I am your natural enemy

Chapter 182 Departure, Hades City (5k)

The things sent this time cannot be combined into a crossbow. They can only be dismantled and used as decorations. Those are the key points.

I don’t know how much it would cost to carve such a huge blood-warm jade into a crossbow. Anyway, the material itself is certainly not cheap. If it can be delivered so quickly, it is probably the inventory of Fuyu Mountain.

Such a large piece would last him at least half a year if he used it for normal practice.

This is still based on the premise that he crazily stimulates Lieyang and practices boxing crazily. If he doesn't work so hard, there will be no problem in a year or two.

Opening the thick hollow pen, there were a lot of wax-sealed bone strengthening pills inside, as well as the cold wine made by Ji Laogui that Wen Yan sent home.

Exploiting loopholes and card bugs allows these people to play tricks.

After an experiment, I found that the size of crossbows, incense candles, and scripture scrolls did not affect the effect, and the decoration did not affect the effect. On the contrary, the more precious they were, the easier they were to be taken into the underworld after being used as vaginal tools.

These people started to let themselves go. If there wasn't a weight limit, Fu Guangfei might not be able to carry it if it was heavier.

Wen Yan felt that people from the Lieyang Department might have made a pen several meters thick, with a warhead that could be mechanically detonated inserted into it as a counterweight.

In that scroll, there were more than thirty talismans mixed in as private goods, because according to Mao Shan, the scriptures copied in the scroll could indeed be used as funerary objects, and the more than thirty talismans were also included. It is in the same category as the scriptures, and it does not count as taking advantage of loopholes.

Okay, that makes sense.

After this wave, Wen Yan no longer has to worry about running out of the Blood Warm Jade and Fierce Yang Jade he brought with him. At least it can be used normally and there is no need to worry at all within a year.

The previous attack on the mountain demons and ghosts had consumed a huge amount of energy, but that kind of consumption could still be endured a dozen times.

It doesn't matter. What Wen Yan is interested in is the positioning device. The button-sized positioning device can only be used as a reference to position each other, but it is very suitable here.

It is positioned once every minute. If the luminous part is not activated, it will last for half a year. However, if the luminous part is activated, it will only be enough for three days.

Wen Yan took out a simple receiving device and tried it. After turning on the switch, there was a dot shining on the one-inch black and white screen. That dot was the direction of the positioning device.

The entire receiving device is only about an inch long in total. It is light and very simple, but the advantage is that it is sturdy and saves power.

Wen Yan casually grabbed a handful and put it in his pocket. After walking out for about twenty meters, he threw one on the ground. After walking for several miles, he took out the receiving device and took a look. There were small light spots on the small screen, one after another. form a line to point out the direction.

Each of these small light spots is a positioning device. Even if some of them are broken, it will still not affect the direction.

Even under extreme conditions, everything within a certain range was broken. He went around and looked for it, and 80% of the time he could still find it. Throwing one from more than 20 meters away, this kind of density is already very outrageous.

He tested it and found that the higher the distance from the ground, the greater the interference. Just like the fog, the higher the distance, the thicker the fog.

It is endless as far as the eye can see, very flat, unobstructed, and not affected by the complex electromagnetic environment. If it is dropped on the ground and separated by 200 meters, the signal can still be received, but it is not stable.

If he throws four out of 100 meters, the density is no problem.

In addition, his eyesight is now getting stronger and stronger, and the scope of exploration is getting wider and wider.

At first, it was just his eyesight that was enhanced. Using the mountain to the north as a reference, Wen Yan still felt that it was a bit unreliable. But now that he had the positioning device and the talisman of Maoshan, Wen Yan felt that it was time to go for a walk around.

He couldn't wait for others to find a way to save him. It was more reliable for him to find a way to save himself here.

The biggest threat, getting lost, has been partially solved. The range of several hundred kilometers is enough for him to explore for a while.

The talismans given by Maoshan have not been tested yet, because there is no way to test the extreme distance between the two talismans. We can only follow what the Lieyang Department said and make a discount to be safer.

Back at the manor, Wen Yan told him about his plans to go out to explore. Lin Jue decisively hugged his thigh, because he could maintain his ghost state now only because Wen Yan kept him alive. If he didn't follow, Wen Yanwan would Once he has been out for a long time, he will be finished.

