I am your natural enemy

Chapter 242 Ordinary morning, news and comfort (5k)

After Wen Yan confirmed that he would get a temporary buff by eating his grandma's offering, he completely let himself go and frantically tested on the verge of death.

He had begun to like this feeling.

When stuck on the edge of triggering the blood lock, his instincts will be squeezed to the maximum extent and he will enter an extremely focused state of fighting for his life.

The consciousness will be stuck on the edge of being blurred, and it will forcefully maintain that kind of concentration and clarity.

The efficiency of what he wants to do will be greatly improved.

It’s just that after completing the extreme squeeze, you will feel a little tired.

He recalled feeling this way before.

I encountered a mad dog once before, and I was given several shots of vaccine.

When he was not injured, he was still a little afraid, timid, and hesitant.

But the moment he was bitten on the leg, the nature of the matter changed.

If you fail to clear the level without taking any damage, it will automatically activate the second-stage large creature, the terrifying Ape erectus.

The massive secretion of adrenaline will make him feel no pain, and his consciousness will become extremely focused. There is only one thought left in his mind: kill this mad dog.

Now Wen Yan has this feeling, and he can also clearly know when he will enter the residual health state.

It was a weird feeling that was both reassuring and crazy at the same time.

Wen Yan tried for three hours at a stretch. Each time, he was first blessed by the violent sun. In this situation where it was extremely difficult to fully control and completely guide, he first tried his best to grind.

When the explosion ends, he will immediately feel a visible improvement in control. At this time, he will start to keep pushing forward in a state of seeking death.

After three hours, he was actually fine physically and didn't feel too tired, but he already felt tired mentally.

And the gray cloth fell to the ground, like a dirty rag, unable to move.

If it weren't for the rich yang energy that could be faintly felt on the gray cloth, and a ray of light flowing, Wen Yan would have felt that the gray cloth was squeezed to death.

Gather the gray cloth and put it in a box.

Wen Yan wandered back to sleep.

Mental fatigue is much more serious than physical fatigue.

He slept soundly, and in his sleep, he was still sleeping on his own bed.

Grandma was sitting on a small chair next to her, holding an old-fashioned crispy Sachima in her hand, making a crunching sound when she bit it.

Grandma sat here and looked at it for a long time. She had finished eating what she was holding. Wen Yan, who was lying on the bed, still didn't react.

Grandma walked forward, looked at Wen Yan's appearance, and sighed.

"Be a good kid and force yourself to do this. You are just a person and don't have to carry so many things.

There are so many people taller than you. If the sky falls, it won’t be your turn to take the top.

Forget it, sleep peacefully. "

Grandma thought of what Wen Yan once said about the life he wanted.

When I wake up in the morning and want to eat freshly baked rice rolls, I can buy them at any time.

If you want to eat grilled lamb chops or seafood in the middle of the night, you can pick up your phone and find it immediately.

Just make a phone call and someone will be delivered to your doorstep within half an hour.

It seems like a very simple requirement, but there need to be enough people to be able to support this kind of store.

If you want to eat Tan sheep from the northwest, you must have someone to raise them, and have a fast and professional slaughtering plant and complete cold chain transportation.

If you want to eat a certain kind of seafood, you need a fishing boat to go to sea and a corresponding cargo ship to quickly transport the caught seafood back to the land.

After that, it needs fast cold chain transportation to Decheng and then to the store.

After the store prepares the food, it has to be delivered to your home by a delivery rider.

Moreover, there must be enough consumers to ensure that everyone in the entire chain can make money and maintain the chain.

According to the current development trend, things that are now commonplace may become a little difficult in the future.

The most direct thing is that there are more and more strange things in the sea nowadays, and fishing in distant seas has become more and more dangerous.

Wen Yan experienced a city-wide evacuation for two days.

After that, he fell into the underworld again. For more than a month, people almost felt a little abnormal. In the end, they had to rush back from the underworld even after death.

Because Wen Yan has already experienced what it would be like to lose his current life.

That's why he wants to maintain what is now very ordinary in the eyes of others.

And this kind of ordinary thing is destined to become more and more precious in the future.

