I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 94: Accident! Collective Rebellion By Foreign Aid


As soon as the big long sword and the big chopping knife came into contact, both Wang Yuanrong and Zhong Xiongyuan pressed their own weapons and pressed towards each other.

The eyes of the two collided with each other in the air, as if they wanted to stare at each other to death.

Wang Yuanrong couldn't push the opponent, so he knew that he couldn't gain momentum in terms of strength, so he changed his moves as fast as lightning, and kicked Zhong Xiongyuan's lower body fiercely with a turn of his footsteps.

Zhong Xiongyuan understands his old enemy very well. Whenever his old enemy makes a move, he can see and undo his moves in an instant, feet to feet, hands to opponents, long swords to broadswords.

After hundreds of rounds, the two of them had a few more small wounds on their bodies.

"Sword Judgment - Drizzle Killing!"

"Bad Saber-Zero Hour One Unique Skill!"


The violent shock wave hit everything around instantly like a natural disaster, Wang Yuanrong and Zhong Xiongyuan were separated by the huge force rebound~.

The dust dissipated, and the ground was nothing but potholes, just knife marks and sword grinds.

At a glance, the entire ground is full of knives and sword pits, the number of which is shocking.

Zhong Xiongyuan didn't give Wang Yuanrong any chance to catch his breath. As soon as his feet touched the ground, his whole body turned into a flash and appeared towards Wang Yuanrong.

Wang Yuanrong had no other choice but to continue fighting with Zhong Xiongyuan.

Suddenly, Wang Yuanrong's complexion changed immediately, which made Zhong Xiongyuan happy, and he seized the moment, and slashed at him.

Wang Yuanrong was sent flying by him, and the flying Wang Yuanrong had streaks of blood scattered in mid-air. The blood came from the big wound on Zhu Yuanwang's shoulder.

"This,, I am poisoned!"

Wang Yuanrong, who was flying upside down, adjusted his center of gravity in the air, turned his body over, and slid out as soon as his feet touched the ground.

After sliding for more than 20 meters, Wang Yuanrong barely stopped. As soon as he stopped, he tapped the acupuncture points on his shoulders to control the contraction of the muscles so as not to let the blood flow out.

In one breath, the wound on the shoulder reduced the amount of bleeding.

But Wang Yuanrong was not well.

He found out that he was poisoned, and he didn't even know how he was poisoned.

This toxin was very violent, and it directly caused chaos in the True Qi in his body. He quickly took the Qingdu Pill and other detoxification pills, but it didn't work at all, and the poison was constantly devouring his vitality.

"Not good, grandpa,,,


"What's going on, why did You Lord suddenly lose his mind.

As soon as Wang Yuanrong was injured, those who followed him all the time became anxious, and everyone was worried about Wang Yuanrong's situation.

The family was worried and the family was happy, and the Elder group of the Ba Dao Club saw that the poison on Wang Yuanrong finally broke out, and they all became excited.

As long as the main pillar of Guiyun Villa falls down, Guiyun Villa will be over.

"Looks like we'll be calling it a day soon!"

The killers in Ting Yu Pavilion saw this scene and stopped acting.

The two who did Tai Chi called it a day, and the two who put their hands together also called it a day, including those who fished in troubled waters.

They all gathered on a big rock, thinking in their hearts that Wang Yuanrong was about to die.

They didn't care whether it was Wang Yuanrong's death or Zhong Xiongyuan's death, because as long as one of their employers died, the two teams could call it a day.

Whoever makes two employers die is the same, and the ending is the same: one team completes the task, the other team dies, and the task does not need to be completed.

The situation is the same on the left and the right, and they pray that one of them will die quickly so that they can call it a day.

Mo Guitu and the others did not receive any hints from Huang Dongjie, so they had no choice but to continue to clean up "our own people".

"Unexpectedly, you thought my trump card was to catch your grandchildren and hurt your son, but it's not. Using your relatives to stimulate you, I can't guarantee that you will be helpless."

"What really makes you helpless is that you have no ability to resist me."

"You are poisoned, your strength is constantly declining, facing me, you can only die.

Seeing Wang Yuanrong's state, Zhong Xiongyuan said triumphantly.

"How did I get poisoned?"

Wang Yuanrong couldn't figure out how he was poisoned, he only ate and drank after passing the safety inspection, and he had no chance of being poisoned in Guiyun Villa.

There was no poison on Zhong Xiongyuan's machete, if it was poisonous, he would not dare to let Zhong Xiongyuan's machete cause so many small wounds on his body.

