I am your natural enemy

Chapter 180 Gift, locked in blood for twelve years (5k)

"Get up, Prince Zhu, you don't want to do this anymore. Don't give lavish gifts in the future. Now that you are smarter, just manage the manor well.

Although I have never heard of any paper man achieving great success, it was because I was young and had little experience.

As far as I know, on the land of China, no matter what, as long as there is spiritual wisdom, there is a chance to achieve positive results.

Every mountain has a chance to give birth to spiritual wisdom, but he took the wrong path. After giving birth to spiritual wisdom, he never followed the right path.

You are different. Since I enlightened you, I hope you can take the right path. "

"Thank you sir." The paper steward did not get up and bowed solemnly.

For the paper man, enlightenment is as great a favor as his biological parents, and he must thank him.

"If you are brave enough, sir, please give me your last name."

"Don't you want a name?"

"Given the name, I'm afraid that it will bring trouble to my husband in the future. Besides, Prince Zhu treats me very well. I have to report this matter to Prince Zhu and ask the prince to make the decision before I can have a name."

"Yes, it's rare for someone to be so thoughtful. In this case, without Prince Zhu's permission, let's call the housekeeper first. I'll go back to Prince Zhu to summon him and ask."

Wen Yan liked this housekeeper very much. He was enlightened. He still remembered Prince Zhu and was not distracted, which was good.

Wen Yan took a note and wrote down the matter. The next time he has a chance to send back the news, he will tell Prince Zhu about it and let Prince Zhu know about it.

Although Prince Zhu has a bad temper, he should have nothing to say to his subordinates. Even the paper figures can remember Prince Zhu's good qualities.

The message that Gravewalker brought before was also for Prince Zhu.

He could see that these people really respected Prince Zhu, not because of any inferiority.

That's good.

Wen Yan ate hot noodles, the standard Guanzhong County-flavored sour soup noodles, and a bowl of wine, which made him feel much more comfortable and appetizing.

After eating, Wen Yan returned to the room, had a good sleep, and then woke up.

After practicing boxing in the yard and moving his body, he was indeed much weaker than before. After all, it had only been two months since he started practicing boxing. He suddenly lost seven days of progress, which was still at a high speed. He was probably weakened by at least 100%. fifteen.

At the end of the boxing practice, Wen Yan rested for a while, calmed his mind, stabilized his energy and blood, and stabilized his mood. After that, he moved a chair and sat in front of the black mountain stone sculpture. He blessed himself with yang energy, emphatically blessed his mouth and tongue, and then chanted orally. Transcendence scriptures.

Gradually, wisps of sinister aura emerged from the black mountain stone sculptures, and a ghost with a miserable death state and eyes full of sinister aura flew out. The sinister aura on the ghost's body dissipated, and the appearance of death also gradually dissipated, returning to its normal appearance.

The ghost bowed to Wen Yan, turned into a faint light, and disappeared.

As Wen Yan lowered his eyes slightly and meditated on chanting sutras for salvation, the ghosts continued to fly out and dissipate.

After the entire sutra was recited, the gentle Yang energy slowly fluctuated, and a large amount of Yin evil energy was rolled up and evaporated in the air.

Wen Yan opened his eyes and saw an extra black pill on the top of the Black Mountain stone sculpture.

This should be the mountain spirit mentioned in the prompt, but this mountain spirit should not refer to medicinal materials, nor does it refer to the mountain spirit monster. It is probably another thing.

He picked up the newly condensed mountain spirit and saw a thin piece of black stone beneath the mountain spirit.

He stretched out his hand and touched the black stone piece, and his eyes suddenly changed.

In a deserted mountain forest, the air was very cold, and a group of men and horses were galloping on the dirt road in the valley. On the other side, there were a large number of corpses on the ground, and a strong man covered in blood with two arrows stuck in his body, holding a A long knife full of gaps, hissing loudly.

"Yaozhou Sun Sanjiu is here, who will die!"

The cavalry on the opposite side came on horseback. Sun Sanjiu held the sword in both hands and rushed forward. With one roll of the sword, he cut off the horse's leg. He raised the sword with his backhand and chopped off half of the neck of a cavalryman.

He shouted loudly, and the moment the cavalry took out their guns, he clamped the spears, pulled them down together with them, and threw them towards other enemies.