The difficulty of maintaining it will become higher and higher as time goes by.

Grandma knew very well.

Wen Yan’s ideal is anything but ordinary.

The difficulty is much more difficult than entering the legendary sixth stage of martial arts.

But when Wen Yan talked about it, he just said it was because he wanted to enjoy it, wanted convenience, and wanted his family to live a convenient and good life.

Grandma stretched out her hand and touched Wen Yan's head.

She likes Wen Yan more and more.

Because she knew that Wen Yan was telling the truth, and at the same time it was rare. Wen Yan also knew very well how difficult that seemingly simple wish was.

"Go to sleep and have a good rest."

Grandma walked out of Wen Yan's room, opened the door, and came to the small courtyard in Zhongyuan County.

She watched Chen Qimo sitting at the desk in his home room studying for a while, and then appearing in the kitchen of Wen Yan's house, frowning and making soup.

Grandma watched happily, very satisfied that Chen Qimo didn't dream about her.

Because this means that Chen Qimo has started a new life and is already working hard for a new life.

This is where light shines in.

Grandma looked at it and gradually disappeared here.

In her dream, Chen Qimo raised her head and glanced, as if she saw something, but then she continued to lower her head.

She looked at the ingredients beside her and put one thing after another. After making a pot of soup, she tasted it and was a little disappointed.

"The ingredients are obviously the same, so why does the soup I make smell like medicine and not fragrant at all?"

For a moment, she returned to her desk and continued studying.

She frowned as she smelled the medicinal smell emanating from the water glass on the table.

Then she saw Wen Yan walking in from outside and looking at her with a frown.

"You're already on fire. Drink the herbal tea."

"I don't want to drink herbal tea, I don't get angry..."

The sky was dim and bright, Chen Qimo lay on his bed, covering his face and mumbling.

"I'm not angry...I'm not angry..."

After kicking off the thin quilt, she slowly woke up and realized that it was a dream, and let out a sigh of relief.

She curled up with the quilt, wrapped herself up, rolled around twice on the bed, and then got out of bed with some reluctance. It was time to get up, wash up, have breakfast, and go to school.

In the bathroom, Chen Qimo was a little worried when he saw a small pimple on his cheek.

You're not really angry, are you?

In the past few days, her classmates have all told her that you are probably angry.

She began to feel a little repelled by the word "hot".

Because all bad things seem to be related to heat.

Not far down the street, you can see a herbal tea shop.

She had just gotten up and was still washing when she saw Butler Su already busy in the kitchen.

The housekeeper takes good care of everyone and now makes breakfast for her every day.

Because the housekeeper is reading and studying, recently he is learning about nutrition.

After washing up, Chen Qimo quietly came to Wen Yan's room, quietly opened the door a crack, and took a look inside.

When she found that Wen Yan was at home and sleeping, she breathed a sigh of relief, smiled on her face, and her mood immediately improved.

Wen Yan always disappears for two days at a time, and sometimes disappears suddenly, and the sparrows and cats don't know where they went.

She was always very worried, but now she is used to it. When she gets up every day, she takes a sneak peek and finds that Wen Yan is still there, which makes her feel particularly at ease.

Quietly walking downstairs, she stretched out her little arms, struggled to pick up the sleeping sparrow cat, and kissed the sparrow cat on the head.

The sparrow cat opened its eyes in confusion.

"Ah, want to eat?"

"Yeah, wake up and get ready for breakfast. The housekeeper has cooked. Don't waste it. Eat before going to bed."

"Ah, oh, good..."

The sparrow cat swayed twice, tilted its head, and fell asleep again leaning on the sofa.

In the kitchen, on the stove, a small flame stretched out two small flame hands, as if holding a frying pan that was cooking porridge on its head, constantly adjusting the direction of the flame to ensure even heating, while stealing some flames first.

The little zombie was in a daze and followed Chen Qimo to the bathroom. After seeing Chen Qimo, he held his head high and closed his eyes.

Chen Qi made a silent sound and kissed the little zombie on the face.

"Okay, ready to eat."

