I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 88: Is There No One To Take Care Of It?

"You... you guys,

Jiang Mengfeng and the others were really angry. They asked foreign aid to deal with the enemy, not to let foreign aid deal with their own people.

As a result, among the twelve foreign aids, four or five foreign aids killed their own people by mistake indirectly or directly, and the battles of other foreign aids also affected their own people to some extent.

The True Qi of the Great Master is very domineering, and it can easily take the lives of Practitioners below Innate with a little spread. Up to now, hundreds of members of the Overlord Sword Society have died in the hands of foreign aid.

If it weren't for the urgent need for the help of twelve foreign aids, just the number of dead people, they would have launched a disaster long ago.

"Stay away from them, don't go near them."

Jiang Mengfeng and the others gritted their teeth, now is not the time to lose their temper, and directly ordered the members of the Tyrant Sword Society not to get close to the Great Master.

As soon as the order was issued, many members of the Tyrant Sword Society deliberately stayed away from the twelve foreign aids, but they wanted to stay away, but there were some things that they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

The seven members of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce and the five members just don't go head-to-head with the twelve members of the foreign aid, they just like to drill into the crowd of the Tyrant Sword Association.

In this way, the number of people in the Tyrant Sword Club will be consumed.

"What should I do? They just don't want to fight us head-on, they just want to use our hands to spread to your district."

"If we don't go up, they will start to clean up your Innate Practitioner, but if we go up and fight them, we don't know how many people will be affected by our battle."

The twelve foreign aids have all stopped, and the twelve of them let the Elders of the Ba Dao Club decide whether to let them go or not.

"Why are you so shameless, using the body of a low-level Practitioner to block attacks for you?"

The Elders of the Battalion Association were so angry at the behavior of the seven Practitioner Chamber of Commerce and the five members, and they went to places where there were many of them, in order to indirectly or directly clean up a large number of them.

"So what if you are shameless, if you can reduce the pressure on Guiyun Villa, I will do anything that is shameless." The child said with a sneer.

"If you don't kill more people, how can you experience the pain of my bereavement." Ding Zhiyuan said full of hatred.

Jiang Mengfeng and the others were very angry with the lame Bai Congliang and the five, but they were helpless. They were dragged back by the Elder regiment of Guiyun Villa.

"Song Helang, what do you mean by that? Didn't you say that you only helped Guiyun Villa hold back seven Great Masters, why are you helping Guiyun Villa consume our people now.

While Jiang Mengfeng and the others were fighting the Elder regiment of Guiyun Villa, they asked Song Helang what the seven people meant.

"We didn't think about it either. It's true that you have too many sects of the Tyrant Sword Society. They are always there. There is no way for our battle to affect them."

Song Helang touched his nose and said.

"You lied, did Guiyun Villa secretly promise you some benefits, or did Guiyun Villa make some deal with you, so you suddenly changed your mind and are right with us to the end

Jiang Mengfeng and others clearly felt that Song Helang's words and deeds were in conflict.

It is suspected that Song Helang's seven people took benefits from Guiyun Villa behind the back of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, and that's why they became so helpful to Guiyun Villa.

"No no, how could we be right with you to the end, this is really just an accident, who made you have too many people.

Song Helang showed an expression that you really wronged me.

"Dage, explain something to them, even if they really misunderstood something, our Practitioner Chamber of Commerce will be afraid of them."

Lin Beihua from the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce said to Song Helang.

"We are businessmen, so it is better to be modest and make money with peace. If it is really impossible to talk about business in peace, then,

Song Helang said, turning his head to Jiang Mengfeng and the others again.

"Fuck you street boy, what if I help Guiyun Villa, what if I take back the benefits from Guiyun Villa behind the back of the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce."

What kind of stuff are you guys, are you noisy or not? Look, come and see that our seven brothers are buried. "

Song Helang didn't pretend anymore, and he wasn't afraid that Ba Dao Hui would settle accounts after the autumn. He had a lot of connections in the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce, so it was nothing to make a mistake.

