I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 62: Ashamed To Say

"Yun'er, you can let go of the person pretending to be me. We can't ignore the loss of children when we encounter them.

Huang Tianqi felt that the person pretending to be him hadn't made any big noise yet, so he could let it go for now, but he couldn't bear the child being stolen.

"I also don't like people traffickers and the like. They don't care about the consequences of breaking up other people's families for the benefit of others. When they see such people, they will kill each other."

Even though Qiao Yun'er is used to the ups and downs of the rivers and lakes, she still hates people traffickers very much. This kind of people have no conscience at all, and never care how important children are to the original family.

They only have interests in their eyes, and they can do anything that benefits them. As for the heartless scum, Qiao Yuner will meet and kill them.

Huang Tianqi couldn't tolerate this even when he saw Qiao Yun'er, so they simply finished their meal and went to the local yamen to find out the news.

"It's so strange. There is too little information that can be found here. Is it because the Yamen didn't act, or the Yamen also colluded in this matter."

When "830" came out of the Yamen, Huang Tianqi also became suspicious of the Yamen. The information he could find was that the person who stole the child was a master, and then he disappeared.

Hundreds of children are stolen every year, and hundreds of families have been implicated in recent years.

The yamen only found out this piece of news, and there was no other news, which made Huang Tianqi wonder if there was a ghost in the local yamen.

"Everyone in the yamen is in a state of fishing in troubled waters. They may really be people with only a salary and no practical work."

"Maybe there are a few insiders among them, but they should all have been given hush money. It is difficult for us to get useful information from the Yamen."

"There is also a possibility that the Yamen really tried their best, and this is the only information they can find."

"If this is the case, then the water here is too deep. It may not be ordinary forces who commit the crime, but it may be the crimes committed by forces that we cannot afford to provoke."

Qiao Yuner analyzed from the side.

"Find out the behind-the-scenes forces first, and plan whether we can provoke them at that time. The Yamen can no longer be trusted. Now we can only rely on ourselves to find clues.

"Fortunately, we have a lot of money on us, and there should be a lot of news we need from the people of three religions and nine streams in Qinghe County.

After finishing speaking, Huang Tianqi took Qiao Yun'er to open the way with money, and asked the people of all teachings and high-ranking schools in Qinghe County for the information they needed.

In half a day, Huang Tianqi and the two still found out one or two useful pieces of information.

"Someone saw that many abandoned children were taken away by a young girl. This is very suspicious. Why did the young girl take so many children away? Is she capable of raising them?

"Following this line, I inquired carefully, and finally came to a place called Yu'er Village.

"Yun'er, I think it's necessary for us to visit Yu'er Village."

Huang Tianqi felt that there was a secret in Yu'er Village, which might be a dark spot of the thieves.

"Is there a road map?"

"Yes, I got it from a money-grubbing fellow at a great price."

Huang Tianqi took Qiao Yuner on a fast horse and set off to Yu'er Village according to the route map.

"Yu'er Village is ahead."

When they were about to approach Yu'er Village, Huang Tianqi and the others dismounted from their horses, tied up the horses, and walked towards Yu'er Village cautiously.

"Why, why are there so many children?"

Huang Tianqi and the two approached Yu'er Village in the dark to observe for a while, and soon they discovered the difference.

There are no young and middle-aged people in the village, but only children and a dozen or so old people. Seeing the innocent smiles on the faces of the children.

Huang Tianqi and the others knew that this place might not be the stronghold of some thieves, but some benevolent people took these children in.

Huang Tianqi and Qiao Yuner looked at each other, and they could make the children smile so innocently. The person who raised these children was definitely a kind person, and they both wanted to meet this kind person for a while.

Meet the manager of the village. "

Huang Tianqi didn't hide anymore, and took Qiao Yuner to the entrance of Yu'er Village.

"Stop, who are you and what are you doing here?"

Several children as big as little ghosts held wooden weapons and guarded against outsiders vigilantly.

"Kids, don't be nervous, the two of us just passed by here, and accidentally found such a village here, so we wanted to come and have a look out of curiosity."

"Children, is your caretaker, or the village head, etc. present, can you let us see him.

Several children looked at each other, seeing that Huang Tianqi and Huang Tianqi didn't look like bad guys, one of them ran into the village to call the village chief.

Soon Lin Bangxiao came out, and when he saw Huang Tianqi and the two of them, he also felt strange, what were these two young people doing in Yu'er Village.

Huang Tianqi and the others also felt strange when they saw Lin Bangxiao's appearance. This old man didn't seem like someone capable of raising so many children.

"Old man, the village head of Yu'er Village, I don't know what happened to the two distinguished guests?"

Lin Bangxiao asked straight to the point.

"Old man, you should know that there are a large number of missing children in the nearby counties. The two of us just wanted to investigate this matter, and we found it here by accident.

"We found it was very different here, and we wanted to find out who took in so many children."

"The two of us admire people who can make such a kind heart, and want to come and get to know each other......"

Huang Tianqi didn't hide it either. For kindhearted people, there was no need to cover up. Only by telling the truth can one appear sincere.

"It turned out to be like this, the sun is bright outside, let's go to talk under the tree."

Lin Bangxiao is also a person who has been in the rivers and lakes for most of his life. He sees people and things naturally a lot. He can feel Huang Tianqi's sincerity. Facing people with no bad intentions, there is no need to let people not even enter the village gate.

"The children here are all brought back by my daughter, and as more children are brought back, a small village has gradually formed here.

"I am ashamed to say that there are no young and middle-aged people in the village, and the old man is sick. The whole village is supported by my daughter alone.

Lin Bangxiao was really guilty, but there was nothing he could do. The situation in the village was like this, and he couldn't change it.

Women? Feed a whole village!

The eyes of Huang Tianqi and the two were startled. The rules and regulations in this world are very unfair to women.

Under such conditions, a woman feeds the entire village by herself, and the pain and difficulty involved cannot be expressed clearly in words.

"It can support the whole village. It seems that your daughter is a capable person."

"Of course, sister Lulu is the most capable person in the world."

"When I grow up in the future, I want to be like Sister Lulu."

"And me, and me,

As soon as Huang Tianqi finished speaking, the children around all took Yang Lulu as an example, and they all aspired to become a person like Yang Lulu.

"I don't know if your daughter is in the village, so it's inconvenient to guide you,,,"

Seeing the expressions of the children, Huang Tianqi wanted to see this woman named Lulu even more, but he got stuck just as he spoke halfway.

Because he saw a very familiar girl coming from outside, wasn't that girl the thief who stole their bags.

"Huang Tianqi, what are you doing here?"

As soon as Yang Lulu returned to the village, she heard from the children that two strangers had come to the village. Yang Lulu was curious about what the strangers were doing in the village, so she ran over to meet them.

As a result, she saw Huang Tianqi, and when she saw Huang Tianqi, her mind was full of distracting thoughts.

At first thought, she thought that Huang Tianqi was a sinister and cunning person, who stole all her treasures after sneaking behind her last time.

Now that he entered the village, there is a high probability that he followed her secretly, otherwise how would Huang Tianqi find Yu'er Village.

For a while, Yang Lulu was deeply wary of Huang Tianqi, deeply afraid that Huang Tianqi would hurt these children.

Author: Monthly tickets, flowers, etc., bring them here!.

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