I am your natural enemy

Chapter 243 Digging the basement and approaching science series (5k)

"Is there also a place that produces warm jade in Nanwu County?"

"Why doesn't Nanwu County have one?" Feng Yao asked back.

Seeing that Wen Yan was indeed interested in this, Feng Yao immediately added Cai Qidong's style.

“The mine discovered this time is not big, but the quality is still good, and the price of warm jade is not high.

What I like more here is actually jade, which has a higher overall price and may even be of extremely high value.

This warm jade mine is still in the exploration stage and has not yet started mining.

You can give priority to everything that can be mined in the entire mineral vein.

If you choose rough stones, the price will be lower.

If you accept the next mission, with your merits, I can talk to you later.

Directly according to the proportion, a part of the vein will be allocated to you.

There are also a lot of blood warm jade that have been explored so far.

If this mineral vein is used to support an industry, it is far from enough.

But if you use it yourself, you won’t be able to use it all to build a house. "

Wen Yan is really thinking about how to do more high-quality warm jade.

The high-end goods in his hand are reserved for emergencies.

When I usually practice boxing, I always use low-quality warm jade that is sold by the pound.

Nowadays, some of these low-quality warm jade are not enough.

A piece of standard-sized warm jade is not enough for him to gather enough energy for a violent day.

If he wanted to advance quickly in his current practice, he would have to use the violent sun on a regular basis, which was already very costly.

The thing that restricted him from continuing now was not that he couldn't hold on any longer, but that Huibu was clearly unable to withstand Wen Yan's high-intensity explosions for several hours every day.

Without the help of the gray cloth to block all the explosive power, it's not that he can't play this way, but the efficiency will plummet by half.

"I still have to practice boxing, so I don't have that much time."

“I have a document in my hand approving the Rakshasa Ghost Market to open an entrance in Decheng.

It won't have any impact if you enter the Rakshasa Ghost Market. You can use the Rakshasa Ghost Market every day to go home and sleep.

The working hours per day are counted as six hours, and any excess hours are counted as overtime.

Any time other than 9 to 5 will be counted as overtime. During the period of assignment, the basic labor fee will be calculated on an hourly basis.

If you need to take action to solve the incident, additional settlements will be made based on difficulty and various ratings. "

Having said this, Feng Yao took out two more pages of documents from his bag.

"Last time you said that your basement is a bit inadequate.

I sent someone to check the information here. The geological structure under this villa area is very stable.

Logically speaking, it is the most cost-effective to use it to build high-rise buildings.

It's just that when Wu Tingsheng bought this land, it was still a wilderness.

At that time, it was used to build buildings just for food.

If you dig out two more basements below, it won't be a big problem, and it won't affect the surrounding areas.

Consider that behind your house, there is a major intersection.

Digging two floors below your house to the north has positive implications from the perspective of better monitoring of major intersections.

Therefore, this matter can be specially approved.

But the construction team cannot be done by you, it must be done by us. "

"Huh?" Wen Yan looked at the document and was a little surprised. How long had Feng Yao been preparing for it?

Then, Feng Yao took out another document with a person's information on it.

“This is a newly discovered professional from the Lieyang Department, and his profession is a builder.

We can undertake the kind of renovation you need without affecting your current residence.

Very convenient and very private. "

Wen Yan looked at the information and found that there was an arrest record on it.

"How did this guy get caught?"

"Illegal mining, occupation of cultivated land, deforestation, illegal construction, illegal construction of small hydropower stations, etc..."

"speak English."

"He dug out an eight-story building in the heart of a mountain."

"Well, you didn't notice it before, how did you find it later?"

“It’s not that we discovered it, it’s that there was a period of time before he privately built a small hydropower station in the underground river, and his electricity consumption was a bit unusually high.

Although he is quite clever, the electricity is pulled directly from the bus in that small village, and the monthly electricity bill is paid to the people in the village at the rate of 1.51 yuan.

But his electricity consumption has caused the entire village's electricity consumption to be twice as high as the same period in previous years during the season that is not the peak period of electricity consumption.

