I am your natural enemy

Chapter 257 The Embalmer, Grandma Fox’s Instructions (6k)

Feng Yao held the phone, his facial features wrinkled together. He began to understand why when Minister Cai was still there, every time Wen Yan answered the phone, his expression looked like he had constipation and hemorrhoids.

He felt it now.

He just heard a magic word keyword, and casually asked if he was very vicious when he was alive.

Wen Yan choked him angrily for a long time.

And when he choked him, the matter was explained clearly.

Now it's not Wen Yan who wants to do something, but what the evil star wants to do now.

That Wen Yan couldn't stop him was actually quite normal.

Moreover, Feng Yao also felt that when the evil star really wanted to do something, Wen Yan would probably not stop him.

Wen Yan wasn't just being weird, he also made things clear to Feng Yao.

I also talked about the things I just found out.

Feng Yao frowned when he heard this, something big was going to happen.

"To be honest, these words really don't count as evidence. After all, if there are living people who need to be convicted, evidence is still needed."

"You're right. I don't like dealing with living people. It's very troublesome."


"Ah, what? Don't worry, I will persuade you."

Wen Yan watched the corpse begin to tremble, and wisps of black energy began to emerge from the surface. He added some yang energy to Blessing and hung up the phone.

Those who should be notified were also notified. It was said in advance and not made up for afterward. The rest was taken care of.

Wen Yan looked at Pei Tugou beside him. Pei Tugou had a strange look on his face. He usually looked honest and courteous, but now there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of evil energy began to appear on Pei Tugou. He slowly raised his head, revealing two rows of big white teeth, and took a deep breath.

"Huh... feel good."

"Dog brother?"

"Let's go, are we ready to do things? Let me go and see who is using me to do such unwelcome things."

Wen Yan blinked, and a big red exclamation mark suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Honest Man (Complete Body)"

"Anyone who has a daughter, when they know that a little girl has been killed, and there may be more little girls killed, the anger is completely uncontrollable.

When Candide also becomes angry, the separation dissolves and a fully formed Candide appears with a real physical body. "

"Please remember this sentence: Brother, after the killing, you will not be able to find the person behind it."

"Temporary ability: Jade Toad Ice Heart Curse."

Wen Yan didn't pay much attention to this kind of reminder. Every time the old man changed something, he would give him a reminder.

But I didn't expect that this time, a corresponding temporary ability would appear.

He immediately equipped this temporary ability.

"The Jade Toad Bingxin Curse.

With targeted cooperation, people who have lost their minds can regain their sanity.

On nights with a bright moon, the effect will be increased by 50%, and with a full moon, the effect will be increased by 100%.

Combined with certain magical items, the effect will be multiplied. "

Wen Yan looked back at the sentence prompted above, and now he understood.

Pei Tugou was a little angry. He was not surprised, because the dozen suspected cases he had found so far were all between the ages of seventeen or eighteen to twenty-one years old.

Pei Tugou's daughter is about to enter high school.

There is a person in Wen Yan's family who is about to take the college entrance examination.

It was impossible to stand idly by when something like this happened, which was why he had never thought about getting rid of the little girl in front of him as soon as possible and continuously blessing her with Yang Qi.

If this little girl turns into a demon and wakes up, she is irrational and just a demon, then he will definitely control her.

As long as someone is controllable and will not lose their mind and harm innocent people, Wen Yan has no intention of stopping them from seeking revenge.

Wen Yan kept blessing the yang energy, and the trembling body in the coffin began to tremble more and more.

Suddenly, the corpse stopped shaking, and the overflowing resentment, yin energy, and wisps of black energy visible to the naked eye were rolled back.

The corpse with a pale complexion lay quietly in the coffin. One of her hands reached out and grabbed Wen Yan instantly.

Then he was grabbed by Pei Tugou next to him and pushed him back with one hand.

"If you are irrational, then I can't help you."

As Wen Yan finished speaking, the temporary ability Wen Yan had just put on, the Jade Toad Ice Heart Curse, was activated.

Along with the warm yang energy, it fell onto the head of the demon corpse. The yang energy that Wen Yan had blessed before turned into running water and flowed through his body.

The fierce expression and boiling resentment of the demon corpse, accompanied by Wen Yan's words, were slowly channeled by Yang Qi and calmed down.

The demon corpse opened its eyes, revealing empty eye sockets, and its voice was hoarse.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I'm an employee of the funeral home, and this is the driver of the hearse."

Then Wen Yan pointed at Feng Wei and Tong Si.

"This one is the trailblazer and can take shortcuts. This one has better eyesight and can help identify things."

After Wen Yan's introduction, Demon Corpse was silent for a long time, which she couldn't understand.

Before she died, she was just a fragile college student who didn't know much information about other people.

