I am your natural enemy

Chapter 258 Undifferentiated full coverage, divided into five equal parts (5k)

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan felt relieved.

He was also afraid that there would be some misunderstanding, and before things were clear by then, Brother Dog would go on a killing spree, and he wouldn't be able to stop him.

Grandma Fox has always been very gentle. Even when she broke her grandson's legs, she still spoke very gently.

This time he could say that if a fight started, he would be killed in one go, which meant that the big monster here was probably not a gentle monster.

Wen Yan is not surprised if a monster commits trouble.

Just like Tong Si, A Piao, who has suffered there for hundreds of years, is equivalent to stepping directly from primitive society into modern society. He has a shelter from wind and rain, running water in the room, and a water heater. He feels that His greatest pursuit is nothing more than this.

They will feel that if people nowadays see that Ah Piao does not kill at will, that Ah Piao can still work, make money, and live comfortably, they will not want to destroy it all and will cherish it.

If the same rice feeds all kinds of people, there will definitely be some outliers who will take advantage of modern conveniences to fill their own abyss of desire that can never be filled.

Maybe modern conveniences will increase the inner desires of some heterogeneous people.

Especially people like Tiger, who although they have lived a long time, have had gaps in their experiences, have no idea what awe is, and their ideas are incompatible with this era.

Wen Yan has already encountered several such guys. As their spiritual energy recovers and their consciousness awakens from a distant era, they will always be uncomfortable.

At first, Wen Yan felt that King Guilong was the same, but King Guilong was a mother-in-law after all, and had a tutor, so he wouldn't go too far. After receiving a severe beating later, he became completely honest.

But the feeling of being out of tune with the times is still there.

Compared with Gui Longwang, some of them are chaotic and evil, have no fear and do whatever they want.

There are also some things that have not been discovered so far, which are using some modern rules to hide within this system to do things that cross the line.

This kind of guy is even harder to find.

The people they push to the front desk are all living people, and they may not even be professionals, they may be ordinary people who can be seen everywhere.

These people are dead ends.

They belong to the normal police system. Under normal circumstances, the Lieyang Department cannot interfere without an invitation from the uncle.

Various rights and obligations are clearly differentiated.

Only when encountering the first priority event, the Lieyang Department will have absolute priority in this matter, and can even mobilize thousands of flowers and trees to set off fireworks, mobilize a city's manpower and material resources, and light up the entire city. Everyone is transferred.

From the beginning of the creation of the Lieyang Department, these things have been decided.

It is simply impossible to handle everything with the limited manpower of the Lieyang Department. Wen Yan, a member of the Nanwu chat group, receives almost all cases from the normal police system. Turned around.

"Brother Dog, be careful. There may be a resurrected big demon inside. Even with the current situation, it is definitely not restored to its peak. It should be quite troublesome. You can't have an accident. If something happens, you will tutor your daughter every day from now on. I’m the one doing the homework.”

"I understand." Pei Tugou nodded heavily.

As these words fell, Pei Tugou's evil aura became stronger and stronger, and his murderous intent became stronger and stronger.

Wen Yan felt a little uncomfortable standing next to him, so he distanced himself slightly.

The hearse stopped next to it, and several people got out of the car. Tong Si followed Wen Yan. She didn't even dare to look at Pei Tugou with her eyes, and kept looking ahead.

“There should be a…well, field in front.

There is a separate space, the atmosphere there is quite mixed, and there is an extremely fierce atmosphere. "

At this time, Feng Wei also moved to Wen Yan's right side, letting Wen Yan block Pei Tugou.

The little demon corpse girl, who was said to be very vicious and full of resentment, also hid on Wen Yan's right side with some fear.

The little girl, Demon Corpse, couldn't hold back the resentment and resentment in her heart, so she just led the way honestly.

She could finally see that the scary uncle before was really trying to restrain himself, and he was now much scarier than before.

With that evil aura and murderous intent, how many people must be killed?

After being forced to calm down by Wen Yan and awakening his sanity, and being frightened by Pei Tugou, he really had no other ideas now.

