I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 77: Find A Good Place To Bury It

Seeing his father's face darken, he thought that his father also recognized his ideas, causing Huang Tianqi to speak more and more fiercely, as if the person pretending to be him was heinous, a scum, and it was not a human thing to do.

This is endless!

Huang Dongjie listened quietly, and began to knock on the table with his fingers. Bai Lao and the others who were hiding in the dark knew that the prince was thinking of something bad when they saw the prince knocking on the table.

"Second son, stop talking, or you will cry in the future."

Seeing that Huang Tianqi was still talking, Bai Lao couldn't help feeling anxious for Huang Tianqi.

"Father, do you think that the little girl got such a little money for the sake of a village of children, regardless of personal safety. That bastard who pretended to be me stole it as soon as he said it. Does he still have a conscience?"

"The most outrageous thing is that he deliberately left such a provocative note. Take a look, isn't it too much?"

Huang Tianqi has kept that note, there is no way, that note is the only clue, and he also hopes that "Zero Five Zero" will finally help him find the person pretending to be him

He took out the note from his arms, and let his father and Dage see if the person pretending to be him was too much and arrogant.

Huang Tianzhen curiously took the note from Little Brother and took a look, not to mention, it was exactly the same as Little Brother's handwriting.

The person pretending to be Little Brother must have worked hard, otherwise the handwriting would not have been imitated to such an extent.

Little Brother is right, this impostor is indeed extremely arrogant, look at the emoticon specially left at the end of the note.




This is not to tell others clearly, I am not arrogant, I am not too much,,,

"Brother, have you offended someone like Grand Thief?"

"The person pretending to be you is a bit arrogant, but what he committed is very small. It seems that he is just looking for trouble for you and disgusting you."

Huang Tianzhen wondered if Little Brother accidentally offended someone like a knight thief. If it was an enemy, then the crime committed by pretending to be Little Brother would not be so small.

"Impossible, in order to prevent others from discovering Yun'er's identity, I act very low-key, and I will not be so stupid as to provoke outsiders."

Huang Tianqi shook his head, he was not a troublemaker, on the contrary he acted in a low-key manner, afraid of exposing Qiao Yuner's whereabouts.

"Father, what do you think of this matter?"

The two brothers turned to look at Huang Dongjie.

"You ask how I see it? Can I lie down and watch it?"

Huang Dongjie didn't show any traces on the surface, and said with a lazy sheep.

"Father, why do you feel that you are not interested in our experience at all, don't you worry that we will cause trouble outside?"

Huang Tianqi couldn't figure it out, didn't his father care about them very much before, why is he not interested in what they do now.

"What's the use of worrying, father, I'm old, and you have seen the situation of the palace. If you really cause some trouble outside, father can't help you.

"It's better to let you fly freely. You have grown up, and you can't even solve the troubles you caused yourself. What's the growth?"

"What I can do for my father now is to prepare two sets of coffins in the palace, and if something happens to you on that day, it will be just right for you to use.

Huang Dongjie is also dead, and even his son's coffin has been prepared.

When the two brothers in Huang Tianzhen heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly. Is the father a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, or is it true that their coffins are ready.

"Father, I can deal with people pretending to be me, but I have no ability to deal with the matter of the Ba Dao Society stealing children in those counties.

"Ba Dao will do things too badly, I don't know how many families have been torn apart.

"Father, I want to stop Ba Dao from continuing to do evil, but I don't have the ability. Father, can you help me?"

Huang Tianqi looked at his father expectantly, hoping that his father would be able to help him.

"I also want to help you, but you also know the current situation of the palace. The military power is gone, the Great Master is gone, and the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled.

"Wangfu doesn't have the strength to compete with Ba Daohui now, so I can't help you as a father."

"But you can find your grandfather, Guiyun Villa and Ba Dao Guild are incompatible, your grandfather will help you.

Huang Dongjie said as if he had more energy than energy.

"I've looked for my grandfather, but I can't rely on my grandfather's Guiyun Villa alone."

"If you want to stop the Ba Dao Society, you must either destroy the Ba Dao Society or destroy the Ba Dao Society.

"However, the strength of Guiyun Villa and Ba Dao Guild is comparable, otherwise Gui Yun Villa and Ba Dao Guild wouldn't have been entangled for so long without a draw."

"Guiyun Villa doesn't have the ability to beat Ba Daohui, I'm afraid it will be crippled. It must have external help to help Guiyun Villa, but father, you..."

Huang Tianqi was very disappointed. If it was his former father, who had the military power in his hands, surrounded by strong men like a cloud, and united to return to Yunshan Villa, it would not be impossible to beat the Ba Daohui and fear that it would be disabled.

Who would have thought that the current father is just Xianyu!

"Brother, don't rush this matter. The background of a top power is terrible. If you want to stop Ba Dao from doing evil, you need strength.


Huang Tianzhen understood the horror of the Tyrant Sword Society, and was afraid that Little Brother would do stupid things recklessly.

"I know, I won't act recklessly, I will discuss this matter with my grandfather to see if there is any other way for my grandfather to help me.

Huang Tianqi is not a person with well-developed limbs, and he also knows how to seek help from enemies who cannot be toughened.

"The Yang Lulu you mentioned is pretty good, bring it back and show me sometime."

Huang Dongjie asked, changing the subject.

"She's just a good friend of mine, please don't mess with her, I only have Yun'er in my heart."

"Dage, it's time for you to tell your story."

Huang Tianqi was afraid that his father would mess up the line, so he changed the topic to everyone.

Huang Tianzhen was not slow when he saw this, and told about his own experience.

"Dage, why do you feel that your experience is similar to mine."

After listening to Dage's experience, Huang Tianqi always felt that their experiences were very similar, either they were targeted by others, or they were troubled by others.

"Are you similar? How do I feel that you are two storylines?"

Huang Dongjie said that this is Huang Tianqi's illusion, please don't think about it.

"Father, have you secretly sent someone to protect us?"

Huang Tianzhen looked into his father's eyes, trying to find out what.

"You suspect that the person playing tricks on you was sent by me, please, I will invite a Tianbang expert and four Great Master experts to protect you.

"Based on my current conditions, you think that strong man on the list will look at me in the eye."

Huang Dongjie waved his hands and said 5.3.

When Huang Tianzhen heard this, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry and looked away. He felt so stupid that he would suspect his father.

"Now both of you are capable, and you are both indirectly or directly related to top forces."

"The little one is fine, but the big one directly took away the hearts of the two princesses of the Worm Valley, so let me tell you what's good about you."

"As far as your trouble-making skills are concerned, the two coffins I prepared are indeed correct."

Huang Dongjie pretended to be very distressed and said.

"Father, have you really prepared the coffin for us?"

The two brothers in Huang Tianzhen looked at their daddy with enlarged eyes, listening to their father's tone, his father didn't seem to be joking with them, he really prepared the coffin for them.

Good guy, there is such a wonderful father in this world.

"It's ready, even where to bury it, I have found a good place."

Lie down, father, you...

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