"To make a long story short, all you need to do is tell us how you died."

The demon corpse was pressed into the coffin. Wen Yan glanced at Pei Butugou, and Pei Butugou let go of his hand.

The demon corpse lay in the coffin and pondered for a while.

"I...actually don't know exactly how I died. I just remember that I heard someone had no intention of giving away my cornea."

"only this?"


Wen Yan was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he thought it was quite reasonable.

I am afraid that only this can stimulate the demon corpse to the point of turning into a demon.

"What do you remember? Do you remember where you are going?"

"Remember, I remember that I turned into Ah Piao before, and met a doctor. He comforted me and helped me a lot..."

As soon as the demon corpse's words came out, Wen Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

There is no way you can become Ah Piao. You have no chance of becoming Ah Piao.

"Let's go, then you can show us the way first and take us there."

At this time, Pei Tugou's phone rang. The tire replacement service he had just called for was about to arrive, and he was asking for the specific location.

Wen Yan waved his hand and pulled Feng Wei and Tong Si into the back row of the hearse. He closed the door so that no one could see inside.

Pei Tugou was outside asking the tire changer to change the tire.

"Your tires are all blown out on the sides. There is no way to repair them. They need to be replaced."

"Change it, hurry up, there are still customers in the car."

As soon as these words came out, the person who came to change the tires took a closer look at the hearse, immediately stopped talking, and quickly changed the two tires.

For some reason, they always felt that the hearse was gloomy and extremely cold. Even the driver gave them a chilling feeling on their backs.

After the tire was changed, Pei Tugou said that the government would pay him later. He didn't pay on the spot, so no one who changed the tire dared to say anything.

After the vehicle drove away, the person changing the tire saw that a little ice crystal had condensed on the ground.

Luoyue County, Baicheng Hospital.

The doctor in a white coat walked to the third underground floor.

This is the closest place to the morgue.

Entering a hall, he glanced at the stainless steel countertop, which was empty. He looked calmly at the cabinet on the other side.

"Come out."

From the cabinet, a woman wearing a hospital gown came out, with uneasiness in her eyes.

"Doctor Liu..."

"I told you that you are dead and have become Piao. Do you believe it now?"

The woman was a little unwilling, hugging her knees and huddled in the corner.

She wanted to reach out and pick up the stethoscope that fell on the ground, but she missed it.

"Just get used to it. You just became Piao and you won't be able to pick up anything.

What you can touch is iron. If you want to go out of the door here, you can actually go through it directly.

Most people can't see you anyway, but I advise you not to go out.

If you are seen by someone from the Sun, or if you are exposed to the sun, you will definitely dissipate. "

"Dr. Liu, how did I die?"

"You didn't step off the operating table."

"But... I don't remember having the surgery."

"It's normal if you don't remember. You died under anesthesia. After anesthesia, you didn't fall asleep, but lost consciousness. If you die in this case, you will become A Piao and you will not remember how you died. "

The woman looked at the hospital gown she was wearing and the paper bracelet on her wrist. The bracelet had her name, department and bed number on it.

"Be more open-minded and ascend to heaven as soon as possible. If you stay and dissipate, your soul will really be gone. Do you have anything else to say to your family? I can help you bring it."

The woman sat on the ground for a long time and shook her head blankly.

"Then go with peace of mind."

The woman was led by the doctor and lay down on the stainless steel table. The doctor took out some makeup tools and put makeup on the woman.

"Dr. Liu, this is..."

"This is my baby. I'll put some makeup on you so you can walk beautifully."

As Dr. Liu applied makeup, the woman's pale complexion with a hint of cyan gradually became rosy. But against this rosy background, the dead blue-white color became darker. stand up.

Dr. Liu was calm and put on makeup quietly, then picked up a mirror and let the other party take a look.

"Dr. Liu, I didn't see anything. I can't see myself in the mirror..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I got the wrong mirror. This is the one that allows you to see yourself."

Dr. Liu held up a mirror for the other party to look at. The other party touched his cheek, looking increasingly dazed.

"How's it going? Is my craft okay?"

The face in the mirror looked like a dead person, which had been made to look like a living person by makeup.

The woman lay quietly on the table, sighed, and completely resigned to her fate.

At Baicheng Hospital, the hearse entered the hospital very easily. No one even came out of the guard room, and without asking any questions, the hearse just opened the gate.

Pei Tugou drove the car and parked it in the underground parking lot.

"I've said it before, you think driving a hearse is eye-catching, but actually driving a hearse is very convenient, especially when entering and leaving a place like the hospital. No one will ask questions at all."

Parked in the underground parking lot, Pei Tugou glanced around a few times. The aura on his body had begun to affect everything around him indiscriminately. Those cameras, including the driving recorder, could not capture the situation here.

