I am your natural enemy

Chapter 202 Rubbing the Offerings, Crow’s Mouth (5k)

Wen Yan did not go to see the water ghost, nor did he continue to interfere in the subsequent events.

This kind of thing is not something he can decide. The Huaihe River involves a large area and involves too many people. In the past, the Huaihe River basin often flooded, flooding the fields and destroying the land.

In recent decades, continuous management and construction of water conservancy projects have resulted in large tracts of fertile land.

He just confirmed from Mai Conggui that Water Ghost called Niu Zhiqiang, and Niu Zhiqiang personally came to pick up Water Ghost, so he was relieved.

Things related to big rivers have always been a complicated matter.

Especially now that it involves things in the water system, it is even more complicated and involves countless aspects.

This is not a decision that can be made by just two people.

Wen Yan may not know much about other aspects, but he has been exposed to things related to the water system, and he is somewhat aware of the complexity and difficulty involved.

After confirming that the Lieyang Department had taken over, one day later, the Seventh Master's uncle called him and asked him to stay away from the Huaihe River from now on. He knew that this matter had been taken seriously.

It is impossible not to pay attention to it. In terms of priority, the priority and complexity of the world BOSS coming are far inferior to Suicune.

After all, the so-called world boss that comes from the outside is most likely to be killed by all means. Most of the time, the difficulty is just how to defeat it.

The impact and complexity are really not particularly high.

But Suicune is completely different. He has been here since ancient times. He has been the water god since the day records were recorded.

The influence is not just in the Huaihe River Basin. On a larger scale, how to deal with it affects the thoughts of various water gods and aquatic creatures in the world's water systems, and affects the general direction for a long, long time to come.

Wen Yan felt that his small body would definitely not be able to bear it, and he was not qualified to do anything.

He returned to Nanwu County honestly.

After receiving the things delivered by Lieyang Department Logistics, two wooden tables were wiped clean and placed in the basement.

Wen Yan then placed his grandmother's deceased photo and the unnamed tablet. Everything was arranged as it was before, and everything was restored intact according to the marks on the table.

He even kept the ashes in the small incense burner.

After lighting incense, placing offerings, worshiping grandma and the nameless tablet, and then lighting incense for uncle and aunt, everything settled down.

After dawn, Chen Qimo woke up and saw that Wen Yan, who had been so busy all day, was at home with a drowsy look in his eyes, and he immediately became energetic.

"Brother Su, you are back."

"Well, hurry up and wash up, then have breakfast."

Wen Yan came to the kitchen, cooked noodles and wontons, and fried hand cakes and eggs.

Not long after, breakfast started. On the dining table, Quemao had a bowl of Yangchun noodles in front of him, Chen Qimo had a bowl of wonton noodles in front of him, and tomatoes were in front of the little zombie. When Wen Yan went to place the offerings, Chen Qimo Mo also followed, offering incense and saying hello together.

After returning to the table, Wen Yan blessed everything with yang energy, picked up the chopsticks and shouted.

"Began to eat!"

The sparrow cat lowered its head to slurp noodles, the little zombie slurped tomatoes, Wen Yan ate wontons, and Chen Qimo ate wonton noodles. In addition, there were hand cakes and fried eggs. The weather has warmed up and people have become energetic.

"Are you still getting used to it at school?"

"It's good to adapt to it, the teachers are also very good, and the classmates are also very friendly, but the things I learn are a bit different, so I need to work harder."

"Do you need a tutor to help you with your lessons?"

"No, no, no, I can learn it myself." Chen Qimo shook his head repeatedly.

When she was almost done eating, Chen Qimo turned around and went to the basement. She looked at the offerings on the table, feeling a little embarrassed.

Wen Yan appeared behind her and asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Can these be eaten?" Chen Qimo pointed to the wonton noodles on the table.

"Ah?" Wen Yan was a little surprised.

“When grandma was still alive, she always said that food should not be wasted.

When I was little, my grandma beat me for the first time because I wasted food. She said that I ate like a chicken pecking at my food, and my food was everywhere.