Gravewalker also wanted to follow him, saying that if he found an ownerless grave outside, he could take it back to the manor quickly.

Here, he didn't dare to run blindly through the graves outside the manor, and Wen Yan wouldn't let him experiment. After all, in the underworld, under normal circumstances, where would there be barren graves? Don't run blindly, in case you get lost again.

However, if you really find a barren tomb outside, you will definitely not get lost if you just go back to the manor.

Gravewalker is most familiar with the barren graves next to the manor. The place where he rested all day long was in the grave next to the manor, which can effectively resist the scorching sun during the day.

In other words, when you reach the underworld, you no longer have to go back to the grave to rest.

The housekeeper also wanted to follow, saying that he could take care of Wen Yan's daily life and cook, but Wen Yan didn't let him follow and asked him to guard the manor.

After handing over the news to be delivered this time to Fu Guangfei and asking Fu Guangfei to go back, Wen Yan was not in a hurry to leave. With the new Blood Warm Jade, Wen Yan became a bit extravagant in using Lieyang. .

In addition to practicing boxing every day, I give blessings to every paper man in the manor at a fixed time. I hope that I can turn out a few more paper men. Even if I can't, I hope that the strength of the paper man can become stronger and at least be able to hold on. manor.

This is the base camp.

Wen Yan does not hesitate to give blessings, and everyone who sees them has a share, and Gravewalker and Lin Jue can also benefit from it every day.

Lin Jue didn't feel much, he just felt that the upper limit of his physical strength seemed to be increasing, but Gravewalker could feel that he couldn't digest the Yang Qi that was blessed every day in a state that exceeded the limit, and his strength was almost pushed hard. Go up.

However, the effect exerted by Lieyang's yang energy was directly related to Wen Yan's thoughts. The yang energy that was enough to burn the Gravewalker to death more than ten times was blessed with him, but he could only feel positive effects.

Gravewalker knew that this must be abnormal, but he didn't ask anything. Even though he was very familiar with Lin Jue now, he almost didn't speak when Lin Jue was present, just for fear of accidentally saying too much.

With nothing to do, he opened an entrance to the barren tomb by himself, stood at the entrance and sensed carefully, constantly honing his senses, hoping to determine the uncertain coordinates on the opposite side through the opened intersection.

The paper figures all started to practice under the arrangement of the housekeeper, and everyone was cheering.

Especially the housekeeper, after getting the opportunity, he stayed awake and worked hard to protect everything he had now. Wen Yan asked him to practice with the paper man, and he was able to paralyze the paper man when the paper man was blessed with yang energy. I almost fainted from the training.

The number of times Wen Yan blessed Yang Qi a day was increased to twice.

A few days later, each of the paper figures in the manor was continuously blessed with Yang Qi beyond the limit. The Yang Qi had already overflowed, changing from quantitative to qualitative changes. There seemed to be a small fire inside the paper figures, quietly growing. Burning quietly.

The butler's face has become like a real person, his eyes are lively and shiny, and a fire is burning at the position of his heart, guiding the flow of yang energy in his body.

On this day, Wen Yan saw a line of words appear above the butler's head.

"Butler of the Zhu Mansion, a spirit who manages the manor conscientiously."

This is truly the completion of evolution. From a servant with a little bit of spirituality, which is roughly equivalent to a mentally retarded AI, he has evolved into the ranks of spirits. At this point, he can already be regarded as a living being.

With the goal in mind, Wen Yan followed the plan and implemented it every day without being arrogant or impetuous. He transcended the black mountain stone carvings, obtained the mountain essence, and took the mountain essence to refine the yang energy mixed with strength.

Bless Yang Qi to practice Lieyang Fist, take Zhuanggu Pills and Ice Wine to practice the first form of Fuhu.

The first form of Fuhu is almost complete. As the instructions describe, it has an excellent effect on strengthening the muscles and bones.

The second stage of Lieyang Fist focuses on strengthening the physical body and lightly strengthening the Yang Qi. Most of the Yang Qi is used to strengthen the body. When combined with the three postures of Fuhu, it is extremely efficient.