The back door opened, and Wen Yan walked out with the two Ah Piao and the demon corpse, and walked downstairs along the stairs.

"I...I remembered something. It seems that I...died here."

The further down you go, the more ferocious the demon corpse's expression becomes.

As she walked, she suddenly stretched out her hand and touched the top of her head.

"I remembered, this is where I died, being crucified."

Wen Yan stretched out a hand and pressed the demon corpse's shoulder.

"Think slowly and think more."

He winked at Feng Wei and Tong Si, and these two Ah Piao took the lead and walked in front.

The two Ah Piao sneaked in quietly, and Tong Si's double eyes had also appeared. He looked in one direction, quietly walked over, and took a look inside the window, and saw a woman lying on the table, and on the other side, a The doctor in a white coat opened a box and took out a black wooden cone.

Seeing this scene, Tong Si and Feng Wei immediately turned around and made a gesture to Wen Yan, holding something and inserting it into their heads.

There was no time to explain, the two Ah Piao's bodies seemed to become transparent, and they immediately entered through the wall.

But the doctor, as if he didn't see the two Ah Piao at all, stabbed the wooden cone directly into the woman's head.

The woman felt nothing, and the wooden cone seemed not to exist.

Doctor Liu didn't see it, but the woman saw the two Ah Piao, screamed, and immediately sat up.

The wooden cone inserted into her head just fell down.

At this time, the door was opened and Wen Yan appeared with someone.

When you see the wooden cone, there is actually no need to explain anything.

Prompts also appeared in front of Wen Yan's eyes.

"The undertaker."

“The embalmer should have allowed the deceased to maintain his final dignity, as if he were still alive, and to pass away peacefully.

But it took a different path.

He can make the living look like the dead. "

"He took the wrong path and let him indulge in the false power of controlling life and death, and he can no longer extricate himself."

"Temporary ability: none."

Before Wen Yan could do anything, a bloody rope was already wrapped around the other person's neck and he was hung up in the air.

The demon corpse following him stared at Dr. Liu with empty eyes, thinking of more things.

"Where were my eyes sent?"

Dr. Liu was hung in the air, his face turning the color of pig liver as he struggled wildly.

Wen Yan ignored him and looked at the panicked female Ah Piao who was hiding aside.

"She's not dead yet. She's actually alive. I just don't know why, but she seems to have passed away." Tong Si immediately reminded her.

"Huh?" Wen Yan looked carefully. He really didn't see it just now.

Now that I took a closer look, I realized that this female Ah Piao actually had no Yin energy or ghost energy, but she didn't look like an ordinary ghost.

This must be the ability of this embalmer.

It was supposed to make a dead person look like a living person sleeping.

But what he was asked to use was to make living people look like dead people.

After it was revealed that she was actually not dead, the figure of this female Ah Piao began to gradually solidify. She took a few steps back in horror, then rolled her eyelids and fainted with a sound.

Wen Yan stepped forward and grabbed the other person's wrist. He didn't feel his heartbeat, but after a few seconds, a gradually stronger heartbeat appeared, and the feeling of being dead gradually dissipated.

Looking at it now, it looks like a living person who has been painted with death makeup.

Wen Yan stood up, picked up the wooden awl on the table, and looked at it carefully. There were some weird runes and patterns engraved on it, which looked evil.

The doctor who was hoisted into the air had bloodshot eyes beginning to appear, and his expression became more ferocious. He was about to be hanged.

"You just use this ability to put the soul-suppressing nails directly into people's heads, right?

So, no one noticed this at all, right?

If your professional ability is further advanced, you can even wake up the dead and restore them to a living person for a period of time.

What kind of incredible professional ability does it allow you to use it like this to harm others?

Where have her eyes gone? "

Seeing that Pei Tugou had no intention of letting him go, Wen Yan muttered something.

"Brother Dog, if you kill him, you won't be able to find the people behind you."

With a gentle word, Pei Tugou calmed down a lot in an instant. He sneered and let go of the blood rope in his hand.

Dr. Liu, who was hung up, suddenly fell to the ground. He had already begun to lose control and was about to die completely.

Wen Yan walked to the other party and said.

"I can't persuade my big brother twice, you'd better be honest.

Where have her eyes gone, and the past two years..."

Wen Yan read a dozen names in succession.

“Where did some of the organs they donated go?

You only have one chance to answer. If you answer well, you will have a chance to go to Lieyang Department.

If you don't answer well, then you won't have a chance to go to the Lieyang Department to quibble.

Don't worry, if this big brother kills you, the Lieyang Department will only give him two more street lights. "

After hearing these words, Dr. Liu, who was slumped on the ground and leaning against the cabinet, felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

A word suddenly appeared in his mind, the forbidden area of ​​​​Decheng.

