I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 78: You Are Qualified To Fight

"Haha,,, just kidding, there is a father who prepares a coffin for his son in advance.

"Come out with me, I want to see how much you've grown during this time."

Huang Dongjie got up and walked outside, the two brothers Huang Tianzhen looked at each other, then got up and followed their father out of the cabin.

"Father, you must suppress the Cultivation Base, and you are not allowed to use it to bully the small."

Huang Tianzhen is deeply aware of his daddy, if he doesn't tell his father clearly, his father will definitely take the opportunity to bully them and beat them up.

He had experienced it once before, so just in case, he still said it in advance.

"Okay, both of you are Innate middle stage, then I will suppress you to the Innate middle stage to play with you.

Huang Dongjie hooked his fingers to the two brothers Huang Tianzhen, motioning for them to let go.

"Father, you have to be careful."

As soon as the words fell, the two brothers moved, and Huang Tianzhen stepped forward and slashed down with a sword. This formation seemed to regard his daddy as an enemy, and he was about to eliminate first and then quickly.


Huang Dongjie was very relieved when he saw this. The eldest son held the sword more stably and uprightly, and his mother-in-law no longer hesitated when he took out the sword. This is the attitude of a Practitioner going forward 17.


Huang Dongjie pulled out a long sword from his sleeve, and easily bounced off Huang Tianzhen's face-to-face sword.

Huang Tianzhen was not surprised to see his own moves being easily resolved by his father. His father is a Great Master himself, even if he is suppressing the Cultivation Base, the foundation of the Great Master is still there.

In addition, the father was a person who went to countless battlefields in his early years, and the death experience has long been imprinted in the father's bones.

It was because of this that he dared to kill his father without reservation.

He didn't find it strange that the move was resolved, but what he was surprised about was what happened to his father's sleeve and how he hid such a long sword.

Perhaps Huang Dongjie felt that using the long sword was a bit of a fuss, so he put the long sword back and took out a dagger from his sleeve again.

Huang Dongjie moved a step sideways, the dagger in his hand turned to a horizontal line with his left hand, and Huang Tianqi, who came in for a sneak attack, quickly retreated violently.

But he retreated violently, his daddy didn't stop at the same place, and came towards him.

Huang Tianqi became anxious, and hooked his fingers into claws to grab his father's left shoulder. As a result, the dagger in his father's hand seemed to have long eyes, blocking him one step ahead of his claws.

If he continued with the same move, he would have put his claws on the dagger blade. In such a hurry, he could only change his move.

Changing claws and fists to attack his father's upper three lanes, trying to force his father back, who would have thought that the dagger in his father's hand would always be one step ahead of him, waiting for him every time in front of his attack.

It's too strong, how did I do it, every time I predict my next move.

Huang Tianqi retreated violently again and again, wanting to fight back, but there was always a dagger blocking his direction ahead of time, so he had no choice but to draw his sword.

It's just that his sword had just pulled out one-third of the blade, and the father bullied him, raised his foot and directly pressed his hand that drew the sword with the sole of his shoe.

Pushing forward lightly with his feet, his hand was pushed back by his father's foot, and the sword went back into the scabbard before it came out.


There was the buzzing sound of the sword cutting through the air waves.




Huang Tianqi's heart jumped suddenly, he saw the cold light blade shadow full of Death's breath constantly zooming in and piercing towards his eyeballs.

He couldn't dodge this stab, he knew that his father would not kill him, but he was still afraid.

For a moment, his body froze, and the tip of the dagger in Huang Dongjie's hand stopped within a few millimeters of his eyeball.

Huang Dongjie retracted the dagger, raised his hand and flicked Huang Tianqi's forehead with his index finger, and Huang Tianqi fell to the ground stupidly.

"Why did you stop?"

Huang Dongjie ignored the younger son who fell to the ground, but looked at the elder son who had already stopped.

"Father, I have self-knowledge, and father, you clearly want to take the opportunity to bully us, if you don't stop early, are you waiting to be taught by your father.

Huang Tianzhen saw that his father suppressed Little Brother with great ease, and he knew that no matter how his father suppressed Cultivation Base, the gap between them and his father would be irreparable.

It's better to be smart and stop early than to be taught a lesson by your father.

"Dage, you've gone too far, you've turned your back on me."

Huang Tianqi regained his composure, and was very dissatisfied with Dage, a sneaky and tricky guy.

"I'm really sorry, I don't want to be beaten, so I can only abandon you mercilessly."

Huang Tianzhen didn't know if his daddy had led him to the wrong, with a smirk on his face [as if he didn't feel guilty at all about what happened just now.

It's too much, how do you feel that Dage is as virtuous as his father. Damn it, sooner or later, I'll sell the bastard Dage too.

When Huang Tianqi saw Dage's disrespectful smirk, he became angry. He felt that if he didn't pull Dage's pigtails in the future, he would be sorry for him.

"Father, are you already a Great Master late stage?"

Huang Tianzhen thought of his father's comprehensive suppression of his younger brother's abuse just now, and there was no fluctuation of Internal Energy or True Qi during the process. He suspected that his father's Cultivation Base had reached the Great Master late stage.

As for why it is not the peak of the Great Master, because the father is not yet sixty years old, he dare not make such a bold guess, otherwise it would be too scary.

"It counts!"

Huang Dongjie replied casually.

"Really! Father, you have really reached the Great Master late stage."

"My darling, you will be at the Great Master late stage before you are sixty years old. I will give you another twenty years, my father, and your talent will definitely reach the peak of the Great Master."

"It may not be necessary for twenty years. If you are lucky, you will break through to the peak of Great Master in ten or ten years."

A ten-year-old Great Master is absolutely qualified to challenge the Tianbang. Even if he fails to challenge once, he can challenge many times. "

"Great Masters can generally live to be around 180 to 200 years old. My father still has such a long time. He will definitely be able to successfully challenge the Tianbang. Maybe he can enter the top 50 of the Tianbang."

Huang Tianqi jumped up when he heard it, every Practitioner wants to leave his name on the Tianbang, because this is the lifelong pursuit of a Practitioner.

If the father is ranked 710 in the heaven list, his face as a son will also be bright.

Wanting to leave a name on the celestial list is very simple, it is to challenge the strong man on the celestial list, as long as you defeat or kill the strong man on the celestial list, you can replace the ranking of the original unequaled strong man.

It's that simple, beat or kill, there are no other rules, even if you use despicable means.

As long as you succeed, you will replace the original top ranking in the Tianbang.

This rule is a bit ruthless, but this is how this world is, where strength and luck coexist, and it is the same for everyone.

This has also led to few changes in the top 30 of the Tianbang, and there will be a little change every year after the 30th.

"The weakest person on the Tianbang list can face two or three ordinary Great Masters alone, you think you can do it in the future as a father.

Huang Dongjie laughed.

"Father, if you have this Talent, it means that you are qualified to fight for it. You have to try anything, just in case you succeed.

Huang Tianqi encouraged his daddy to fight. He was happy if he succeeded, and it was okay if he failed. In short, his father's talent cannot be wasted like this.

"Father, if you are idle, you are idle. If you have the opportunity, try it out. If you realize something in the process, or awaken the Martial Dao Artistic Conception, then you will make a lot of money."

Huang Tianzhen also encouraged his father to try, his father was too free, so he had to find something to do.

"Who says I'm free, I'm not free at all, okay, forget it, I'm lazy to say so much, keep your suggestion, I will try it when I have time, if I don't have time, then just do whatever I want.".

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