I am your natural enemy

Chapter 200 Returning to the mountain, Suijun’s concern (5k)

Wen Yan carved the words with his own hands. His level was definitely not as good as that of a professional, but the meaning was different.

Looking at the basement, he wondered whether he should ask Wu Tingsheng if he could dig another floor down.

After thinking about it for a while, I feel that this is still not very reliable. How about asking Gauss if there is any magic that can expand the space?

The basement is just a single room. Although the space is not too small, there are shelves in the corners, uncle's altar table, aunt's altar table, grandma's altar table at the back, and the unnamed tablet. Four altar tables are placed. Once out, the space seems a bit cramped.

How about buying the undecorated building on the west side?

Wen Yan stretched out his hand to wipe off the sawdust on the tablet, rubbed wood wax oil twice, supported the tablet on a small shelf, and placed it on the table.

He hasn't gone to tell Aunt Gan personally about his aunt.

He knew how Aunt Gan would react when she found out about this.

For thousands of years, I have been holding on to that little bit of hope that I couldn't see at all. If I knew about this now, I'm afraid it would completely ignite that little bit of hope that I couldn't see.

Wen Yan sighed secretly, forget it, let's just say it.

No matter what, his aunt didn't ask him to hide it, so he couldn't make the decision to hide this kind of thing without authorization.

He set up the aunt's memorial tablet, lit three incense sticks, bowed respectfully, and then offered incense to Uncle.

He took out his mobile phone, imported the entire video taken on the mobile phone into a USB flash drive, then moved the shelf and opened the window to Mount Fuyu.

Less than three seconds after opening the window, a small flying sword hung outside the window, hovering quietly.

"Hello, Brother Jian."

Wen Yan said hello first and then came out of the window.

Originally, he had to come here for a walk after he came back. Unfortunately, on the first day he came back, he met his grandmother who asked her a dream. He had to hurry up and do it in advance. Fortunately, he went directly after receiving the dream.

In order not to have to travel for a whole day, I asked the grave walker to lead the way and took a shortcut, and then I caught up.

Otherwise, if he was a little careless and delayed for a long time, Chen Qimo would definitely be finished.

A unique Ah Piao that ordinary people would not dare to kill would be really in big trouble if he had a physical body again.

The plan to visit Buyeo Mountain has been postponed until now.

Wen Yan wanted to say a few words to Brother Jian, but Brother Jian disappeared in an instant after confirming that it was Wen Yan.

Wen Yan fell to the ground and immediately felt that the aura of Fuyu Mountain was a little different from the past, a little more dignified.

He closed his eyes and sensed it carefully, and he could still feel that the Yin Qi was rising deep in Fuyu Mountain, which was much stronger than before.

When the uncle of the fourth master summoned him, he never said anything about what happened in Mount Fuyu.

Now it seems that something must have happened, but Fuyushan solved it by himself and did not tell him or outsiders.

He appeared for more than ten seconds, and someone immediately came to pick him up and took him inside.

The seventh master's uncle and the eighth master's uncle were both there, and they hadn't rested yet.

"Two great uncles, what is going on?"

"It's okay, it's just a small problem.

Recently, the yin energy in the back mountain becomes stronger at night, and there are corpses buried in the mountain that, over time, turn into zombies and come out of the coffin.

Occasionally, Ah Piao would appear in the back mountain, but they were all dealt with.

There seemed to be something else outside, peeping outside the mountain, but the surveillance didn't capture it.

Your third master's uncle guards the mountain gate, and for ordinary things, showing up is a sign of death.

Don't worry, if we have problems here, it will be a big problem. "

"That's good. Grand uncle and fourth uncle have rested, right?"

"Well, they have all rested. I am used to going to bed late, and I can't sleep now."

"Aunt Gan is also in the mountains, right?"

"Here, do you have something to do with her?"

"It's something. I met Aunt Gan's sister in Hades."

The seventh master's uncle and the eighth master's uncle both widened their eyes and leaned back slightly.

The eighth master's uncle's eyes almost popped out.

"Is it the senior executive?"

"Yes..." Wen Yan nodded: "Last time there was an emergency, and I didn't explain it clearly. In fact, a ray of consciousness came. Forget it, I even took a video for Aunt Gan to watch by herself."

