I am your natural enemy

Chapter 201 Head of the Lieyang Department, there is no coward in Fuyu Mountain! (5k)

After the water ghost left, he looked around with a grimace, then secretly found a cell phone, looked at the map, and his expression became even more bitter.

Only now did he realize that he had suffered the loss of being uneducated and also suffered the loss of not observing much.

I randomly found a small river to get into the water, and that small river turned out to be the upper reaches of the Huaihe River.

He went all the way down the river, from the tributaries to the main stream, and then at some point, Suicune discovered him and led him there.

Now he's done, he's being targeted by Suicune.

After he came out, his first thought was, of course, to mess it up.

As long as you leave Huaihe and go somewhere else, there should be no problem.

But when he left the waters of the Huaihe River, he felt that the ring around his wrist was slowly shrinking at a very weak speed.

He could feel it because his entire ghost felt the pressure caused by the contraction of the ring.

He could clearly feel that if he shrank to a certain extent, he might not die immediately.

This means that after continuous pain, he will be squeezed to death and his soul will not be able to explode.

What my father often said in my ears when I was a child came to mind at this moment.

"If you don't study hard, you will regret it when you grow up."

Then he got angry one last time and said.

"I won't regret it even if I die."

He never thought that the boomerang at that time would hit his head firmly after his death.

He regrets it so much now that he didn't study geography well at that time.

Otherwise, as long as you learn a little bit, you won't not know where the Huaihe River is.

He took the borrowed mobile phone and searched for things about Lieyang. Obviously, he couldn't find anything valuable.

He quietly found the entrance to the ghost market and came to the ghost market to find out more.

However, everything related to the word "Fierce Yang" is basically part of Fiery Yang.

He sat on the street corner, leaning against the wall, his eyes blank, thinking about it, and there was probably only one situation.

Who can be called the contemporary blazing sun must be a very important figure.

Is that a particularly important person in the Lieyang Department?

Now he can especially understand Benbo Erba's mood when he heard the words "Go and get rid of Tang Monk and his disciples."

Suicune, you think too highly of me.

I'm just a little water ghost. If I didn't have to eat to survive, a guy like me would have starved to death long ago.

what can I do?

How about I go to the gate of the Lieyang Department, find a field worker who looks more powerful, and go up and give him a big dick?

Wouldn't this make death easier?

In the teahouse diagonally opposite, Mai Conggui, who was listening to someone bragging, turned his head and leaned on the railing. After looking around, he looked at the water ghost sitting in the corner with dull eyes.

His eyes flashed, secretly frightened.

Among the chaotic sounds here, he suddenly caught the key words.

Suicune, Water Ghost, and Agni.

None of these three keywords should appear in the ghost market, let alone all three together.

He stared carefully at the guy sitting on the ground with dull eyes for a long time before roughly confirming that this guy turned out to be a water ghost!

An idea burst out in Mai Conggui's heart.

It’s about to be posted!

Even if he knew this kind of news before, he actually didn't think about what to do.

But now, he is a paid informant. In addition to salary, he also gets bonuses.

Of course he also knew that the bonus could not be agreed upon, and this was directly related to the information he provided.

As for the water ghost in front of him, even if he didn't have any important information, it certainly couldn't be worthless.

Although the boss comes from the forbidden land, he seems to be connected with the Sun Division.

He has almost figured it out in the past two days. The boss who kills evil ghosts like an addict may not be the same person in the forbidden area, and his boss may not be the same person.

His boss seemed like a nice guy, and he didn't look like a ruthless person who could hang more than 200 evil spirits on street lamps as decorations.

Then he guessed whether the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County had given up and the relationship with the forbidden area had eased, and whether his boss was operating in the middle.

However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as it is information that can be used to calculate performance, he will give it a try.

After all, he has watched a lot of TV dramas. Knowing about intelligence matters, it is one thing to use it or not, and it is another thing to know it or not.

As soon as he thought about this, he came to the water ghost with a wine flask and two cups.

He put down the wine glass and poured two glasses of wine.

"Brother, come and have a drink."

