I am your natural enemy

Chapter 181 I know how to dream, and I’m always thinking of ways (5k)

Wen Yan wrote down the name Chen Qimo, and to be cautious, he went back to find someone to check.

He had a very good impression of his grandmother's abilities, which were simple and crude and effective.

Among Wen Yan's abilities that Wen Yan has ever seen, Lieyang's universality is the strongest. It is not only suitable for Wen Yan to use himself, but can also be blessed by Wen Yan to others. However, the strong universality means that the longboard will not grow to a special size. Ridiculous.

Wen Yan felt that grandma's ability would not have much effect on me before, and now it has been confirmed. However, except for me, all other creatures can have their blood locked. As long as they are thrown before they die, Hey, you can even withstand that killing technique, it's so outrageous.

Of course Wen Yan was greedy, but it was a pity that after dealing with Hu Yuan, "grandma" was not left behind. Wen Yan felt very regretful.

Unexpectedly, now that he met Chen Qimo here, Wen Yan had some clues, so Wen Yan thought that he could think about it a little bit.

But after thinking about it carefully, it was a bit unsettling for him to gain abilities other than temporary abilities, so let it go.

If he really saw the old man, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

You should not be too unscrupulous as a person, just treat it as just getting some unexpected information.

Wen Yan drank tea and looked at Chen Qimo, who was sitting next to him and seemed to be about to run away at any moment.

"After you went back, you didn't tell anyone about what happened here, right?"

"Ah..." Chen Qimo was startled, could you tell?

Looking at Wen Yan's eyes, she nervously closed her fists and knelt on her feet, and whispered in response.

"I...I still have to go to class, so I didn't tell anyone."

"I knew it. If you told me, don't even think about coming in again now."

If the Lieyang Department knew about it, how could they allow a little girl who was not even a professional to risk her life in the underworld?

Moreover, looking at Chen Qimo's appearance, it was obvious that she was a little unconfident and stubborn. She walked with her chest hunched over her chest. She was the kind of student who was easily ignored in school.

She didn't say it herself and hid it well. If there were any shady material in her family, no one would know about her coming in and out of the underworld.

"Who are you following now? Are you living on campus?"

"No, I live in an old house left by my grandma. It has two floors, a yard, and four rooms that can be rented out. I can earn a thousand and two dollars a month, which is enough for me to live on."



"It's okay." Wen Yan wanted to ask if he had any other relatives, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he didn't want to ask because he didn't like anyone asking him this question before.

Three hundred yuan for a room, north, two floors, with a yard, and can be rented out.

Wen Yan probably had an impression. It should be an old self-built two-story house in the north. Each house has a single room and probably no bathroom. Moreover, it can be rented out stably. It should be close to the school. .

After all, the landlord is a little girl, and the only thing that can be trusted and rented stably is to rent to students or parents who accompany them to study.

Coupled with such cheap rent, it should be a small city.

The strength of Lieyang Department there is very weak.

Only in this way can Chen Qimo go out to buy materials without ready-made materials, and it is possible for the Lieyang Department to not know about it.

Wen Yan quickly completed his speculation and did not continue to speculate. He leaned on his chair and looked into the darkness ahead.

"Don't be so nervous. At least you are safe here with me. If you want to find someone, I will keep an eye out for you. But why do you want to find your grandma?"

"I miss my grandma."


Wen Yan couldn't refute and could only sigh secretly. He knew best when a child like this would miss the people closest to him. I'm afraid this little girl's life would not be easy either.

He wanted to say that he had some friends above him who could definitely help, but as soon as his thoughts changed, he couldn't say it out loud. He was so empathetic that he knew that people might not need help from strangers, and he didn't want to accept it.

Being here and taking the initiative to seek help from him should be because there was no other way, or because he saw the reminder that he was an NPC and knew that he was a righteous man.

"After you go back, study hard. Your grandma definitely wants you to study hard and don't come here again. If I can't find you, it's useless for you to come. If I find you, I will find someone to inform you."