The little zombie refused to leave and pointed at the towel.

Chen Qimo had no choice but to wet a towel with water, and then handed the towel to the little zombie.

"Don't ask others to help you wash your hands and wipe your face."

The little zombie felt a little regretful. He wiped his face with a towel, opened his eyes again, and seemed to be energetic.

After wiping his face, the little zombie didn't hang the towel back up. Instead, he followed Chen Qimo's example, soaked it in water, wring it until it was half dry, and then brought the towel to Wen Yan's room.

Looking at Wen Yan who was sleeping soundly, the little zombie yelled next to him.

Seeing that Wen Yan didn't respond, she climbed onto the bed, hugged Wen Yan's arm and swayed.

After Wen Yang woke up, she took out a towel and wiped Wen Yan's face.

Wen Yan wiped his face, woke up, and picked up the little zombie.

"Hey, I learn very quickly. Okay, I'll bring you a towel. Okay, okay, do you want to wake me up for breakfast?"

The little zombie groaned and nodded violently.

Wen Yan came downstairs wearing flip-flops and holding the little zombie.

When he came down, Chen Qimo had already gone to the basement to finish lighting the incense and laying out the offerings.

After everything is done, let's start eating, lean meat porridge, meat buns, and even some green peppers in the buns.

After breakfast, everyone else was full except for Gray Bu, who never came. They went back to sleep.

Wen Yan looked at the sparrow cat who was about to go back to sleep, and picked up the sparrow cat by the scruff of his neck.

"Look at how fat you are, you should exercise quickly. If you continue, be careful.

I have read many articles before. Your weight puts great pressure on your bones, and you are prone to sudden death. "

"I'm not afraid of these, I just ate a little too much." The sparrow cat was a little unhappy, with a stinky face.

"I didn't say I won't let you eat. You have to exercise."

Wen Yan looked at the sparrow cat, and then suddenly remembered that the sparrow cat seemed to be very resilient.

"You reminded me. I was afraid of training you to a good or bad level before. Now that I think about it, with your resilience, you are not afraid of this at all."

Wen Yan came to the backyard and grabbed the sparrow cat with both hands. The muscles on his arms bulged. He turned around and threw the sparrow cat into the sky.

The sparrow cat swished, turned into an afterimage, howled, and flew out.

After flying for a certain distance, it stabilized its figure in the sky again, flapped its wings laboriously, and flew back.

"Don't you know you can't exercise strenuously just after eating?"

"Throwing you out is just a warm-up for me!"

"I said I!"

"You're also warming up!"

"I don't count. I'm too tired from flying."

"No, the situation is getting more and more complicated now. You can't fly fast anymore. Sooner or later, you will be made into a dragon and a tiger!"

"I'm not a cat, what should I be afraid of?"

"Then Dragon and Phoenix Soup!"

"I'm not a bird...ah..."

Before he finished speaking, the sparrow cat was thrown away again by Wen Yan.

This time, Wen Yan exerted more force than before. Just now, he was afraid that he would be too strong and hurt the sparrow cat.

I found that Quemao was completely unresponsive, so there was nothing to worry about.

As soon as Feng Yao's car stopped in front of Wen Yan's house, he saw a black shadow fly out of the villa area with a whoosh.

He greeted the little zombie and the housekeeper in a familiar manner, and then came to the backyard.

"What just happened? It disappeared with a whoosh."

"Finch Cat, help it lose weight. A bird weighs twenty pounds. Can you believe it?"

Feng Yao looked up and saw a sparrow cat flying slowly from a distance.

"Why are you here so early?"

"Come here to hide and be quiet."

"Huh? What are you hiding from?"

"There is no new minister in Nanwu County. I was Minister Cai's first secretary before, and I know the decisions of many ministers best.

So now everything is as usual, there is no minister, and many people are afraid of making mistakes, so they come to ask me about many things.

I'm not a minister, so I can only report things that require the minister's decision-making.

But above, I also found something wrong today.

There is a director who is ill and has been admitted to the hospital of Lieyang Department.

More specific news is gone.

And this director, whom I met just two days ago, is physically and mentally better than me.