In the past, when worshiping this person, snacks or rice were usually served.

When the next meal comes, the rice will be used to make fried rice without wasting it.

Before I left, my grandma also said that the offerings should only be as long as they are meant for you and should not be wasted. "

Wen Yan looked at her grandmother's photo and smiled kindly.

He suddenly understood a little bit.

There is actually nothing wrong with what he said. According to Wen Yan's understanding, it was the same when he was in Guanzhong County.

Offerings to ancestors usually only last for a certain period of time, and when the offerings are completed, the children in the family will eat them.

On the one hand, there is no waste; on the other hand, people will feel that the ancestors are taking care of the younger generations in the family.

He smiled and said.

“Grandma is right, waste is wrong.

Aren’t you just here? Let grandma try the wonton noodles here.

Grandma has finished tasting it. Don't waste the food. Eat it. "

"I'm full, I can't finish it." Chen Qimo looked at the bowl of wonton noodles, a little confused.

"Then let's eat together, and I'll take advantage of it too."

Wen Yan encouraged Chen Qimo cheerfully. He could see that the little girl was a little confused and cared about his opinion.

Now he understands that after his grandmother passed away, she must still be protecting Chen Qimo.

The little girl is filial and sensible, and was well educated by her grandmother.

Even though grandma is gone, Chen Qimo will still make offerings and worship on time.

Then I still remember my grandma’s teachings, no food is wasted.

As a result, grandma passed away, but she was still feeding Chen Qimo.

Now Wen Yan understood why Chen Qimo had been able to live well even though her grandmother had passed away several years ago, even though she had been ill later, had a weak body, and had a physique that appealed to Ah Piao.

This is not luck at all.

Chen Qimo didn't even know that what she was doing was actually saving herself.

Wen Yan brought four small bowls of wonton noodles to the living room, reheated them in the microwave, and then took everyone to share the food again.

The finch cat who was said to be full just now was able to eat again in just a few minutes.

Even the little zombies were given a mouthful of noodles that were blessed with yang energy. The little guy was a bit picky and didn't really like eating, but Wen Yan asked him to eat it.

He won't take advantage of it, and Wen Yan doesn't even need to guess, he can be sure that this thing is used to protect his life.

Even if he didn't feel anything, he was sure that it would be useful.

He also believed that grandma would be willing to share her food with several people in the family.

Four small bowls of wonton noodles, after everyone was full, all went into Wen Yan's stomach.

Wen Yan patted his belly and was in a good mood.

Does he want the ability of "grandma"?

Definitely not. What he wants is the ability of "grandma" that can be blessed on him as a beneficiary.

Why not hug his thighs if he can? Wen Yan felt the warmth in his belly, and he didn't know if it was because he was full or if he was already being protected.

Anyway, the feeling after the sense of security has soared is really great.

He happened to see Pei Tugou going to work, so he took Chen Qimo with him and took Chen Qimo to school. Wen Yan followed Pei Tugou to Decheng Funeral Home.

"You've been on a business trip for a long time this time. It's already very cold in Guanzhong County, right?"

"Well, the heating may have started over there."

"It's not easy. The funeral home actually has to travel." Pei Tugou sighed. He had previously thought that Wen Yan was a technical talent, so it was indeed easier.

But now it seems that it was not easy at all. I was tired from running around, and when I came back from a business trip, I was so tired that I had not recovered after two or three days of rest.

"There are no jobs that are easy, safe, and can make steady money. They are all the same. Have you adapted to them now?"

"There's nothing uncomfortable about this. It's much better than being exposed to wind and sun on a construction site. I don't encounter any difficult tasks once a month. It's actually very easy. I just make a lot more money than I expected. I feel A little panicked.”

"You can rest assured to keep your hard-earned money."

"But I received 48,000 yuan this month. I asked the curator, and he said that it was what I deserved. There is no problem. The money sent to the account must be fine. If there were any problems, it would have been transferred away long ago. "Pei Tugou was still a little worried. When he saw Wen Yan, he quickly looked for an opportunity to ask.