The water ghost turned his head and looked at Mai Conggui, a little confused. He didn't understand why Mai Conggui invited him to drink for no reason.

Mai Conggui smiled, took out a pack of cigarettes, lit two cigarettes, and gave one to the water ghost.

The water ghost hesitated and didn't answer.

Mai Conggui smiled.

"These are good products just for us. They are cigarettes that we can light ourselves. This wine is also the Yin Qi wine in the teahouse. We can taste it."

Mai Conggui took a deep breath and puffed out the smoke.

"Hey, brother, please forgive me. When I saw my brother, I remembered that it was my first time to come to the ghost market.

I am also sitting here at a loss, trying to find a job, but I can't find it.

At that time, I was sitting on the street corner and felt that the world was so big that there was no place for me.

It was also at that time that a brother came over and bought me a drink.

Ask me, if you are dead, what kind of work can you do and how much money can you make? "

Mai Conggui paused for a moment, then picked up the small wine cup and drank it all in one gulp.

The water ghost's curiosity was aroused and he asked.


"Yes, I actually didn't know it at that time, I was still confused.

After being reminded of this, I remembered why I wanted to get a job.

Then I went back and hid my body myself, pretending that I was still alive and not letting my family know about my death.

It took me a month to learn how to make calls in my ghost body and how to let them hear my voice.

I told them that I was working part-time and had lost my mobile phone, so I was reluctant to buy it.

Now that I have just received my salary, I changed my mobile phone.

My family members were heartbroken and cried for a long time, saying they couldn't contact me and were dying of anxiety.

I am now stable and can still make money every month.

When I saw you today, I remembered the brother who invited me to drink.

He said that when he encounters someone who is really in trouble when he is away from home, he should help him if he can.

Even if you can't help me in any way, it's still okay to encourage me, cheer me up, and buy you a drink. "

Mai Conggui poured a full glass of wine with a sincere look on his face.

“Here, man, here’s a toast to you, no matter what predicament you’re facing right now.

I all hope that you can come out and at least know what you want to do, what you can do, and what you want to do.

We, Ah Piao, are afraid that we will even forget who we are, and we will not be far away from disappearing. "

The water ghost was moved by Mai Conggui's sincerity, and he believed that this was a continuation of friendship.

He picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Mai Conggui, and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking the yin-rich wine, his spirits immediately lifted, and his soul and body seemed to grow a little stronger.

Mai Conggui didn't mind it either, so he naturally sat with him, smoking, drinking and bragging. Within ten minutes, the water ghost started calling Mai Conggui brothers.

Listening to Mai Conggui's words, he now goes out for takeaways at night and makes money as a driver. When he has nothing to do, he drinks something at the teahouse here to entertain himself.

The water ghost sounded quite impressed when he heard this. Although he was a flat-footed person, he had always admired people who were so willing and hard-working.

“Brother, you are so awesome. Here’s to you.”

The water ghost raised his glass and toasted, and Mai Conggui took a deep breath. Although he originally came with the idea of ​​collecting some information, the words he said were true, and he himself was a little emotional.

He really felt in his heart that someone had cheered him up and given him a hand, and today he would regard it as passing on this sentiment, to cheer this brother up and stop him from being so confused.

"Brother, think about it for yourself. It depends on what you want to do. We have become A Piao, and the days to come will still be long."

The water ghost sighed, he didn't even know what to say.

This brother Mai is also an honest man, so he kindly came to help him.

But he really couldn't say anything. If he told about Suijun, he felt that it might harm others and himself.

Suicune certainly didn't want others to know of his existence.

As for more, he was really walking on thin ice, because he couldn't quite understand what Suicune said, which year he didn't know.

He said that he had learned some of the current words from him, but he still half understood what he heard, and he didn't dare to ask every sentence: What do you mean?

Since the third time during the exchange, he felt that something was wrong with Suicune's eyes, expression, and breath, so he gave up asking such questions again.

As a result, the only thing he is sure of now is to find the contemporary Lieyang. Well, he should be someone from the Lieyang Department who can represent the Lieyang Department.

Then the bracelet on his hand will react when he is close to this person.