He single-handedly killed a group of cavalry, and the heat was steaming all over his body. The blood flowing from his chest merged with the blood under his feet, forming a small stream.

Until the opponent's infantry came forward, and after killing more than a dozen people again, he finally ran out of energy and was stabbed to death by random spears.

The scene ended quickly, and the last words left by the other party could still be vaguely heard.

"I hope Mr. Wang is interested in some tactics."

Wen Yan felt as if someone was fighting in his mind, how to mobilize the strength of the body, how to stimulate the yang energy, complete the explosion, and twist the energy and strength into one.

This is something Sun Sanjiu realized only after he pushed his potential to the extreme during the desperate battle.

It's a pity that when he understood this, he was already unable to save himself. He was seriously injured and died fighting from exhaustion. What he understood had no chance to be passed on.

After that, his soul, body, and blood, like those of the soldiers on the battlefield, were devoured by mountain monsters and ghosts, and he was unable to escape until this day.

Now that I was grateful for Wen Yan's kindness, I turned these things into obsessions and kept them, and gave them directly to Wen Yan as a thank you gift.

"Yaozhou, this seems to be where Yaowang Mountain is located. Isn't this a member of the Sun family? Has the Sun family produced such a fierce person before?"

Wen Yan doesn't know yet, let's wait and see when he goes back.

There are too many things in history that have not been recorded and have not been left behind. I am afraid that no matter how much I look for them, I will only find one sentence: What team was here temporarily back then? More specifically, it is impossible to find it.

Wen Yan looked at the black mountain stone carvings. The small stone fragments on the top of the mountain had disappeared, leaving only the mountain spirit in his hand.

He took the mountain essence and felt warmth in his belly. He practiced boxing in the yard and naturally used the unknown tactics he had just received.

The Yang Qi and the power of the body are twisted into one. The Yang Qi that was originally spreading seems to be restrained and circulates in the body, making the body's power a lot stronger. If it breaks out, it will probably be even stronger.

The mountain essence in the belly melted away, and the contents contained in it were digested by Wen Yan. The internal organs seemed to be enveloped by a warm breath, and then spread to the limbs and bones, and one could clearly feel the strengthening.

There was also a steady flow of power that penetrated into his eyes, making his eyes become brighter and brighter.

After the boxing practice was over, he looked north and felt that the mountains to the north had become clearer.

Now that the mountain demon ghost is dead, the mountain will naturally not move. It can only be that his eyesight has become stronger.

Being able to see farther is quite practical here. Wen Yan doesn't dare to run too far now. He was ridiculed by the mountain monster before and didn't bother to deal with him in advance. The main reason was that he was afraid of getting lost.

Lost here, no one can help him, because he is the person who knows the best here.

Now he can see the mountains in the north when he looks up. Wen Yan is quite satisfied. This is a powerful coordinate and reference object. Compared with the endless wilderness around him before, as long as he leaves the manor for a certain distance, he can no longer distinguish the direction. It is much better now. .

After strengthening the eyesight, I estimate that even if it is dozens of miles away, I should be able to vaguely see the outline of the mountain. If the fog in the sky sometimes dissipates, I may still be able to see it even further away.

This allows him to expand his range of activities to a radius of seventy or eighty kilometers centered on the mountain.

This will be of great help to him in finding his own way back.

He looked at the black mountain stone carvings again. If he continued to transcend and there were more and more mountain spirits, his eyesight would continue to strengthen and he would be able to see farther through the fog in mid-air. His range of activities would also continue to expand.

Wen Yan felt that the time for him to go back might not be far away, at least he was in a rush.

He has gotten used to living without internet now, but it would be better to go back.

The fourth master's uncle had previously reported that the shelves could not open the window near him, and they should only be able to open the window closest to him.

After several more experiments, this judgment was confirmed.

The closest place to him is in the Kingdom of Shadows,

As long as he can find a way to go to the kingdom of ghosts, he can leave the underworld.

Fortunately, Cai Heizi didn't throw a mushroom bomb into the Kingdom of Shadows before, otherwise, he would be completely dead now.

The problem now is that in the process of exploring the path, we must first ensure safety and ensure that we don't get lost.

