I am your natural enemy

Chapter 179 Probability, Black Mountain Demon (5k)

The mountain demon ghost's choice is more extreme than Wen Yan expected...

He felt that he had received professional training and was well-informed, but this time, his mouth was almost crooked in laughter.

The default conditions are: in the mountains, fierce and powerful.

Many of the creatures in the mountains of China are born with nine orifices. To fit in with the mountain demons and ghosts and meet the preset conditions, all herbivorous creatures must be eliminated first, and the mountain demons and ghosts will not be vegetarians.

Those whose populations are rare and have long been extinct are not considered, because subsequent improvement is too difficult and there is no reference. Furthermore, those that can be extinct must have their own problems.

In the end, the only choices are tigers, leopards, bears, wolves, and pigs.

Let the mountain demon ghost choose here, and with his temperament, there is only one option.


Fierce, powerful, and born king of the mountain.

The best thing is that the powerful tiger demon may have the ability to control the ghost ghost, which is also consistent with the mountain demon ghost in some aspects.

What's even better is that the upper limit of tigers is indeed high, and there are still examples.

Tiger Hu Yuan has a ferocious spirit, possesses the art of killing, and can revive even after death. He is so famous that it is impossible for mountain monsters not to know about him.

According to the preset conditions given by Wen Yan, if it cannot be a human being, then there is actually no second choice.

Let the mountain demon ghost choose by himself, and he will relax his vigilance. The more he thinks carefully and carefully, the more the final result will be this one.

It's just that Wen Yan really didn't expect that this guy was so greedy. Even ordinary tigers would look down on him, but he turned out to be the most ferocious tiger.

The gentle words were just as he wished.

With the warm words, changes began to appear.

Wen Yan felt that the yang energy blessed by him turned into a price and disappeared quickly. His strength also disappeared. After sensing it, it was about the same as a week of hard training under his blessing and taking drugs, which was quite impressive.

With the blessing of yang energy instead of paying more, Wen Yan sat directly on the ground, as if he had completely exhausted his strength.

The rocks in the mountain gathered together and were blessed by Wen Yan's power with the sealing effect. Gradually, the rocks rose up and turned into the image of a tiger. The tiger transformed from the rocks gradually took on color and life.

After more than ten breaths, a pure black tiger looked up to the sky and roared loudly. The tiger roared in the mountain forest, and the dark winds in the mountains were filled with fierce and evil auras. Like a steel knife, the rocks were caught in it and crushed into powder in an instant.

The mountain demon ghost happily moved around in the mountains, running wildly on the top of the mountains, roaring constantly, venting the joy in their hearts.

As a mountain demon ghost, his body is too huge, so huge that it is impossible to transform in this life. The only way he could get out and move before was to seize the body.

It's not too rigorous to say that someone is seizing one's body. This should be called possession, not seizing one's body in the traditional sense.

Now that he finally has his own body, he doesn't care too much about whether it is a human form or not. As long as he is born with nine orifices, he can practice and may be stronger than a human body.

With the main body holding the battle, he has opened a new chapter and entered a whole new world at this moment.

Even if it is a trick, it is equivalent to appearing in form.

For a monster like him, the meaning is far beyond that of ordinary big monsters.

The mountain demon ghost moved between mountains. As he ran wildly, the wind roared around him. His speed became faster and faster, and his body shape began to switch between reality and reality. With a slap, the mountain seemed to explode. With a little force, the mountain monster seemed to explode. , you can print a tiger claw mark on the rock.

The strength he can exert in this way far exceeds the limit that other creatures possessed by him can exert. This is the first time he has felt how powerful it is to move freely with his own body.

He even had a feeling that if he had had his own body back then, and had practiced hard for another hundred years, with his true body as the backing, he might have been able to compete with the Buyeo Liezu back then, and fight back and forth.

The joy slowly receded, he calmed down, and returned to his body again. As soon as his thoughts moved, he sensed that in the small space inside the mountain, Wen Yan was paralyzed there, as if his strength had been drained.

Heihu grinned and his eyes flickered. He wanted to kill Wen Yan in the middle of the mountain, but he was afraid that if he didn't keep his promise, the edict would have any consequences.