Then how did he get poisoned, it is impossible that there was no process of poisoning.

"I can't figure it out, hehe...Then I'll make you understand that everything you eat and drink has been tampered with by two people I bribed."

"It's not poison, so your people can't detect any problems. I have a strange powder on my blade, and it's not poison, so you can't detect any problems.

"But two things that are not poisons, once they are mixed together in the human body, they will completely become deadly poisons."

"It's also because of your deep True Qi, otherwise the poison would have exploded long ago."

"But it's not too late now, let me send you down The Underworld."

Zhong Xiongyuan didn't want Wang Yuanrong to be poisoned to death like this, it was a little bit cheap for him.

He wanted to cut off Wang Yuanrong's head when he was still conscious, as the last way to see off his old enemy.

It also draws a perfect end to the generational grievances between Ba Daohui and Guiyun Villa.


Zhong Xiongyuan bullied himself and attacked [Zhao Zhao furiously aimed at Zhu Yuanye's neck and slashed.

Because Wang Yuanrong was severely poisoned, his body functions continued to decline. Xiong Yuan pressed and beat him, and he kept backing away.

"court death!"

Zhong Xiongyuan saw two Elders from Guiyun Villa coming to help Wang Yuanrong, his eyes turned cold, and two slashes flew out.

The two Elders caught it, but their bodies were also buried in the ruins and disappeared.


At the moment Zhong Xiongyuan was about to cut off Wang Yuanrong's head, a phantom appeared behind Zhong Xiongyuan, Zhong Xiongyuan was startled, someone took the opportunity to attack him.

...asking for flowers......

Immediately, he gave up the opportunity to cut off Wang Yuanrong's head, and slashed back with the machete with his backhand, the machete missed, and the attacker dodged.

But his back shoulder was still pierced by the attacker with a small hole two centimeters deep, because he reacted quickly, otherwise he would have been pierced through his heart by the attacker from the back.

"It's you, Chen Guanwang!"

Zhong Xiongyuan saw the attacker clearly, it was none other than Huang Dongjie.

"You can't react slower. It's not easy for me to sneak attack. I almost stabbed your heart from the back."

Huang Dongjie said regretfully holding the new dagger.

"You want to save your father-in-law, I think you want to find,,,


"Mo Guitu, you are crazy, what have you done!"

Before Zhong Xiongyuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by his own Elder's terrifying roar.

This made him very surprised, what made his Elder make such a shocking roar, he couldn't help but glance over.

This look, he also.

He saw a corpse at the foot of the lunatic Mo Guitu. It was the corpse of the Elder of the Tyrant Sword Society. Half of the body of the Elder had been crushed.

At a glance, it is obvious that it was bombarded by the giant que of the madman Moguitu.

"Sorry, I really can't take it anymore, you guys are going to die for me."

The lunatic Mo Guitu didn't give any explanation, showing a wild blood-devouring smile, and continued to kill the other Elders of the Tyrant Sword Society.

"Damn it, Mo Guitu killed Red Eye, he no longer distinguishes between the enemy and us."

"Qianwusheng, why are you still standing there, why don't you hurry up and stop him."

The Elder group of Ba Dao Hui thought that the madman Mo Guitu was killing red eyes, or he was possessed by demons, so he asked Qiong Wusheng and them for help anxiously and angrily.

"Yes...we are here to help you!"

The eleven foreign aids stopped attacking Song Helang and the others, and all eleven of them rushed towards the madman Mo Guitu.

This made everyone on the scene stunned. Do you need so many people to stop Mo Guitu? They all ran to stop Mo Guitu, and went in to stop Wei Helang and others.

The two Elders who were fighting against Mo Guitu saw all the foreign aid running over to help them, which made them a little flattered.

But when the foreign aid rushed to the side, they were all terrified.

As soon as these eleven foreign aids arrived, they directly attacked the two of them, and they had no intention of stopping Mo's return at all.

Facing 12 foreign aids, the two Elders of the Battalion Club received their lunch in an instant without thinking about it.

This turn of events stunned everyone on the scene.

Aren't they the foreign aid of the Tyrant Sword Society? Why did they suddenly turn against the water and attack the Elder of the Tyrant Sword Society?

The sudden change caused the two sides fighting on the scene to stop for a moment.

The disciples of Guiyun Villa and the disciples of Ba Daohui just looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, they all looked at each other's higher-ups, wanting to know what's going on now. .

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