The famous forbidden area of ​​​​Decheng, a ghostly place that can make the Lieyang tribe take a step back.

When he chooses targets, he now doesn't choose anyone related to Decheng.

Thinking about how he had almost been hanged just now, he now truly believed that the other party dared to hang him here.

"Someone discovered what I was doing and did not expose me. They also gave me an idea to buy their organs in the name of organ donation. They said that I don't have to worry about anything and just do my thing."


"A monster, a weasel monster. Every time he comes to pick up the goods, it's him."

"Is that goods? That's a real person!"

Wen Yan couldn't help it. Just as he expected, he guessed that there must be aliens involved.

Because, just for people to do these things, it may not be so troublesome.

Only outliers, afraid of being punched mercilessly, would go around in such a big circle.

The Lieyang Department has always been like this. Cases that have nothing to do with aliens or professionals cannot be sent to the Lieyang Department.

But as long as someone of a different kind commits a crime and is caught, there will definitely be no good fruits to be gained.

The next moment, the bloody rope was wrapped around the man's neck again, hanging him in mid-air.

Pei Tugou held the blood rope in one hand, as if he were holding a human-shaped hydrogen balloon. He bared his teeth and smiled in a ferocious manner.

"Don't worry, no one will see him. I also think you are right. Killing him directly is too cheap."

As he said that, he saw another empty blood rope extending out of Pei Tugou's palm, as if he was waiting for the next target.

Wen Yan looked at the demon corpse.

"Did you remember anything else?"

The demon corpse's empty eyes looked at Wen Yan and then at Pei Tugou. She felt that it was really not her turn to do anything.

"I seem to remember who took away my eyes."

"Can you lead the way?"


"Then lead the way."

Walking to the underground parking lot, a human-shaped hydrogen balloon floated behind the car, and was carried away by the hearse and left the hospital.

Wen Yan gave Feng Yao a call.

"I have found a professional who does evil. Don't worry, Brother Dog is not a murderous guy. He has never killed anyone."

Wen Yan looked back at Dr. Liu, who was floating behind the car, still struggling with his neck held by a bloody rope.

"Don't worry, he's definitely alive. Brother Dog still needs a living mouth to lead the way.

I suddenly discovered something. Are you, the Lieyang Department, too focused on inhuman things?

I feel that this person's evil deeds are more serious than those of other people, and they are also more secretive.

There are demons involved in this, but I guess it must be more than just demons.

They already have a mature chain, and the first link in the chain is still people.

They already know how to prevent the case from ever getting into the hands of the Sun Division. "

On the other end of the phone, Feng Yao didn't even ask about the specific situation, he just said.

"Need support?"

"Have you finished handling the matters within the Lieyang Department?"

"Not yet, it's not that fast, but it's still possible to mobilize some manpower and put aside less important things first."

"Forget it, those grassroots, don't let them die."

When Wen Yan said this, he saw that the street scene here looked a little familiar.

Not far ahead, he saw the local barbecue restaurant he saw on the live broadcast that day, the grilled pig's eye barbecue on the street.

The vehicle was guided by the demon corpse and when it started to turn into the alley, Wen Yan waved.

"Stop for a moment."

He turned to look at the demon corpse.

"Do you feel right? This is it?"

“It feels like if we go further, we haven’t arrived yet.”


Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, grandma, it's me, Wen Yan.

Oh, I'm fine.

Ha, you guessed it right.

I have something to ask you, and it should be related to demons.

Do you know what kind of monsters live here in the Hundred Cities? "

Thousands of miles away, Grandma Fox was holding her mobile phone with a surprised expression.

“I seem to have heard that there is some kind of resurrected great demon over there.

But I don’t know the specifics. Those resurrected demons have nothing to do with us.

It's like the old nobles look down on us mud-legged people.

I heard that there was a great demon named Tao who opened a mansion there.

Who it is specifically, I don't know very well.

What's wrong? What's going on? "

"It's okay. I'm an old man. I passed by here and found something. I want to be a guest. I'm just asking for help first. It's nothing. Grandma, don't worry about it."

Grandma Fox thought for a moment, her eyes condensed, and she said in a deep voice.

"If you kill the tiger, you will definitely leave trouble. If there is a monster that crosses the line, you must kill it in one go. You don't have to worry about what happens after killing it. It's not like grandma has done nothing these years."

"Uh..." Wen Yan was a little embarrassed. He didn't say anything. How could Grandma Fox know what he was going to do?

"Okay, let me be honest. There is a demon who has crossed the line and is colluding with others. I have a brother who is angry and I can't stop him."

"Be careful, there is a resurrected great demon there, but all great demons that used to be are quite difficult to deal with."

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