I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 84: The Big Sword Club's Hole Card

Hearing the arrival of the Yuge killer, countless guests started arguing, Wang Yuanrong and the others ignored it, and still looked at Zhong Xiongyuan with a heavy expression.

When the two brothers of Huang Tianzhen saw that even the superpowers from the transcendental forces had come, they were also nervous. This situation was too unfavorable for the public.

If Grandpa had no other preparations, Ba Daohui and Ting Yu Pavilion Killer would definitely have the potential to crush Guiyun Villa.

"Wang Yuanrong, you think this is the end, no, no, no... In addition to everyone in Tingyu Pavilion, I also invited foreign aid, not many, just twelve."

Zhong Xiongyuan showed a wild smile and gestured backward again.

What, there are twelve foreign aids, and the Sword Club also invited twelve Great Masters.

This time, not only did the guests in the courtyard stir up, even Wang Yuanrong and the others began to breathe slightly harder.

The members of the Tyrant Sword Society separated out a passage again, and all the guests in the compound watched intently, who was invited by the Tyrant Sword Society.

The first one came out, and the first thing that catches the eye was the pressure of the height of 2.5 meters, holding a huge Juque on his shoulders, and walked out wildly.

"Frenzy: Mo Guitu, how could it be him, isn't he a fighting lunatic, how did Ba Daohui invite this fierce god here.

Many of the guests in the compound recognized the crazy man Mo Guitu. There was no way he could do it. This combat lunatic was very famous, and many of them had been praised by the crazy man Mo Guitu.

"Why, it's not that you don't like to participate in the battles between forces, why are you going to help the Badao Society to deal with us 777 this time.

The villa owner Wang Tianduan asked the madman Mo Guitu incomprehensibly.

"I don't like to participate in the struggle between forces, but no one will compete with me, and I can't find anyone who can. They all avoid me."

"No way, in order to be able to stop the endless bloody battle, I can only change the principle of own."

"Now my principle is, where there is a fight, there will be me, either you get down or I get down, everything is for a happy fight.

Fanatic Mo Guitu scanned the Great Masters in Guiyun Villa. He smiled. The quality of these Great Masters is so good that they can definitely accompany him in endless battles.

"If you just want to fight, our Guiyun Villa can satisfy you. As long as you don't help Ba Daohui this time, you will be our benefactor of Guiyun Villa."

"In the future, as long as you want to compete, you can come to Yunshan Villa to compete anytime and anywhere, and our Great Masters will try their best to satisfy you."

Wang Tianduan tried to persuade the madman Mo Guitu to give up this battle, and even had the idea of ​​pulling the madman Mo Guitu into their side.

"That's not okay, if you were the ones looking for me first, I might be on your side, but it's a pity that Ba Dao will find me first.

"There is no way (bhcc), I agreed, and you have no choice but to fight with me to the end."

Madman Mo Guitu refused.

"Hey, we're talking about it."

"By the way, can you stop taking up the road, don't you know you are very strong and tall, stop in the middle of the road, what do you ask the people behind to do?"

At this time, a voice came from behind Mogui.

"The coffin-carrying man-Qianwusheng, the people from the Tyrant Sword Society also invited him here."

The madman Mo Guitu moved his body, and the figure behind him appeared. It was a strong man carrying a huge coffin. As soon as his figure appeared, the people at the scene naturally recognized him.

"Don't ask why, the coffin behind me is already hungry and thirsty, it is eager to hold a perfect Great Master strong body."

"And Ba Daohui gave me a gift that I couldn't refuse, that is the huge golden coffin next to you, it is pure gold, and I fell in love with it deeply after just one look.

"When it is loaded with your father's body, it will be mine. This is the promise Ba Dao will give me."

"Oh~, I didn't want to come, but I love this coffin so much."

The man who carried the coffin - Qiong Wusheng saw that Wang Tianduan was about to ask a question, and without waiting for him to ask, he decisively explained the benefits that the Ba Saber would give him.

"Carrying a coffin all day is bad luck!"

The lunatic Mo Guitu next to him gave him a disgusted look.

"What did you say, believe it or not, I put you in that golden coffin."

Coffin Carryer - Qiongwusheng heard that the madman Mo Guitu had an opinion on the coffin, so he didn't care about it and went back to talk.

"You can try it if you have the ability."

The lunatic Mo Guitu gradually revealed the ferocity of a ferocious beast, and he looked at the coffin-carrying man Qiongwusheng inexplicably.

"Hmph, my coffin is used to contain the most powerful and perfect person. Not only do I despise a reckless man like you, but my coffin will also despise you."

The man who carried the coffin was hopeless, but he would also step down the steps for himself, showing a look of disdain for a madman and no return.

"Everyone in Guiyun Mountain Villa, there is one of the most perfect people among you, and the person I most want to put in a coffin is him."

The man who carried the coffin, Qiongwusheng, scanned the crowd in Guiyun Villa without leaving any traces, but the moment his eyes glanced at Huang Dongjie's figure, there was an indescribable flash in his eyes.

Huang Dongjie fell into deep thought. What he was thinking about was why so many of his subordinates had no conscience, and how many of them had bad consciences.

Some fantasized about stabbing him with a sword all day long, some wanted to put him in a coffin, and some even dissected and studied him.

These subordinates were all led badly by someone, and they have thoughts about their masters. This evil trend cannot be left behind, and they need education.

Huang Dongjie nodded slightly, thinking that after this incident, he had to educate the subordinates who love Pippi Shrimp.

Pipi shrimp is a type of shrimp!

The third person walked out of the crowd of Ba Daohui, and others could easily recognize this as the bounty hunter: Ye Wulai.

"Ahem... I am..."

"What do you have to say, didn't you just come here for the bounty, with the title of bounty hunter, all fools know why you came here.

The bounty hunter Ye Wulai wanted to speak to brighten the atmosphere, but the coffin-bearer Qiongwusheng ended his words directly.

"May you die without a coffin to lie in."

The bounty hunter Ye Wulai looked at Qiongwusheng dissatisfiedly for a while, and interrupted other people's performance, which is to steal other people's money. Ye Wulai was so angry that he directly uttered malicious curses at Qiongwusheng

"What, how can you say that, don't you know that coffins are my favorite."

"You are too despicable to cast such a vicious curse on me, I order you to quickly take back this vicious curse..."

When the coffin man heard about it, he immediately broke his defense, and pointed at Ye Wu to take back the curse.


Ye Wu came to respond to Qiong Wusheng with the word ha ha!


Qiong Wusheng wanted to say something, but seeing the indifferent eyes of the sword king Zhong Xiongyuan, he shut up.

Immediately afterwards, all the foreign aid invited by Ba Daohui came out.

Mo Guitu, Qiong Wusheng, Ye Wulai, Sun Zhengqi, Cao Dengnian, etc. twelve Great Masters appeared in front of everyone one by one.

"Ten from Tingyu Pavilion, twelve from foreign aid, plus thirty-three from our side, a total of fifty-five Great Masters."

"Wang Yuanrong, I want to know, what do you use to make up the gap between your twenty-nine Great Masters and our fifty-five Great Masters?"

Zhong Xiongyuan looked at Wang Yuanrong provocatively with extremely wild eyes. .

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