After thinking for a moment, he had an idea, and the rocks inside the mountain rippled, holding Wen Yan up and bringing him out of the mountain.

Looking at Wen Yan who was lying on the ground, almost exhausted of his yang energy, Heihu grinned.

"According to the agreement, I have released you now. Our agreement has been completed, right? Is there no problem?"

"Well, it's no problem. I've used up too much power to ban you. I have to rest for a while."

"That's good."

Black Tiger grinned with a fierce look in his eyes, and walked towards Wen Yan step by step. When he was almost close, he suddenly waved his claws and slapped Wen Yan fiercely.

Wen Yan was lying on the ground, his eyelids drooped, and he slapped his hand casually, accurately hitting the side of the tiger's paw.

With a click, the tiger's claws tilted sideways on the spot, as if a huge force was pulling the entire giant tiger, causing it to fly sideways.

The black tiger rolled and hit the hillside, letting out a muffled groan. When he stood up again, he was shocked to find that his right claw was broken. Under the terrifying force, his entire front leg was almost dislocated. .

But Wen Yan just lay on his side on the ground and waved his arms casually.

Wen Yan got up from the ground, looking a little tired.

"Why bother? Why bother?"

Recently, he has been wearing the title of "Tiger's Natural Enemy" in order to practice the Three Forms of Subduing the Tiger.

Now looking up at the black tiger, the title of tiger's natural enemy has begun to take effect.

“Tiger’s natural enemy.

Wearing this title will give you 100% suppression, 100% real damage, and 100% immunity against all tigers.

There is a 1% probability of triggering complete deprivation. "

Obviously, the description of the title is very strict. If it says everything, it must be everything.

Naturally, this includes the mountain demon ghost who has now completed the leap and is obviously stronger and more flexible.

To deal with a guy whose true form is a mountain, who has absolutely no idea how to attack, and who couldn't even kill the Thirteenth Patriarch of Buyeo back then, Wen Yan thought to himself that he was really not very good at it.

But when dealing with a mountain demon ghost that was obviously stronger and more threatening, but could be classified as a tiger, Wen Yan's back was hardened.

After just trying it for a little while, he had a rough idea.

The so-called 100% disregard for immunity, he originally thought was the entry for ignoring immunity, but now he is probably sure that all defense, strength, and toughness can all be classified under the entry of immunity.

If the defense is strong enough that the opponent cannot break through the defense, then it means you are immune to the opponent's attacks.

If it is not strong enough, it can probably be classified as mostly immune.

Under his hands, the Black Tiger was in a state where its "armor" and "resistance" had returned to zero.

Coupled with 100% real damage and immune immunity, any attack against Black Tiger can achieve maximum damage.

As for the suppression, he actually didn't quite understand it, but it wasn't important anymore.

The important thing is that he has been weakened, but for him, Black Tiger's debuff has been completely maxed out.

Wen Yan sighed, rubbed his head and shook his body.

“You guys are really incorrigible and eat shit.

I guess, your bad temper must have been developed in the chaotic era, and it has never changed since then.

As a mountain, you can get a great opportunity and turn into a demon, why don't you cherish it..."

As Wen Yan spoke, his body swayed, his eyelids rolled up, he became unsteady and fell to one side.

Black Tiger bared his teeth and revealed a fierce look in his eyes. Seeing that the Yang Qi in Wen Yan's body seemed to be completely exhausted at this moment, and the man had reached his limit, he immediately pounced on Wen Yan without thinking.

Wen Yan closed his eyes. When the black tigers rushed in front of him and he could already feel the fishy wind in the tiger's mouth, he made a fist with his right hand and held his thumb in his palm. The moment he fell, he threw his right arm out, and his right thumb directly , hammered on the side of Black Tiger’s head.

Black Tiger's eyes suddenly blurred, and there was a cracking sound of bones in his head.

But it wasn't over yet. The moment he threw out his arm, Wen Yan grabbed Hei Hu's front leg with one hand, pressed his body against it, and pushed his elbow into Hei Hu's chest with his backhand.


The sternum was also broken.

The moment Heihu retreated, he swung his arms in a round shape, made a fist with one hand, and slammed the hammer down again, hitting Heihu on the forehead.