If it hadn't been for the seven days of lost progress, Wen Yan estimated that his second stage would have been almost completed.

After thinking about it, he decided to continue and wait until the second stage was completed.

Completing the second stage is actually a solid foundation for martial arts practice.

Under normal circumstances, the first stage is to train the physical body. This step starts from an early age and lays the foundation. The first stage is officially started in adolescence.

Throughout adolescence, I practiced boxing together so that my body could adapt to the boxing skills I practiced. After laying a solid foundation, I started the second stage of nourishing yang energy with a strong body.

The third stage is actually the burst of strength from flesh and blood. When combined with the stimulated yang energy, it can burst into extremely high power. Even if it is not A Piao, it is basically easy to decide whether to live or die.

At the fourth stage, you can actually fuse the qi, blood, strength, and yang energy together and twist them into one, like an arm using your fingers. If you say that you can break all the bones in your body without killing you, then it will definitely be possible.

Wen Yan asked Qin Kun before that if he wanted to truly learn the killing moves used by Qin Kun, he would have to reach at least the fourth stage.

When I learned it before, I only learned the physical form. I couldn't learn the spirit, and I couldn't use it. I just relied on strength or yang energy to suppress people. It was very useful to deal with Ah Piao and the like, but it might not be useful to deal with other things or people. .

And these theories are actually the experience accumulated bit by bit in the past two hundred years after various masters broke through the original upper limit.

Wen Yan didn't expect to learn it so quickly, but when he transcended the Black Mountain Stone Sculpture, he encountered a gift from a dead soul for the first time, which allowed him to directly learn the method of merging Yang Qi with strength, and it was understood by the other person between life and death. , the most natural and smooth.

This is why Wen Yan feels so sorry for Sun Sanjiu.

If he had not died in battle at that time, the method of integrating Yang Qi with strength might have appeared hundreds of years in advance.

Maybe if he showed up earlier, the upper limit of a warrior would be higher and his status would be higher.

According to what he now knows, hundreds of years ago, especially before Lao Zhu Slayed the Dragon, warriors were really rough warriors. If they were not popular, they would either guard the courtyard or become bandits. The better ones would just join the army. .

Compared with magical powers, Taoism, and martial arts training, they are indeed not a little bit behind, especially when the upper limit is not that high.

But this is not a problem now. The path has been there a hundred years ago, and the ready-made example Tuoba Martial God is also there. Most warriors are quite optimistic. They all know where the ceiling is. If they can’t touch the ceiling, then there are two places under the ceiling. layer, you can still try hard.

Wen Yan was not so optimistic. He knew what Tuoba Martial God was like.

Even after seeing it with his own eyes, he had a little guess that this guy's Yang Qi can radiate for dozens of kilometers. It is so terrifying. Is it because his power suddenly became so strong that he himself could not control the huge Yang Qi? …

Just because the power is too strong, the value will continue to expand on that day, so every time he appears at a stuck point, he will appear invincible.

On weekdays, this guy also works hard to practice martial arts, definitely in order to truly master this kind of power.

It takes dozens of days to transform once. On the day of transformation, you have to wait for time to upgrade. Normally, you are still a weakling. Although the advantages are ridiculously strong, the disadvantages are really a bit big.

Wen Yan doesn't have much hope. He still likes to be like this now, cheating and getting stronger quickly.

A week later, Wen Yan felt that he was almost ready. When he was about to leave, a dim light fell outside the manor. Chen Qimo stood outside the manor, quietly watching Wen Yan practice boxing. When Wen Yan finished his boxing practice, She just waved her arms.

Wen Yan shook his head and smiled.

"I knew you wouldn't listen to me and would definitely come again. I have to go out. Remember not to come here again. It's really going to be dangerous."

He stretched out his hand, patted Chen Qimo's head, and blessed him with yang energy.

Chen Qi was about to say something silently, but Wen Yan's big hand had already covered her head.

"If I come back, I will find someone to inform you. Go back now, I am going out."

Chen Qimo felt the warmth sweeping through her body. The strong yang energy was like the sun in winter, making her feel warm. She didn't know what to say, so she could only nod in response.

Wen Yan sent Chen Qimo away and prepared for a long time before seeing a long talisman fall.

