I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 64: No Survival

"Then tell me, I don't want to be a thief, what can I do to support such a large group of people?"

"You also know the situation in the village. There are no young and middle-aged people, only a dozen old people and more than 60 children."

"Don't talk about disabled children, and don't talk about whether the land is fertile or not. You tell me how the old people and children farm the land to support themselves."

"Now you are persuading me not to be a thief, so what kind of occupation can you support so many people?"

"I'm going to be a concubine. No rich man would foolishly marry a woman like me who only wants money."

"I'll sell it, how much will it cost?"

"Tell me, what do I do well, maybe you want to take care of me and raise these children for me."

Yang Lulu sat by the river and threw a small stone into the river, her eyes flashed with confusion.

As for the last sentence, it was just a joke.

Huang Tianqi was silent, he immediately felt that this little girl had endured too much.

Suddenly he also laughed at himself, not knowing the pain of others, but persuading others to put down the butcher knife, what is the difference between himself and a fake good person.

"After a while, I will find a way to solve the problem in Yu'er Village, you shouldn't have to bear so much at your age.

Huang Tianqi also looked at the slowly flowing stream for a while, left a word, and without waiting for Yang Lulu to respond, he turned and walked towards the village.

At this moment, Yang Lulu turned her head to look at Huang Tianqi's leaving back, she smiled!

She smiled beautifully, this smile is what she should have at her age, but Huang Tianqi didn't see it.

........ Feilu Novel Network......

On the way back to the village, Huang Tianqi saw Qiao Yuner coming out from behind a tree. It was obvious that Qiao Yuner was eavesdropping on the opposite side of him and Yang Lulu.

"You feel sorry for her. If that's the case, that little girl's suggestion just now is good. If you take her in, she will be liberated."

Qiao Yuner joked with a smile.

"Yun'er, why are you making such a joke. I only have you in my heart, and it is impossible to accommodate other people, and the little girl was just joking just now, you should be able to hear it.

Huang Tianqi worried that women are fickle and easily jealous, so he hurriedly expressed to Jin that he would not be kind.

"I really think this little girl is pretty good. I don't have any objections to you taking her in." "1

Qiao Yun'er was grinning, and she didn't know if she was telling the truth, or if she was just trying to test Huang Tianqi.

"Yun'er, you have no objections, but I do. I don't have time to talk to little girls, we still have a lot of things to do.

Huang Tianqi didn't care if Qiao Yuner was probing or not, anyway, he walked upright and sat upright, and didn't care whether Qiao Yuner was probing.

"Brother Tianqi, the village head told you to come over."

At this time, a slightly older child ran over and said.

"Yun'er, then I'll go there first."

After Huang Tianqi finished speaking, he followed the child away.

"Tianqi, I'm not just talking casually. Seven or eight years may be long or short, but it may pass in the blink of an eye."

"I'm dead, someone can accompany you for me, at least let me die, and I can rest assured that you don't have to be so sad about my death."

After taking Fusheng Pill, Qiao Yuner's terminal illness was suppressed a lot, but she had a hunch that she could live for seven or eight years at most.

But this is just a hunch, maybe she won't live as long as seven or eight years, and it is also possible that she will die before five or six years.

In order to prevent Huang Tianqi from being overly sad after her death, she felt that Huang Tianqi's heart could not only be placed on her.

So she began to think about the girl who could make Huang Tianqi interested, and Yang Lulu had already fallen into her eyes.

"Village Chief, what do you want from me?"

Huang Tianqi found the village chief and asked the village chief what he wanted from him.

"There's nothing important, I just want to chatter with you and sit down."

Lin Bangxiao handed Huang Tianqi a cup of hot water, and asked Huang Tianqi to sit down and chat slowly.

Huang Tianqi could only sit down and watch what the village chief wanted to chat with him.

"What do you think of my daughter?"

Lin Bangxiao looked at Huang Tianqi expectantly.

"Very well, at your daughter's age, I believe there are few women in the world who can match your daughter."

Huang Tianqi somehow felt something was wrong, but he still answered Lin Bangxiao's question honestly.

"Maybe you have already guessed what I want to say next, so I won't beat around the bush."

"I hope you can take care of Lulu instead of me. You know my physical condition. I may not have a few years to live."

"After my death, the thing I worry about the most is Lulu. Lulu is still young, but she has suffered more than most people imagine."

"I can't see through your identity, but I have figured out who you are, and I am relieved that Lulu is following you.

"So can you promise me that if I go one day, you will take care of Lulu for me."

Lin Bangxiao looked at Huang Tianqi expectantly [I hope Xiao failed to agree to him.

"No problem, I will treat her like a Little Sister and take good care of her.

Huang Tianqi couldn't refuse, so he could only agree to Lin Bangxiao's request in the form of taking good care of Little Sister.

Lin Bangxiao heard that this was not what he wanted, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only acquiesce to Huang Tianqi's words.


Huang Tianqi took Qiao Yuner to bid farewell to the people in the village and left.

"I have been to Yu'er Village so many times, and I still say that I didn't go for the little girl.

On the way, Qiao Yuner was teasing Huang Tianqi again.

"As you know, going to Yu'er Village many times is not just about bringing supplies to the children, we are also preventing those villains from stealing children from targeting Yu'er Village."

Huang Tianqi was very helpless to Qiao Yuner's jokes, and for some reason recently, Yuner always liked to put him and Yang Lulu together.

". "It's so troublesome. While tracking down the news about the group of villains who stole children, at the same time guarding against Yu'er Village being targeted by those villains, why can't things be simpler.

Qiao Yun'er didn't make fun of Huang Tianqi, she was complaining that those villains hid too deeply, so that the two of them couldn't find any clues.

"Furthermore, we must investigate to the end. I will not allow this group of lawless villains to harm more families."

Huang Tianqi stopped talking, and took Qiao Yuner back to the county to continue searching.

In the middle of the night, a child in Yu'er Village suddenly became ill.

"It's not good, her medicine was scarce, but now her medicine is gone, if there is no special medicine brewed for her, she may not be able to bear it for a long time.

An old man hurriedly said to Yang Lulu with a medicine jar without medicine.

"Sister Lululu, it hurts, my head hurts, and my whole body feels uncomfortable..."

The little girl held her head, looked at Yang Lulu with pain on her face and cried out in pain.

(De Nuo's) "The gates of the county are closed at this time, if you want to buy this medicine, you can only go to a remote town, Xiao Hua, you must wait for your sister, and my sister will go buy medicine for you.

Yang Lulu couldn't control that much anymore, so she got on her horse and ran towards the remote town in a hurry.

It's just that not long after Yang Lulu left Yu'er Village, a group of people appeared near Yu'er Village, two Innate middle stage masters, plus a bunch of acquired and first-class Practitioners.

"This is Yu'er Village, very good, as long as the children here are taken away, we will raise a hundred children.

"For the sake of unnecessary trouble, none of the elderly and disabled children were left alive. We only need children with healthy limbs."

"Remember, act cleanly!"

As soon as the leader finished speaking, the others couldn't bear it any longer, raised their knives and surrounded Yu'er Village.

Recommend the author's old book (The Unscrupulous Host of the System),,, it is recommended to read from the second volume, the full-time hunter article.

If you don't like it, there are also chapters on Qin Shimingyue, tomb robbers, enchanters...etc. .

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