I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 61: The Lawless Man

"Little girl, are you sure it's me you saw?"

Huang Tianqi felt that either someone was pretending to be him, or the little girl had mistaken her.

"You were wearing a bamboo hat at the time, but I will not mistake your voice."

Yang Lulu just felt that Huang Tianqi dared to do what he didn't dare to do, ~ he was pretending to be crazy.

"Little girl, you said that that person was wearing a bamboo hat at that time, but you didn't even see his face clearly, so how can you be sure that that-person is me."

"Besides, there are so many people in the world, there are many people with the same name and surname, and there are also many people with the same vocal cords. You are so sure that that person is me, isn't it a bit of a stickler?

Huang Tianqi didn't know if he committed a crime this year, someone always wronged him.

"I still don't admit it, I have evidence. See if this is your handwriting."

Seeing that Huang Tianqi still refused to admit it, Yang Lulu took out a note and threw it at Huang Tianqi's face.

"This is

Huang Tianqi was stunned, how could this school record be exactly the same as his.

Damn, who is pretending to be me again!

At this moment, Huang Tianqi was angry in his heart. He had the same name, same surname, same voice, and even imitated his handwriting. This was not pretending to be what he was.

Take a closer look at the contents of the note:

You may not know that I, Huang Tianqi, accidentally got lost and arrived here, only to find out that God has blessed me with so many treasures.

I thank God, thank God for being so kind to me, needless to say, I packed all this treasure and took it away.

Leaving a note is not a respect, hope that later people will see it, burn this note to God, and thank God for me.




So arrogant!

Seeing this content, Huang Tianqi felt that the person impersonating him was so arrogant, and at first glance, he looked like the kind of person who deserved a beating.

No wonder the little girl is so angry. It is a person who sees such provocative content, and even in a good temper, he will get angry.

"Why, now you have nothing to say."

Seeing the change in Huang Tianqi's expression, Yang Lulu knew that the evidence she presented was valid.

"Tianqi, what's wrong?"

Qiao Yuner asked from the side.

"Someone is pretending to be me again, and this handwriting is exactly the same as mine."

Huang Tianqi couldn't figure it out, he was not a famous person, why would someone pretend to be him.

"Little girl, I can say with certainty that I am not the one who stole your treasure. As for whether you believe it or not, that's up to you."


Responding to Huang Tianqi was Yang Lulu's cold snort, obviously she didn't believe Huang Tianqi's words.

"I will find out who is pretending to be me. As for you, you can go."

Huang Tian instructed Qiao Yun'er to put down the sword and let Yang Lulu go.

"You let me go?"

Yang Lulu was also taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Huang Tianqi to let her go just like that.

"You don't smell like blood, so you probably haven't killed anyone. You're a thief with a conscience."

"But I still advise you, don't be a thief anymore, if you stumble one day, your end will be very miserable."

Huang Tianqi is not a person who cares about every detail, it is the person who pretends to be him who is wrong, the little girl is wrong, but it is not a big one, he is very relieved to let the little girl go this time.

Yang Lulu didn't really believe that Huang Tianqi let her go just like that, but she still walked to the window cautiously, and found that Huang Tianqi and the two had really done nothing else, so she believed that Huang Weiyong had really let her go.

"Don't think that if you let me go, I will believe your one-sided words. I will investigate. Don't let me find out anything, or I will steal you into a pauper."

Yang Lulu was also a recalcitrant person, she fled after leaving a harsh word.

"Headache, who is pretending to be me, and why is he so familiar with me?"

Huang Tianqi didn't care much about Yang Lulu's threat, what he cared about was the person pretending to be him.

"Tianqi, let's not be too anxious, if he dares to impersonate you once, there will be a second, third, and more times, sooner or later the person pretending to be you will show his feet.

Qiao Yuner comforted Huang Tianqi.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry, I believe I will find out the person pretending to be me, and then I will teach him how to behave.

Huang Dongjie, who is far away, also received the latest status of his two sons.

"Tianqi still wants to teach me how to be a human being. It seems that he hasn't cried yet, so I'll feel sorry for him if I don't let him cry a few more times in the future.

"This kid in Tianzhen doesn't learn to be good. He said that I will give him all the gentle and cute little girls, and leave all the ferocious and violent tigress to me, hehe..."

"These are really my two good sons!"

"Bai Lao, tell me, am I being too lenient to them?"

Standing on the bank of the rushing river, Huang Dongjie looked at the waterfall rushing down, and asked in a calm tone.

"My lord, the princes are still young, they still need time to grow up, if they are pressed for time, accidents will easily happen.

Elder Bai also attaches great importance to the prince's subordinates, and encourages them to grow up, so he persuades the prince to give the princes some proper time.

"It's true, but even if I don't have any arrangements, they will go through a lot of hardships, who makes them both lucky people."

……… Ask for flowers…

Huang Dongjie smiled and stopped talking, continued to admire his beautiful scenery, and walked slowly all the way in the direction of Guiyun Villa.

Huang Tianqi couldn't find any information about the person pretending to be him in Qinghe County, but he found another piece of news.

Children in Qinghe County are constantly missing, not only in Qinghe County, but also in the surrounding counties of Qingshui, Qingjing, Qingye and so on.

This large-scale disappearance of children naturally attracted Huang Tianqi's attention.

"Yun'er, which faction do you think the child's disappearance is related to?"

Huang Tianqi, who was having dinner at the inn, just mentioned this question, but Qiao Yuner didn't answer it yet, and people around him also talked about this topic.

"Here it goes again, the disappearance of children has come again, this is the first few years, and every year nearly one hundred children disappear before giving up.

"The government is not strong enough, and if something goes wrong, it will be blamed on the Demon Sect. Isn't this perfunctory for us?"


"Who says it's not, it's like this every year, not only in our Qinghe County, but also in the surrounding counties.

"Each county loses nearly a hundred children every year, all in this time period. If there are no ghosts here, no one will believe it."

"Hey~, I don't know which family is unlucky this year, the child was stolen."

Before the guests in the inn finished talking, a crazy woman ran in.

"Did you see my Kyle?"

As soon as the woman entered the inn, she grabbed a random person and asked him if he had seen her son.

"No no,

The unlucky guest could only shake his head and say.

"Have you seen my Kyle?"

Seeing that there was no answer, the woman asked another person.

"No no,,"

In this way, the woman asked seven or eight people in a row, but they all said no, so she went out of the inn to ask people outside.

"This damn world, even playing with children's ideas, this is trying to drive many mothers crazy.

"If you dare to do such insane things, it's either someone of great influence, or someone who doesn't even dare to provoke the government. What else can we ordinary people do besides silently bear it.

"Ah~, the children of more than 20 families have been stolen, and it is still far away from a hundred children."

"Now every family is strictly watching their children, deeply afraid that their children will be stolen. When will this kind of day end?"

The guests in the inn were discussing this matter distressedly at the table.

Just listening to it made Huang Tianqi's temper straight up. There are still such lawless people in the world who dare to do anything to children. .

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