I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 87: It's On The Verge Of Breaking Out

"Leave? You really do.

"If I leave in despair, then what will I become? How can you let us mess around after the Sword Club. w

"The price of leaving is too great. If you want to make up for all losses, the only way is to destroy you."

"Kill, never die!"

Zhong Xiongyuan pointed at everyone in Guiyun Villa with a big knife in his hand, and gave the order to attack.

"Roar! Kill~"


After the order was issued, the members of the Tyrant Sword Society uttered ferocious roars and rushed towards the members of Guiyun Villa.

Seeing the enemies rushing up, Wang Tianduan didn't hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, everyone in Guiyun Villa raised their swords to meet them.

All of a sudden, countless weapons clashed endlessly. Half along with the sound of a sharp weapon entering the body from time to time, the sound is continuous...

The sound of roaring, pain, tearing and killing, and the sound of blood splattered all over the scene.

The forces of the two sides collided and fought for a while, and the Great Masters who watched the battle also took action.

The five Great Masters who stayed to help and the seven Great Masters from the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce directly confronted the twelve foreign aids invited by the Ba Saber Association.

Twelve VS Twelve!

Listening to Yuge's gold medal killer, the night team also collided with the Tianzi team.

Ten people VS ten people!

The twenty-nine Great Masters of Guiyun Villa were also forced to meet the thirty-three Great Masters of the Ba Saber Club.

Twenty-nine people VS thirty-three people!

"Father, the Great Master on Grandpa's side is at a disadvantage, please help quickly,,,"

Huang Dongjie was pushed out by his two sons, so he had no choice but to find a Great Master on the opposite side to act in a play to pass the time.

Qiao Yun'er also went up to help, directly dragging a Great Master powerhouse.

Twenty-nine VS thirty-three, the four extra Great Masters were held back by Huang Dongjie and Qiao Yuner.

There are two more, there is no way, the owner Wang Tianduan can only come in person, and cooperate with the two Innate peak disciples, and also struggle to hold back the two extra Great Masters.

For a time, each other's Great Master levels were balanced.

However, for the strength below the Great Master, Guiyun Villa is at a disadvantage, and the number of Ba Daohui is more than dominant. Thousands of medicine men are not afraid of fatigue and the impact of Death, and few people can withstand it.

If the high-level forces of Guiyun Villa don't come to a conclusion sooner, they probably won't be able to hold on for long.

Wang Yuanrong and Sword King Zhong Xiongyuan did not fight together, but stared at each other, not knowing what they were thinking.

The battle is fierce, but there are always people who like to fish in troubled waters.

Just like the killers in Ting Yu Pavilion.

The battle between the two forces was on the verge of breaking out, and the two teams of killers acted together.

Both teams of killers have found each other's opponents, but they played it a bit too much.

Heiye No. 11 and Tianzi No. 11 fought more and more and left the battlefield, and soon they disappeared, and they didn't know where to go to cool off.

Hei Ye No. 5 and Tian Zi No. 5 played Tai Chi, you push me, I push you, but they didn't push each other down.

Some clasped their palms together, seeming to be competing in True Qi competition, but no one knew if they were pretending to keep that movement motionless.

Some went too far, they stopped pretending, and just sat and chatted together.

"Aren't you saying we're going a little too far||?"

Hei Ye No. 3 sat on the stone and watched the melee below and said to Tian Zi No. 3.

"Whatever, our money has been collected anyway, they can fight as they like, and we'll call it a day when they're done.

Tianzi No. 3 also sat cross-legged, watching the scuffle below as if watching a play.

"That's right, the money has been collected, so why bother with so much. The reason why we are like this is because we have all met opponents who are evenly matched."

"It has been consumed like this. It's not that we don't help our employers, but we are actually dragged back."

Hei Ye No. 3 is also a fine person, why would he go through such trouble when he can easily get money.

"Yes, we are all held back by each other, and we really can't help them. Who makes our strengths similar."

