I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 95: That's Right! We Just Stole The House!

"This,, this is a third-party force mixed in."

Listening to Yuge's Hei Ye and Tian Zi's assassins seeing the collective betrayal of the foreign aid invited by Ba Daohui, they were also very surprised.

It's okay to say that one or two foreign aids were bribed, but all twelve foreign aids turned against the water, and there was no third-party force, and they would not believe it even if they were beaten to death.

"Secretly and silently bought twelve Great Master powerhouses, and coincidentally and flawlessly arranged twelve Great Master powerhouses to become the foreign aid of the Ba Dao Guild.

"Which force is this big deal, is it done by other transcendent forces, or is it arranged by unknown super forces?"

"Are they helping Guiyun Villa, or is Guiyun Villa also their goal?"

Heiye No. 3 said with serious eyes.

"Why do we care so much, and what third-party forces want to do is none of our business."

"It doesn't matter if they help Guiyun Villa, or deal with Guiyun Villa and Ba Dao Guild at the same time."

"They do their job, we're just paid killers, they won't be stupid enough to provoke us.

Tianzi No.3's collective betrayal of foreign aid was only a shock in his heart, and then he didn't care much about "Qi Liu San", they are transcendent forces [third-party forces will never be stupid to provoke them.

Hei Ye No. 3 thinks about it too. No matter what happens on the scene, it is not their business, so they will not waste their energy to intervene.

They are killers, they take money to do things, and they always follow the principle that more things are worse than less things.

The appearance of a third-party force is just to add some material to this scene, so that they can watch it wonderfully.

"You... you..., is it because we don't give enough, or which force made you do this?"

The elder Jiang Mengfeng of the Tyrant Saber Society suppressed Taotao's anger, and stared at the twelve Mo Guitu with boundless eyes.

Wang Yuanrong was listening, Wang Tianduan was listening, everyone in Guiyun Villa was listening, and they were also frightened by the collective betrayal of foreign aid from the Tyrant Sword Society.

While they were extremely curious about the reasons why the twelve foreign aids turned against the water, they also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. This time, Ba Daohui had a big head.

The collective betrayal of foreign aid made Guiyun Villa no longer feel a sense of crisis.

Without foreign aid, the number of Great Masters in Ba Dao Guild could only be crushed by Guiyun Villa. Even if the sword king Zhong Xiongyuan defeated the old owner, the whole situation would not be changed.

On the contrary, Guiyun Mountain Villa can also use the absolute number of Great Masters to make the knife club's vitality severely damaged.

"You are hindering others from ascending the throne!"

Sitting on the coffin, Qiongwusheng smiled and gave the reason for their betrayal.


"Is there a first-class force who wants to replace us?"

"Impossible, first-class forces simply don't have the background to invite you. You are lying, it must be the top forces or supernatural forces that can invite you.

"Tell me, who is stabbing us in the back."

Jiang Mengfeng and others did not believe that first-rate forces could buy twelve Great Masters in one go.

They gave a lot of money from the Tyrant Sword Society. If the first-class forces want to counter-buy, they must at least double the reward.

More than double the remuneration, that is 60% to 70% of the foundation of the first-class power, and it is impossible for the first-class power to give up 60% to 70% of the background for the sake of superiority.

"It's normal if you don't believe it. It's really difficult for a first-rate force to buy us off, but I didn't say that only one first-rate force bought us."

Qiongwusheng replied with a smile on his face.

"There is more than one first-class force, how could..."

When Jiang Mengfeng heard it, he couldn't believe it, he wanted to be the leader when he wanted to be the leader, but why did he choose them, the Basword Club.

There is more than one first-rate force, how many first-rate forces are there?

Could it be that these first-class forces want to merge into a new force.

Thinking about it this way, it is really possible. The merger of several first-class forces will definitely have the strength of the top forces, and the ranking among the top forces is quite high.

"Which first-class forces are you talking about?"

"How did they know that we would attack Guiyun Villa today, and how did they bribe you?"

"The other Great Masters we invited are not coming, is it because these first-class forces are playing tricks?"

"Also, if you think the upper ranks have an advantage over Guiyun Villa, why did you choose us?"

Tan Xingkai, Elder of the Tyrant Knife Society, forcibly calmed down, and then he had more questions. He looked at Qiong Wusheng and the others, wanting answers.

"You are asking the wrong person. We are just thugs, not employers."

"There are many things that only the employer knows. You ask us these questions, and you let me answer the fart for you."