The power company happened to be cooperating in the crackdown on mining, so they tracked him down.

Later, I was transferred to the Lieyang Department..."

Wen Yan looked at the information and saw that he was wearing glasses. He looked polite, like a civil engineering college student who had just graduated and was about to go to the construction site.

"What a talent."

It has been built for eight floors and has not been discovered by anyone. This concealment is really quite high.

After looking at the information at the back, there are photos and evaluations of the interior of the building. Although the decoration is average, its strength can definitely be regarded as a doomsday fortress.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?"

"Just as you said, let those who participated in the martial arts exercises before start the official actual combat directly.

After all, not all incidents will be very troublesome and dangerous.

If there's something that can't be dealt with, just take a look at it and prevent it from causing a big mess. "

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

"I'll drag you into a group."

Feng Yao immediately took out his mobile phone and pulled Wen Yan into a group.

There were more than a hundred people in the group, including a few familiar faces.

After Wen Yan came in, he handed out a red envelope, said hello, and turned off his phone.

Feng Yao was satisfied.

"Don't worry, people will arrive within three days. Before that, I will send you some design drawings. You can decide what you like first."

Before leaving, Feng Yao asked casually.

"There is a person named Li Linlin who just came back from Europa. Do you know her?"

"We know each other, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. There is something wrong with this person. On the surface, it may be related to the church, but it is not sure which force it is related to. If her mother had not kept a high level of confidentiality and had meritorious deeds, she would have been arrested now. Yes, but if you know him, it’ll be fine.”

Feng Yao didn't care too much. He also felt that with Wen Yan's character, he would definitely not allow a guy with the label of undercover to cause trouble in Decheng.

That is, Li Linlin is now staying in Decheng and is still alive and well. It is said that Wen Yan asked her to stay here honestly, so Feng Yao quietly suppressed the matter.

Otherwise, she would have been hit hard.

Because when Feng Yao was checking information, he found that Li Linlin's ability seemed to be related to space, and he couldn't help but think of the day when Minister Cai died in the battle.

But then I checked it quietly and felt that it was unlikely.

All abilities related to space are not something you can use casually. Instead, they require strong spatial imagination, sufficient understanding, sufficient knowledge, and sufficient mental arithmetic ability to increase the upper limit.

Otherwise, it's just like that, not very powerful.

There is a big boss in the Lieyang Department who has this kind of space-related ability in the popular sense, but he is called a big boss, not because of his professional ability, but because he is the leader of a major national scientific research project, and he is not a leader. Purely theoretical route.

Many things in the Lieyang Department are by-products of people doing projects.

A professional with space-related abilities was discovered before, but that guy had persecution paranoia and was afraid of being sliced, so he teleported away.

Then there was no more, that guy was alive and dead and his body was not seen.

At the place where he disappeared, the boss of the Lieyang Department used various equipment to observe and finally calculated for several days. He regretfully said that there was a very small chance that the guy would come back.

I didn’t say 100%, just because I’m used to being rigorous.

Having learned from the past and having serious bosses around, Feng Yao really didn't pay much attention to this Li Linlin.

According to the record, this Li Linlin once wanted to work hard, but it was obvious that there were some things where hard work was meaningless.

The dazzling zero score made Li Linlin decisively accept her fate and say goodbye to things like physics and mathematics.

You can even find Li Linlin's defense-breaking record in the school forum.

“Why isn’t there a single multiple-choice question!!!”

For a person who has already reached his upper limit, and whose abilities may decline with age, playing support is the limit.

This is also the reason why Europa is willing to let Li Linlin come back as an undercover agent.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Europa to release a professional with scientific research talents corresponding to space-related professional abilities back to China.

Feng Yao didn't continue to ask Wen Yan anything else. He just needed to make sure that Wen Yan knew this person and this matter.

He used Wen Yan as an excuse to press this information, and there was another more important reason.

Based on the information he had obtained during the days following Cai Qidong and his understanding of Cai Qidong, he had some doubts that this Li Linlin was arranged by Minister Cai...