He glanced at the new news about his fourth master's uncle.

It said that at Gauss' request, he was told some methods on how to summon Gauss. Of course, it was just a method. He couldn't even get the materials together in Hades.

It seems that Gauss was deceived by someone and wanted to create some sort of reverse summoning circle to summon Wen Yan back.

But something went wrong during the research process. My strength was exhausted and my lower body was gone. Now I lie at home every day, waiting for the part below the waist to grow back.

Then Gauss also said that he was not a complete failure. He had already sensed the Underworld and even broke through the barrier of the Underworld a little bit. It’s just that most of his status was blocked now and his strength was too poor. Besides, who was there in the Underworld? There is something of high quality, so I took a step forward and felt the call.

That guy wanted to use the power of summons, but he drained Gauss's power all at once. His lower body was consumed as a price, and he failed to get the thing out.

Gauss said that after a month, when the recovery is almost complete, he will try again.

These are Gauss's exact words.

Then the Fourth Master's uncle also said, and that bastard Cai Qidong also said, "I beg you to persuade Gauss."

After Gauss caused such an incident, the Cyber ​​Hades game on the doomsday computer at the headquarters of the Sun Division started to be updated.

Then, it also affected other players. The Lieyang Department tried to carry things, but many of them couldn't be carried out. The weight they could carry was strictly limited.

It should have been repaired in a wave, and it is not that easy to exploit loopholes.

The little thief has been unable to enter the underworld three times in a row because the things he brought did not match.

Wen Yan scratched his head. What outrageous drama did Gauss learn from?

Good guy, isn't this tantamount to a direct forced invasion?

Wen Yan didn't feel anything in the underworld. Has so much happened outside in the past few days?

I don’t know what has been updated in Netherland. Is it a bug fix or something really updated?

He carried a heavy crossbow with incense candles, a black mountain stone carving, and supplies, and then set off with Gravewalker and Lin Jue.

As he walked, he dropped the button locator from time to time. In order to prevent it from failing, he would drop it to both sides from time to time while walking on the road.

The manor behind him gradually disappeared into the darkness, and only the outline of the mountains could be vaguely seen.

A few hours after Wen Yan left, Fu Guangfei's figure appeared outside the manor.

After he appeared, he almost fell down under the weight of the things he was carrying. It was very heavy, but he could barely carry it.

That thing was pressing on his shoulders, causing pain in his shoulders.

After feeling this, Fu Guangfei was slightly startled. He carried his things and came to the door of the manor. He put down his things and stretched out his hands to take a look.

His hands seemed to have become real, with real bodies.

You can feel tired, you can feel collarbone pain, and you can also feel the weight of your body, which greatly enhances the sense of reality.

He hurriedly stepped forward, wanting to tell Wen Yan that there were new changes in Mingtu, but he was stopped by the paper man, telling him that Wen Yan had gone out and might not come back until a few days later.

In a corner of the underworld, a gloomy city stands on the earth. In the city, the gloomy air permeates the city, and the streets are full of people. The densely packed A Piao lives here, as if they are still alive.

When the light fluctuations in the sky reached their maximum, all the Ah Piao knelt on the ground and worshiped towards the center of the city.

There was a high altar there. At the top of the altar, there was a huge brazier with a diameter of several meters. The flames were burning quietly inside. From time to time, people would bring skeletons and add to the brazier.

The fire illuminated the entire city, and all the Ah Piao were bathed in the brilliance of the flames, reciting something unknown in their mouths.

Outside the city, two people arrived. They looked at their bodies and were slightly startled. They seemed to have bodies and were no longer in a pure ghost state.

Before they could do anything, they began to feel the chill and danger. On the distant city wall, a guy with eyes burning with blue flames had already spotted them.

The faint blue fire light turned into a powerful arrow and flew towards it.

"Withdraw, go back and report immediately!"

One of them made a quick decision and immediately prepared to go offline. The faint light enveloped his body and instantly rose into the sky and disappeared.

But the other person was just about to log off when the powerful arrows flew in and landed around them. The flames on them seemed to have intelligence. They flew over instantly and wrapped around him. The flames suppressed the glimmer of light emerging from his body. He went back and left it where it was.

There is another chapter tonight.

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