I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 63: In Case You Fall

"You are the daughter of the village chief, the sister Lulu that the children say,,,

Huang Tianqi was also dumbfounded at this moment. A group of children supported her, and she could vaguely hear one or two children calling her Sister Lulu. She was the one who supported the entire village by herself.

Before, he was still thinking about what kind of person the great benefactor who feeds the whole village would be, but when he saw such a young girl as the so-called great benevolent person, Huang Tianqi was deeply shocked in his heart.

Girls at this age usually either stay in the boudoir to be married, or enjoy the love of their family members at home, but she is so young that she is responsible for the livelihood of the entire village.

Her thin body bears an unimaginable burden, which is not something she should bear, but she does all this silently, completely disregarding her own safety.

There is such a strange woman in the world, she, she is really good!

Huang Tianqi admired Yang Lulu's actions very much, but he didn't know how to praise Yang Lulu, so he could only say disheveledly in his heart: Well done.

Don't blame him, who made him read less, when it was time to praise others, he realized that his literary talents were extremely lacking, and he couldn't find words to praise such a woman.

Qiao Yun'er on the side also admired Yang Lulu admiringly, she couldn't do such a deed at her age.

With a woman's body and age, she has made such a feat, which has to be impressive.

17 "You are Huang Tianqi!"

Lin Bangxiao looked at Huang Tianqi with disgust, but he knew that the person who stole his daughter's treasure was called Huang Tianqi.

"Misunderstanding, all misunderstood!"

When Huang Tianqi saw that Lin Bangxiao and Yang Lulu looked at him with defensive and disgusted eyes, he knew he was misunderstood again.

He quickly explained to Yang Lulu why he came to Yu'er Village, and explained to Lin Bangxiao that someone pretended to be him.

"I don't know if you came here by accident because of the investigation, but you also saw it.

"The children here have nothing to do with the children who were stolen in the county. There are too many old, weak, sick and disabled in the village. Strangers are not welcome here. You go."

After Yang Lulu listened to Huang Tianqi's explanation, out of vigilance, she hoped that Huang Tianqi and the two would leave Yu'er Village.

Huang Tianqi saw Yang Lulu's attitude, and saw that the children became disgusted by Yang Lulu's influence, so he had no choice but to take Qiao Yuner away.

"Daughter, what he said should be true. The person who stole your money may be someone else."

After seeing Huang Tianqi and Huang Tianqi leave, Lin Bangxiao was silent for a while, then said to his daughter.

"Father, you just saw him today, how can you be sure that what he said is the truth, there are quite a lot of people in the world talking nonsense."

Yang Lulu felt that her father was too easy to trust others, and after only meeting him once, she judged that others were not lying, which made her wonder if Huang Tianqi was pretending too well.

"Your father and I also have half a lifetime of experience in the rivers and lakes, and we rarely make mistakes. If you don't believe it, just watch, that Huang Tianqi will come back to Yu'er Village.

"Will come back here again, does he want to plot evil against Yu'er Village?"

"No, on the contrary, he will bring a lot of supplies to Yu'er Village, he is also a kind person like you.

Lin Bangxiao said with a smile.

"Is he a kind person? Dad, you must have misjudged him."

Yang Lulu shook her head at her father's judgment, not believing that her father could see through a person at a glance.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, but I'm more worried about another thing now. If the villains who stole the children find out the existence of Yu'er Village, the children will be in danger."

Lin Bangxiao was also afraid that if those villains targeted Yu'er Village, he and his daughter might not be able to stop them.

At that time, not only the children will be in danger, but even the daughter he cares about the most will be in danger.

"Don't worry, Dad, no matter what happens, I will protect Yu'er Village, even if it costs my life."

Yang Lulu had no choice either, she didn't know where to take this group of children, once she was targeted, she had no choice but to go all out.


Lin Bangxiao was very ashamed and blamed himself, hated why he was so useless and always dragged his daughter back.

But he is also very worried about his daughter's situation. If one day he leaves, who will take care of his poor daughter.

the next day

As expected by Lin Bangxiao, Huang Tianqi and Huang Tianqi came to Yu'er Village again, and came to the door with big bags and small bags.

"Why are you here again, don't you know that Yu'er Village doesn't welcome strangers.

Yang Lulu didn't expect her father to be so accurate in judging people, not only said that Huang Tianqi would come to Yu'er Village again, but also said that Huang Tianqi would bring a lot of supplies.

"I know, but it doesn't affect me sending supplies to the children, please accept it, this is my heart."

"Take your things away, we don't accept things from outsiders."

Yang Lulu physically blocked the entrance of the village to prevent Huang Tianqi from entering, and asked Huang Tianqi to take his things and leave.

"Girl, I know it's not easy for you, but you also saw that most of the children's clothes are mended. They need new clothes and new shoes,,,"

"You can't watch them running around without warm clothes or enough food."

Huang Tian hinted that the supplies he brought were all needed by the children, and hoped that Yang Lulu would accept them.

"Hmph, if my money hadn't been stolen, would the children have been wronged like this?"

Yang Lulu hated Huang Tianqi very much. The person who stole her money must have some kind of relationship with Huang Tianqi, otherwise why didn't he pretend to be someone else, but insisted on pretending to be Huang Tianqi.

Huang Tianqi is all to blame for her loss of money!

"Daughter, take all the supplies. It's okay to suffer others, but you can't suffer this group of children."

Lin Bangxiao came forward to persuade, which made Yang Lulu think for a while, and then looked at the children's clothes, she gritted her teeth and accepted the supplies brought by Huang Tianqi.

Seeing that Yang Lulu had accepted the things, Huang Tianqi nodded to the village head Lin Bangxiao, didn't say anything, didn't stay, and left with Qiao Yuner.

"Let's go now. I haven't said thank you to him yet. Forget it, I won't say thank you to this annoying person."

Seeing Huang Tianqi's leaving back, Yang Lulu wanted to stop him and say thank you, but the word thank you was stuck in her throat, making her reluctant to say thank you to Huang Tianqi.

explain. net.....…


A day later, Huang Tianqi brought supplies again.

At this moment, Yang Lulu stopped talking, let the children take the supplies, and let the children thank Huang Tianqi for her.

For the past two days, Yang Lulu dared not leave Yu'er Village, fearing that if she left, those unknown villains would take away the children in the village.

She needs to protect this group of children, and she dares not leave the village until the storm of those wicked people raising a hundred children has passed.

During this period of time, Huang Tianqi sent supplies, and she was also very grateful to Huang Tianqi, but her Tsundere just made her unable to say thank you to Huang Tianqi.

As the days passed, Huang Tianqi didn't know how many times he sent supplies.

Maybe after a long time, he also chatted with Yang Lulu, a Tsundere girl.

"The children are very cute, but they don't know what you do.

"Can you go on like this? You often walk by the river, and your shoes will never get wet."

"In case you fall, what do you let these children do, these children can't do without you."

Huang Tianqi still wanted to persuade Yang Lulu not to continue being a thief, this profession is prone to accidents.

Author: My monthly ticket, where are the flowers!.

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