He also thought about asking the Lieyang Department to find a way to send something to guide the direction. Unfortunately, the compass on the mobile phone became useless here. Wen Yan's current conclusion that the mountain is in the north is just his own definition. .

The next day, Wen Yan got up on time, practiced boxing and had a meal. After eating, he also gave Gravewalker a bowl and put an incense stick.

Lin Jue looked at it with envy. He now received paper money every day, but it was only paper money.

He didn't know whether he wanted to eat like Wen Yan or like the coachman. Neither seemed very suitable.

Just eat it. He is in a ghost state now and can't eat. Let's imitate the coachman. He is not Ah Piao. He is afraid that after taking one bite, he will become Ah Piao. He can only watch like this every day.

Wen Yan glanced at Lin Jue and felt more and more that he and Brother Fu had nothing in common. This guy was really... In the words of Guanzhong County, he was just cheap.

He couldn't eat it, and he had to watch others eat it. He also said that it was mentioned in a book he had read before, and that if he wanted to avoid becoming a real Piao, he had to remember what he was like when he was a human.

The best thing is to remember the desires of human beings. The simplest desires are two things, food and beautiful women.

This guy now watches people eating every day. When others eat a bowl of sour noodle soup, he is so greedy that he keeps sniffing. He says that the vinegar is cooked just right and removes the bad sour taste, leaving only a mellow and sour taste. It can be used to make soup. It must be very beautiful.

When it was over, and nothing happened anymore, he held a copy of a classic classic, and he felt excited after reading it. He said that he had neglected classic cultural classics before. The writing was so good, and just a few words made him feel itchy.

This guy looked more like a living person than Wen Yan all day long, so Wen Yan didn't worry about him anymore.

Of course, he thinks Brother Fu is good at one thing, he is generous.

All the paper money received was given to Wen Yan as money to extend his life.

Wen Yan had nowhere to spend the paper money, and he had no use for it, so he just gave it to everyone he saw. Whether it was the paper figures in the manor or the grave walkers, they had all received paper money.

Gravewalker said that the paper money can be used directly to strengthen himself, and the effect is very good. Even though it is a bit expensive, he is reluctant to use it. If Wen Yan hadn't given him a wad of money when he was fine, he would still be reluctant to use it.

Brother Fu's family was very willing to spend money at that time. They gave money to them at a fixed time every day. There may be other things besides paper money, but they couldn't receive it.

It was a peaceful day. In the afternoon, when Wen Yan was drinking tea and relaxing out of boredom, someone appeared outside the door again.

The players who disappeared before, for some reason, never appeared again. One of them finally came back today.

Wen Yan looked at the other party and remembered that he was one of the players who appeared that day. She was just a girl who looked to be in her teens at most. She was thin and small, wearing thick clothes. She should be from the north.

He blocked all those players outside that day, and he didn't pay attention to the girl standing behind the crowd.

No one came from behind, and he thought that these people finally realized the danger and stopped coming.

Unexpectedly, the first person to appear later was this timid little girl who did not dare to straighten her waist when seeing anyone.

The mountain demon ghost was gone, and the little girl appeared in front of him again, so Wen Yan was naturally not so vigilant.

"This place is not suitable for you. It's too dangerous. Go back and go to school."

As soon as the little girl appeared, she first saw Wen Yan sitting at the gate again. She shrank her neck in fear and stood there without daring to move. She still remembered that Wen Yan dared to shoot an arrow directly at them last time.

I'm not too afraid of shooting accurately, but I'm afraid of not shooting accurately.

Who knows who will be shot in the end.

The little girl stood there timidly. Seeing that Wen Yan didn't seem to have any malicious intent from last time, she carefully raised her head, looked at Wen Yan, and saw the words on Wen Yan's head.

I also saw that the current favorability is neutral.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the last time was not neutral.

Seeing Wen Yan taking the initiative to persuade her to leave, the little girl clenched her fists and mustered up her courage.

"Can you not drive me away? I won't be in the way. I just want to find someone."

"Huh? There's no one here."

"I mean, I want to find a Piao."

"There aren't many Ah Piao here."

"I saw it last time!"

"Don't think about it. The previous Ah Piao was unable to escape and was controlled by other bad people. I don't know who you want to find, but it doesn't mean that people will become Ah Piao after they die. Only a very small number of people will become Ah Piao. .”