"Ah, thank you, Brother Su." Chen Qi thought for a moment, then asked cautiously: "How do you notify me?"

"There are many ways, such as dream entrustment."

Chen Qimo didn't quite believe it, and then listened to Wen Yan continue.

"You can dream about your grandma. Can you believe that you can feel your grandma's existence? Now that you are in the underworld, why don't you believe that I can dream about you?"

Chen Qimo suddenly understood and believed it all at once.

Wen Yan held the teacup and drank tea happily. He was still young. Do you believe it?

If he really had the ability to rely on dreams, he would go looking for people to cause trouble at three o'clock in the middle of the night every night, which would save him too much time here.

Two hours later, Wen Yan got hungry and continued eating, leaving Chen Qimo to watch and give him a special reminder.

"Don't eat randomly here. What I can eat, what Ah Piao can eat, you may not be able to eat. If you eat it, you may not be able to go back. Remember?"


"Don't come here again, remember?"

Chen Qimo pursed her lips and stopped talking.

The little girl was very stubborn and was not willing to tell a lie to fool him.

Wen Yan held the bowl and laughed out loud, not knowing whether he was angry or happy.

"The time is up, you should go back quickly. Don't wait until the Yang Qi is exhausted every time. Your body is too weak and it will not be good for you."

"Oh..." Chen Qimo nodded reluctantly and prepared to log off.

Wen Yan stretched out a hand and pressed it on the little girl's head. The little head was covered by his hand. Chen Qimo shrank her neck, and then she felt a warmth coming from Wen Yan's big hand. It appeared on the top of her body and instantly warmed her body.

"Let's go back……"

Chen Qi silently said "Quit", and she seemed to be covered with a layer of illusory clothes, turning her into a faint light and disappearing.

After Chen Qimo disappeared, Lin Jue stuck his head out at the gate and came over with a calm face.

"Brother, my brother, let me have some too."

Wen Yan rolled his eyes and gave Lin Jue some yang energy.

"You are a rich man after all, can you be more reserved?"

"I only have money left now and I can't spend it. What's the use? Resources are the most important thing. You are the elder brother and I am the younger brother."

In the villa area, Pei Tugou sat on the roof of Gauss' house and drank with Gauss.

The two of them looked at the various pendants under the streetlight not far away. Pei Tugou drank the wine in one gulp, feeling a little melancholy.

"Wen Yan has disappeared for several days, and my daughter actually started asking her if Uncle Wen was on a business trip."

"Didn't Wen go to Hades?"

"Yes, the problem is that he can't come back now. I can't do anything except guard the house and add some pendants to the street lamps on this road. Life at home is getting better and better, but Wen Yan can't come back. Do you have What can I do?"

"Isn't there a Lieyang Department?"

"The people in the Lieyang Department are not much stronger than me. They can only send one weapon and can't bring back anything."

"I've read a lot of books these days. The underworld in China seems to be a bit troublesome, unlike the hell on Europa. If he falls into hell, I can help find someone to ask, although I have nothing to do with hell. No matter what, the deal can still be done, or if he is the devil, I can try to summon him."

Gauss was a little regretful. He had to pay his salary this month.

His colleagues all said that when they received their salary in the first month, they would take their families to have a meal or buy them something as gifts.

He has no family here, so he can only think of Wen Yan, who has helped him a lot. He originally wanted to treat Wen Yan to a meal, but unfortunately Wen Yan fell to the underworld and will not be able to come back for a while.

When Gauss was thinking about it, he found Pei Tugou looking at him with bright eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"If he can't come back, you can go."

"It's useless if I go there. Most of my personality has been sealed, and now I'm actually just a devil with decent strength."

"I mean, others can summon you. Your summoning array can come across the world. Can you do a reverse summoning? When he summons you, you pull him back?"