"There is no way back, there is no life, you all go to me, and kill the two of them.

Jiang Mengfeng was furious, and directly asked the twelve foreign aids to go directly.

"But what if I accidentally affected my family?"

Qiongwusheng and the others still asked.


When Jiang Mengfeng let out a sound, everyone was annoyed.

If it is affected, it will be affected. As long as this war is won, some mid-level and low-level Practitioners will die.

(bhbd) What Jiang Mengfeng didn't know was that with his permission, the twelve foreign aids had indirectly or directly killed how many members of the Badao Society.

"Damn old loach, your coffin is here."

Qiong Wusheng took advantage of the situation, and threw the coffin directly towards the opposite side, knocking out all the members of the Tyrannical Sword Society who were in the middle.

Fifty meters away, he forcibly knocked out more than a dozen members of the Ba Dao Hui sect on the way, and fell to the ground dying.


The lunatic Mo Guitu bombarded Song Helang like a cannonball. The True Qi on his body condensed into Gang Qi covering his whole body, and his body made of black iron and fine steel was like an ancient fierce god.

I don't know if he did it on purpose, but the unscrupulous conflicts ran rampant, knocking out all the members of the Tyrant Sword Society along the way.

A whirlwind wave passed by, and the air was full of people who were knocked into the sky.

They were all members of the Tyrant Sword Society, and when the Tyrant Sword Society members landed, they were either missing arms or legs, or were dying or dead.

The other foreign aids were also not polite, and they all let go and killed Song Helang and others.

Song Helang and the others saw how ferocious the twelve members of Mo Guitu were, so they didn't dare to confront them head-on, so they went to places where there were many people from the Ba Saber Society, and blocked Mo Guitu's attack with the bodies of the members of the Ba Saber Society.

"Big Elder, this,,,"

Tan Xingkai was very angry when he saw that his family was treated so badly by the foreign aid, and he didn't understand why the big Elder indulged the foreign aid.

"To kill those who have undead, as long as Guiyun Villa can be destroyed, it doesn't matter if some middle-class and low-level disciples are sacrificed, everything is for the overall situation."

Jiang Mengfeng heard the anger of the other Elders towards Mo Guitu and the others through sound transmission, so he still suppressed the anger of these Elders and asked them to focus on the overall situation.

"It's strange, why does it feel like the foreign aid on the opposite side is helping us? The people from Guiyun Villa didn't get hurt, but the people from Ba Dao Guild caused hundreds of casualties."

"It's too..."

Huang Tianqi has been cooperating with his brother to kill the members of the Tyrant Sword Society, but the commotion caused by Mo Guitu and others is really too big.

The steel tycoon kept rushing around in the crowd like a high-speed train, often seeing people with the Tyrannical Sword Society being knocked into the air.

Huang Tianqi was suspicious. Are Mo Guitu and the others really foreign aid from the Ba Dao Guild? How does this behavior feel like the foreign aid of Guiyun Villa?


A coffin flew over from a distance, and directly smashed into a place less than 20 meters away from the two brothers in Huangtian Town.

This movement also startled the two brothers Huang Tianzhen.


The coffin board was opened, and Qiong Wusheng exhaled and crawled out of the coffin.

Then he saw the two brothers of Huang Tianzhen, and the two brothers of Huang Tianzhen also saw him, and the air became solemn for a while.

The two Huang Tianzhen brothers didn't dare to move anymore, they were stared at by the enemy's Great Master, they were afraid that their lives would be lost if they moved.

At the same time, they whispered in their hearts that on the extremely dangerous battlefield, there was always a pair of coffins flying from east to west, from south to north, flying back and forth like this.

Why do you feel that this picture is a bit weird.

Is there no one to stop it?

"Hey, you two young men, are you interested in taking the coffin ride? It's very exciting. I promise you to experience it once and think about it again."

When Qiong Wusheng saw the two brothers Huang Tianzhen, he immediately showed his big white teeth. .

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