The eighth master's uncle nodded, swayed, and disappeared from the spot.

Not long after, there was an explosion in the sky, and Aunt Gan fell from the sky.

There was anxiety on her face, but when she reached the door, her steps paused slightly, hesitating, and she was a little afraid to step in.

She had been searching for hope for a long time, but when she could really grasp it, she felt a little timid in her heart.

She was afraid that this little bit of hope would actually bring deeper despair.

After pausing for a few seconds, Gan Tang took a breath, crossed the threshold, and stepped into the house.

The uncle of the Seventh Master had already taken out a laptop, and Wen Yan also inserted the USB flash drive into it, waiting for Gan Tang to take a look.

"Aunt Gan, this is a video I took in Hades. Do you want to watch it here? Or go back and watch it again?"

"I... I'll go back and take a look." Gantang lost his usual determination and seemed a little hesitant.

"Click this button to continue playing the video."

Wen Yan handed the notebook to Gantang and sighed as he watched Gantang rise into the sky and disappear.

"I met the leader of the Holy Fire Cult there. He was there, with the help of the holy fire and other believers' sacrifices, he was able to recreate the past day in the area near the main city.

He couldn't beat me, so he recreated the day when my aunt destroyed their so-called holy city.

I also want to borrow my aunt’s hand to kill me.

It's a pity that I just blessed them with some yang energy, and a glimmer of consciousness from my aunt came and wiped them out again. "


The uncles of the Seventh Master and the Eighth Master were speechless for a while. They asked the great master enlightened by Lieyang to kill the owner of Lieyang. This was somewhat beneficial.

But after thinking about it for a moment, the seventh master's uncle was a little stunned.

"That damn leader, didn't you recognize that you knew Lieyang?"

"He probably didn't recognize her until my aunt showed up."

"Uh..." The seventh master's uncle had a shocked expression on his face.

The eighth master's uncle curled his lips.

"You are stupid. The name of the Fierce Sun really starts to shine after they die."

The Seventh Master's uncle shook his head. This was a question that all of them ignored.

“I don’t know if the appearance of Hades is a blessing or a curse. At least for now, it will definitely bring chaos in a short period of time.

Ah Piao appears even here in Fuyu Mountain, let alone other places.

Moreover, as the recovery of spiritual energy accelerates, many things gradually become useful.

There are actually quite a few scriptures online, but I don’t know if there will be any other troubles. "

Wen Yan comforted.

"Take it a step at a time. At least our country is still under control. I saw someone posted a video online.

The next door has reached the point where it can no longer cover up, nor does it want to cover up, nor does it want to take care of it.

People over there are considering whether to go to the toucan or the kangaroo. "

The seventh master's uncle sighed.

"Hey, if you want to be alone now and not be affected at all, that is completely impossible.

I just hope that we can stabilize things quickly and avoid any big trouble.

I heard that the Lieyang tribe in some places has begun to recruit Ah Piao.

Although it has happened in the past, it was an exception, a special case.

The minister of Binhai County visited Fuyu Mountain two days ago to inquire about the feasibility of such a thing.

Taishi's uncle was cautious. After all, those who could transform into Ah Piao were somewhat extreme, or would become extreme in certain matters.

But Ah Piao's strength is often related to obsession.

Just like evil ghosts, the more evil thoughts they have, the greater their potential and the stronger they become.

This kind of strengthening may not be a steady growth, but may actually explode.

Ah Piao's instability made Lieyang Department very cautious.

There were indeed recruitments of Ah Piao before, but they were all special cases.

Just like Niu Zhiqiang in Haidai County, this is also an unrepresentative special case.

Wen Yan is also cautious, and there is indeed no problem in individual cases.

After all, the gap between humans is sometimes greater than the gap between humans and dogs, and the gap between Ah Piao and Ah Piao will only be even greater.

Wen Yan told his uncle about the two more dangerous pieces of information he knew about A Piao, and asked his uncle to pay attention to them.

The two Ah Piao, one a meat mountain and the other a snake, were both encountered by the big-headed Ah Piao before and appeared in the field. The big-headed Ah Piao felt that the other party was particularly dangerous, so he did not have any serious conflict with the other party. They just went through the motions and went their separate ways. Go your own way.