"My grandma must be here." The girl was very stubborn.

Wen Yan leaned on the chair and drank tea, no longer arguing with a little girl.

Not to mention, he really wanted to cheat the sparrow cat, his stupid son, and the little zombie.

He stopped talking, and the little girl hesitated and said.

"I felt it last time! Really, I felt my grandma. I remember it very clearly. It was the 30th. That night, I fell asleep and felt my grandma feeding me. When I woke up After that, I still felt my grandma’s presence, she must have turned into Ah Piao and must be here.”

Wen Yan put the tea to his mouth, paused, raised his eyelids, and looked at the stubborn little girl.


"Actually, it was two days, really, the 29th and the 30th. I felt it, just last month."

The girl saw that Wen Yan was in a daze and thought that Wen Yan didn't know what the numbers 29 and 30 meant, so she quickly explained it.

"That's what it meant a few days ago. I remember it very clearly."

Wen Yan was a little shocked. Originally, he just thought that the number 30 was a coincidence, but when the little girl mentioned the number 29, he felt that it was definitely not a coincidence.

That day, he went to persuade King Guilong, and met Hu Yuan on the way, and then met Zhang Xuewen. Using the temporary ability "Grandma" inspired by Hu Yuan, he fed Zhang Xuewen food, and then he fed like crazy to everyone on the battlefield. They were all fed, and everyone was given a blood lock.

When equipped with the "Grandma" ability, asking the other party to call her "Grandma" is like trying to feed someone, it is a side effect.

After killing Hu Yuan, the temporary ability of "Grandma" disappeared.

But now, Wen Yan was a little shocked. It was very possible that someone had really had the ability of "grandma".

No, this should be evidence of his previous guess that abilities that may seem outrageous have been obtained by someone before.

Wen Yan stared at the little girl seriously for a long time, but the natural enemy class still didn't respond.

He waved.

"Come here and sit down."

The little girl clenched her fists, and it was obvious that she was a little scared, but she still took steps to come to Wen Yan's side, sitting half-assed on the chair, as if she was about to run away at any moment.

"Don't be afraid. Don't you want to find your grandma? Talk to me. If I meet her, I will keep your grandma for you. You can see her next time you come."


"Idleness is also idleness."

Hearing Wen Yan say this, the little girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"When did your grandma die?"

"five years ago."

"How old are you?"


"You are seventeen and so skinny? I think you are at least fourteen or fifteen years old."

"Really, I'm already a sophomore in high school."

"Come, tell me about your grandma."

The little girl thought about it and said.

“Grandma said that when I was born, the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and I almost died.

Later, my health became poor and I went to the hospital every day. My family no longer wanted me.

My grandma took me away, and I grew up with her since childhood.

Since childhood, I have been weak and sick all the time. It was only in the past few years that I got better.

But it was at that time that my grandma passed away.

My grandma likes to wear floral clothes and bright red floral cotton-padded jackets in winter. She always has something to eat in her pocket.

She was always afraid that I wouldn't have enough to eat and that I would be hungry, so she would cook me four meals a day, not counting other food. "

When the little girl talked about this, she got a little excited. Every time she was greedy, her grandma always had something to eat in her pocket. She felt it was very magical when she was a child.

"What does it probably look like?"

"Short hair, white hair with a little bit of black hair. I like to wear a red hairpin. I'm about 1.5 meters tall. I'm skinny, that's about it."

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Chen Qimo."

Wen Yan looked at this thin little girl and roughly understood how she grew up, and also somewhat understood why she was qualified for the Underworld Game.

Wen Yan speculated that the little girl's grandmother had forcibly locked up the girl's blood since she was born, locking up her last vitality, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, and for twelve consecutive years, forcibly locking a girl away. The children who could not be fed were fed.

Of course, Wen Yan speculated that there was another possibility.

An old man took good care of a child for twelve years and raised a frail and sick child. His obsession was so strong that it still persisted even after his death. Then this obsession was captured by him and turned into an ability. , named grandma.

None of this can be determined, but one thing Wen Yan can be sure of is that the temporary ability "Grandma" he acquired at that time must be related to this little girl's grandmother, because he would also unconsciously put food in his pocket at that time, and then watch When he sees someone who needs to be fed, he will take out the food from his pocket.

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