I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 51: Encountered An Old Ghost Capsized

"I took out the Life and Death Gu in your body a few days ago."

Shen Hanyan replied, and jumped towards Bai's house without looking back, planning to find the scent left by Gui Jianshou from Bai's house, so that the Gu worms could track Gui Jianshou's escape route.

"A few days ago? Why?"

Huang Tianzhen looked at Little Sister Shen Hanyue next to him in surprise, wondering why her sister changed her mind to take out the Gu worms in his body, didn't she want him to be a servant for three years.

"A few days ago when you were sleeping soundly, my sister secretly took out the life and death Gu from your body. As for why you took out the Gu, you can ask my sister, not me."

Shen Hanyue replied and chased after her sister. Huang Tianzhen had no choice but to keep up with Shen Hanyue's pace.

He was really worried about the two sisters facing the battle-tested ghosts.

A man with a feminine face was jumping and running away across the room with a girl on his back. Seeing that no one was chasing after him, he smiled triumphantly.

"Hehe, a group of scumbags also want to chase me. If it weren't for the fear that killing too many people would touch the bottom line of some people, from the moment you chased me, you would have died tragically at my hands."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to pay attention to these scumbags. I finally found a good product. Let me taste the delicious food tonight."

Gui Jianchou patted the fainted girl on the shoulder, showing a nasty smile.

"Hey, who is catching up?"

He was about to take the girl to find an empty room to have fun, but Gui Jianchou found someone chasing him.

This made Gui Jianchou a little surprised. It stands to reason that only experts of the same level can catch up with him, but the Innate masters in Gufeng County have already secretly agreed with him, and the well water will not violate the river water.

Who will be the master who catches up? Could it be a master from outside.

After a while, Gui Jianchou saw clearly the person who was chasing up. After seeing it, Gui Jianchou suddenly felt that the girl in his hand was not good.

So beautiful, this is Gui Jianchou's first impression of Shen Hanyan, for some reason, he felt that the girls he tasted before were shit.

"She's mine, and she's my prey tonight."

Seeing Shen Hanyan's beauty, Gui Jianchou's dirty thoughts arose, this beauty must be his tonight.

"Beauty, what do you want to do with me? Do you want to spend a good night with me tonight?"

Gui Jianchou saw that Shen Hanyan only had the Innate middle stage Cultivation Base, and was even more happy in his heart. With his Innate late stage strength, no surprises, this beauty will not be able to escape tonight.

"Today next year will be your death day."

Shen Hanyan had no tolerance for the scum who spoiled girls' innocence, and directly sentenced Gui Jianchou to death.

"It turns out that he came to kill me, so you have to catch up with me first."

Gui Jianchou was not surprised when he heard that, for some reason recently, there were too many people fantasizing about being heroes, and he didn't even know how many he had killed.

Someone wanted to kill him, and he was already used to it. With a smile at Shen Hanyan, he suddenly dropped the girl on his shoulder and turned around to run away, not knowing what trick he was playing.

Shen Hanyan briefly checked the girl who was thrown down, and found that she just fainted, so Shen Hanyan chased after Gui Jianchou in peace of mind.

After escaping and chasing, the two soon came to a ruined temple, and Gui Jianchou also stopped in the ruined temple.

"This is the cemetery you chose."

"What you said, why isn't it your and my happy place?"

Ghost Sorrow smiled, looking at Shen Hanyan confidently, his eyes scanning wildly.

"Your eyes are so disgusting, it's a sin to let someone like you live, and the firefly cremated him for me."

"You are from Bug Valley!"

Seeing countless fireflies popping up around, Gui Jianchou guessed Shen Hanyan's identity.

"I'm afraid, but it's too late!"

"I'm afraid, haha... I mean, the higher your status, the more delicious you are."

"The more extreme things, the happier I am."

Gui Jianchou has long been dazzled by own greed, and he doesn't care about the top forces, and it doesn't matter if he cleans up the traces after it's done.

Seeing the fireflies attacking, Gui Jianchou took a deep breath, his belly bulging, he opened his mouth suddenly and roared towards the surroundings.


The huge sound wave power entrains Internal Energy to form a circle of waves covering the past.

The bodies of countless fire floaters shook, and all of them scattered from the air to the ground and died like flames extinguished.

"Sonic skill!"

Shen Hanyan's face was a bit ugly, sound wave kung fu is also a kind of restraint of Gu worms, Gu worms are also a kind of creature, because they are small, they are more likely to be attacked and killed by sound wave kung fu.

"Didn't expect me to know the sound wave technique, you should just obediently catch me, your Gu worms can't do anything to me anymore."

Gui Jianchou had a proud face, as if Shen Hanyan was already in his pocket.

"Hmph, don't be too complacent, not all Gu worms are afraid of sound wave skills, there are also special ones..."


When Shen Hanyan was about to use a special Gu worm to deal with Gui Jianchou, she suddenly found that her own Internal Energy was disappearing at a rapid rate, and her body became heavy and weak.

"It seems that the effect of the medicine is working!"

At this time, Gui Jianchou's smile became stronger.

"When did I get recruited?"

Shen Hanyan also had a look of surprise, how she was poisoned by ghosts and sorrows.

"You think I let you chase me for nothing. I ran against the wind. You chased me. You were under my wind. My medicine is colorless and tasteless. It's not surprising that you got caught."

"Don't worry, my medicine powder is specially made, similar to cartilage powder and the like. It will make your Internal Energy disappear overnight, leaving you boneless and powerless to be slaughtered."

"And if I'm right, your Gu worms can only be activated by your Internal Energy plus special secret techniques."

When Gui Jianchou saw that Shen Hanyan was about to lose his balance, he became even more excited.


Shen Hanyan gritted her teeth and stared at Gui Jianchou. Just as Gui Jianchou said, the Gu worms on her body were almost all controlled by Internal Energy and secret techniques. Now that Internal Energy is gone, the Gu worms naturally no longer listen to her commands. .

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that she was too young, and she learned others to fight for justice without learning all the skills.

Well now, I met the old ghost and the boat capsized.

"No, my sister is in trouble, hurry up, we have to hurry to my sister's side."

Shen Hanyue and her sister have a heart-linking Gu, so she naturally sensed her sister's state, and hurriedly led Huang Tianzhen to speed up towards the direction guided by the Gu.

"Beauty, let me tell you a truth. If you are in the rivers and lakes, don't underestimate anyone. Once you are careless and capsize, you will have to pay an unimaginable price."

The ghost is not in a hurry, he is still waiting for what he wants.

"Why am I so hot..."

Shen Hanyan felt something was wrong with herself, she felt a fire in her body, burning her a little bit lost.

"You think I only prescribed one kind of medicine, no, I also prescribed a second medicine called: Drunken Dream Piaoxian San."

"Just by the name, you should know what it is. This medicine is also specially made, and it needs a man to dissolve it. Otherwise, you will be burned to death by the fire in your body."

"Come on, why hesitate, I'm the only man here."

Gui Jianchou stood still, he likes to be passive, and he likes others to rush at him. He knows the power of this medicine, and he believes that Shen Hanyan will give in and rush over.

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