"Pei, I have to say that your idea is very creative, but that is impossible. You have to know that the most difficult thing about summoning is to cross the world's barriers and to obtain accurate positioning coordinates. Apart from these two, The process of crossing over does not actually require much effort, but neither of these two can be done now.”

"If you go there once, wouldn't it be enough?"

"No, no, no, even if I can go there once, I may not have accurate coordinates. It's like...just like when you are on the sea, there is no accurate method or accurate reference object. There is no way to know your own coordinates. Coordinates, do you understand?"

Pei Tugou was a little discouraged.

"It seems that the TV series are all lies to me. There is nothing real at all. When I look at those demon kings, it seems quite simple to travel through the world."

After a drink, both of them were a little frustrated.

After returning to the room, Goss began to search for dramas and movies related to the devil, the devil, and the devil.

He didn't have the concept that everything was fiction. After actually learning real things from movies and reading a lot of conspiracy theories, he felt that this was what people in this world used to hide their power. Means, true and false are mixed together, and no one can distinguish the true from the false.

Maybe there is some method he can use to go to the underworld and bring Wen Yan back.

He has learned a few things recently, and he really wants to share them with Wen Yan, because he found that spending money is really fun. Others call this sharing, which means that it is very fun to share.

Gauss began to watch various dramas and movies and search for them.

On the other hand, the R\u0026D department of the Lieyang Department also began to research other things based on Wen Yan's current predicament.

Since the heavy crossbow from last time can be brought along, it should be possible to use a few fixed funerary objects as a basis and a little bit of other things.

For example, positioning devices.

This is actually not too difficult. The difficulty is not that there are no ready-made ones, nor is it difficult to make.

The difficulty is just that it needs to be small, it needs to be portable, and it needs to be usable.

Therefore, they developed a positioning device that is about the size of a fingernail and comes with a button battery.

Although this thing cannot connect to satellites, its power is very small, and its positioning range is also very small. It is completely useless in reality, but it is small and has a long standby time.

As a decoration, if it is included in the funerary items, it should be able to be taken away.

A city that has no effect and has strong signal interference is only a hundred meters wide at most. Considering that although Hades is a vast plain, the interference is also very strong. If you are more conservative, it will be 50 meters.

As long as you throw two at the door, fifty meters apart, and then throw two more together, they will form a network. They will be positioned once every minute. If you have a receiver in your hand, you can roughly determine the location of all the locators.

It doesn't need to be too precise, as long as it has a general direction and can be used as a reference, it should be enough.

It's a very simple technique, once you have the idea, it's easy to make.

Not two days later, the little thief appeared again. Looking at the new so-called crossbow parts, his eyes darkened.

The positioners inlaid on the thick incense candle used as the arm of the crossbow were densely packed like broken diamonds.

"This is the locator. He definitely needs this the most. According to our estimates, under conservative circumstances, it should be able to ensure that he does not get lost within a range of 500 kilometers. Even if the receiver is not taken with him, positioning can still be activated in an emergency. Use the simple light-emitting diodes that come with the device to determine the general direction.”

Then, there is a scroll as thick as an arm next to it.

"This is a sutra scroll. It is divided into more than thirty talismans. They are Maoshan's tracing talismans. There will be a connection between the two."

"This crossbow machine was sent from Fuyu Mountain. It is carved from blood-warm jade."

"This pen was also sent by Fuyu Mountain. It contains something given by Fuyu Mountain as a counterweight."

The little thief had a pale face. He was almost crushed to death last time, but this time...

The incense candle is over one meter long and thicker than the thigh of a 200-pound person. It may have more positioning devices than candles.

The scriptures are pretty good, not heavy.

But that crossbow machine weighs at least thirty kilograms!

And that one-meter-long big pen. The pen itself doesn’t look heavy, but the so-called counterweight stuffed into the hollow pen weighs at least twenty kilograms!

Just as the little thief was about to say something, the person next to him patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, we have made accurate calculations and it is definitely within your tolerance and you can definitely take it with you.

