I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 86: The Dangerous Conspirator

"My lord, the few people who criticized our palace before have been dealt with by our people at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Bai Lao sent a sound transmission to Huang Dongjie through the air.

Huang Dongjie nodded his head slightly, indicating that he understood, and then continued to watch the live drama.

Wang Yuanrong didn't have any extra nonsense, he turned his head and looked to the rear, the disciples of Guiyun Villa felt very self-conscious to make a way out.


A few footsteps came out from behind unhurriedly.

Song Helang, Lin Beihua, Zhang Jianyao... the seven Great Masters came out.

The seven of them came from the same faction, one of the twelve top forces, the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce.

The Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, a chamber of commerce that specializes in pursuing interests, is also the largest and most capable chamber of commerce in the world.

Its organizational structure is complicated, its personnel are complex, and it has ties to almost all forces in the world.

The most important thing is that they are super rich!

"How could it be you, why did you help Guiyun Villa?"

The Elder group of the Ba Dao Guild saw that the people who came out were members of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, they frowned, and they couldn't figure it out.

Didn't the other top ten top powers have unspoken rules long ago that they would not interfere with their grievances with Guiyun Villa? Now the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce has come forward for several reasons.

In the past, the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce seldom interfered in the struggles of other forces. They only focused on doing business, and would only hide away when they encountered trouble. How did 17 choose to get involved in this troubled vortex this time?

"We once owed Guiyun Villa a lot of favors. We are honest, but we also value favors."

"In addition, Guiyun Villa is doing a business with us......, we have to give Guiyun Villa some help."

"We are here to repay favors, and we don't want to really get involved in your grievances. We only came here to show our attitude."

After the leader of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce finished speaking, he turned to look at Wang Yuanrong.

"Wang senior, it is difficult for us to unify our internal opinions on this matter. In the end, it was our best effort to dispatch seven people."

"We only help you hold back the seven people on the opposite side, as for the others, we can't do anything."

"If the situation is not right, we will retreat immediately. I hope Senior Wang can understand."

Song Helang, the leader of the Chamber of Commerce, still expressed their attitude to Wang Yuanrong, this favor was only enough for them to dispatch seven Great Masters.

They are here, but they will not fight desperately for Guiyun Villa, at most they will hold them back, and if the situation is not right, they will abandon them and go back to the villa.

"Understandable, we promise your deal, we will continue, as long as we are still alive."

Wang Yuanrong also knew that the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce never traded at a loss, and it was already a benevolent transaction of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce for the help of the seven Great Masters.

"The remaining five Great Masters plus the seven Great Masters from the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce make a total of twelve people, which happens to be the same as the number of our foreign aid."

"Then listen to everyone in Yuge, how do you even out the gap?"

Zhong Xiongyuan saw that things had become like this, the more unhappy he felt, he thought to himself, this old opponent will not really even out the gap, so what is the point of his preparations all these years.

"You may not believe it, but there are so many coincidences in the world that make people feel amazing."

"You invited the killers from Tingyu Pavilion, I'm sorry, but I also invited the killers from Tingyu Pavilion, no more, no less, exactly ten."

As soon as Wang Yuanrong finished speaking, ten shadows jumped out from behind Guiyun Villa.

These figures are all in black, black windbreaker, black mask, black shoes... etc. They are also the gold medal killers of Tingyu Pavilion.

Heiye No. 3 to No. 12, and Tianzi No. 1 to No. 12 over there with Daohui are performance competitors.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Mengfeng of the Tyrant Sword Club turned his head to look at the Tingyu Pavilion killer they had invited, wondering what was going on.

"Our tenet is that whoever gives the money is the master. It is impossible for us to accept your business and refuse other business. w

"Guiyun Villa has given them money, so it is normal for Tingyu Pavilion to serve them."

"However, please don't worry, we are moral killers, and after taking your money, we will wholeheartedly take care of you.

"Don't be afraid that we will fish in troubled waters. The night killers on the opposite side will be handed over to us by the sky killers. We will definitely help you drag them down."