She knew very well that she might not be able to accomplish anything, and the same could not be said for this uncle.

Wen Yan took out some snacks from his bag, stuffed a piece into his mouth, and then gave a piece to each of the others.

"After eating, don't waste any scraps."

Pei Tugou didn't ask, just swallowed it in one gulp, chewing it in big mouthfuls, and looked more ferocious than others when he ate everything.

Feng Wei, Tong Si, and Mo Zhi looked at each other in confusion. They were either Ah Piao or Mo Zhi. They shouldn't be able to eat directly, right?

"Eat it, don't worry, you can eat it."

Seeing that all three of them had eaten, Wen Yan felt relieved.

Okay, the buffs before starting the group are all added, and the rest is just a matter of mixing.

Everyone walked forward, with the demon corpse leading the way, and Tong Si came to take a peek. They walked along the alley. After a few minutes, Wen Yan noticed a feeling of entering the realm.

Immediately afterwards, he saw traces of evil spirit seeping out of the air behind him, and Pei Tugou took the lead and forced his way in.

In the field, a building appeared, which looked like a two-story self-built house, but it occupied a larger area.

Feeling the unbridled evil spirit on Pei Tugou, a tall and thin figure appeared.

The next moment, Pei Tugou was seen holding the blood rope with one hand. With the other hand, he grabbed the blood rope and shook it. The blood ropes that seemed to be dripping with blood continued to differentiate and turned into dozens of blood snakes. Just like that, he rushed out with an explosive attitude.

The person who just appeared looked horrified, screamed, turned around and ran away.

As soon as he took two steps, a blood rope was tied around his neck, and he was included in the ranks of hydrogen balloons.

Pei Butu Gou held the blood rope in his hand, and his body was full of evil energy. It seemed that he was covered with a thick layer of black energy. All he could see were those two particularly ferocious rows of big white teeth that seemed to be trying to choose someone to devour. .

Wen Yan took the others and stayed a little away from him.

The yang energy in his body was stimulated to flow on its own.

He clicked on each of the others to add some more yang energy to them.

Before he could see anyone in the province, he was affected by Pei Tugou first.

Pei Tugou moved forward step by step, and the blood ropes spread out, covering everyone in this field without distinction.

No, I should say, everything that moves.

The blood rope in a tomb exploded, and a zombie inside was dragged out by its neck.

A panda that was still in a cage was hung up with its neck tied around its neck and the cage.

There is also a cow and a dozen ducks...

There are also living people, Ah Piao, and monsters, all in just ten seconds.

They saw that the blood rope had already hung up more than thirty various creatures.

There is even a blood rope that has shrunk a bit, hanging from it is an insect less than ten centimeters in size.

Wen Yan looked at the hanging free-range chicken, his eyes glazed over for a moment.

I just want you to be careful. Are you really going to do this in a literal sense?

Even the chickens raised for food have to be hung up, right?

Dozens of various creatures were hung in the air. Pei Tugou was like a vendor selling hydrogen balloons on the street, holding a bunch of creatures floating in the air, step by step, preparing to overwhelm the entire field.

But seeing that those who were hung were obviously not dead, Wen Yan wanted to say something, but held back.

He felt that what was locked in the cage might not be the target.

It feels like those chickens and ducks may not be the target.

But when he saw that the bugs were all hung up, he felt that it was better not to judge arbitrarily.

He looked carefully, and he really couldn't tell quickly which ones were demons and which ones were not.

There is no way to tell which ones are good and which ones are bad just by looking at them with the naked eye.

It’s better to be cautious first.

Continuing to push inward, Tong Si followed Wen Yan closely, her eyes were stinging and she started to cry, and she was still helping to distinguish the records.

The demon corpse raised her head and looked at dozens of blood ropes, dancing like tentacles. Soon, she discovered a thin and small person.

"It was the thin man who took away my eyes."

The demon corpse raised his hand and pointed at one of them.

But Pei Tugou's evil spirit and murderous aura were getting stronger and stronger, and the person who was hung up was losing more air and less air.

Wen Yan sighed and quickly advised him.

"Brother, you won't be able to find the people behind you after killing them. Put them down first and let me ask."

