I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 83: The Transcendent Force Appears

"Oh, but I don't think you can do it!"

Wang Yuanrong still kept an optimistic smile on his face, and he didn't know if he was faking it, or if he really had a bottom line in his heart.

"Wang Yuanrong, do you know how long I've been preparing for this war. It's been almost ten years. If I'm not sure of winning, you think I'll go all out."

Wang Yuanrong's smiling face gradually subsided, he knew his old opponent better than anyone else, even if he had prepared in advance, he didn't know how many cards Zhong Xiongyuan had prepared.

He scanned the countless murderous disciples of the Ba Dao Society without showing any traces in his eyes, and there was a wave of turmoil in his heart.

The Tyrant Sword Society really came out in full force, and the sword king Zhong Xiongyuan made this step, which means that this battle is inevitable, and the two forces must decide to die for life.

Wang Yuanrong didn't know what Zhong Xiongyuan's confidence was, he didn't speak, and waited quietly for Zhong Xiongyuan's next words.

"Our two forces have been fighting for generations since our ancestors, and there is no room for discussion. We will fight to the end as soon as we meet."

"The cruelty of the killing has resulted in constant deaths on both sides, which has also caused our two sides to be at the middle and lower levels among the twelve top forces.

"Even the Great Master is the least powerful among the twelve top powers. I am exhausted, and I don't want future generations to suffer such a fate."

"So today, let's end this damn fate."

Knife King Zhong Xiongyuan grasped the handle of the knife and lifted it up, pointing the tip of the knife at Wang Yuanrong. The bright reflection of the knife made many people feel horrified.

It's not because this big sword is too beautiful, but because this big sword always makes people feel that there are too many wronged souls wrapped around its blade.

"Don't talk about these nonsense, if you dare to choose this time to launch an all-out war, then you must have prepared a lot of cards."

"Don't hide it, show all your cards."

Wang Yuanrong looked at Zhong Xiongyuan solemnly, knowing what Zhong Xiongyuan's confidence was.

"Haha,,, you are in a hurry, your damn optimism is finally gone."

"Very well, I hope to see your flustered expression later."

"You want to know what I have prepared, yes, I will just fulfill the wish of you, a dying person.




Sword King Zhong Xiongyuan looked at the big Elder Jiang Mengfeng next to him, Jiang Mengfeng understood, raised his hand and clapped three times.

As soon as the applause fell, a line of Ba Dao Hui sect members separated into several passages. As soon as the passage opened, countless medicine men and dead men with dark bodies and dull eyes poured out.

"Yes, it's a medicine man, a medicine man raised from children, and the Ba Dao Society actually did such inhuman things`||."

"Here, there are at least a few thousand medicine men and dead men here, is Ba Dao crazy? So many children are trained to be medicine men. y

The people of Guiyun Villa and the guests in the compound were deeply angry when they saw the thousands of medicine men pouring out. They angrily accused Ba Dao of being a wrong person and taking so many children to train them into medicine men.

"Damn it,,,"

When Huang Tianqi heard that these medicine masters were raised with children, his anger soared directly, his fists were clenched and creaked, and his eyes were fixed on the members of the Tyrant Sword Society.

If it wasn't for the fact that his father was beside him holding down his shoulders, he probably couldn't help but rush forward.

"Don't be impulsive, you are giving away the head if you rush up."

"Father, they are simply beasts. They have trained so many children to become tireless, not pain-killing people. They, they,..."

Huang Tianqi pointed at the members of the Tyrant Sword Society with his trembling fingers, and he didn't know how angry he was.

"Father knows, but you are really dying if you rush up now."

"If you really can't bear it, you can wait until the two sides start a war. Then you take the opportunity to pick on the weak bully and eliminate the miscellaneous fish. "You are also reducing the pressure for your little one."

Huang Dongjie patted his youngest son on the shoulder and said.

Huang Tianqi listened to it, and stared closely at the members of the Tyrant Sword Society, waiting for the chaotic scene to attack and kill this group of scumbags.