We can't dwell on the rest. No matter what the facts are, Feng Yao doesn't want such rumors and suspicions to be known to others at this time.

But now, he has asked Wen Yan personally, so he has done everything he should do, and no matter what happens afterwards, he cannot find fault with him.

After all, the head of the headquarters just gave me Wen Yan's ID. I'm here to appease people. You want me to question Wen Yan about other things in person at this time?

Are you crazy or am I crazy?

Feng Yao left with satisfaction, turned around and began to make arrangements, and sent the permission document signed by the head of the headquarters to Prince Zhu, following the normal procedures.

Then after returning, prepare tasks for the professionals in Xinzhao'an.

Then arrange for someone to provide the design drawings overnight. After all, there is no need to consider the budget or construction, so it will be much easier to produce the drawings.

Wen Yan looked at his phone, opened the group and took a look at the various emoticons of "Thank you boss", "Welcome boss" and "Group status -1".

Wen Yan suddenly felt more used to it.

No one recognized him because no one recognized his screen name.

After sending the emoticon, someone asked him who he was. Seeing that he didn't reply, he ignored it and just assumed it was an older person.

The person who was speaking was called Zhang Li, and Wen Yan had some impression that he was a young man he had seen before when he was performing martial arts. He was probably about twenty years old and was in college.

Zhang Li: "I now understand why the Lieyang Department sets up an event priority."

Huang Zhiji: "What?"

Chen Shuxian: "You are not from Nanwu County. Did you just learn this Yuzhou dialect?"

Zhang Li: "I sneaked into the university and checked for two days. I finally found out that there is no female A Piao in white clothes and long hair."

Huang Zhiji: "Just get used to it. Many incidents are like this. If you check it, you will become closer to science."

Chen Shuxian: "What did you find? Did you find the boxer briefs thief? I said A Piao wouldn't be so perverted as to steal men's underwear."

Zhang Li: "I found it. A girl stole it. Because she had insomnia at night, she was prone to nightmares when she fell asleep, and she was not in good spirits."

"Then she went to see a doctor, but she was afraid that she would become dependent on those sleeping pills, so she didn't dare to take them."

"She didn't know where she heard it. She heard that old underwear worn by boys and placed under the pillow would be very effective."

"She just stole it once, and it seemed to have some effect."

"Then, she was afraid of being caught, so she went to steal underwear that was hanging out in the middle of the night."

"In the end, when someone saw me, no one thought about girls stealing underwear, so they just thought they met Ah Piao."

"I don't know how to spread rumors and spread rumors that there is a female Ah Piao in the school."

"Then he said it was a certain senior from more than ten years ago. She said she had a nose and eyes. I actually went to look through the student status information for a whole day."

"I didn't expect the result to be like this..."

Huang Zhiji: "..."

Chen Shuxian: "..."

Wen Yan was speechless when he saw what Zhang Li was complaining about, and then he also typed a series of ellipses.

This is the right place: "..."

He knew before that the things that needed to be dealt with at the grassroots level of the Lieyang Department were not very difficult and could be easily solved with a real evil-exorcism charm.

But he really didn't expect that among these things, there would be a series on approaching science.

Wen Yan now fully agrees with that sentence, why should we set a priority?

Without this priority evaluation system, it would be absolutely impossible for the entire Sun Division, including all 007, to handle everything.

No, maybe even if you are exhausted, you can only handle a third of it, or even less.

Huang Zhiji: "How to deal with this situation?"

Zhang Li: "What else can I do? I'll give it a verbal education. Then I didn't find anything abnormal. I heard that there is a Montessori insomnia treatment clinic in Yuzhou. It seems to be very good. So I recommended that girl to go there and let her treat it." She wasn’t too happy to give the underwear back.”

Wen Yan looked at the group files, which were filled with events to be processed.

After looking at hundreds of them, he found that most of them were actually clear at a glance and very simple.

Just like the corpse scammer, if you take a walk in the luxurious furnace, not to mention that all of them can be solved, at least 99.99% of the cases can be solved.