"How much was it last month?"

"Forty thousand last month."

"Only 40,000?" After Wen Yan said it, he saw the pendant on the street lamp beside the road and immediately added: "I mean, the job you do is actually quite dangerous, and you have to be looked at strangely by others. What's the question? Remember, don't tell others about your income in the future. If you ask, it's only four or five thousand."


Wen Yanxin said that he would go back and ask Cai Heizi, how many tens of thousands of dollars would he pay for installing so many pendants on the street lamps in Decheng? Do you dare to be darker?

When he arrived at the funeral home, Wen Yan got out of the car and didn't rush in. After watching Pei Tugou leave, he called Cai Qidong to ask what was going on.

Cai Qidong laughed out loud after hearing Wen Yan's question.

"Based on his merits, there is no problem in giving him five million in one go. But the question is, do you think his situation is suitable for giving it all in one go?"

"You're talking nonsense. It's as much as it should be. Don't deduct other people's bonuses on the pretext that it's good for you."

"I'm saving it at the regular interest rate for large amounts. Don't worry, it's not a deduction. It will be paid every month."

"Hey, Minister Cai, you are so kind-hearted. You even help people manage their finances. How about I take my brother to give you a kowtow? Thank you."

"..." Cai Qidong was speechless.

Of course he knew that Pei Tugou was a very honest person under normal circumstances, and he worked hard and conscientiously. Even Director He praised him behind his back. Decheng Funeral Home needed such employees so much.

If you give an honest person millions in cash for free in one breath, the other person may feel uncomfortable.

In the end, the only thing I could do was give out tens of thousands every month, and then give out a big final bonus at the end of the year.

“Minister, please don’t tell me that with so many talented people in the Lieyang Department, you can’t even find a legitimate reason?

Are you scolding yourself, or are you scolding all your fellow talents?

Ouch, this is the first time I have heard that wages and bonuses are paid in installments.

It was so early in the morning that I was shocked and my head was buzzing. "

“I really didn’t mean not to give. You can’t possibly not know how much impact an ordinary person suddenly getting rich would have.

Most people just forget it, it doesn't matter, it's all their own business.

But for him, according to our speculation and intelligence, the more honest, steady, down-to-earth he is, taking one step at a time, the stronger his abilities will actually be.

We are really afraid that if we give him a large sum of money in one go, he will change.

You don’t know what happened to many of the people who got rich suddenly in Nanwu County, right? "

"Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right."

"What the hell..." Cai Qidong's forehead jumped wildly, and the blood surged up in response to Wen Yan's words.

“If people don’t steal or rob, wouldn’t they spend the money they earn by relying on their own abilities?

If he is even tempted by this and suddenly changes into a different person, that is his own choice.

Who says this is not spiritual practice?

Oh, yes, of course, you are the minister. You have the final say. If you deduct bonuses from others, no one can do anything to you. "



Cai Qidong gritted his teeth and hung up the phone after finishing typing!

He looked at the phone and sighed helplessly. Forget it, what Wen Yan said this time did make sense.

After all, this is indeed what people earn through their own skills.

And this is indeed a kind of practice and a test. If you can't withstand the temptation this time, I'm afraid it will be more difficult in the future, and the trouble will be even greater.

The progress of professionals is sometimes like this, weird.

He called Feng Yao and talked about it.

Feng Yao actually had some objections to Cai Qidong's approach of doing something good for you, but after thinking about it, he found that it might indeed be more stable and less likely to affect his professional ability, so he didn't say anything.

Now that Cai Qidong asked a question, he took out his mobile phone, opened the memo, and clicked on one of the pages.

There are two simple methods above, how to reasonably distribute this large bonus without the person knowing about it.

First, his hometown was demolished to build roads and the land was occupied. Second, he was given a Mark Six lottery ticket.

Cai Qidong knew at a glance that Feng Yao had already made plans.

"Just go and figure it out. The Finance Department will cooperate with you."

"I see."