The Jade Chan Bingxin Curse was activated, and the cool breath penetrated into Pei Tugou's head, making him calm down a little.

The thin man was led by the red rope and let go. The blood ropes around the others' necks, which were getting tighter and tighter, also slightly controlled their strength, giving them a chance to breathe.

Pei Tugou continued to walk inside, and the blood ropes were like ferocious blood snakes, getting into the building, wandering around, dragging out any possible target.

Wen Yan stepped forward and looked at the thin guy lying on the ground, gasping for air and his eyes trembling.

"I asked and answered. I only have one chance, and I will only advise my brother once.

In addition, I am not from the Sun tribe, do you understand me? "

The little thin man collapsed on the ground and nodded repeatedly.

If you are not from the Sun Division, it means that if I want to kill you, I will not be restricted by the rules of the Sun Division.

"Where did her eyes go?"

The little thin man collapsed on the ground, the pig liver color on his face had not dissipated. He looked back at the building.

"It's probably gone inside..."

"What do you mean gone?"

"Boss Tao said that those eyes are particularly perfect, without myopia, pure and flawless, and filled with the purest will. They are treasures that were rarely seen before, because it was almost impossible for someone to donate eyes to others..."

The little thin man's voice became weaker and weaker as he spoke.

"Where's the Boss Tao you're talking about?" Wen Yan's face turned cold.

"It should be in the room..."

"lead the way."

The little thin man led the way, staggering as he walked, like a little old man.

Tong Si followed Wen Yan and whispered.

"His body is a weasel, but his appearance has the aura of another person. He should be asking for a title and borrowing the other person's luck."

Wen Yan didn't say anything, but just glanced at the thin man.

He had heard before that in the northeastern region of China, the main target of the Lieyang Department's attacks were demons who wanted to be sealed.

If a case is found, we will attack hard.

The person in front of me probably fled to Nanwu County from there.

Because the demons who follow the right path there are respectfully called Baojiaxian, they are worshiped according to the Eight Sutras, and they are allowed.

There are many mountains and forests there, and there are also many kinds of mountain spirits and monsters. Over time, humans and some monsters have established a harmonious symbiotic balance.

When people worship them, this part of the demon helps protect their home.

The person who hates the weasel in front of him the most is not the Lieyang tribe over there, nor the people over there, but the serious demon.

Someone once accidentally discovered that a weasel was bitten to death by a group of weasels, and the body was hung on a high branch of a tree for fear. That time it was the serious demon who was cleaning the house.

If they don't clean up, then when winter passes and the Lieyang tribe over there launches a big operation, one or two people will die.

If you enjoy the benefits but stand by and do nothing, if the accumulation reaches a certain level, you will face a large-scale indiscriminate attack. This kind of thing has not happened before.

The most irreconcilable conflict over there right now is between demons.

Wen Yan followed the little skinny man all the way into the room and saw a long table inside.

There is also a porcelain bowl on the table, with an eyeball soaked in the clear soup.

The porcelain spoons placed on the table were still stained with soup. It was obvious that someone had been here just now.

"Those are my eyes..." The demon corpse immediately stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed the bowl on the table.

"Be careful." Tong Si immediately warned.

But it was already too late. A little old man in short clothes suddenly appeared on the empty chair.

The moment the opponent appeared, he had already stretched out his hand, directly penetrated the chest of the demon corpse, and took out the heart of the demon corpse.

The demonic corpse staggered back a few steps, clutching its chest as if about to fall.

Wen Yan stretched out a hand to support the demon corpse.

"You are already dead, your heart has stopped beating a long time ago."

The horror on the demon corpse's face turned into suspicion. She stood firm and touched the big hole in her chest. Indeed, she didn't feel anything special, and the phantom pain also dissipated.

At this time, a blood rope rushed towards the little old man's neck, and when he was about to put it around his neck, he turned back sharply and bit the blood rope.

The sizzling evil spirit grew, and the blood rope was forcibly bitten off, disintegrating into bloody evil energy visible to the naked eye, and was swallowed by the little old man.