In addition, the big secret beside the headmaster told me specifically before.

If there is anything that cannot be decided in Nanwu County, there is no need to follow the procedures to report it, just contact him directly. "

"What do you mean?" Wen Yan was too lazy to think about it. He wanted to save his energy for practicing boxing today.

"When Nanwu County was cleaning up the interior, important things that needed to be reported were reported directly to me, and I gave them to Minister Cai."

"Huh?" Wen Yan was shocked. Good guy, everyone in the headquarters started to be ruthless, and even sent a director to recuperate?

Feng Yao lowered his voice, a little worried.

"Stop it, it's just what you think."

Looking at Wen Yan's expression, Feng Yao knew what Wen Yan was thinking.

“Don’t think it’s a matter of taking things lightly, it’s just because the fluctuations have been a bit large recently.

Minister Cai has already died in the battle, and if another director is publicly removed, people will definitely be in panic.

In order to stabilize and avoid chaos, we let people go down in this relatively normal way.

Only after everything is handed over and stabilized will others know the follow-up results.

This is at least half a year or a year later.

The deed was done, it was just not said. "

"You know it all, don't you know it all?"

"That's not necessarily true. As long as it's not said, it means it's uncertain. Besides, this time, this person didn't completely prohibit other people from visiting him. Someone went there, and that person's complexion was indeed bad, and he did seem to be suffering from a serious illness."

"I understand. It's about whether you can do something or not. But if you explicitly say it, the nature will be different, right?"

"Roughly the same."

"Then why are you hiding from me?"

“With the minister gone, I discovered why there are only so many things that the Lieyang Department has to deal with.

There are so many various incidents that the manpower shortage cannot handle them.

There is also the matter of the previous martial arts performance. Due to unexpected circumstances, the follow-up decision has not yet been determined. "

When Feng Yao said this, Wen Yan finally smelled something, and he glanced sideways at Feng Yao.

“It’s because I was the first one to come out, and I destroyed the chaotic changes at the intersection there, and I got shot after I came out.

So in this martial arts performance, if I don’t say anything, no matter what the final calculation is, some people will be dissatisfied with the result, right? "

"Ahem, that's about it. Huang Zhiji from Maoshan has also come to Nanwu County. Judging from the appearance, all the people with big and small bags have gone to rent a house by themselves. They will probably live in Nanwu County permanently. So, someone asked, then There must be results.”

"Didn't you say that there are too many incidents to handle? Give them tasks, give them a score for each task, and whoever has the highest total score in the end will get the first place. Don't look at me. I told you not to participate in the previous martial arts performance. , then I won’t participate, and I won’t try to steal someone’s spot halfway.”

"I have discussed it with other people in Nanwu County and would like to ask you to take care of it. After all, many incidents are not suitable to be handled by pure force. Afterwards, you can go into the warehouse and choose an item."

"Have you finished processing the list I gave you before?"

"On that list, when I came here just now, I had found six of them and had them all under control."

"So fast?!" Wen Yan was a little shocked. The Ah Piao who came out with Tong Si were not the weaklings who would dissipate when the Yang energy hit them.

"They don't even know what a camera is."


Wen Yan was speechless for a moment. This was a bit unexpected, but it seemed to be expected.

He could imagine that a Piao could use all his skills and move flexibly to sense people from far away. If he sensed danger, he would stay away from them.

Then the operation was as fierce as a tiger, but there was a special camera on the head that captured everything.

"I have returned the certificate to you, haven't you canceled it? Don't come to me about this matter."

"I'm asking for your help alone. There is a labor fee. Of course, if you don't want money, that's fine. A new warm jade mine was recently discovered in Nanwu County. In addition to producing warm jade, there are also accompanying mines such as blood warm jade. You can We will settle the settlement for you using the mine price.”

Feng Yao didn't blink and directly made the conditions.

As for the cancellation, let's stop talking nonsense. The head of the headquarters gave Feng Yao the ID card after saying something angry about the young man, and then said that Wen Yan's authority should be raised, so that he could not find out anything.

Sorry, I'll try to be early.

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