calculating the time, he started ordering food below and waited for Shen Hanyan and the two to come out to eat. Not long after, the sisters Shen Hanyan spent time.

For a moment, the guests who ate in the inn were stunned. When did Gufeng County come to have two such beautiful beauties, and their every move was so elegant and attractive.

Huang Tianzhen was dumbfounded again, he changed into a Phoenix with the swan after changing into new clothes, which surprised Huang Tianzhen who often stayed beside the two girls for a while.

"Look, sister, I'm not wrong, even if this fool looks at us every day, he still hasn't seen enough of us."

Shen Hanyue pulled her sister, and made fun of Huang Tianzhen to her sister with a smile on her face.

"Ahem...Come and eat quickly, the food will be cold in the evening."

Huang Tianzhen got acquainted with the two girls, so naturally his skin became thicker, he put the embarrassment behind him, and called the two girls to come over for dinner.

Shen Hanyan and the two of them naturally wouldn't be polite to Huang Tianzhen. Since it was an inn with a lot of people, the two women naturally ate with restraint.

Why not choose the pavilion, because they want to find out if anything has happened in Jianghu recently.

"Have you heard that the daughter of the Hu family was ruined by the flower picker Gui Jianchou?"

"What, Gui Jianchou has committed another crime. How many times has this happened? Could it be that in Gufeng County, the flower picker Gui Jianchou is lawless."

"Is there any way, Gui Jianchou is an Innate master, and the strongest Innate masters in our Gufeng County are those. Great Masters are forgotten, only the counties and prefectures above the county have them."

"Both are Innate masters, but those few are all people with status and status, and they don't have the heart to stand up for us ordinary people."

"And the flower picker Gui Jianchou is also very smart. He doesn't pick families with innate masters, but only small families and small businesses."

"What do you say in this situation? The yamen is almost useless in the face of Innate masters. Those few Innate masters don't show up. Who can do anything in Gufeng County?"




When the people in the inn heard about Gui Jianchou, they were all troubled. Many of them also had daughters. If their daughters were targeted by Gui Jianchou, they would have nothing but to cry.

"Sister, here is our chance to be a hero."

Shen Hanyue is already eager to try it out, they come out to fight for the people and fight for justice, now this opportunity is in front of them, why don't they give it a try.

"You two are serious, do you know that Gui Jianshou is a body cultivator? If the two of you are killed, you will not send yourself to Gui Jianshou for nothing."

Huang Tianzhen saw the two women who really wanted to eliminate harm for the people and face ghosts, he had a headache, what happened to the two women.

The two little white papers who had just left the valley wanted to challenge the experienced Gui Jianshou. Wasn't it a vain delivery of food?

"We want to act chivalrously, but we are not that stupid. If we don't judge the strength of the enemy, we will not be impulsive."

Shen Hanyan replied calmly to Huang Tianzhen.

"Ghost Jianchou's strength will definitely not be at the peak of Innate. If he were at the peak of Innate, he would have been unscrupulous in Gufeng County long ago, and he would not care about families with Innate masters at all."

"He's at most an Innate middle stage, or an Innate late stage. If that's the case, then our sisters won't be afraid of him unless he has the means to restrain our Gu worms."

"But I think that in the small Gufeng County, there should be no masters who can restrain our Gu worms."

Little Sister Shen Hanyue analyzed own, she didn't think the sisters would be planted in the small Gufeng County.

When Huang Tianzhen saw Shen Hanyue's impulsiveness, he knew he couldn't stop it.

But thinking of the Gu worms on these two sisters, he felt relieved a lot.

As Shen Hanyue said, without the means to restrain Gu worms, or without the unexpected appearance of a Great Master, the two sisters are almost in no danger in Gufeng County.

At night, before Shen Hanyan could release the Watching Wind Gu, there was movement nearby.

"It's not good, Gui Jianchou took away Miss Bai's family."

"Hurry up, Gui Jianchou is running this way carrying the young lady on his back, and must chase the young lady back."

"Quickly call someone, the more people there are, the better, if Gui Jianchou sees too many people, maybe he is afraid and let the lady go."


The movement not far away naturally attracted the attention of the three of Huang Tianzhen.

"Sister, let's go together."

"I'm fast, I'll catch up first, use the Gu worm's tracking, I should be able to stop Gui Jianchou from running away, just follow me and catch up slowly."

After Shen Hanyan finished speaking, she was ready to jump out of the window and set off.

"Wait, I have Life and Death Gu in my body, I can't be a hundred meters away from you..."

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