With a bang, Black Tiger spread his limbs and hit the ground heavily with his abdomen. All the bones in his body were cracking and his eyes were beginning to blur.

By the time he regained some consciousness from the buzzing state in his head, Wen Yan had put a hand on his forehead and pushed his head to the ground.

Black Tiger's eyes trembled. This was the first time he felt that all the bones in his body were almost broken. What it felt like. The broken bones pierced the internal organs. What a huge pain it was.

He could feel that his vitality seemed to be gradually fading away.

Wen Yan's weak arms pressed on his forehead, like a mountain, pressing down on him, completely unable to resist.

Wen Yan pressed Hei Hu with one hand and patted Hei Hu's brain with the other hand, saying words that even Hei Hu couldn't understand.

"The 1% probability is indeed quite difficult to trigger. Probability is sometimes really annoying, and sometimes it's really good."

Black Tiger wanted to struggle, but the tiger body was completely unable to struggle. He didn't know why his body was so strong and why he was so fragile under Wen Yan's hands.

He could feel that Wen Yan seemed to be almost exhausted. He was obviously very weak, much weaker than before.

He didn't understand why, he could only think that the problem was this edict, and that edict had a price that was not mentioned in words.

Maybe he violated the agreement and suffered backlash.

He had thought before that Wen Yan could not do anything to him, so he wanted to give him a body so that he could beat him, but in the end he did not expect it to be like this.

He began to mobilize the power of his body, and the surrounding mountains kept pressing towards him. The body was also moving, opening a huge gap, trying to swallow Wen Yan together with his tiger body.

Wen Yan ignored the approaching mountains, but weakly stretched out his hand and gently slapped the black tiger.

When they were surrounded by mountains, the ground began to fluctuate, gradually pulling them all into the huge gap. Wen Yan didn't even look up.

After more than a hundred consecutive strokes, Wen Yan's hand started to feel a little painful. When he gently pulled it out again, Wen Yan's hand stopped on Hei Hu's brain.

"Triggered, total deprivation."

He raised his hand again, as if there was something very heavy in his hand, and it was a bit difficult to grasp it.

Black Tiger's head was pressed, and he couldn't speak even if he wanted to speak, but he could feel that the nine-aperture body he had just acquired seemed to be pulled by some force, and everything was passing away.

How could he bear to lose what he had dreamed of when he had just obtained it.

He was resisting, he was struggling, and he thought this was the price for breaking the agreement. He wanted to follow the tactics he used when he fought against the Thirteenth Patriarch of Buyeo, and force him to do it.

Back then, the Thirteenth Patriarch of Fuyu Mountain had never used him. He could use up a hundred years of energy, but the other party couldn't, so he compromised.

But now, Wen Yan didn't even bother to listen to what he said, he was just depriving him.

The surrounding squirming mountains and tumbling earth and rocks gradually became quiet, and the body of the mountain demon ghost, the mountain among the mountains, also stopped moving.

The power of the mountain became smaller and smaller, and the mountain itself began to gradually become smaller.

Heihu went from struggling to despair. He wanted to beg for mercy and make an agreement just like when he gave in to the Thirteenth Patriarch of Fuyu, but Wen Yan didn't give him a chance at all.

Wen Yan held him with one hand, and his consciousness could not escape from the body of the black tiger and return to his true body.

He couldn't even speak, couldn't express what he meant, he could only watch and watch like this.

"Don't waste time. I feel so hungry now. I want to go back to eat. You don't have to make any unnecessary struggles."

Black Tiger watched helplessly as his body gradually dissipated. Of course he understood that he wanted to use his body to struggle, but he also involved his body. Once he got in, there was no room for regret.

The main body dissipated, and the black tiger's body gradually shrank, finally falling into Wen Yan's hands.

Everything turned into a one-foot-tall black mountain. There was also a black tiger lying on the ground on the hillside, tightly connected with the mountain.

Wen Yan held the black mountain peak with one hand and sighed.

I don’t know if it’s a loss or not. I solved the mountain demon ghost, but I lost a lot of yang energy and a week of hard training.

Fortunately, the Yang Qi was blessed by the Fierce Yang Jade he borrowed. It was a foreign object, so it was just consumed.