As for the other Ah Piao who had appeared in the field, the big-headed Ah Piao thought they were just ordinary things and could be dealt with by the Lieyang Department.

The Lieyang Department may have the most equipment that can deal with Ah Piao.

Most of the equipment can be turned into a powerful weapon against Ah Piao with just a few modifications.

Stun machines, which are considered non-lethal weapons against people, may be much more effective against Ah Piao than firearms.

When the conversation was almost over, Wen Yan took out a piece of jade.

"This is a fierce ghost I met last night. In order to protect a little girl, he was bitten off half of his body by another Ah Piao.

I'm not sure how I can save him. At least I've done a good deed and I can't let him dissipate like this. "

The uncle of the Seventh Master took the jade stone and gently made a seal. When he touched the jade stone, he saw the red-dressed ghost falling out.

Looking at the fierce ghost in the red dress, it was obvious that he was on the verge of dissipating. He was too seriously injured and was now relying solely on his Yang Qi to hang on for his life.

"I'm afraid this might be a bit troublesome. It's so serious that he's feeling relieved. There's nothing we can do about it."

"Isn't it okay to use nourishing yin and nourishing soul pills?"

"He can survive, but he probably won't be able to recover. If he wants to recover, he has to ask people from Qingcheng to help. Ah Piao's matter is not what we at Fuyu Mountain are good at. It's easy to talk about small problems, but nothing can be done about big problems. "

The figure of Li Gui in red dress was a little erratic. When he saw several big bosses, he greeted him honestly, then looked at Wen Yan and shook his head.

"Sir, don't worry about me anymore. I have no regrets."

Wen Yan looked at Li Gui in the red dress and shook his head.

"You're wrong, I don't just do good things.

Do you have any regrets? To be honest, I don't care.

I just thank you for protecting her for a while and preventing me from breaking my trust.

Moreover, I don’t want Xiao Mo to have any regrets, that’s all. "

Li Gui in the red dress was slightly startled, but smiled and bowed solemnly to Wen Yan.

"Everything will be as arranged by sir."

This was the first time he met Wen Yan, and he was not familiar with Wen Yan, and he didn't want to accept Wen Yan's kindness. He had already developed a desire to die, and felt that it was enough to be fulfilled if it just dissipated.

This was a much better ending than he had ever expected.

He is also afraid that there will never be a better ending in the future, and his heart will not be as peaceful as it is now.

I'm afraid that as a fierce ghost, if I survive this time, I might be unable to control myself one day in the future.

He thought about it for a day in Yuperii, and then he suddenly realized that he was actually afraid of these things.

He really didn't want to live anymore.

It was only when Wen Yan said it so bluntly that he realized that he was no longer the same as before.

Wen Yan didn't know what the red-dressed ghost looked like before, but he felt that no matter what the other person's obsession was, at least he was different from ordinary ghosts now.

This is the calmest and best-tempered ghost Wen Yan has ever seen or known.

If you ask people in Qingcheng for help, just ask your uncle to contact Taoist Master Qingxu.

The people in Fuyu Mountain deal with zombies, and Qingcheng deals with Ah Piao. The current version can basically be said to be Qingcheng's version.

Qingcheng was definitely the best at treating Ah Piao's injuries. What Fuyu Mountain couldn't do might not be that difficult for Qingcheng.

"There are medical clinics in Qingcheng, and there are actually quite a few in various places, but they definitely don't exist in Nanwu County."

"No wonder I haven't heard of it. Is it because there are so many medical clinics in Nanwu County?"

"That's not true. The medical clinic in Qingcheng is not open to people. Nanwu County was not suitable for Ah Piao to stay for a long time before, and it is even more unsuitable now. People in Qingcheng who are qualified to open medical clinics are not suitable to begin with. There is so much, how could it be wasted in Nanwu County, there must be some in Guanzhong County."

The seventh master's uncle thought for a while, took out his cell phone, flipped through his address book, and made a call.

After a moment, he hung up the phone.

"Qing Xuzi is in Nanwu County now. He is going to Decheng. Just ask him to help take a look at it then. In addition, you can just ask him about A Piao. He will definitely know better than us."


At the back of Fuyu Mountain, Gantang stayed in his room and pressed the play button.

Looking at the video with a somewhat unstable screen, and seeing her sister's style as before, she couldn't help but smile, but then, she unconsciously wanted to cry, but there were no tears left in her eyes. Come down.