"Have you said enough is enough? How noble are you yourself? Dare you say that you didn't use children to train dead men?"

"Who of you dare to say that there is no, hmph, if there is, then don't compare here.

"They are all the same kind of people, but here they pretend to be good people and scold others. You don't feel disgusting yourself."

The Elder Jiang Mengfeng of the Tyrant Sword Society saw the guests in the compound scolding them angrily, he couldn't take it anymore, he stood up and turned back.

The guests in the compound were quiet for a while, and they were invited here by Guiyun Villa because they were all people of status and status.

Even if they have status and status, it is nothing to train one or two dead men. It is also because of them that they can't refute Jiang Mengfeng for a while.

"Your preparations are more than this!"

Wang Yuanrong didn't think that his old opponent was only preparing for this, and there must be other preparations.

"Of course, although these medicine men and dead men are not afraid of fear, they are not afraid of life-and-death battles, but they can't threaten the Great Master at all."

"Their function is to suppress the Practitioners below your Great Master, and they cooperate with the members of the Ba Saber Society to slaughter your Practitioners below the Great Master."

"As for the Great Master, of course I have to take this seriously, because the Great Master is the key to our victory or defeat."

When the sword king Zhong Xiongyuan said this, he smiled ironically and made a gesture. The crowd once again separated into a passage, and the Great Masters of the Tyrant Sword Society came out.

"Wang Yuanrong, we have been fighting for so long, and each other's Great Masters have suffered a lot of casualties. I want to know how many of your Great Masters are left, twenty-five, twenty-seven,,,

Wang Yuanrong and the others saw that Ba Dao would come out one after another Great Master powerhouse. As the number of Great Master powerhouses increased, Wang Yuanrong's face gradually darkened.

Thirty-three Great Masters came out of the Ba Dao Society, and there were no Great Masters coming out, Wang Yuanrong and the others still looked unhappy.

". "Wang Yuanrong, the Great Masters of our Ba Dao Guild have all appeared, let's also show the twenty-nine Great Masters from Guiyun Villa.

Big Elder Jiang Mengfeng sneered and shouted at Wang Yuanrong and the others.

When Wang Yuanrong and the others heard the people from Ba Dao Guild call out the number of Great Masters left in Guiyun Villa, their eyes changed slightly.

They have special operations in Guiyun Villa, and their status is extremely high, otherwise it would be impossible to know the specific number of Great Masters in Guiyun Villa.

Under the instruction of his father, the owner Wang Tianduan also gestured for their Great Master to show up.

For a while, the Great Masters on both sides were exuding aura and running towards each other. Maybe Guiyun Villa had four fewer Great Masters, and their aura was slightly weaker.

"Also, let's call out together!"

Wang Yuanrong stared at Zhong Xiongyuan and said.

"Everyone in Listening Rain Pavilion, did you hear that, he asked you to come out (well)."

Zhong Xiongyuan didn't hold back, and shouted to the back of the crowd.

As soon as Zhong Xiongyuan's words fell, ten shadows stepped on the crowd from behind and jumped at a high speed. When the figures stopped, they stood on the stone and wooden pillars of the ruins one by one.

Wearing a uniform of a golden body windbreaker, with a golden mask of an unknown beast, golden gloves, golden shoes, and a golden body.

They are the gold-medal killers of Tingyu Pavilion of the transcendent force, Tianzi No. 3 to No. 10, all of them are Great Master late stage powerhouses.

"Listen to the gold-medal killers in Yuge, the Ba Dao Society invited ten of them, and the Ba Dao Society did not sacrifice a lot of blood for this battle."

"Damn it, even the transcendent forces are here, Guiyun Villa is probably..."

"I don't want to stay and be buried with you, I have to find a way to leave."

Countless guests in the compound saw the killers from Tingyu Pavilion coming, and none of them were very optimistic about Guiyun Villa, and they all felt that Guiyun Villa was in danger.

At this time, many people began to think of ways to get out. .

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