Then, no more.

His life was at stake, and he didn't know what to do. Just now he really wanted to find someone from the Sun tribe to die, at least to die neatly.

Mai Conggui on the side, his eyes were trembling and his hands were shaking a little.

What a big deal!

Suicune is going to trap and kill the head of the Sun Division!

Something big is going to happen!

I have to tell my boss about this.

"Brother, you should take a good rest first. You should take a good rest for two days before making a decision. Based on my experience, decisions made impulsively without careful consideration for more than three days will most likely not have good results."

Mai Conggui spent his own money to open a guest room for the water ghost in the ghost market. He also thoughtfully opened a room with a large bathtub and asked people to fill it with water in advance.

"Brother, you have a good rest, don't worry, I will give you a room for three days.

The water here can be used for bathing. It is said to have the effect of washing away the impurities of ghosts. I don't know if this is a boast. "

The water ghost wanted to say something else, but Mai Conggui waved his hand.

"Get some rest and don't say thank you.

It's almost time now. This is the time when the driver's work is the most and the customers are generous.

I'm going to work first, bye. "

Mai Conggui settled the water ghost, and after making sure it was stable, he immediately left the Rakshasa Ghost City.

He looked at the time and didn't dare to call directly. Instead, he sent a message to Wen Yan first.

He counted ten silently, and when he was about to leave a message to explain the matter, his phone rang.

"Hey, boss, there's something big! Something big!"

In Fuyu Mountain, Wen Yan was still asking his elders for advice.

There are too many things he wants to ask for advice on. For example, he is now asking for advice on how to read.

In Chen Qimo's home, there is a tablet with no words on the front but three words on the back, and Lieyang's mobile phone cannot capture those three words.

He will now write it out according to his memory and let the elders identify what the words are.

Uncle Seventh Master couldn't recognize him either. Just when he was embarrassed, Wen Yan received Mai Conggui's message and quickly found an excuse to call him back.

"What exactly?"

"Boss, I really don't dare to say it on the phone. The matter is a bit big."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm in a small town in Zhongyuan County, and I just came out of the Rakshasa Ghost Market."

"Okay, just wait there, I'll be there in a minute."

Wen Yan said goodbye to his uncles from the seventh and eighth masters, and returned home from the window.

Then I tried a few things I brought back from the small town, opened a window to the small town, and came to the small town again.

Ten minutes later, he saw Mai Conggui in an alley.

Mai Conggui seemed a little nervous and let out a sigh of relief after seeing Wen Yan.

"What's wrong?"

"I just saw a water ghost in the Rakshasa Ghost City. That water ghost was sent by Sui Lord and asked him to lure the head of the Lieyang Department there!"

Wen Yan's face froze.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Headquarters Chief!"

"No, the front one."


"Huaiwo Shuijun?"

"Absolutely. Apart from this one, there is no other person with such a title in the whole world."

Wen Yan's heartbeat started to speed up and he felt a little bit sick.

Has this water monkey recovered a long time ago?

Was he awakened by him last time?

I really don’t blame him for overthinking, because I’ve never heard anything about Suicune before. Even the elders of Fuyu Mountain, or Aunt Gan, just said that Suicune will definitely recover in the future, but definitely not now. .

Because of this, if he had heard about Suicune before, he would definitely not believe it. What nonsense.

The problem is, he seems to have actually seen it with his own eyes, and it’s hard not to believe it.

Now that Suicune has woken up, he immediately sent out a water ghost who could come ashore. Is it related to him?

"Tell me exactly what you said, and don't add any extra fuel or jealousy! Just a water ghost wants to lure the head of the headquarters there. What a dream."

"That's the exact words. The person who best represents the Lieyang Department is not the head of the headquarters."

"Is it the Lieyang Department or the Lieyang Department?"

Mai Conggui's heart skipped a beat and he said quickly.

"It seems to be the blazing sun, and it seems to be the blazing sun department..."

"Remember from now on. Sometimes one more word and one less word may have completely different meanings. Think about it carefully."

"Remember, he said something about the contemporary Lieyang, and then he said about the head of the Lieyang Department..."