Early in the morning, I found a reason to greet Cai Qidong, and Wen Yan felt refreshed.

Just as he was about to enter the funeral home, Director He's car stopped not far away and honked the horn twice.

He Jian felt a little worried when he saw Wen Yan.

On days when Wen Yan didn't come to work, the funeral home couldn't be too comfortable.

These days, A Piao has obviously changed a lot, but the funeral parlor has never encountered any problems.

It's a bit impossible for He Jian to think about whether he is superstitious or not.

When I woke up today, I felt my eyelids twitching. When I arrived at the funeral home, the director's heart skipped a beat when he saw Wen Yan.

He quickly stopped Wen Yan who was about to go in, and stopped Wen Yan outside the funeral home.

"You've been out for so long and it's been very hard. Why don't you take some more rest? There's nothing going on here. You don't need to come over. Just rest at home."

"No, Director, I have to go to work. It was an accident before. I love my job, and I have to come to work!"

"No, you don't!"

"Director, what happened?"

"Bah, bah, bah, it's so early in the morning, don't be so clumsy, just have a good rest, no need to come, really." The curator said very sincerely.

If necessary, he would pay Wen Yan's salary with his own money, and he would be willing to ask Wen Yan not to come to work.

The days when Wen Yan didn't come were so comfortable.

As soon as Wen Yan came today, he felt that his life was about to end and his comfortable days might be gone.

Wen Yan was a little confused, what happened to the curator?

While chatting, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the museum.

In broad daylight, he felt that the back of the funeral home seemed to be entering the dark night, and there was a sense of oppression unique to the night.

The oppressive feeling flickered, flickered a few times, then disappeared, and it returned to daytime.

The curator glanced in the direction Wen Yan was looking, and his expression changed slightly. He immediately took out his mobile phone and looked at it. The sunrise time was getting later and later. Although it was getting brighter now, it was not actually sunrise yet. .

He grabbed Wen Yan.

"I'm serious, you should go back and rest. Don't come here. You don't have to come to work this winter. There are enough people here. Don't worry, my colleagues will definitely have no objections."

"Am I so unpopular?"

"That's not true. Every time you come, something will happen. When you don't come, it's very peaceful here."


Wen Yan looked inside the funeral home again, hesitated, and nodded.

The sun hasn't come out yet, so he's actually a little scared. If he steps in again, he'll go somewhere else.

He didn't go into the funeral home, thinking about calling a car and going back to lie down.

The curator didn't go in either and asked Wen Yan where he was going. He could deliver it in person!

A few minutes later, while walking on the road, Wen Yan looked forward and saw a hearse bound for the funeral parlor. A filled with resentment, Ah Piao, was sitting on the roof of the hearse with a bitter face.

"Director, did you see it?"

"I saw it..." He Jian sighed quietly.

The moment the two cars passed each other, a falling stone was rubbed by the hearse's tire and rolled right under He Jian's tire.

The vehicle shook slightly, then a dragon swung its tail and hit the guardrail on the side.

The guardrail broke, and an iron rod as thick as a thumb pierced the passenger window and was inserted into the steering wheel.

The vehicle also stopped completely at this time.

Wen Yan looked at the curator, and the curator looked at him. Both of them were speechless.

"You can't rely on me, right? I haven't even been to the funeral parlor today!"

"..." The curator didn't say anything, just sighed, walked out of the car, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

"Keep that hearse out of the funeral home and wait."

Wen Yan also climbed out of the car, took out the warning ice cream cone and placed it dozens of meters behind the car.

He looked at a fist-sized stone on the road and fell into deep thought.

Such a big stone was placed in plain sight on the road. Why didn't he see it just now?

The curator is also a veteran, so he can't miss it.

He turned back and looked in the direction of the funeral parlor, and his heart began to beat. It couldn't really be him with the crow's mouth, could it?

If you think about it carefully, it's not like he has something to do every day when he comes to work, but it's just that there are a lot of things.

Wen Yan has been made a little unsure of himself. Isn't it really his problem?

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