There are many others who only look at the description, but in fact they cannot determine the specific situation.

People with high spiritual awareness may notice the presence of A-Piao. Most of the A-Piao are actually harmless.

Wen Yan just looked at it and knew that the grassroots members of the Lieyang Department were really hard-working. If they didn't do it well, dangerous situations would arise, and they deserved better treatment.

He turned off his cell phone, and there were no cases marked that needed help for the time being. He didn't need to worry about anything for the time being.

He returned to the room and opened the box. The gray cloth he had randomly put in had been folded by himself.

Seeing Wen Yan, Huibu didn't react at all and continued to lie inside and pretend to be dead.

Wen Yan stretched out his hand and touched it. The coarse cloth that originally had at most a dozen pieces now felt like it had thirty pieces.

The hand feels much smoother, some of the fluffy fine hairs that could still be seen on the surface are now reduced, and the quality of the thread itself has improved a lot.

What originally looked like shabby rags has become much neater and cleaner.

"This is the first time I've seen it. There are strange things that can fill you up, so you should eat less.

There will be many opportunities in the future, and we must have some awareness of sustainable development.

Think about it, if you eat enough once, you won’t have anything to eat the next day.

If you eat less a day, you will eat more every day, and you will end up eating more in total. "

The gray cloth lay neatly in the box, showing no reaction. Wen Yan patted the gray cloth.

"Let's continue today.

I feel that you have made obvious progress and are not far away from high-count cotton!

If you don't risk your life and work hard, how can you advance?

Come on, let me see your limits! "

After Wen Yan said a few words of encouragement, the gray cloth slowly wrapped around Wen Yan's arm and climbed up onto Wen Yan's body.

Wen Yan immediately continued to praise a few more words, and gave Gray Bu a shot of chicken blood.

Before going to the backyard, I went to eat a snack with my grandma, and then started today's practice.

At the same time, at the gate of Yuzhou University, a girl with serious dark circles under her eyes and not very energetic took the subway and arrived at a village in the city.

She checked the location on her phone, and then looked at the clinic in front of her. It was obviously a self-built house.

She raised her head and hesitated a little. The big words "Montessori Insomnia Treatment Clinic" also seemed a bit unreliable.

However, after all the trouble, she decided to give it a try.

After all, this was recommended to her by the guy from some department before, so at least he wasn't a liar.

The girl with dark circles entered, and the girl at the front desk stood up immediately when she saw her.

"Hello, welcome. Do you have an appointment?"

"No, no, I was just recommended here today. Do I need to make an appointment to come?"

The girl at the front desk looked at the record and immediately smiled.

"Dr. Meng will be free in the next two hours, please register first."

After the registration was completed, the girl at the front desk went upstairs with dark circles under her eyes and entered one of the rooms.

It was clean and bright inside, with only one hospital bed. The girl at the front desk guided Dark Circle to lie down, and then closed the blackout curtains.

"You can lie down first. Doctor Meng will be here soon."

"Don't you need to ask about the symptoms first?"

"Our main focus here is recuperation. Naturally, we want you to have a good sleep first without taking medicine. You can close your eyes and rest for a while."

After closing the door, the place became dark and quiet, but strangely, the dark circles under her eyes did not make her feel scared. Instead, she felt a warm sense of security.

It was like curling up next to a campfire on a rainy night, warming herself up, listening to the soft crackling sound of firewood, everything outside was blocked out, which made her sleep very peacefully.

In just two minutes, the dark circles under his eyes fell into a deep sleep.

The girl at the front desk came all the way to the room upstairs.

A man wearing glasses was lying next to the toilet, vomiting crazily.

"Doctor Meng, are you okay?" The girl at the front desk was startled and quickly received a glass of water.

"It's okay. Don't take the previous customer anymore. Ask her if she has recovered or push her to a big hospital. Our small clinic can't take her."

The man rinsed his mouth, but his expression still showed a queasy feeling.

"Doctor Meng, is there something wrong with that guest's dream?"

"What a big problem! Have you ever seen Houttuynia cordata mixed with lard! Ugh..."

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