Listen, what a business!

He also said that he would not fish in troubled waters, who would believe that!

They are all from the same faction, and after collecting money from the two, the last sentence is: I will just hold back my companion, and you continue.

Zhong Xiongyuan's face darkened directly, and their money was wasted in love, please listen to Yuge's killer just go through the motions and disappear.

It's just that Zhong Xiongyuan and the others are very unwilling in their hearts, and they don't dare to say anything about the Yuge killer now.

If you accidentally say that the other party is angry and force the other party to the opposite side, then you will be in big trouble.

"Zhong Xiongyuan, now it's back to the original situation. The Tingyu Pavilion killer and foreign aid you invited can no longer help you."

"If you insist on going to war, it is also your Ba Daohui and my Guiyun Villa's personal forces fighting, and the outcome will definitely be the same as usual, and both sides will suffer.

"Today is my birthday. It is not appropriate to see blood. Why don't we both take a step back. The people you brought with you leave now. I won't hold you accountable for tearing down my house."

As Wang Yuanrong said, he secretly sent a voice transmission to Huang Dongjie.

He knows Zhong Xiongyuan too well, the possibility of letting Zhong Xiongyuan leave is too low, he has to make another guarantee.

"If there is a war, if something happens or something goes wrong, you take Zibo and Guo'er away immediately."

"Zibo knows where the Canglong shards are. If you want the Canglong shards, you can ask him afterwards."

For the sake of safety, Wang Yuanrong had to leave a way out for his grandchildren. As for the people on the scene, why did he choose Huang Dongjie, because he believed in his own experience.

"Why me, aren't you afraid that you will lose your life?"

Huang Dongjie was also a little surprised when he heard cheap father-in-law's sound transmission through the air. Didn't this old man not want to see him?

How can you easily throw your own children and grandchildren to him, and just trust him like that.

"Would the person who can make my daughter fall in love with him be a simple one?"

"And at the moment when Ba Dao will appear, other people's expressions will change more or less, but you don't have any emotions.

"Either you guessed that Ba Dao would come to attack, or you received the news in advance that Ba Dao would invade today."

"Everyone at the scene was tense and dignified, and you were the only one who was out of place, standing and watching the play with ease."

"I don't know what your attitude is towards Guiyun Villa after my daughter died, but Zibo and Guo'er are Ling'er's nephews and nieces."

"If they are in danger, I hope you can save them for Ling'er's sake.

Wang Yuanrong's eyesight was very vicious, at the moment when Ba Dao Hui appeared, he had been secretly observing his own people, trying to find out the hidden tricks.

As a result, he observed Huang Dongjie, Huang Dongjie's out of place aura was too obvious, he had to pay more attention, and once he paid attention, he could see many problems.

Huang Dongjie was too calm, and he didn't take Ba Daohui too seriously, his eyes said so.

With this discovery, Wang Yuanrong felt that this son-in-law might be a dangerous conspirator, and that maybe all the jokes in the East Martial King's mansion were arranged by Huang Dongjie himself.

This is a dangerous person, a dangerous person with strength and brains.

Although this is guessed by Wang Yuanrong based on his own experience, it is said to be a guess, but there is more or less a bottom line.

With both grandchildren present, there was no need for Huang Dongjie to be unfavorable to Guiyun Villa in front of his two sons.

He didn't know Huang Dongjie's specific attitude towards Guiyun Villa, but in order to ensure the safety of his grandchildren, it was not impossible to entrust his grandchildren to him.

"It seems that the eyesight of others should not be underestimated, especially the eyesight of the elderly."

"But the way he looks at me is weird, so he won't make up something bad for me.

Huang Dongjie muttered in his heart, but he still loved Wang Yuanrong.

"Don't worry, if something happens, I will take them both away."

Hearing Huang Dongjie's voice transmission, Wang Yuanrong let go of the worry in his heart.

Next, he stared at Zhong Xiongyuan closely, hoping in his heart that Zhong Xiongyuan could take his people away. .

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