Qiongwusheng knew that the more answers there were, the more loopholes would be there, so he didn't answer at all, and pushed all the questions to the so-called employer.

"Wait, buy some of your first-class forces, don't they want to be in power, why haven't they shown up until now.

Jiang Mengfeng and the others finally found out that something was wrong, where did the first-class forces who bought Mo Guitu and the others go.

If you want to rise to the top, if you don't kill them, then you have a chance to rise to the top. At this time, these first-class forces should have shown up long ago.

"I know this. They didn't come because they all went to steal the house."

"That's right, to steal your home!"

The poor and innocent replied.


"Damn, these shameless villains..."

When Jiang Mengfeng and the others heard that a few first-class forces who hadn't come were going to steal their home, they jumped over the wall in a panic.

In order to deal with Guiyun Villa, they pulled over 90% of the strength of the headquarters.

Now there are only three or four old Great Masters left in the headquarters, and an 84th ranked celestial leader.

These first-class forces dared to steal the house, they must have figured out the remaining forces in the headquarters and made complete preparations before going.

Home is in danger!


As soon as Zhong Xiongyuan saw the collective betrayal of foreign aid, he knew that the general situation was over, even if he was unwilling to reconcile, he also planned to retreat.

Now when he heard that the villain behind the scenes was stealing his home, his expression changed instantly, he stopped pretending, and ordered to retreat directly.

"I want to leave, sorry, none of you can leave today..."

Mo Guitu's twelve people all moved, and went all out to kill the Elders of the Tyrant Sword Society.

"What are you waiting for, kill~"

"Haha, you can't leave now, this place will be your burial place."

"Finally it's our turn to bully more and less, let's see how you escape..."

The Elders of Guiyun Mountain Villa were so excited that they went crazy. They had a small advantage when two senior Elders joined them before, but now the entire foreign aid collectively betrayed them.

Quite suddenly they had twelve more Great Master powerhouses assisting them.

What's more, the lame Bai Congliang five people and the Practitioner Chamber of Commerce seven people are also on their side, and now they have 24 more Great Master powerhouses at once.

Originally, there were thirty-three Great Masters in the Tyrant Sword Society, two were killed by the East Martial King, three were killed by Mo Guitu, and a few more were killed by the Elder Group of Guiyun Villa, plus others. Died unexpectedly.

Now there are only twenty-one Great Master powerhouses left in the Ba Dao Society, and the twenty-one are against the nearly fifty Great Master powerhouses in Shangguiyun Villa.

This result can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Needless to say, listening to Yuge's killer, he was either fishing in troubled waters or watching a play, and he didn't have the slightest intention to participate in the whole process.

"The situation is changing so fast. I thought that Guiyun Villa was about to lose. Who would have thought that the sudden change would put Ba Dao in crisis."

"In the face of so many Great Masters, I don't know how many Great Masters from the Ba Dao Society can escape."

"Ah, the knife king Zhong Xiongyuan was actually stopped by someone, that is,,, Dong Martial King!"

Listening to Yuge, Hei Ye No. 3 was watching the battle below with relish, but he saw Zhong Xiongyuan blocked by Huang Dongjie.

"You actually blocked my blow, it seems that you are not an ordinary Great Master peak powerhouse."

After Zhong Xiongyuan issued the order to retreat, he was ready to break out of the encirclement and leave. As for Wang Yuanrong, who was poisoned, he had nothing to do.

4.1 As soon as the foreign aid turned against the water, seven or eight Great Masters came to Wang Yuanrong's side to protect him firmly.

He was anxious to rush back to the headquarters now, and if he had time to kill Wang Yuanrong over seven or eight Great Masters, even if seven or eight Great Masters tried their best, he might not be able to withstand it.

He had spent a lot of time fighting Wang Yuanrong before.

Thinking that Wang Yuanrong was already poisoned, without an antidote, it was almost impossible to survive. With this affirmation, he no longer had the idea of ​​taking the risk to kill Wang Yuanrong.

He turned around and was about to retreat, but Huang Dongjie went directly in his way.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly slashed towards him. He thought that his slash would either kill Dong Martial King on the spot, or seriously injure Dong Martial King instantly.

Who would have thought that Dong Jiewu would also draw a slash with the dagger, canceling his slash, which made him have to look straight at Huang Dongjie.

"Wow, my father is so handsome, he can block even the sword king Zhong Xiongyuan's slash."

Huang Tianqi was shocked when he saw that his father was able to block even the blows of the strong in the Tianbang, and then his son admired daddy. .

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