He sat on the chair and looked at Wen Yan and the two Ah Piao next to Wen Yan.

"I thought it was someone from the Lieyang tribe, but to my surprise, it turned out not to be..."

"No, you haven't run away yet?"

"Ha, I'm not from the Lieyang tribe. Why should I run away from this guy whose sanity is almost overwhelmed by the evil spirit and murderous aura?"

The little old man grinned.

Wen Yan also laughed.

“Taotie (Toothless) (1/5)”

“My passion for special delicacies was the origin of the name Two-Legged Sheep.

During the dragon-slaying incident, in order to protect himself, he pulled out his own teeth.

Splitting himself apart, using the name of Long Zi, he fell into silence and escaped reckoning.

After resuscitation, he began searching for his tooth.

His natural greed made him miserable.

Until one day, he discovered something he had never tasted before.

That is the best and purest intention.

In this era, there are countless people who embody this kind of pure beauty and great dying wishes.

Although they died, some of them helped others live with their dying wish.

This is something Taotie can never refuse. "

“What you have in front of you is only one-fifth of the Taotie.

When one part dies, other parts will immediately react.

Being one body, we naturally want to be reunited.

Just be careful not to let him eat a part of you.

The part that is swallowed up has a chance of triggering complete erasure and disappearing completely.

The moment he used the name of Long Zi, he laid the foundation for his own disaster.

Time will make falsehood come true. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1. Dragon cutting platform.

2. Gantry.

3. Taotie teeth. "

Wen Yan immediately put on three items and looked at each one.

1. Dragon cutting platform.

When you have a complete program and complete files, you can summon the Dragon Slaying Platform in a specific place.

2. Gantry.

At a specific time, in a specific place, when the preparations are complete and the Lieyang completion rate exceeds 50%, the Dragon Gate can be briefly enlightened.

3. Taotie teeth.

One of the few things that can hurt a guy like this, and you, have seen Taotie's teeth that haven't recovered yet.

Wen Yan finally understood why the little old man in front of him was so confident.

He could even bite off the blood rope of Pei Butu's dog and devour the blood rope that disintegrated into bloody evil energy.

It turns out that he is the legendary Taotie, only one-fifth of him.

Moreover, the legend that a dragon gave birth to one of the nine sons was actually a name that this guy borrowed.

Wen Yan thought about it carefully, and he remembered that there was a saying in some miscellaneous books he had read before.

It is said that the nine sons born from the dragon have clear names and records, and they began to spread from the dynasty of Lao Zhu's family.

Not necessarily believable, just one theory.

Looking at the prompt now, he feels that this statement may still be true.

The origin is that Taotie himself fell into silence under the guise of Long Zi.

It's just that as time goes by and it's been too long, the lies that were once began to become the truth.

Wen Yan looked at the mural behind him. On the mural was a five-clawed dragon with closed eyes.

Wen Yan looked at the little old man who was still sitting upright and laughed.

“If you run away, you might actually be able to run away.

Old antiques like you who have experienced faults always have a kind of mysterious self-confidence.

I don’t know who gave you the courage to appear in front of me and to show off in front of me. "

Following Wen Yan's words, Pei Tugou came step by step from behind, and blood ropes appeared from behind, like bloody snakes clustered together, attacking crazily.

Boss Tao disappeared in a flash, avoiding all the blood ropes.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Wen Yan, grabbing Wen Yan's chest with one hand from bottom to top.

Wen Yan was instantly angry, and the yang energy in his body suddenly erupted like a burning flame.

His right arm suddenly swelled in a circle. He continued to expand these days, and the path of Yang Qi turned into red-gold lines, covering his right arm.

With a flick and a grab, one hand drew a seemingly simple path and pressed directly on the back of Boss Tao's neck, instantly pressing his head to the ground.

With a loud bang, Wen Yan turned his body upside down, put one hand on the back of Boss Tao's neck, and pushed his head into the floor.

The floor on the ground suddenly sank, and spider web-like cracks spread within a few meters. The whole house shook at this moment.

"Do you still think this was the past? Who gave you the courage to attack a warrior at close range in human form?"

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