"Two employers, no matter who dies, the result is that one of the tasks is completed and the work is over. If the other employer dies, there is no need to continue the task without the employer, and the work is over.

"So, it doesn't matter if they die, and I have a reason to call it a day."

Tianzi No.3 said very leisurely.

"When there were tasks before, they were all labor-intensive, but this time it was so easy. It can be said that this is the easiest and easiest task we have encountered this year."

"Collect the money from the two families, come and play a cutscene, don't worry about getting hurt, and don't need to plan, just lie down and make money.

"If there are several orders for such a task, don't mention how easy it is."

Hei Ye No. 3 lamented that life is not easy, being an assassin is also a job, the so-called soul of a migrant worker, no one has it easy.

In this way, the killers of Tingyu Pavilion have been fishing in troubled waters.

Seeing the state of Tingyuge's killer, the people from Guiyun Mountain Villa and Badaohui said angrily in their hearts: What kind of things are they invited here.

But what can they say, there is a lot of anger in their hearts, and they don't dare to scold Ting Yuge's killer at this time. If they scold them to the opposite side, they will be the ones who are in danger

The seven Great Masters of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce and the remaining five Great Masters held back the twelve foreign aids from the Ba Saber Association, and at the same time deliberately lured the twelve foreign aids into the crowd of the Ba Saber Association.

Fanatic Mo Guitu and the others saw through their opponent's intentions, but they didn't care. They followed their opponent's intentions and led the battle into the crowd.


The lunatic Mo Guitu held the huge que and slashed towards Song Helang. Song Helang dodged, but the nearby members of the Ba Saber Society suffered disaster.

The berserk slash was sent out horizontally, and more than 30 members of the Ba Saber Society had no time to react, and they were chopped off by this slash.

". "No way back, what are you doing!"

The big Elder Jiang Mengfeng of the Tyrant Sword Society saw this scene, his eyes were burning with anger and he yelled at the madman not to return.

"What are you doing? Of course it's fighting. Who will keep your people from rolling away?"


Jiang Mengfeng was lying when he said he was not angry, but he couldn't be distracted now, he was fighting a powerful Elder in Guiyun Villa.

"Ah, my coffin!"

The poor coffin was kicked into the air, and the coffin that flew out swept over a few unlucky people from the Tyrant Saber Society.

"Bastard, what are you doing.

Tan Xingkai, the Elder of the Tyrant Sword Society, saw that the coffins of the poor had crushed their people to death, and his heart immediately burst into flames.

"I can't blame me for this. It was the person opposite who kicked my coffin out. It's none of my business to kill the person killed by the coffin."

Coffin-bearer-Qianwusheng directly shirks responsibility without saying anything.

"You'd better be careful, we invite you to fight against the enemy, not to let you kill our own people.

Tan Xingkai (Nuo Hao) knew that the Ba Dao Guild still needed the help of these twelve foreign players, so he didn't want to speak too harshly, so he could only grit his teeth and tell them to be careful.

It's just that just after he finished speaking, Ju Que, a lunatic who was on his way back, accidentally shot several members of the Tyrant Sword Society to death.

"No way back, you..."


Jiang Mengfeng and the others just wanted to yell that it was impossible to return, but with a bang, the poor coffin crushed several people to death.

This time, it wasn't someone else who kicked his coffin out, it was he who hit someone with the coffin and accidentally knocked out a few medicine men beside him.

"I'm really sorry, the Great Master on the opposite side is like the old loach. When I get angry, I can't control my strength and hit the wrong person."

Qiong Wusheng said with an embarrassed look.

"Sorry, I seem to have shot a few of my own people to death."

One of the twelve Great Master foreign aids, Sun Zhengqi also said to the Elder of the Swordsman in his eyes with embarrassment.

"Hey, I seem to have killed one of my own."

The Elders of the Tyrant Sword Club were about to explode, but another foreign aid spoke up. .

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