But a week of hard training is really not a small amount. After all, seventy bone-strengthening pills were wasted, plus the consumed warm jade. If this is converted into money, the price of bone-strengthening pills cannot be calculated at all. Pills, at least ten months' salary plus a subsidy from the Lieyang Department.

Damn it.

He held the stone mountain with one hand, put the heavy crossbow with the incense candle thrown aside on his back, and ran among the mountains.

After running out of the mountains in one direction, I vaguely sensed the direction of the lighthouse.

His own yang energy turned into lighthouses.

The stick of incense and the paper figures blessed with yang energy.

As he walked back, he saw a large number of ghosts besieging the manor, but they were all blocked by the yang energy and incense smell emitted by the thick stick of incense, as well as the paper guards in the manor. outside.

Lin Jue held up a small crossbow to push back the fish that had slipped through the net. The Gravewalker kept swimming around, discovering possible loopholes.

When Wen Yan appeared holding the stone mountain and saw this scene, he immediately blessed the yang energy. In his mind, the rising sun mixed with the yang energy, bloomed with brilliance, and drove away the ghosts here.

Then he looked at the stone mountain and shouted something to the ghosts.

"come back."

A large number of ghosts turned into wisps of flowing light and quickly sank into the stone mountain.

Now he knows why the complete deprivation has not been completed yet and is still continuing, because these ghosts actually belong to Montenegro.

They all died in battle in Helan Mountain, and then their bodies and souls were devoured by mountain monsters and became part of the Black Mountain.

The ghosts in the sky dissipated, and when Wen Yan looked at Black Mountain, another reminder appeared.

"Black Mountain Demon."

"The mountain spirit that has devoured countless warriors and creatures.

The mountain essence can be obtained for purification, and taking it can improve eyesight, drive away cold, and strengthen the body. "

At the same time, Wen Yan's natural enemy profession also received new tips.

"After the purification is completed, you can obtain the title of Mountain Natural Enemy."

Now Wen Yan understands why the third temporary ability is just a scripture.

This long-named Taishang Cave Xuan Lingbao's Mystical Scripture of Extinguishing the Five Refinements of Living Corpses is actually a scripture of salvation.

And this is also the third way to solve the mountain monster ghost.

Having directly saved all the souls who had died here, the mountain demons and ghosts naturally have no power anymore, which can be regarded as solving the problem from the root.

Unfortunately, the conditions at the time did not allow him to do this at all, and this scripture was the first one he gave up.

To be reasonable, you have to beat the opponent down first before you can reason.

He put Montenegro on the table in the courtyard and asked the paper man to get him some food. He was really a little hungry now.

The paper man held the plate and brought out mung bean cake and some glutinous rice sticks. Wen Yan didn't mind it, so he ate some first.

He had just eaten three pieces of mung bean cake when he saw another paper man carrying a bowl of steaming sour soup noodles.

"Hey, you can actually make a fire and cook?"

Wen Yan had done all the cooking before because the paper figures did not dare to get close to the fire and they would be easily burned away by the flames.

Wen Yan looked at the paper man in front of him with some surprise. Although he was still wearing clothes made of paper, upon closer inspection, he saw that the face and body of the paper man had changed a little, and he was no longer fake at first glance.

The paper man placed the sour soup noodles in front of Wen Yan, took two steps back, and bowed respectfully, speaking Mandarin with a Guanzhong County accent.

"Thank you sir for the enlightenment."

When Wen Yan left before, there were no changes. It seems that such changes also take time. No wonder the arrangements here are so orderly.

This paper butler used to be a little more spiritual than other paper figures, and now he has a tendency to be completely transformed.

Only then did Wen Yan remember that his blazing sun did have two specifically described effects in addition to the two passive effects of never setting and walking without the sun.

Blessing: Your Yang Qi can bless almost anything. You can also bless more Yang Qi than before. Some special things will have special effects after being blessed.

Enlightenment: Your Yang Qi has the effect of enlightening a series of races such as A Piao and Zombies. The effect obtained is related to the current progress.

This paper butler's intelligence has improved, he has gained self-awareness, and he can realize enlightenment. It is thought that this is the result of these two effects occurring at the same time.

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