Finally, when she heard that her sister wanted to trick her into reading a book, she suddenly laughed out loud.

Her sister didn't even know that she had actually gotten in through opportunistic methods.

She sat there and watched the video several times. Looking at her sister's voice and smile, it seemed as if she was really back.

She knew what these words meant, which was to let her live her life well and stop thinking about pursuing the past.

She felt a little relieved. She was no longer anxious or persistent, but her will was stronger than ever.

"Sister, you have forgotten that I have never been an obedient person."

The obsession in her heart shattered, and some zombie appearances began to appear on her body. But in an instant, those appearances began to dissipate, and her body shape and appearance became more and more like a living person.

His complexion began to gradually change, and the yin energy on his body began to gradually dissipate.

At this time, she truly understood that determination is determination and obsession is obsession.

In the southern part of Zhongyuan County, the lying water ghost who fell into the water did not do anything after hearing what happened in Zhongyuan County. He just floated in the water like a dead body and allowed the current to take him away from Zhongyuan County.

We can't stay in this place. Who knows if he is traced out and he is related to some evil ghost or evil ghost, and whether he will be found out as well.

Lying flat and floating in the water, the water ghost left Zhongyuan County in the most comfortable and hidden way.

He drifted along the current and drifted like this for a few days. He didn't care. He closed his eyes and fell asleep quietly.

As a water ghost, he doesn't need to swallow people's yang energy, nor does he want to recruit people to inherit the water ghost. Just like his character, his main focus is to lie down and do whatever he wants.

As he fell asleep, the water ghost suddenly felt that the water flow seemed to have stopped, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Under the dim water, there was a dead silence, and the water seemed to have stopped.

Then he saw two golden lights shining in the darkness.

The moment the light suddenly appeared, he saw a huge figure in the dim water, chained up and lying in the darkness.

In the darkness, the thick chains rattled, and the huge waves set off began to weaken rapidly until they dissipated less than a hundred meters away from the giant body.

The water ghost wanted to swim in the water, but found that he could not swim at all. The water seemed to be suppressed.

His body gradually moved towards the behemoth.

A little closer, he looked up, startled.

The huge creature had an ape-like body, white head and green body, its eyes were shining with golden light, its neck and waist were tied with huge iron chains, and something seemed to be hanging on its nose.

The water ghost was so frightened that he was stiff. Just getting closer, the huge pressure made him feel that his life no longer belonged to him, and he was not even qualified to die.

The moment he saw the other person, he knew who it was as if instinctively.

The legendary Suicune.

Suicune was suppressed in the darkness, motionless, but the current brought the water ghost over.

The golden eyes looked with terrifying pressure. The water ghost's body was stiff and his consciousness was a little sluggish. He just floated there blankly.

After a long time, the golden light dissipated, and Suicune's eyes seemed a little surprised.

"You don't need to pull people, you don't need to suck Yang Qi, and you can still leave the water. What kind of strange water ghost are you?"

With a weird accent, the water ghost said something that even the water ghost couldn't understand. The water ghost was trembling and thought about it for a long time before he roughly understood what it meant.

He honestly talked about understanding the deeds of the Goddess of E. Because of this, he had the opportunity to choose to lie down.

As for being able to go ashore easily, the restriction is not too big. It is also because he chose to give up attracting people, gave up swallowing people to strengthen his yang energy, and gave up harming others to benefit himself, so he could inexplicably come ashore casually.

Suicune didn't understand half of what he was hearing, so he first pulled the water ghost to learn what he was saying.

Two days later, Suicune said in his still weird accent.

"Go find someone, contemporary Lieyang, and bring him to me."

A stream of water flew out, landed on the water ghost's wrist, and turned into a ring.

"Go ahead. If he is nearby, this ring will guide you."

The water flow turned into two big characters and floated in front of the water ghost, asking him to recognize them clearly and not to misunderstand them.

The word was a little different from the current one, but he could still distinguish it easily.

It's the "scorching sun".

The water ghost was sent out of the dead water. He was floating in the water with a grimace on his face and was worried to death.

He doesn't know what "Scorching Yang" means or not "Scorching Yang". The only thing he knows about this word is "Scorching Yang Division".

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