"I understand, this information is very important."

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and transferred 50,000 yuan on the spot.

For this kind of thing, he must not be stingy with the informant fee, or bonus.

The other party didn't make it clear, and Wen Yan also guessed that the water ghost might not quite understand that Lieyang and Lieyang Department were completely different things.

But he definitely knew that it was him that the Water Monkey was looking for, and there was absolutely no mistake.

After all, no matter how brainless that water monkey is, he wouldn't expect a water ghost to recruit the head of the Lieyang Department.

Wen Yan was so angry that he was so angry that it wasn't me who provoked you. Why would you bother me when you wake up?

And you don’t really think that if the water ghost finds him, he will go, right?

No way?

He didn't expect a water ghost to knock him out and take him there, right?

Laughing to death.

In the dark waters, Suicune stayed here quietly.

He is waiting for the contemporary sun to arrive here.

The name of Lieyang is famous and well-known to everyone.

The blazing sun back then was so rampant that a mortal would dare to enter this water, dare to come directly to him, and step on his name to go up.

He didn't even need to think about it, he knew that the name of the blazing sun was destined to be extremely dazzling.

The name is a huge honor.

That guy back then must have become even more proud after he left, right?

He sent a water ghost out to find the contemporary Liyang. It must be very easy, just tell him.

Those who can bear the glory of the contemporary sun must be very proud.

He must not allow himself to fall behind the glory of his ancestors.

As long as you know, he will definitely come.

If you don't come, won't you become a coward who doesn't even dare to see him, who is greedy for life and afraid of death?

Buyeosan is so rampant, there has never been a coward, right?

So, just wait here with peace of mind.

Shuijun was full of confidence and waited quietly here. He felt that he understood these so-called Taoist priests very well.

"So water ghost, what do you think?"

"He's quite depressed, a little depressed, and has no energy. Moreover, he seems to have been given something. If he doesn't do it, he will die if he leaves for too long."

Wen Yan glanced at Mai Conggui and was a little surprised. It seemed that Mai Conggui really wanted to help the water ghost.

Wen Yan thought for a moment and said.

"Go and ask that water ghost to go to the Lieyang Department by yourself. I'll give you a phone number. You give it to him.

Tell him not to tell anyone who gave the number.

In Haidai County, there is an upright bull-headed seducer, do you know? "

"I heard from other Ah Piao that they were extremely ferocious. Last time, there was an Ah Piao who was possessed. The bullhead wielded an iron chain and forcibly pulled him out of the human body. He was sentenced on the spot and then beaten to death.

There is also Ah Piao, whose ghost can change. He is chained and can no longer escape.

The cow's head got hung up on a high-voltage wire and was electrocuted to death. "

Wen Yan was a little surprised. Is Niu Zhiqiang so fierce?

But after thinking about it, I realized that these words came out of Mai Conggui's mouth, so I have to discount them somewhat.

"It's him. If you give your phone number to that water ghost, I may not trust other people to tell the truth.

But this person must be very upright and trustworthy.

He wanted to live and be freed, and this was his only chance.

Remember, pick yourself out and don't get stuck in it.

If the Lieyang Department catches you, just call me and don't hold on.

As long as you don't commit a murder, I still have some face.

If you have harmed others and been stained with blood, then no one can do anything to you.

Remember? "

Mai Conggui took note of Wen Yan's words and thought about it. When he returns home, he will first persuade the water ghost for three days to go to the Lieyang Department.

After bidding farewell to Mai Conggui, Wen Yan pondered that it would be fine if Shuijun just stayed there. The last time he had a sudden glance, he was not particularly sure, but this time he was completely sure.

Then this matter must be brought to the Lieyang Department, so that the Lieyang Department can prepare early and prepare various plans.

Anyway, he definitely doesn’t know how to swim in Huaihe.

Oh, he will never come near the Yellow River again.

Looking back, he asked which of the seven major waters he couldn't go to. If that didn't work out, he would just stay and die in Nanwu County. Anyway, he now had a pretty good relationship with the guys in Xijiang.

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