If you weren't the only one who found the manor now, I wouldn't have bothered you to deliver the goods.

Don’t worry, only delivering goods and passing information will count as your social practice.

If you need to sign all the related things later, we will take care of it for you, don’t worry.

Starting from your freshman year, work experience will be counted for you, and your resume will be guaranteed to be beautiful.

If you want to come to the Lieyang Department, you can be recruited directly.

Moreover, it is organized!

You don't need it now. There are many related things in the Sun Division that can be given directly to your home.

Including what you did before, it all counts as merit. "

The little thief let the old man from the Lieyang Department be fooled for a while. Finally, he looked at the pile of things, gritted his teeth, lay down on the bed, and logged into the game.

In a small town in Zhongyuan County, Chen Qimo opened her eyes before dawn. She got dressed and got out of bed. In the past, this step was actually the most difficult. After the weather got cold, she would feel very cold and warm. My feet were still cold after a whole night.

But today, her body felt warm and very comfortable.

She got up and looked in the mirror to comb her hair. The rustic mushroom hair covered her eyebrows. She reached out and touched her head, knowing that it must be Brother Su who helped her.

The slightly pale face in the mirror has become much rosier, and there seems to be more warmth in the body. Wearing the same thick clothes as yesterday, after doing a little exercise and making some breakfast, I actually feel a little hot.

She lives in the innermost room of the courtyard, where it gets the least amount of time in the sun, because this room is the cheapest and the ones outside can be rented at a higher price.

In previous years, at this time, she would have to light a stove to keep warm. Today, she thought she could save some coal. Coal burning has long been banned in this area. However, her situation is quite special, so the community turned a blind eye. , it doesn’t matter if you burn some anthracite. Anyway, when there is an inspection, just don’t see the smoke at a glance.

Surrounded by self-built houses and decades-old neighbors, everyone also needs heating, so they are quite united on this matter.

Simply make a batter and fry a pancake. If you want to have a good breakfast, just add an egg, mix it with the fried noodles that have been fried in advance, and make a bowl of oil tea with a little bit of crushed peanuts. It is a nutritious breakfast.

Riding a bicycle and facing the cold wind in the morning, she came to school. Chen Qimo's face was flushed, and her breath was a little hot. She couldn't help but touched the top of her head again, and she couldn't help but have a smile on her face. A little laugh.

It doesn't feel cold, but it's really nice.

During a break in class, her deskmate gently poked her elbow.

"Chen Qimo, you look good today. Are you healed?"

Chen Qimo couldn't hold back anymore and touched her head. She couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth and nodded simply.


"Wow, congratulations." The little girl couldn't hold it back and stretched out her hand to touch Chen Qimo's face: "You look good as if you're wearing makeup."

"Yes...really? Maybe I'm full from breakfast."

In Europa, fires are burning in the underground buildings.

An old man held a stone plate in his hand and stood on an altar. There were many believers kneeling around him. The believers cut their own necks and blood flowed down the altar.

Ancient mantras were recited in the light of the flames.

The old man held the stone plate in his hand with a solemn expression. After waiting for half an hour, the stone plate, which seemed to be carved from the whole, started to rotate on its own, and a weak flame ignited in the center of the stone plate.

The expression on the old man's face gradually turned into fanaticism, and he trembled and screamed.

"The Holy Fire! It's rekindled!"

Wen Yan watched the glimmer of light emerge and saw that Fu Guangfei was pressed to the ground unable to move. He quickly walked over and took off his things.

Looking at the things he brought this time, he felt that he had really underestimated the people in the Lieyang Department. If given a chance, they would all be eager to bring down a mechanic.

Especially the crossbow machine carved from blood-warm jade, it was blinding to his eyes.

You don’t need to think about it to know that this must have been sent by people from Fuyu Mountain.

There will be no second update today, I may be back very late tonight.

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